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Chapter 6: Chapter 6

"Knock knock"


Inside Arlong Park, the Fishmen were relaxing when they heard an explosion, as clouds of smoke billowed into the air, obscuring their vision.

Startled, they turned their wary eyes to the origin of the explosion.

From amidst the rubble, two silhouettes emerged, their forms partially obscured by the lingering smoke.

"It's fishing time~" 

As the smoke gradually subsided, two figures emerged from the haze.

The one talking, is a man with white hair, his gaze, sharp and piercing, swept over the crowd, and the grin on his face makes the FIshmen standing in front of him feel mocked.

Accompanying him is a man with a dull face, partnered with his buzz-cut head, he carries an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance.


blue-skinned Fishman, with a long saw-like nose and razor-sharp teeth, howled in anger. His voice echoed through the corridors of Arlong Park

He is Arlong, the leader of the Arlong Pirate with a bounty of 20 Million Berry!

"There you are!" Exclaimed by Kyle, settling his sight to the Sawshark Fishman.

Then, without any warning, Kyle charged straight ahead, his body humming with electric energy, he activated his ability, Godspeed, sending sparks dancing around him in a dazzling light.

The air seemed to crackle as Kyle charged straight ahead, leaving behind a blue trail in his every step, like a lightning bolt.

Arlong, caught off guard by Kyle's incredible speed, had barely a moment to react before a devastating punch landed straight at Arlong's head with bone-crushing force.

For a brief moment, there was silence as Arlong staggered backward, his expression a mixture of surprise and pain. 

"Wow, this is insane!" Kyle couldn't contain his enthusiasm as he exclaimed,

He couldn't help but feel a thrill at the realization that he was facing off against a character straight out of his favorite story, One Piece.

His voice echoed through the air, carrying a mix of excitement and admiration that was impossible to ignore. For Kyle, this wasn't just a battle – it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse himself in the world of his favorite manga and experience the thrill of adventure firsthand.

Unbeknownst to Kyle, his exclamation of excitement fell upon ears that heard only mockery and disdain. the Sawshark Fishman's fury swelled to new heights.


With a deafening roar, Arlong lunged forward, his massive form propelled by a wave of anger and aggression.

"Shark Teeth!" Arlong makes use of his extremely sharp teeth planning to bite Kyle.

As a Fishman, Arlong possesses a physique far stronger than normal humans as moves with incredible speed, unfortunately, his opponent is everything but normal.

In exchange for the continuous pain of getting electrified, it wasn't just his physical abilities that received a boost as the electrical currents surged through his body, Kyle felt his senses heightening to an extraordinary degree.

To the onlookers, Arlong's movements appeared swift and formidable, But to Kyle, who had unlocked the extraordinary power of Godspeed, Arlong seemed almost sluggish in comparison.

Kyle's enhanced senses allowed him to perceive the world around him with unparalleled clarity. Every movement and every gesture made by his opponent seemed to unfold in slow motion before his eyes, giving him ample time to anticipate and counter each attack with lightning-fast reflexes.

This is the full power of Godspeed!

Kyle found himself enveloped in a surreal world where time seemed to slow to a crawl. He couldn't help but marvel at the phenomenon unfolding before his eyes.

"So this is... the world of speed," Kyle mused, his voice barely above a whisper as he surveyed his surroundings. In this altered reality, everything appeared frozen in time, as if caught in a perpetual state of stillness.

It was the first time he activated Godspeed without a limiter because of how dangerous it is, but right now, he did, making a very impulsive decision partially because of excitement.

The very fabric of reality seemed to bend to Kyle's will, as the world around him moved at the speed of a turtle.

As Kyle reveled in the intoxicating sensation of manipulating time itself, he knew deep down that he couldn't sustain this state indefinitely. He was all too aware of the limitations of his current strength.

Drawing upon every ounce of his newfound power, Kyle focused his energies on bringing the fight to a swift and decisive conclusion. 

Kyle launched a flurry of strikes at Arlong, each blow delivered with unparalleled speed and power.

Arlong found himself unable to react in time as Kyle's barrage of blows rained down upon him.

The attack sends Arlong crashing to the ground in a heap.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye, as the poor Sawshark Fishman didn't even know he was defeated.

As for Kyle, despite his victory over Arlong, he soon feels the repercussions of his impulsive actions. The exhilarating rush of wielding the full power of Godspeed had taken its toll on his body, pushing it beyond its limits.

Kyle found himself overwhelmed by a wave of exhaustion and weakness. His muscles screamed in protest, his limbs trembling uncontrollably as he collapsed to the ground, unable to move even an inch.

'Oh fuck' Kyle exclaimed in his mind as his consciousness slowly faded. His eyelids grew heavy, weighed down by the overwhelming fatigue that enveloped him.

Even though he is surrounded by enemies, a faint smile graced Kyle's lips. 

As Kyle's consciousness drifted into the realm of dreams, he found himself enveloped in a sense of peace and security, knowing that Castiel stood guard over him.

"WHY DID YOU ATTACK US?" Asked by a blue-skinned Fishman with thick lips. He is Chew, the remaining of the three executives of Arlong Pirates. 

Known for being the cool-headed among his crew, Chew right now has lost his calm composure, eyes redden in rage, seeking nothing more but revenge for his captain.

"Why you asked? Nothing much,"

Castiel's words hung in the air, a casual admission to a deed that would make others shudder. In his hands, he clutched his favorite weapons – two bone sticks.

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