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Omnipotent Story, The Nameless God Omnipotent Story, The Nameless God original

Omnipotent Story, The Nameless God

Author: BlankRpr

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: the beginning and end

The beginning

"Where am i, I can't see anything or even feel anything."

An unknown voice speaks in the void.

"Your dead".

The voice went on to talk about all the high lights of my life up until my death. I tried to talk but for some reason I couldn't until it finished speaking.

Finally I could talk.

"Im dead?"

"Yes you died."

"Who are you?"

"I am a being of unimaginable power."

"Are you god?"

"It's of unimportance."

"I know that for most of your life you've wanted freedom and the power that comes along with it so, Im giving you all my power, do with it what you want. But i will not teach you how to use it, that is for you to find out or not."

"I leaving now"

The being that had no form, just a voice disappeared. In its absence I pondered its final words.

It's giving me all of its power, do with it what i want, but it isn't going to teach me how to use it.

"Wait, What power?".

"Oh wow, i just know".

"The power works by thinking about what i want to happen."

"So if i want to know something i just have to think about what i want to know, sweet"

I try to concentrate on visualising my body, pacifically by looking at my hand. Then I focus and my surroundings start to change into colours and shapes until they stabilise into my bedroom with me sitting on the couch staring at the tv opposite me.

I look around my room, the door is closed and the room is a mess, rubbish and dishes everywhere and clothes on the ground. With a wave of my hand the clothes are put away, the rubbish vanishes and dishes disappears.

I look over the room and it looks better, sill a bit dusty and untidy so i wave my hand again and fix it.

Now what to do, i came back to my bedroom because that is the last thing I remember.

Im thinking on what to with this power when my bedroom door opens.

"Your up good, oh and your've cleaned your room, thank you. Be ready to go to school in an hour, if your gonna have a shower have it now."


My mum shuts the door. I think to my self what do i do now, well why not think on it. I have a shower, when i get out I imagine the water dissipating and it does. I make the clothes put them selves on me.

I go to school

In class teachers asks a question, she has to know that I don't know the answer but she doesn't care, she just want to put me on the spot and humiliate me.

But not today, i use my power to get the right answer and tell the teacher the answer. The class is surprised.

Out of class one of my friends ask how i knew the answer to which i replied that i did my homework.

He laughed and walked away.

After school on my way home while waiting at the bus stop, i was looking at this dead plant that sprouted in between the sidewalk, it had been stepped on more then once a day and was void of any life. The plant was pressed down against the concrete

As im looking at the dead plant, I imagine the plant rejuvenating. And it does, its stem rises up and the leaves stretch themselves out and colour comes back to them.

I look at the plant satisfied and my bus arrives. Back home i think about what else i can do with my power.

I leave my bedroom and looked into my older sister's room, she's on her laptop whilst listening to music. I go to the back yard, i look around and see that the yard is overgrown, and there's gardening equipment everywhere. First i make some trees grow around the edge of the yard to give privacy. I make it so no one questions why the trees grew so quickly. I make the whole yard clean it's self up, by putting away the gardening equipment and the garden plants trimming themselves tidy.

When my mum gets home in the afternoon, she sees the yard and is pleasantly surprised thinking I've mowed the lawn and put things away. She doesn't know how much it has changed.

Later that night I'm watching a movie with my sister and mum. As the movie is playing, we're all thinking it's getting boring and just when everyone is almost ready to turn it off. I use my power to make the movie more interesting, i made interesting plot twists, made the visual effects way better giving breathtaking and immersive scenes. I gave some powers to the characters in the movie which surprised my sister and mum. I made the movie funnier with well timed jokes, witty dialogue, and amusing situations.

After watching the movie and having dinner i go to bed, whilst asleep i dream of flying and creating beautiful landscapes. I fight with monsters and evil people. For some reason I'm semi conscious and can remember everything that happens in my dream.

The next day is the weekend so i have the day off. In the morning I decide to for a jog, as im nearing the crossing. I see a car hit its brakes hard and slides and crashes into a man walking the crosswalk. I immediately run over and the man is still breathing but his body is all mangled up and scraped to the bone.

I instinctively move my hands out in front of me and point my palms at the man, the man starts to heal at a rapid pace. I look around and see other cars slowing down and people coming out of their home to look. The driver gets out of the car to see me healing the man. In the next couple of seconds the man is healed, but still unconscious. I make a quick escape running back home.

Later that week mum wonders why so many dishes have vanished the house.

I continued going to school, whilst using my power to get top marks in all subjects. After I graduated from school i make it so i win a large amount of money from the lottery, i give my sister a lot of money and my mum more. I tell them I'm going to go a trip around Australia.

Whilst laying in bed I play with my power by creating a mini sun in my hand. The next day I go to a Real Estate agent and buy a huge chunk of barren land in the middle of Australia. I reshape the land into a huge mountain with a massive forest covering the mountain. I imagine a road being paved with stone up the mountain leading to a huge stone mansion.

I make it so no one can harm this place.

The house is made out of stone but looks modern. The house is on the edge of a cliff overlooking the forest before it merges into the desert.

Inside the house is modern. Theres a four car garage connected to the house. Theres a pool that looks over the cliff.

I made it so there's power in the air around the property running all the electronics in the house.

Now that i have a place to call home i have to make it safe. I create an aberration from my subconscious, it looks like me but has access to all my thoughts.

"Ah life. it's good to be alive. Thank you for giving me thought and form, it's an exhilarating feeling to be here. First things first, if you give me permission I would like to lockdown any thoughts that could harm yourself or others."

"You've been letting your thoughts have to much power, they have already made you do what you wouldn't normally do in your dreams. It would only be a matter of time before they start controlling you in this place, "the real world" and that's not what you want."

"Next i will stop your cells from aging and create a dimension for your mind to continue growing infinitely. I will make your body indestructible but still soft but also firm. All life that's inside your body will become apart of you. I will turn your physique into the perfect human, or what we consider perfect. I will get rid of all of your imperfections. I will make it so you can't feel what you consider pain but can still feel what's happening. This will happen over time but some will happen instantly."

"Do i have your permission".

"Do you need my permission?"

"No but why would i do something that i didn't want do".

"Ok then yes, you have my permission and also you have my permission to use our power to do whatever you think should be done with our power".

"Very well".

I've sent a message to your family for them to move here, they will be here in the next couple days.

"I didn't know a place existed like this in Australia?"

Right mum, this place is beautiful, how did you find this place bro? And how can you afford it.

"Well this place was only finished a couple of months ago, everything you see here was transported from elsewhere, it took a look of time to transfer all this stone and dirt. And then the trees. And also building this house wasn't easy."

Or at least thats what i have the world believe.

"Not a lot of people know about this place as the millionaire who built it for himself kept it a secret and then my Real Estate agent told me about the man who had died and this place was up for sale."

After having dinner in my home with my family. I tell them i want a family meeting to tell them something. We go the lounge room and talk. I tell them about my powers and demonstrate it by making everything in the room float, including us. They ask about the limitations of my power and i tell them there is none. I give them both the same power but with out iit being able to work on me. I tell them i can help with making them immortal. My sister is ecstatic about it and her powers. While my mum ask if she can bring her husband my dad back to life.

I tell that she can but he has already moved on to a better place, literally, so bringing him back might have some unseen consequences. But i tell that if still a wants to I suggest that make him not remember anything that happened after his death.

She does and he is shocked and then the family explains everything and gives him powers. We make it so it seems that he has always been around but we remember.

Couple of days later a man shows up at my door.

I open the door.

"Hello, I'm a reporter, are you the owner of this land?"

"Yes I'm the owner, what can i do for you?"

"I would like to do a interview with you if that's alright with you?"

"Yes, that's fine."

I invite the man inside the house and bring him to my lounge room, we sit on two couches opposite each other.

The man pulls out his laptop and shows me a video from a car dash cam of a guy in a hoodie healing a man with what looks to be his hands. The guy in the hoodie is obviously me, then the guy in the hoodies runs away.

"Is this you?"

"And if it is?"

"Well how did you heal this man, do you have abilities or some type of advanced technology?"

"I do have some abilities."

"What abilities do you have and how did you gain them?"

"God given I'm afraid"

"You mean you were born with them"

"Nah, i died and then i heard god say I'm giving you my power"

"How do you know it was god"

"Well i asked if it was god and it said it's of unimportance. So my first thought is it must be so powerful that it doesn't matter if i think it's god or not meaning it must have the power or more of what I think is considered god or godly."


"What abilities do you have? Can you show me?."

I show him visions of the universe, a time lapse of this universe and earth up till this point. Then i show him what it looks like if you zoom out from his point of view until he reaches where he started. This showed him the power of infinity.

Next I create a mini universe in my hand and then launch him into it, i drop him on a planet that is like earth except is a utopia. He lives there for a lifetime and then i put him back on the couch and say.

"How was it?"

He looks at me with a shocked expression.

"Are you god?"

I laugh in his face and show him out. I made it seen like a dream so he wouldn't get attached to that world.

He stands outside for a bit before leaving.

Later that week, all news shows are talking about is this interview and if it's real. The reporter had a hand hold camera for recording and i made it indestructible with infinite recording space. I made it so he would blog during his stay in that world and then post it when he gets out.

The things that man saw in that world and the things he learned about peaceful coexistence will help the world.

I create a ball that creates infinite power and give it to my sister and tell her to start a business and distribute them. I call it the sphere and it creates energy in a 100 meter radius around it. They sold instantly after some tests where done. Some people have the idea to try and replicate it, but can't because it's just so far advanced. And also because it isn't technically technology its just a ball emitting energy that my sister or I create.

Somewhere in the United States of America at a government building a meeting is taking place.

"So what are we going to do about this, this man some are call the saviour, the chosen one. Some are even saying he's god reincarnation."

"You think you have it bad, he's not living in your country"

The meeting went on to talk about the mysterious man that showed up around the world doing miracles after the interview with the said man. What would they think if they knew it was my subconscious doing all the miracles around the world.

At my mountain forest house, I'm talking with my subconscious.

"Hey, so what should i call you?Subconscious seems a bit unrepentant of you seeing how you are sentient."

"Im your subconscious, i am all your thoughts put into conversational entity with good intentions towards all the things you care about. There is no reason to call my anything else, i have no feelings."


My subconscious. At a place where the people are in dying need of fresh water, I create a tower that's filled with unending water that flows out at the bottom into troths for animals. And you can put a bucket under where the water comes out for people or just stick your head under it. The tower has the same thing higher up for birds. The tower glows a luminescent colour at night.

Around the world where water was needed theses towers would appear.

An infinite amount of time later I'm looking at a human that i once would've called myself, but now im more than what i once was and now i could never call that human me but now I can finally rest for all eternity after having done everything i could possibly want to do. Even after making myself not be bored with infinite amounts of things to do I didn't want to continue.

I speak directly into the persons consciousness.

"Your dead".

The end.

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