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Chapter 74: Even if reindeer walk, they'll encounter demon dogs

Guided by Franky, whom they coincidentally met, Luffy and his crew headed to Water 7. They couldn't leave their ship completely unattended, and eventually, they planned to meet Tom and have him come to the ship, so until then, they were free to move around except for a few.

Nami accompanied Franky as a baggage carrier for the gold exchange, while Luffy and Usopp headed to Galley-La Company. Zoro was on ship duty. Sanji, Chopper, and Robin split up to replenish supplies like food and medical items.

"...It's quite lively here."

"Yeah, Aqua Laguna is coming soon."

"Aqua Laguna?"

"A catastrophic tide that happens once a year. It's a disaster that can even engulf parts of the city, and some areas in the lower town have sunk in past Aqua Lagunas. Water 7 is naturally affected by land subsidence and the water calamity caused by Aqua Laguna."

Guiding them through the waterways using a bull borrowed from Blueno, Franky lightly answered Nami's question about the bustling atmosphere of the city.

Hearing this, Nami tilted her head curiously.

"...Even with such monstrous tides, why does it feel like a festival?"

"In recent years, the World Government has managed to prevent water disasters. Around here, Aqua Laguna brings in fish that can't be caught normally, special salts, and such. Right after Aqua Laguna, there's a bit of a festive atmosphere... Even though he acts carefree, he keeps his promises..."

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Nah, it's nothing. Look, if we go up on that water gate elevator, we'll be in the city center. Let's start with the money exchange."

With a somewhat vexed expression, Franky replied, and the group followed his lead.

Although they were all puzzled by Franky's seemingly crushed demeanor, he didn't provide an explanation to their question, and he continued to guide them.

"Well, since we're going back to have the ship checked by Tom soon, it's a good idea to exchange money and get a grasp of the budget beforehand, right?"

"But seriously, that's a huge amount of gold. I get that you guys aren't the type to plunder, but where did you find something like this?"

"Oh, on Sky Island."

"Well, well, you found it in quite a spectacular place."

Franky's friendly personality seemed to mesh well with Luffy and the others, and in a short time, they became familiar with each other, engaging in lively conversations.

Following Franky's guidance, they exchanged the gold for a substantial amount of money—300 million berries—and then headed to Galley-La Company.

As they disembarked from the bull and headed toward the direction of the main office near Dock 1, they encountered Pauly, the foreman of Dock 1.

"Isn't that Franky? What brings you here?"

"Huh? Pauly, why are you here... Let me guess, you were probably evading debt collectors again."

"...Shut up."

"Let me introduce you guys. This is Pauly, one of the foremen at Dock 1. He's skilled, but he's a gambling addict buried in debt. Don't show him any money, or he'll steal it."

"I won't steal it!!"

As Franky introduced Pauly in a somewhat exasperated tone, Mozu and Kiwi explained Paulie's gambling habits to Luffy and the others, adding to the lively atmosphere.

Then, they heard measured footsteps followed by a voice that sounded a bit exasperated.

"Mmm... Noisy as always, and of course, it's you, you idiot Frankie. Always in some bizarre getup."

"Idiot Iceburg, huh? Don't you dare criticize my attire. This is my formal outfit."

"Mmm... You, idiots from your place, we've even given you jobs! And you, the boss of Dock 1, running around in swim trunks... It reflects poorly on our reputation!"

"What reputation? You're not running any refined business anyway! And what's with that rat?"

"I found it earlier. Its name is... Tyrannosaurus."

"A dinosaur!?"

While Luffy's group watched in amazement as the two suddenly started arguing, the other workers who had gathered around seemed unfazed, wearing expressions that said, "Here we go again." This exchange seemed like a regular occurrence.

After the commotion settled down, a composed Iceburg introduced himself briefly to Luffy's group and then inquired.

"So, what brings you here today?"

"It's not for you. We're here to get Tom to take a look at our ship."


"Yeah, our ship is an old model... a caravel, but it's got a great look to it."

"I see. Is it really that special to warrant such praise?"

"Yeah, but there's a big crack in the keel. Based on my assessment, it's beyond repair, but I thought maybe Tom might know some way."

Iceburg, listening to Franky's explanation, absentmindedly stroked the rat he had put in his pocket, then after a brief pause, he spoke up.

"Mmm... You may have deemed it unfit after looking at it, but I believe anyone else would come to the same conclusion."

"It's not that simple. Once you see it, you'll understand. For us, that ship isn't just a ship; it's a companion we've traveled with. We value it so much that we're even willing to cling to the slightest possibility... even if it's a tiny ray of hope..."

"...If it's such an important ship, I'd like to take a look at it myself. I understand your story. Tom is currently guiding the younger workers at Dock 3."

"I see, got it. Well then, we won't be a bother. All right, let's go."

As Franky moved away to head in the direction of Tom's location, Iceburg gazed after him with a somewhat melancholic expression.


Meanwhile, Sanji, Chopper, and Robin, who had gone out for groceries, were carefully examining various ingredients and asking the store clerks questions.

"… Aqua Laguna? What's that? Is it related to the ingredients?"

"Indirectly, yes. This island used to suffer from flooding caused by the Aqua Laguna, a massive tidal wave. However, it seems that the World Government introduced new technology to mitigate it. For the past couple of years, Aqua Laguna hasn't reached this town."

"Is there a way to prevent such a tidal wave? That's incredible!"

"… But how exactly? Can you really do something about tidal waves?"

Asking about rare ingredients and the island's unique products, the conversation with the store clerk led to the topic of Aqua Laguna, leaving the trio puzzled.

"Well, I've only heard bits and pieces, but it seems like they create 'Sea Abysses.'"

"Sea Abysses?"

"Yeah, huge holes in the sea. The Aqua Laguna's seawater flows into these abysses, preventing the tidal wave from reaching this far. These sea abysses supposedly form during Aqua Laguna. That's why going out to sea is prohibited during Aqua Laguna nights."

"Creating holes in the sea? How on earth is that possible?"

"Who knows? Even I don't fully understand it, but thanks to this, the town is spared from flooding… Now, about how this relates to ingredients, after the sea abysses are filled with Aqua Laguna's seawater, rare fish that are usually not found here can be caught temporarily. There's a rumor that Aqua Laguna brings fish from distant seas. And there's also special salt."

Though they had no idea about methods to create holes in the sea to prevent tidal waves, the store clerk swiftly moved on from explaining sea abysses and delved into discussing the unique ingredients.

While Sanji, Chopper, and Robin were curious, they figured that they wouldn't get any answers by asking, so they decided to continue listening to the store clerk's explanations.

"… Rare fish and special salt?"

"Yeah, as for the salt, there's an elderly cook named Bambam Grandpa who popularized it. The salt made from Aqua Laguna's seawater has a distinct flavor unlike other salts. Thanks to that, the salt harvested after Aqua Laguna has become one of the island's specialties."

"Oh, so this Bambam Grandpa is a skilled cook?"

"Yeah, though he might seem like a drunk old man, his cooking skills are top-notch… If you're interested, I can tell you where his shop is. But for Aqua Laguna's salt, you should visit a store that specializes in seasonings."

After discussing various ingredients, it was decided that they would only buy essential groceries for now and do a proper shopping after Aqua Laguna, when more rare ingredients would be available.

Thanking the store clerk for the information, Sanji, Chopper, and Robin continued their stroll through the town.

"Since we'll visit the recommended shop later… If you both want to buy something, Robin-chan and Chopper, feel free to look around."

"In that case, I want to buy medical books!"

"That's a good idea. If there are any interesting books, I'd like to get some as well. Shall we visit a bookstore?"

With the plan to gather ingredients at a later time, they decided to head to a bookstore. Chopper, eagerly looking forward to reading new medical books, hurried ahead in his reindeer form.

"Hey, hey, Chopper, don't rush too much, it's dangerous."

"Hehe… You're energetic, Ship Doctor."

"Yeah, Robin-chan. Don't worry about what the Captain said. You can call me whatever you want."

"… Thank you."

While smiling at Chopper's excitement, Sanji noticed a slight hesitation in Robin's expression when she addressed him as "Ship Doctor." He quickly intervened with a reassuring comment.

Robin's gaze followed Chopper as he walked ahead, but suddenly…

"Hurry! Let's get to the bookstore!"

"Huh!? Ship Doctor! Watch out—waterway ahead!"

"Huh? Oh, no…"

Due to the narrow path caused by the waterway or some other reason, Chopper, who was walking ahead at a quick pace, slipped and stumbled. Chopper possessed a Devil Fruit ability, and falling into the water would be problematic. Robin instinctively readied her Devil Fruit power to help, but before she could react, a hand swiftly reached out and grabbed Chopper, pulling him back just before he could fall into the water.

"… Are you okay, talking reindeer? You need to watch where you're going."

"Uh, yeah, thanks… That was close."

"If there are no injuries, that's a relief."

"Chopper! Are you alright… Sorry for this, let me thank you for saving Chopper, Miss."

"Oh no, it's fine. Please don't worry about it."

The woman who had saved Chopper smiled kindly and assured them not to fret. Her gaze then shifted briefly to Robin, catching Sanji's and Chopper's attention. However, Robin's expression shifted, her eyes widened, and she appeared visibly shaken.

"… Robin-chan, what's wrong?"

"… That attire… You… from the World Government…"

"Yes, I am indeed affiliated with the World Government, but I have no intention of capturing you. Please rest assured… I haven't received any specific orders from the Captain either."

As the woman smiled gently and reassured Robin, Sanji's expression also stiffened. However, it seemed that she had no intention of engaging in combat. Despite her relaxed demeanor, an aura of power emanated from her, causing Sanji, who had not sensed it before due to being concerned about Chopper, to inhale sharply.

"… Beautiful lady, who exactly are you…"

"As for me, I am Paula Chelsea… I serve as Deputy Chief of Enies Lobby, an island under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary. Well then, I've kept the Captain waiting, so I shall take my leave. If fate allows, we may meet again somewhere…"

With those words and a kind smile, Paula Chelsea walked away from the trio. Once she was completely out of sight, Sanji let out a deep exhale.

"… Seriously? She's such a lovely lady… but she gives off an incredibly strong presence. Could she be stronger than that Captain…"

"Could that be… Her? The rumored… Hellhound…"

"Hey, Robin!? Are you okay? Your face turned pale!"

"Um, yes, I'm sorry. I'm fine."

Though Robin appeared pale and distressed, Chopper's concerned inquiry seemed to reassure her, prompting her to offer a smile.


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