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Chapter 12: Summer Camp II


The journey wasn't smooth as everyone expected, courtesy to Ben who vomited almost every two to three hours. However everyone didn't feel bad or tired about it because, in their words, he was so funny.

'Tsk.. traitors!' Ben helplessly sighed in his mind.

Anyway, the travel was boring as f*ck and sadly, there wasn't smartphone at this time, so he had to find alternatives to distract his mind and what else was better than reading Books?

Well... Techically its not reading, its more of reviewing, and literally, he's reviewing the the books he had read in his memories.

And the book hes reviewing? Well, just some random language text books he found in the school library mainly, Spanish, German, and French.

It took him hours to finish the book, but he felt it was worth it, confident that he could understand the language well enough to engage in a basic conversation with someone.

Of course, Understanding is a thing and Speaking is another. To put it in layman's terms, the 'words' from the respective languages should be should be able to 'trigger' the memories he had store in his head, making him able to understand them.

As for speaking, Ben wasnt sure as he didnt have someone to talked to with them, however he thinks that he should be able to speak a broken version of the languages?

'And by the way, have I mention that its also a good way annoy you're sisters?' He thought as his eyes brightened as if enlightened, he quickly formulate a words in his mind.

"va te faire foutre Brandi, je voulais te botter le cul~!(fvck you brandi, I wanted to smack you're ass!)" Ben said dissed Brandi in a broken french, causing the latter to look at him in surprised.

"Did you just insult me, Ben?" Brandi asked with a suspicious expression. She didn't know a damn thing about what he said, but she knew that it must be bad due to his tone.

"Ehh, what insult? it means that Brandi is pretty." Ben cough several times nervously, before making an excuse shamelessly.

"Really, would you really compliment me?"

"O-of course I would, I mean, I always did right?"

"Yeah, you did after I beat you up," Brandi said, a smile playing on her lips as she nodded, making Ben shudder as he remembered how she used to bully OG Ben when he was around 10.



"Finally here!" A collective sigh of relief escaped everyone as they passed a signboard reading '2km Moris Camp,' indicating they were only a few kilometers away from their destination.

The journey, lasting over eleven hours, despite being accustomed to it already, still tired everyone out. Their parents had to take turns driving while the others went to sleep to conserve energy, and even the usually energetic twins fell asleep on the road.

Brandi and Brook was doing better, they either took a nap, read magazines, tease Ben and chattered about girls stuffs to distract themselves.

As for Ben?

Well he had the worse of them all.


Arriving at the camp, the car proceeded until reaching their cabin, and sure enough, the Evans were already there. Their cabin were just right next to them as always.

Jack and Daenna Evans, as if already expecting their arrival, were the first to greet them as their van reached the vicinity of the area. The couple wore a bright smiles, waving enthusiastically while Michael beeped the horn, signaling their arrival as he parked the van.

Brandi was the first to exit the vichicle, followed by brooke, the twins, their parentss and lastly Ben.

"Blurrgghhh..." Ben couldn't help it anymore, and as soon as he left, he hurriedly ran towards the corner behind a tree to let out a mouthful of vomit, causing the previously joyful atmosphere around the place to still.


"... Damn Ben, That was disgusting," a teasing voice sounded and for a momment, Ben felt a strange tug in his heart.

"Is it?" Turning his head towards the caller, he found a blonde-haired girl in a comfy hoodie, denim shorts, and sleepers, smirking at him as she saw him checking her out.

"Done checking me out?" The girl asked flirtarously, pufffing off her small chest proudly, making Ben speechless.

"I'm not checking you at all!" He thought as his face twitched in annoyance. However, he had to admit that she was indeed as pretty as she was described in the novel. Although still young and immature, anyone who looked at her could see that she would grow up fine.

"Sheesh! No wonder Ben was obsessed with her," he mused. He wasn't sure if it was just him, but she had a certain air about her that made her appear very delicate. It was as if everything she did was right, and for a moment, he even felt an urge to simp for her.

'Damn, I suddenly felt like wanting to hug her—WAIT, WHAT THE F*CK!?" Ben woke up from his daydreaming, feeling surprised at the sudden state he entered. Turning to look at the girl opposite, his eyes widened as he saw her giving him the same look he had given her a while ago right now.

"T-that, I'm sorry about that, I don't know what came over me." The girl in question blushed, panickily making up a reason as if caught doing something bad.

'Holy sh*t- is it true that she and Ben was soulmate?'

'Is this how OG ben felt to Dawn?'

'But how? I mean, I'm not the real Ben...'

'Is it Ben's remnant feelings?'

'But he's gone already, how was it able to affect me?'

"That's fine, anyway, how's you school year?"

"Mine's good, same as usual... Damn, I swear everythings just becomes boring when you left *sigh*"

"Oh, I never thought that Dawn had such a good opinion of me~."

"T-that, b-but of course, you're my best friend after all!"

"Hehe~ Really?"

"Of course! By the way, did something happen or anything? I suddenly felt like you changed somehow?"

"E-ehh, must be your imagination."


(Edited 1X)

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