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Chapter 23: Woonan’s Treasure

On the top of the mountain a lone stone hut of no remarkable features resides. We go inside it and find it as barren as the temple was. Only thing out of place was a huge and fancy looking fireplace.

"Did Woonan really live here?" Tobio looks around in stupor.

"There aren't any tables or chairs. There's only a very common fireplace."

"That looks common to you? I find it fancy and super suspicious." I question Zoro's sense of aesthetics.

Zoro walks next to the fireplace that is almost twice his height and pushes it to the side. It slides like it was on wheels or with little to no friction revealing a secret path. [Physics teacher tells you that friction can be ignored.] 'I wish I could slide like that too.'

"That's amazing, how did you find that?" Luffy and Usopp look at this scene mouths agape in surprise.

"Any idiot should be able to find this!" Zoro barks back in frustration.

"Did you not listen to me just now damn idiots?" I look at them like they couldn't be any dumber.

"Hey look, you can go down from there." Usopp points out the obvious to distract us by changing the topic.

"Woonan should be down there, then." Tobio starts getting all hopeful.

"Along with a mountain of gold." Usopp says something that I thought Nami would be saying before anyone else.

"Duck!" [Goose!] Zoro shouts everyone to get down and even I feel something dangerous getting near and drop down on the ground as rest follow suit. The hut falls down on us and turns to rubble and once we get out, we see the pirates looking at us.

"If the whale faces west, the tail points to the east. What a bunch of crap!" The pirate leader says and Usopp hides back in to the rubble.

"El Drago-sama, there's an entrance here!" One of the grunts that stole Nami's loot shouts.

"So the gold is down there. Okay, you guys bring it out." El Drago orders his men.

Tobio tries to stop them but as El Drago attacks him, Ganzo jumps in front of the kid and takes the hit. As Ganzo falls the pot on his head falls off almost spilling its contents. As Ganzo tries to pick back up his oden, El Drago comes and kicks the pot open and looks at the contents in disdain.

Tobio once again does something stupid and starts shouting to El Drago to get away from the oden that his grandpa risked his life to make and bring here to Woonan and to not touch anything. But this only makes El Drago have a sadistic grin and he stomps the oden to mush while rest of us look in anger.

'This is so god damn cliché.' [So tiring.] 'Has anyone heard the phrase "silence is golden"? Because most of the time people just make things worse by talking... though the opposite is also true. [Been there and done that. Nothing ever fucking works like you want it to.]

Once again... for fucks sake... Tobio charges at El Drago. "You want to die that badly?" El Drago says as he prepares to attack.

'Please... End this fucking farse already.' [Someone kill the kid before I punt his ass of the mountain.]

Suddenly a punch from an outstretched arm knocks El Drago back, like REALLY outstretched.

Luffy walks over to the mushed oden and picks it up before stuffing it in his mouth and eating it.

Zoro just smirks in the background as he knows what Luffy is doing as he also did the same for the little girl in Shells Town.

"Delicious! It's no doubt that Pop's oden is the world's best." Luffy glares at El Drago "I will not forgive you for this!"

El Drago sends his hired sword, Golass, but Zoro counters and takes him on. El Drago starts listing how much gold coins he will give Golass for every damage dealt and even from a kill. Golass charges at Zoro and after some time even succeeds to pin Zoro down on the ground while he tries to use all his weight on his blade to break Zoro's guard.

Suddenly Zoro starts spouting some bullshit about how Golass is ashamed of being a sell sword and how he doesn't really want to kill. He tells how Golass has given up the pride of wielding a sword and pushes him back and gets up from the ground.

"You definitely have skill. But without the pride in your sword, you have a slight hesitation. And that spilt moment is the unmatched difference between you and me!"

Golass charges again at Zoro but Zoro takes his Santoryuu stance and cuts Golass down with Oni Giri. Zoro tells Golass that he avoided any vitals and that he is free to come challenge again when he has regained his pride as a swordsman.

"Now it's your turn." Luffy prepares to face off against El Drago.

"Bastard, now you've really angered me." El Drago starts to glow as he does a pose by lifting his fists up above his head.

Pirates start to scramble for cover while Nami and Tobio direct the rest to take cover. El Drago starts to shout and the fake Turtle Destruction Wave comes out of his mouth and hits Luffy directly. But the attack seems to be a blunt force sound blast that didn't do anything to Luffy, instead it gave Luffy a boost by sending him away since he had grasped one of the boulders nearby.

"GOMU GOMU NO... ROCKET!!" Like a bullet shot from Usopp's slingshot Luffy hits El Drago straight to his gut and smashing into a huge boulder, getting him stuck. After struggling a bit El Drago frees himself and shoots another sound blast at Luffy but he dodges and Pistol's him in the face.

But suddenly we notice that the punch didn't hit and El Drago is biting Luffy's hand.

"That hurts! Let go!" As Luffy shouts El Drago grabs hold of Luffy's outstretched arm and launches himself towards Luffy as the arm rebounds back to him.

"Hey! What're you doing!?" Luffy rages as someone is using his own techniques against him with his own body no less.

'That's the smartest enemy I can remember so far. Actually using the obvious weakness in battle style against the user.' [Kuro did that too...] 'Oh shit, that's right!'

El Drago starts stabbing Luffy in high speed with his golden fingernail extensions... yes, that's right... golden fingernail extensions... Luffy tries to dodge but he gets hit once and slowly more and more attacks graze him.

Luffy suddenly trips as he backs away and El Drago hits past him. Luffy extends his legs towards El Drago's neck and grabs hold of him while spinning like a madman and creating huge force that sends El Drago spinning flying high in the air. As Luffy gets up thinking he is done a sudden sound blast comes high above but luckily Luffy dodges it.

As El Drago lands Luffy grabs a hold of him like he did to Kuro and Bell's him straight to the face and downs him to the pirate's horror. But suddenly El Drago gets up and resumes his stabbing assault on the tired Luffy as Luffy desperately tries to evade while stumbling.

Luffy sees a chance and does a quick Spear to El Drago's chin stunning him and follows up with Gatling and lastly hitting him with a Whip, shattering El Drago's Golden armor.

"The gold is mine!" El Drago shouts and starts charging for one final sound blast as Luffy starts inhaling huge amounts of air.

As El Drago fires his sound blast Luffy turns in his Balloon form and also twirls his limbs around El Drago to not get blasted away. The blast can't go through Luffy and keeps condensing and condensing until El Drago finally stops shouting and sees what's in front of him. Luffy sends El Drago's condensed attack back to him and destroying a nice chunk off the mountain.

"The... gold... is... mine..." The downed and barely conscious El Drago mutters. 'Damn that dude is a tank.'

"GOMU GOMU NO..." Luffy noticing El Drago still not giving up flings his hands back.

"BAZOOKA!" And sends him flying off the island. [Well he's dead.] 'Devil Fruit user dropped into the ocean... yeah, he dead.'

Luffy looks at the rest of the pirates and they get spooked and run away.

"Hey wait, stop!" Luffy shouts to stop them and the pirates keep running and fall off the mountain.

"That's what I was saying..." '[Who cares...]'


After that whole fiasco we finally go down the underground passage and find a lone wooden door. As we open it, we find an empty room with only one chair and a skeleton with captain's clothes adorned on him. Tobio starts flipping out until his grandpa calms him down and suddenly Usopp who also went in notices that the walls have writings on them made by Woonan himself.

"To the people who came here for the gold. My name is Woonan. Formerly known as the 'Great Gold Pirate' but now I'm just a man waiting to die. All the gold I've gathered has been returned to its rightful owners. This was a battle. To fulfill my childhood dream and to build a mountain of gold, the likes of which have never been seen before."

"But as I sit before it, the words a man once said to me comes to my mind. 'Gold can't laugh, it's just like a rock.' It's true. The thing I devoted my entire life to, it wasn't the gold. It was the adventure to find the gold. There's no gold here anymore. But instead, a treasure that's even more valuable. To others, this might be worthless. But to me, this is plenty. Please do not destroy this place. This is where my most precious treasure sleeps."

We see Ganzo taking something off from the skeleton and he reveals it to be the previously torn flag that Woonan made when he was a kid.

'My gawd this whole shit show was some power of friendship bullshit with journey being more important than the goal.' [How touching... It would be so much better if the gold was still here though instead of this bullshit.]

We say goodbye to Tobio and Ganzo and start sailing away as me and Nami check our loot.

"With these we can hopefully survive until Baratie." I look at all the provicions that have been stored.

"And I've got my treasures back and theirs too!" Nami gleefully says while hugging the huge sacks of treasure.

"Riiiight..." I just roll my eyes since money isn't important right now since Arlong hasn't been made into fish paste yet since if I remember right Nami left the money back in the village instead of taking it with her.

[Petty bastard.] 'Hey! We both know how much I value what is mine!' [Yeah, yeah. You are actually ready to rip off Luffy's eyes if he broke your stuff.]

'What's mine is mine and anyone messing with anything that belongs to me gets a death sentence.'

Dravde Dravde

The power of friendship! Finally the movie plot is over. So damn dissapointing. I'd expect this from a Pokemon movie. Anyways next is finally Baratie!

It's so hard to get a comfy schedule going now that I'm back to work. We'll see when everything gets stabilized.

Happy readings everybody~!

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