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Chapter 16: -Chapter 16-

-Last Time-

'…I need new underwear.' Jaune thought with a whimper while quickly moving to hide behind Pyrrha, never taking his eyes off of Nora as she went to retrieve her weapon. She stopped midway though when her scroll suddenly going off.

Pulling said device out, she found that she had a new message from Neo and swiftly opened it, only to burst out laughing as soon as she saw what it was.

It was a photo of Naruto, still wearing his fox onesie with a pout, sitting on a blushing Penny's lap. Why was she blushing? Because of the orange hamster onesie* she was currently wearing. And to top it all off, Neo sat behind them both wearing a purple cat onesie* with a mischievous grin still on her face.

-And Now, Elemental Nations-

An incredibly muscular bare-chested man with dark skin, short blonde hair, and large golden vambraces on his forearms was laying on his back in a large, mostly empty circular room with mostly glass walls bench-pressing an absolutely ridiculous amount of weight with ease. He wasn't even sweating or breathing heavy as he finished three reps of thirty.

He didn't even stop when a woman with a similar skin tone and silverfish grey hair walked in with a serious look on her face and a scroll in her hand. "A-sama, one of the ANBU sent with Yugito-san on her mission returned just an hour ago critically injured with terrible news." Now that however, did cause him to stop.

Throwing the bench-bar across the room with enough force to send it through the wall, and the several other walls behind it, A stood up and walked over to and sat down on a couch in front of the windows and behind a simple wooden desk. "What happened to the Nibi Jinchuricki, Mabui? Was she caught by Konoha? I was certain she would be able to deal with their Ambassador."

"No A-sama, they apparently never even encountered Lady Tsunade. According to the ANBU they were intercepted at the Veil by a pair of mercenaries wearing black cloaks with red clouds." Mabui told him while unrolling the scroll across his desk revealing the messy and bloody writing sprawled across it.

"Akatsuki? Kuso, Konoha must have hired them for added protection." A said in anger as he punched his hand. "So, will I have to start looking for a new host of the Nibi or should I be expecting a ransom demand on my desk in the coming weeks?"

"Neither at the moment Lord Raikage, according to the report, which is right in front of you by the way, after being badly injured by one of the attackers wielding a triple bladed scythe Yugito-san was accidentally knocked across the Veil by another of the ANBU trying to save her from capture. Her status is currently unknown."

A bowed his head slightly for a minute before looking back at Mabui. "Put her on the MIA list, if we receive no word within a week move her to the KIA list and begin looking for a suitable new host for the Nibi."

"As you wish A-sama."


On a long strip of beach, the bodies of over a dozen ancient looking Grimm were swiftly being reduced to ash by a blaze of blue fire. In the midst of it all, a large cat easily the five feet tall and about nine feet long with bright blue and black fur in a flamelike and heterochromatic green and yellow eyes and two long tails sat with a sad look on its face.

Its gaze was settled on the body of a young blonde woman wearing a Kumo headband that laid on the ground. A horrid, half-healed gash ran along her waist, her blood staining the sand as her lifeless eyes gazed towards the sky until the cat carefully closed them with its paw.

"I'm so sorry kitten, I couldn't save you when you needed me the most." The cat said in a soft sad feminine voice as it's tails rose up behind it and caught aflame. "The only thing I can do now is make sure these horrid beasts do not defile your body further." It…She said while using the fire on her tails to incinerate the body within seconds, the ashes blowing away with the winds.

"Goodbye kitten, I shall always remember you." She said somberly before standing up and turning towards the inland. "Now however, I need to find out what bratty little Kurama-kun is doing in this world as well." She said before inhaling deeply.


-Beacon Academy, NNPW dorm-

Naruto was laughing joyfully as Neo made a bunch of silly faces while balancing upside on her umbrella on top of Penny's head, all three of them wearing their onesies still when the unusual faunus sudden went stiff and his tail fur started to bristle.

Confused and worried over the odd behavior, Penny rushed over to his side, not even noticing as Neo skillfully leapt off her head and landed beside her. "Naruto, are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked worriedly, her panic steadily increasing when he didn't respond. She was just about to try and shake him out of his odd trance-like state when he was suddenly enveloped in a bright crimson aura, causing the gynoid and ice-cream girl to jump back in shock.

Still apparently completely oblivious to his surroundings, Naruto's head slowly turned towards the side with a blank look as the aura around his body took on the form of a snarling fox bound in golden chains. "…Sister is coming…" He said in an empty emotionless voice before the aura dispersed just as quickly as it appeared, and Naruto suddenly passed out.

"I need call Winter, you should contact Nora." Penny said after checking that he was okay while Neo simply nodded in agreement as she stared at Naruto with a look of absolute intrigue.

-Vale Docks-

Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow and Winter stood side by side at the end of the pier with stoic expressions on their faces as a large wooden sailboat bearing the symbol of Konoha docked along with its bullhead escorts. The only noticeable reaction on any of them was a slight scrunching of noses as the stale metallic odor of blood reached their nostrils.

While the sailors on board lowered the gangplank and dismounted, the headmaster, combat instructor of Beacon, intelligence gatherer, and military specialists waited patiently until the people they were expecting stepped off.

Tsunade was in the lead still wearing her usual outfit with the addition of a pair of thick leather gloves, though she seemed to have aged ten years as her hair had several grey streaks in it and her eyes had heavy crows-feet. Shizune stood just beside her with her long black hair done up in a bun along with two tanuki ears, wore a long bluish-black kimono with white trim, and was holding a small pig wearing a pearl necklace.

And finally, Karin walked between the two, her bespectacled red eyes looking around nervously as a pair of red fox ears twitching amongst her crimson hair nervously as she held a bundled-up Mito close to her chest protectively. In stark contrast with her mother, little Mito was looking all over the place with her vibrant red eyes excitedly while her own blonde fox ears twitched, a bright smile on her whiskered cheeks as she babbled away in baby talk.

"So this is Vale," Tsunade commented as she looked over the large city with a bored look before shrugging. "Meh, seen worse." She said while drinking heavily from her Sake jug much to the four's bafflement while Shizune just sighed in exasperation.

"Tsunade-Sama, you promised not to drink until after we got settled in." The raven-haired woman said tiredly.

"No, I said I would take that suggestion under consideration, and I considered it a stupid idea." Tsunade retorted before turning towards Ozpin. "Hey, are you this Ozpin guy we're supposed to meet up with?" She asked in a blunt tone.

"Yes, that would be me. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Ms. Senju." The headmaster said in a respectful tone as he bowed slightly.

"Yeah, yeah, greetings and all that, you scruffy," Tsunade pointed to Qrow, "You smell of alcohol, mind showing me the good bars around here once we're done putting our shit away?" She asked bluntly, making Glynda and Winter look at her in shock while Qrow just grinned widely.

"It'll be my pleasure lady as long as you're up for a little drinking contest. You look like someone who can hold their liquor well, and I haven't had a good challenge in ages." He said back, earning an identical grin from the blonde.

"Consider it a date."

'Oh dear Kami/Oum,' Shizune, Glynda, and Winter thought at the same time with horrified expressions as they watched the two interact. 'There's two of them now!'

"Well then, let's get moving," Tsunade said as she walked over to where several large crates were tied together, each one easy as big as she was, and easily hefted them all up with one hand.

"…Holy sweet merciful dust." Winter muttered with wide eyes. She had seen a lot of weird and unusual stuff in her life, with the majority being in the last year or so, but an elderly woman lifting what had to be at least two tons with apparent ease was definitely in the top three.

"Don't forget us Tsunade-Sama!" A voice called as two men dressed in chunin outfits rushed out to join them. The first was had dark skin, long black hair set into a ponytail, a dolphin tail attached to his rear end and a thin scar going across his face just above his nose while the other had pale skin, messy white hair, and cocky smirk.

"Seriously, I've told both you and that old monkey a hundred times, I do not need bodyguards. I am quite capable of taking care of myself." Tsunade said while waving her free hand at them in a shooing motion.

"And as I have told you just as many times Tsunade-Sama, while that is true it is still our duty and one we will not fail just because you are as stubborn as a mule." The dolphin tailed man said before turning to Ozpin's group. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Ozpin-Sama, my name is Iruka and this is my partner MizUKI!" Iruka had started to introduce himself and his companion with a bow only to end up falling over when his tail made him lose his balance.

Luckily for him though, Glynda halted his fall with a small application of her telekinesis and a quick wave of her riding crop. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well Iruka, I see you're still adjusting to your… new addition." Ozpin said after a slight pause on how to word it.

"Ha! You should have seen him on the first day." Mizuki said while patting his partner on the back. "He couldn't even take a single step without falling over." He told them while laughing good naturedly.

"I could imagine, if you'd like I could find someone to give you some pointers?" Ozpin offered before taking a sip from his cup… which was most certainly NOT in his hand just a second ago.

"I would appreciate that very much." Iruka said with a weak grin.

"Oi! Enough with the chit-chat already! Let's go!" Tsunade said impatiently while stamping her foot, spiderwebbing the asphalt beneath her.

'I should have just led that stupid field trip after all. I bet Oobleck is having a nice relxing time while I deal with this headache.' Glynda thought as she rubbed her forehead as the group loaded up into the special bullhead that would take them to Beacon. All except Winter who stopped to answer her scroll when it started ringing.

-Forever Fall Forest-

"So… would anyone care to explain exactly what happened here?" Prof- Doctor Oobleck asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the scene before him. Team CRDL was unconscious in the middle of a smoking crater and several trees had been bowled over along with the dissipating remains of an Ursa with a certain pink and silver hammer. His question was directed towards the ever-stoic member of team JNPR as Nora was still stuck in a fit of giggles from the picture Neo had sent her and Pyrrha was stuck where she was since Jaune was still using her as a human meat-shield against the hyper orangette.

Instead of answering verbally, Ren simply pulled out his scroll and played out a video of what happened, revealing that he had in fact discreetly recorded the whole event from the moment he first suggested that Nora take care of the team of bullies.

"Hm, well then, guess that clears that up then. Looks like a simple case of self-defense to me. Carry on, but please refrain from causing any more damage to the forest if you could." The hyper man said before zipping off to check on the other students just as Nora got another message on her scroll.

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Yang had just finished filling up her jar. She was all by herself since Blake wanted some time to herself and Ruby had figured that this trip could be some good bonding time between her and Weiss as partners. The blonde didn't mind at all as she fully understood their reasons, though she was a little bored.

The bombshell blonde was just about to go meet up with them all when a folded-up piece of paper smacked into her face. Her eyebrow twitching, Yang peeled the parchment off in a dramatically slow fashion while glaring at her surroundings. "Alright, who's the wise guy who threw this at me?" She demanded while looking for the perpetrator.

After not seeing anyone for several moments though, she turned her attention to the innocent little parchment in her hand. Half-tempted to just incinerate it right then and there, she instead decided to sate her curiosity and quickly unfolded it.

The moment her eyes saw what its contents were however, they widened to near impossible size as her breath hitched in her chest. Her legs gave out underneath her and her hands shook violently she refused to look away with a mixture of disbelief and hope across her face.

Meet me at Junior's tonight at midnight, come alone, don't tell anyone.

Along with the neatly written cursive writing was a small picture showing a certain black-haired, red eyed woman, albeit in her teen years, in a simple black dress with a bored look on her face being held by a happy teenage tuxedo wearing Taiyang.


-End Chapter-


-Wabbit Season part 2: The Scratching Post-

C. Coco was chuckling merrily as she strutted down the halls of Beacon with a wide grin on her lips. It had only been a few minutes since she and C. Naruto had finished pranking C. Velvet and now she was heading towards the mess hall for a well-deserved victory snack. 'That was a two weeks of planning well spent, very well spent.' She thought as she remembered her teammate's reaction fondly.

Due to her inattention however, she was completely oblivious to the thin, almost invisible string that was stretched across corridor she was walking in until she felt the light tug of her top of the line designer boot breaking it. Before she could even blink in surprise, C. Coco found herself blasted with a bunch of white and green powder while a bucket of mysterious lumpy pink goop was dumped on her head.

When the dust settled, C. Coco just stood there with a completely emotionless expression that was only broken by the slight twitching of her eyebrow, looking like a ghost. Reaching up slowly, she swiped some of the goop off her head and held it in front of her. "Seriously? Throwing flour and tuna on me? Real mature people!" She called into the empty hallway before turning around and marching back to her room…

…and just missing as one of the doors slowly creaked open, revealing dozens of pairs of small slit eyes tracking after her.

"Ugh, this stuff is going to take forever to wash off. Hopefully it doesn't stain anything." The chocolate-themed teen grumbled to herself as she patted her arms and legs off while idly scratching at the exposed parts of her body every few seconds. "Geeze this stuff is irritating, it's making me… so… itch…y. Oh Oum damn it!" She groaned once she figured out what the 'flour' really was, itching powder.

Realizing she needed to get the stuff off as soon as possible, C. Coco was about to make a sprint for her room when her ears picked up an odd noise coming from behind her.

"Meow." "Mrow." "Mew."

Her head slowly turning around, C. Coco gained a look of total confusion and gaga-ness when she was greeted with the sight of dozens upon dozens of cats slowly piling into the hallway behind her. Feeling something brush against her leg, she looked down to see a small ginger kitten, maybe two or three months old rubbing up against her while purring.

"Er, hey little guy, I would love to stay and play with ya but Mama Coco has a date with the shower." She said, gently nudging the kitten away with her foot while her fingers twitched rapidly as the need to scratch grew more and more with every passing second. Turning back around, her face paled as she was greeted with even more cats blocking her path and steadily getting closer.

"… …nice kitties?" Was all she managed to say before they pounced upon her.

-Thirty minutes later, team CFVY dorm-

C. Velvet sighed with a smile as she rubbed a sleeping Naruto's head, turned out he was really tired from setting up both her and C. Coco's pranks and had conked out shortly after the shopping addict had left. So now, the bunny girl was sitting on her bed with the fox boy napping with his head on her lap as she watched a news report on her scroll. Apparently, all of the cats in Vale had mysteriously disappeared last night, along with all the itching powder of local joke shops and catnip from the pet stores.

*Bang* Speaking of which…

C. Velvet watched in surprise as an absolutely exhausted C. Coco limped into the room while madly scratching at every inch of her body. She was soon followed by an absolute army of cats… and C. Blake that were constantly clambering onto her and showering her attention.

"Don't ask, must shower." C. Coco said before C. Velvet could say anything.

-End Omake-

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