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Chapter 15: Removal (Part 7)

I took a deep breath then stepped in the vault. I was then greeted by a small goblin woman. She was wearing medieval matron clothes.

???: Ah Lord Potter, welcome welcome. We have been expecting you. Come come sit on this bed so we can start the exam.

Me: What is your name miss matron.

Gin: My name is Ginga Lord Potter. Now sit down on the bed.

I sat down on the bed.

Gin: Now in this examination we will give you vaccine shots, both muggle and magical. The we will do a full body exam. If there is something wrong with your body,we will have to give you the specific potions and let you stay here to let the potions take course. Do you follow me?

Me: Yes miss Ginga. Can you tell me more about this vault.

Gin: This vault is designed by our Scientist Sangrak in Year 1357. This room has a stasis in it. Meaning it time passes differently in here. One day outside means one week in here. This room became a med bay for our highest customer.

She explained this while preparing all the shots in a tray.

Me thinking: So what she was trying to say is that I'm top priority for Gringotts.

Me talking: So how many people know about this room.

She then put in shot then another shot and said

Gin: Very few people know about this, even Dumbledore doesn't know. If he does, then he will reveal it to the public and the ministry will force to use it for public uses.

i chuckled

Me: Yeah i can imagine that old fool doing this.

She finished with theuggle shots and then went to the magical one. This one stringed more than the muggle ones.

Gin: Speaking of Dumbledore. How do you not have taken the whole muggle shots. You should have gotten those when you where at least five.

I winced at her question. If I said the truth, she might throw or break something. But since she is my matron, let's just tell her the truth.

Me: Well you see errrrrrrrrrrrr.... my relatives see me as a freak. So they didn't even care if I die with one of the muggle diseases.

Turns out female goblins have quite a throwing hand, and know a lot of curse words as well.

Gin:Take of your shirt Lord Potter. I hope it is not what it is.w

When I took off my clothes, and she almost fainted but she controlled herself.

Gin: oh sweet child, what kind of monsters are they. To leave you like this, I'm so so so so sorry.We should've acted sooner. I hope what he's doing to worth it. To put you through this.

Under my shirt are some scars and bruises. Some are still visible like it is done recently.

Me: It's okay Ms Ginga. I'm here now. You guys did save me. And your taking care of me now. So you have my utmost gratitude.

After cleaning up herself. Ginga continued my exam. When she did a diagnostic spell, the list almost made her puke. The list is to gory so I won't show it to you guys.

Gin: Bloody hell Mr Potter, what kind of hell have you been living in. I mean your ribs are still fractured. If not for your magic healing you you wouldn't be here right now.

Me thinking: Guess i owe all of this to good ol' Magic. Do i sound narcissistic. Yeah maybe i do.

Miss Ginga also seems horrified about something. And I think I know what she's so hesitant about.

Me: What's wrong Miss Ginga. Is there something wrong.

Gin: Lord Potter, if i tell you this promise me you will not be shocked.

I nodded at her.

Gin: Well that scar that you have, it is a horcrux.

She was surprised that i wasn't crying or getting emotional.

Me: Sigh, I've always expected this. On the night that my parents were killed. Bless their hearts. Voldemort killed them mercilessly, then he fired the killing curses at me. It was supposed to kill me. But I guess that's what he was doing. It all make sense now.

Gin: Mr Potter, you don't seemed surprised about this discovery. Do you possibly know that you are a living horcrux? That's horrible!

Me: I have been suspicious about this. When he fired the killing curse it didn't kill me instead it rebound and it hit him back. The killing curse doesn't do that. So I've been researching about what happened. He used a ritual to make me a horcrux. And this just confirmed.

Miss Ginga nodded sadly my explanation.

Me: Miss Ginga, i know this to much but can you please remove this out of me. I don't want someone in my head anymore.

Miss Ginga shook her head sadly and said.

Gin: Sorry dear, unfortunately I don't have that skill to remove the horcrux. All I can do is get you to tip top shape.

Me: It's alright miss Ginga, i asked to much about. You don't need to do any—

Gin: But I know someone in the ministry who may can remove the horcrux out of you.

I sat red at her filled with hope and said

Me: Really? This is amazing news. Thank you so much Miss Ginga.

Gin: Your welcome Lord Potter. Now sit back down and let's get this over with.

After giving me a lot of different potions she said

Gin: You need to drink this skelegrow potion before you eat every three meals. We will also have a goblin trainer come here and give you rigorous exercises for you to gain back lost muscles. As i said it will be rigorous so you will also drink this potion to give you an muscle boost. I don't want you to even skip one potion. Every potion is important to you. Okay?

Me: Yes miss Ginga. But before you leave Ms Ginga, do you have some books that i can read?

She smiled and asked me

Gin: Sure Lord Potter, what kind of books do you need?

Me: Uhmmm..... Can you give me medical and curse breaking books for me?

Gin: I can do that Lord Potter, now drink this dream potion and go to sleep now. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams Lord Potter!

I drank the potion and laid there. After a few minutes i was sleeping soundly. I dreamt about little me playing with uncle Sirius and uncle Remus. And my parents were over there laughing as well. Those were good times.


Over the next few days in the chamber I patiently waited for the guy in the ministry to come. I have been taking all the potions that Miss Ginga gave me. She also gave a lot of medical and curse breaking books to read so that i don't get bored.

The trainer the Miss Ginga said that will come did come. And she's right, the training is rigorous. When he came he immediately threw me the energy boost potion and order me to drink it. After drinking it he started shouting exercises at me and I must say, he is a very sadistic person.

Miss Ginga was surprised that i finished all of those books she gave me. My medical and curse breaking skills are all intermediate now. So she gave me books on warding,rare arithmency and runes books. To say i didn't learn a lot was an understatement.

On the fourth day, miss Ginga came in with another man.

Gin: Lord Potter, remember on the first i said I knew somebody from the ministry who can possibly remove your horcrux.

I nodded yes.

Gin: Well Lord Potter, meet Croaker, one of the members of the department of mysteries.

Croak:It is nice to meet you Mr Potter.

Me: Nice to meet you Mr Croaker. Can you really help me?

Croak: I'm really not sure Mr Potter, this is the first time we had this happen. Plus it is his soul. But, we can't do this if we don't try.

Me:Of course Mr Croaker, so when can we do this.

Croak:We will do this after lunch. In this ritual you have to have a lot of energy.

When I was having lunch, Mr Croaker was preparing the necessary items for the ritual. When I was done, we took a thirty minute break, the Mr Croaker said

Croak:Now that we have rested. Mr Potter, will you sit in the middle of this pentagram in the meditative position please.

I went and sat down at the middle of the star and went into a meditative state.

Croak: Mr Potter are you ready for this, this will hurt a lot. Do you need to take a break to ready yourself?

Me: No Mr Croaker, I'm ready for this. What does this ritual do if you don't mind me asking.

Croak: This ritual will merge your soul with his soul and become one. Meaning you will gain everything that he has. Like his memories and attitude for example. So don't puke when you get those memories of his.

Me thinking: Ah so that's why God didn't give me the memories immediately. Harry didn't get his memories in the original. So this ritual will get me what i wanted.

I got ready and Croaker started chanting in a language that i don't know.(Not gonna write the chanting, i don't know what to write.)

While he was chanting, i feel pain all over me, i gritted my teeth to not scream.Then was sucked into my mind.

(Inside the mind)

I was inside my mind, i saw a lot of memories inside my mind. I then imagined a library to organise my memories. After organizing everything. I then went deeper into mindscape. The deeper i went the darker it got.

Went i reach the end it was dark as a void. There was only one green blob floating around. I then went and touched it but I was pushed back by a invisible force.

Me thinking: So it has it's own defense. I should imagine some soldiers.

I then imagined a lot of soldier. All of them are old wizards firing spells at the the defense. The defense begin to crumble and the final boss appeared. Voldemort.

Vold: Harryyyyyy Pottterrrrrrrrrrr~

The Voldemort said scarily. I then commanded my wizards to fire their strongest spells. By strongest i mean the killing curse. The Voldemort begin to crumble as it said

Vold: Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

After it disappeared, i was lifted up by something. Then, a red blob came out of my body and both of them then merged together. Which caused a blinding light to illuminate everywhere. After the light dissipated , out came a purple blob. The purple blob then entered me which caused immeasurable pain for me. I gained thousands of memories at once ,then i was pushed out of my mind.

(Real world)

I then openedy eyes and breathe heavily. I stood out when Croaker asked


Croak:So Mr Potter, did the ritual worked?

I have him a thumbs up and then my world went black.

Gin: Oh my god! What happened to him?

Croak: Memory overload. He got a lot of memories at once so his brain can't handle it. He'll be alright. Just put him on the bed and let him rest.

Ginga then put him on the bed and said

Gin: When will Lord Potter wake up?

Croak: He'll wake up in probably twelve hours. We should clean up.

After cleaning up they went out of the vault to not disturb Harry.

(Twelve hours later)

I woke up then looked at my surroundings.

Me: Oh I'm still here.

During sleeping, I've seen a lot of Voldemort's memories. To where he was living, his school life and his becoming of the dark Lord. To say it was disgusting was an understatement.


[ Congratulations host, the horcrux debuff has been removed. All stats lost has been removed.]


(AN: Find out next chapter off what skills Harry got. Hope you Hermione's enjoy this chapter. Singing off for now. BYE.)

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