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Chapter 13: OPERATION: UNDERSPELL( Part 5)

It's the final day of my luxurious life. Then back to being a slave for like a week or so. Then I'm will be set free by Her Majesty and the goblins. I woke up at 5 a.m. exactly by the constantly loud noise that the alarm is making. I was tempted to go back to sleep but the remembering that today was my last day of being free i immediately woke up and went to the bathroom to fresh my lazy ass up.After showering, I went to cook my self a big breakfast. Petunia will probably notice but won't question it, thinking that Vernon eated extras of something.

Me thinking: Damn my ears are still ringing. Why the hell did i set it to maximum volume. Stupid decision Harry. At least i get to enjoy my peace time for a little whi—


Me:Who the hell is out there. it's six a.m. right. If it's a prankster they're gonna get it." I grumbled.

I opened the door and saw nobody outside.

Me:F*cling pranksters when I find them, I'm gonna shove my wand so far up far up they're a—

???: Ahem, down here master Potter.

I looked down and saw the one and only manager of my account, Gorgun.

Me: Oh sorry Gorgun, i didn't see you down there. Sorry about my words, i was enjoying my breakfast when I thought some prankster was ruining my peace time.

Me again: So what do you need Gorgun, for you to come here this early I guess it is something important.

G:It is about your operation master Potter.

My face immediately turned serious as I said

Me: Come inside now!

I pulled him in the house,used a locking charm on the door and pulled Gorgun to the couch.

G: Why the seriousness master Potter, there's no wizard outside.

Me:No, there is a squib named Arabella Figgs who is a spy of Dumbledore. If she hears you or even sees you. She will know something's up and report it to Dumbledore.

Me: Sorry i just want to make sure that you are safe okay. This operation is important to me or even the magical world. If something like happened, then it all goes to shambles.

G:I understand Mr Potter. Next time, i will be even more careful.

Me: It's okay, we make mistakes sometimes. Okay, now that's done. Can you tell what you're going to tell me.

Gorgun took out a file and pushed it to me. I opened the file and said.

Me: The is... the stamp of the king of the goblins. King Ragnok. We got approval of the operation." I said happily

G: Yes Lord Potter, such operations like this needs to be known by the king. When I said "we need to save Harry Potter from those relatives of his" he laughed at my face. But when I gave him the blood test and told him you made me your manager. He shot up and asked me to tell him everything.

Me: Hahahaha, you need to tell me the whole story Gorgun. I need to hear all of it.

G: Well it all started when.....

(Flashback to Gorgun's POV)

I sat on my desk on said

Me: Wow 😲 I'm Harry Potter's manager now. I can't believe it. This is an honor. I will see e him until i die.

Me: But how can those animals treat him like that. He a lord for Ragnok's sake. He did say they hate magic but to treat him like this. Disgusting!

Me:Master Potter told me to find an apartment here in Diagon so he can live somewhere. I need to do that first.

I turned too my assistant, Griphook and said

Me: Griphook, go and get the apartment catalogue. Some wizard wanted me help him find an apartment and buy it using his account. So go get will you.

Grip: Yes master teller.

Me thinking: i will not tell him what happened down there. It's too important and I don't want his talkative mouth to spread it to others. But I someone in the higher ups shoulde. Since Lord Potter is an important figure, i should tell King Ragnok his plan to escape from his relatives. Yes, that sound like a plan.

Griphook returned with the catalogue and passed it to me. I look through it and found the perfect apartment. This apartment is a five star one, it has a master bedroom, a guest room, kitchen with a countertop, living room with a fireplace and a balcony to look outside to see diagon alley. This apartment will barely make a dent in the Potter bank account.

Me thinking:Yes, this is the perfect apartment for Master Potter. I should also close down the trust fund account so that not one gold is wasted. It should also restricted people other than Master Potter to enter the vault.

Me talking now: Griphook i want you to make a transact the money from the wizards account and buy this apartment. Don't ask about it. Now go do your job.

Griphook nodded and ran to the carts to transact the money. I didn't give him the vault key since you can transact the money from the outside of the vault. I then went to close the trust fund account.

Griphook came back with the money and handed it to me. I saved it for later since I have something important to do first.

Me: Griphook you can take a break now, I need to talk to His Majesty King Ragnok for something important.

Grip: What kind of im—

Me: What did i tell you Griphook, don't ask questions that doesn't concern you!

Grip: Sorry Teller Gorgun.

Me: Your forgiven, now go take a break.

I took the blood test for evidence and went straight to the King's office. Went i arrived, the guards outside said

Guard 1: State your business here teller Griphook!

Me:I came here to meet His Majesty to talk about an important figure.

Guard 2: Fine you can go in, don't caused trouble.

I nodded to them and stepped into his office.

Ragnok: Ah teller Gorgun, what brings you here.

Me: Your Majesty, i have an important matter to discuss with you.


Me: I met Harry Potter today and he made me his manager.

His Majesty stared at me with disbelief and then, he laughed out loud

R:Ouhahahahahahahahahaha, this— hahahahahahahahaha is the best joke I've ever heard in my life.

He continued to laughed when I said

Me:But Your Majesty, i have his blood test and i can share my memories to you to see in the pensieve. Then will you believe me.

The king suddenly stopped laughing and started at me seriously and said

R: I hope this is not some prank of yours Gorgun or you'll be demoted. Now hand me the blood test!

I handed him the blood test. When he read through it is was clear he was shocked. Then he turned to me and asked

R: And you said he made you his manager?

Me: it is best if you see it for yourself in the pensieve Your Majesty.

R: Give me your memories.

I used my finger,pulled out a strand of white things and put it in a jar. King Ragnok then proceeded to review his memories in his own pensieve. Then he came out and said to me,

R:This matter will not be leaked out to anyone, this is a class 5 secret. You will not speak this matter to anyone other than me. Is that clear?

Me:Yes my king. But what should we do now?

R:Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II wrote a letter to me that Lord Potter is accepted to Elyria Academy and is taught at Class Omega. He will go there in a week, he has already been informed about this. He will surely accept. When he does, you will go to his house at Thursday to tell him our plan. And from the memories, you already bought him an apartment?

Me: I bought the best Your Majesty.

R: It is time for an icon to appear out of the shadow and shock everyone. Now listen to me carefully, I will not speak this again.

Me: I'm all ears Your Majesty.

R: Good now on Saturday, you will be accompanied by some of the queen's guards. Don't worry , they are the best trained wizards I've ever seen. And they will be with you and confound his relatives so that they will not reveal Harry's location.

He then took a deep breath and continued speaking

R: Meanwhile you will place a rune that has Harry's magical signature in it and put in their house so that Dumbledore doesn't get suspicious. I will give it to you tomorrow.

Me: But what about his Hogwarts letter. The quill will reveal his location.

R: Don't worry the owl will send to the Dursleys to where the boy sleeps at. Then you will collect the letter and give it to him. Clear.

Me:Crystal my king.

R:Good we speak of this to no one. Now go and do your job or do you want me to fire you!

I bowed to him and left his office.

When left alone, Ragnok thought to himself

Ragnok thinking: Harry Potter, i hope with my help your chains will be free. And life what a child should life like.

(AN not that he is a child anyway)

(Flashback end, back to the present to Harry POV)

I sat there and listened to him attentively. After he finished it I said,

Me (Harry): So i will be free on Saturday huh. Will it be morning or night?

G: It will be at night, they will never even know what happened. All that is left is the name of the operation. The king wanted something cool and chilling. So what will it be Master Potter?

Me:Hmm how about.... task force 14— *suddenly coughs out loud*

G: Are you okay master Potter. What did you say.

H:Sorry i thought about something. Now..... the name of the operation will be...

I can see Gorgun take a deep breath. Meanwhile with me, this is a moment to be cool so I gave a evil smirk said

Me: Operation UNDERSPELL

Gorgun gave an evil smirk back as we laughed out loud like villains.




( AN: Chapter thirteen lessssssgo. You like that character switch? Hope you Hermione's enjoy this book so far. Today I will do two chapters. Criticism is allowed but don't make me cry Signing off for now. Buh Bye👋.)

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