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Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - The announcement - (2)

"Don't call me sister. It's disgusting, "

The lady spat the words almost throwing her champagne glass in disgust, not minding her inner thoughts in front of other ladies. A shadow passed over Hyuk's face as his smile dropped a bit and eyes glinted dangerously. But, it was gone before anyone could notice. His smile reappeared, but a bit lopsided.

"Well, it might be." Hyuk spoke with disappointment clear in his voice. He glanced at the floor and raised his head to meet the lady's eyes, "The Wangs were generous enough to accept and raise me to be the person I'm today. I understand, it might be disgusting to be related to someone with low blood in their veins." Hyuk said those words with a steady eye contact, gaze unwavering in front of the glare passed to him.

Though Ha young didn't feel an ounce of sympathy for the pitiful creature in front her, the disgust increasing if anything, all the other ladies sympathized with him. From the conversation, they could understand a thing or two and concluded this as his fate as the adopted child of old Wang.

The son of old Wang was known around there as someone who is forced to leave the family business and transferred to a small branch in abroad, which in their words is exiling him to not give a share in the family money.

"I am forever grateful to you and Father for accepting me and maybe I should find my birth parents and pass my gratitude for letting me go." He continued his words.

As if something hit her, Ha young faltered a bit. Her eyes loosing focus and her balance shifting a bit and body shivering a bit. The reaction pleased Hyuk, as his smile grew a bit and a knowing look settled in his eyes.

She looked over at Hyuk and turned her gaze towards the glass she was holding. Schooling her expression and posture a bit, she spoke "Hyuk-ah, there is no need to be emotional now. We are gathered here for Father's big day. Sister is just joking around, after all its been years since we last saw each other. You do know how much your sister loves her little brother right? " She let out a chukcle, which seemed forced to almost everyone present, but nobody dared to point it out.

"Oh, I might have lost my sense of humour staying away. I should learn a lot from you, Mrs. Song, " Hyuk added to which Ha young responded with an 'of course' and a glare with gritted teeth thrown secretly his way. Before any of them could continue, a gruff voice spoke from the top of the stairs.

"I see you siblings are already catching up, " Old Wang's voice rang across the banquet hall, with authority. The air in the whole room stilled and everyone instinctively turned around and bowed to the man, who was now standing at the top of the stairs.

The host of the evening, Wang Il sung, with his wife, Park Na ri, by his side began his descent down the huge staircase at the side of the hall. Some guards were surrounding the old couple and they looked like royals coming into the general public for an event.

Old Wang was clad in a whole black three piece suit, with his grey mixed black hair styled back, his face stiff with wrinkles adorning around his dark, shrewd and calculating eyes. His gaze alone was enough to put people in their right place. Such was the aura surrounding him.

While, his wife, Mrs. Wang was wearing a dark green dress, which was kept simple and elegant and just fit for her. A shining emerald and diamond necklace was neatly sitting on her long neck. With a dazzling smile, heavily contrasting with Mr. Wang's stoic face, completed her look.

Hyuk stood up straight after bowing and saw the old couple approaching him. He searched for a reaction in his father's face on seeing him, but found just his usual unexpressive face. What did he expect? the old man didn't show any emotion, despite feeling something in his heart.

His gaze then found Mrs. Wang's kind eyes and an instinctive smile made its way onto his face. He moved towards her. "Hello, mother." he bowed in front of her. "You look gorgeous tonight, " he complimented her with a hug.

"You look dashing as always, my boy, " the old lady returned the hug and smiled widely. She is the only good person in his life. She then, side glanced her husband and Hyuk got the clue. He turned to his left and greeted solemnly, "Good evening, Father." He bowed. "Happy birthday. I wish a long, healthy life for you."

Old Wang just stared at Hyuk for a couple of seconds and clapped his shoulder pretty hard. Which, obviously went unnoticed by people around them. Oh, Hyuk gonna get some earful after this. But, he fought a grim from appearing on his face. This was the reason he was here, after all.

After his greetings were conveyed, Ha young and her husband followed Hyuk in greeting the couple and conveying their wishes to Old Wang.

Mr. Wang's secretary, briskly walked behind a screen that was the background for the elevated stage. He came back with a microphone and stood by, waiting for a signal from his boss.

Old Wang finally looked up and nodded.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. The Wang family welcomes you to the Grand celebration of Mr. Wang il sung's birthday party." The man, secretary of old Wang and a middle aged, somewhere near his fifties, spoke with a mild tone. Some cheers and claps followed his words.

"Now, Mr. Wang himself will raise a toast to begin the celebrations." he went straight to the point and stepped down the stage, while Old Wang moved towards the stage, with his family in tow.

Despite being in his late sixties, Old Wang carried himself with pride and immense power. His walk was powerful and commanding the air around him. He took the microphone and ascended the stage.

Clearing his throat, "Good evening to all the presentees here. First of all, I extend my hearty gratitude to everyone, who cleared their schedules and attended this party. "

A round of claps erupted and soon calming Down.

"Not only am I celebrating my 67th birthday, but this year would be our 47th anniversary together." His gaze fixed on his wife, who was standing beside Hyuk, with a soft drink in her hands and a soft smile came onto his face. Mrs. Wang returned the gesture with a wide smile and a slight blush.

"Not really a milestone, but it is very special to me and expect another party from us on that special day." Old Wang said with his widening and couple of laughter can be heard from the crowd.

Hyuk just stared at the old man and wondered, if he was hearing all of this. Yeah, the man had some sense of humour and love towards his wife in him, but he can't help but think otherwise.

Hyuk glanced at his mother to his side and saw the smile, which seemed permanently etched on her face, shine even more brightly. Guess, he should accept the fact, that the old man was atleast a good husband.

"And, today I'm very happy to be celebrating my birthday in the presence of both my children." An unexpected loud cheer echoed as the attention shifted towards Mrs. Song Ha young and Hyuk.

"So, I'd like to announce something on this occasion of happiness." He gave a pause and everyone shifted their attention towards the host. A smirk danced on Old Wang's lips, liking the reaction from the audience. They were always eager and desperate for things like these. Always up in other people's business than their own.

His eyes flitted across the room and finally settled on Hyuk, who tensed instinctively upon seeing those eyes. A glare was unnoticingly sent his way. Hyuk by now, knew how to read some of his signals.

"My son, Wang Hyuk, my successor, who has been proving his capabilities with his own business in the West, is finally returning to his home country. He'd be now working alongside me, until one day, everything would be handed to him."

After loudly addressing his words, "My boy, welcome home." The old man finished with a smile wicked, masked as happiness to everyone. More cheers were heard and Mr. Wang, reached for the drink from the server, who was just down at the stairs.

"For our bright future and healthy country." He raised his toast and everyone down the stage reciprocated with their own words and raised glasses.

After the jumbled word chorus ended, "Everyone, please enjoy the party and let's end this night on a sweet note." Old Wang completed his small, but effective speech with a visible smile and stepped down the stage to socialize with his circle. However, he didn't forget to toast with his son before he went to socialize with his friends, showing everyone what a perfect family theirs was.

While Old Wang chattered happily, Hyuk was left with mixed feelings. He couldn't decipher how he is exactly feeling. He couldn't say what's in Old Wang's mind. Why is it always hard to pretend this old brain? He wondered, but still it's a mystery to him, wanting to know how Old Wang's brain is actually functioning.

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