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Chapter 2: Delta Labs

Walking along the side of the street every car that passes by is like slamming him with a baseball bat or being electrocuted, constantly throwing off his electromagnetic sense.

Rubbing the side of his head he tries to filter out the disturbances, but to no avail.

Looking around he sees all the large square and rectangular glass buildings, people talking and texting on their cell phones, and the lines and lines of cars waiting at red lights. Seeing all this he can't help shake his head.

"Magneto could end an entire city with a flick of his wrist if he wanted to, and here I am struggling to filter out peoples cell phone conversations."

Looking at the tall octagonal building getting closer and closer he picks up his pace.

After walking for three hours he finally arrives at the front steps leading towards Delta Labs. Looking at the large glass front doors flanked by two security guards he can't help but smile and stride forward.

"Hey Carl, Devon, working hard I see." Without missing a beat he greets the security guards and reaches for the door.

"John, I haven't seen you for a few days, where have you been?" The guard on the left smiles lightly as he returns his greetings.

"Yea, we thought you might have quit coming."

Opening the door he returns the smile "Quit? No way, this clinical trial is putting the food on my table." John takes a step inside the building without waiting for their reply.

A rush of cool air brushes against his face with the closing of the door. Inside a very spacious lobby area comes into view with beautiful tile floors and a metallic reception desk. Besides the desk, there are large sofas scattered around the lobby in pairs for groups to sit and have meetings or conversations. At the back of the lobby are a group of five elevators and a door leading to the emergency stairs.

Without even looking at the beautiful receptionist John heads towards the elevator in large strides and presses the call button.

Hearing the clicking of the shoes making contact with the tiles causes the receptionist to look at John, but seeing who it is she does nothing and continues to file her nails.

It only takes a few seconds for an empty elevator to arrive. Stepping inside he looks at the column of buttons, ranging from one to thirty. Without even reaching out his hand the button for floor twenty-five lights up and the doors begin to close.

Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes he reaches into his pocket and grabs the nails. Every floor the elevator climbs causes a soft ding to sound in the small metal box, and every ding causes his heart to beat faster than the last as he tries to calm down.

"Nineteen" His chest heaves up and down and the elevator shakes "Twenty" As he counts the twentieth ding beads of sweat begin to form on his forehead.

"Have you thought about your second and third wish?"

Suddenly the voice in his head breaks his concentration, causing his rapid heartbeat to slowly calm down.

"Yes, but if I make this wish now can you wait till I finish here before you grant them?"

The elevator arrives on the twenty-second floor as he waits in silence. "Ok, just hurry, you've held up enough of my time."

John nods slightly, not even fazed by the voices words. "For my second wish, I want to be reborn into the world of One Piece during the year of Gol D. Rogers death on January 1st while retaining all my memories. I want to be born a healthy human boy with talent in all three forms of Haki and the ability to eat one of each category of devil fruit while retaining my first wish. I want to be born in the same area Baby 5 will be born at."

"Opening the lion's mouth with details this time I see."

"Can you do it?" His brows wrinkle slightly as he starts to panic, if this can't be done all the plans he thought of are ruined.

"Of course, be glad that you messed up your first wish. If you got Magnetos full power with his decades of experience you wouldn't even be able to get a second or third wish."

A smile returns to his face at the same time he arrives on the twenty-fourth floor. "For my third wish, I want the ability to summon any item in the world to my hand just by thinking of the name and wanting it."

Soon the final ding sounds and the elevator doors begin to open.

"Sorry, space-time transition is a very powerful ability. Based on your other two wishes, the best you can get is ten items big enough for you to hold in your hands."

As the door fully opens an old man dressed in a white coat and grey hair comes into view. The moment he sees John his face instantly warps. "John, what are you doing here, didn't you get the letter?" Spit flies as he points his finger.

"Deal." Completely ignoring his saliva filled face John pulls his right hand from his pocket and slowly opens his palm, revealing the twenty nails.

"What?!? What are you tal-"

Before the man can even finish his sentence a nail flies from John's hand like a bullet, deeply embedding itself in the middle of the man's forehead.

As the man crumbles down like wet toilet paper John steps over his body with a stone cold face.

His left-hand stretches out and slowly begin to rotate. The buttons to call the elevators begin to spark and soon the entire panel is ripped from the wall. Moving his hand slightly towards the door his fingers begin to dance in the air. Soon the door locks and the sound of metal creeks as the doorknob is warped beyond recognition.

Looking to the right he sees the receptionist madly dialing on the phone.

"Police! Police! Help there's been a murder on the twenty-fifth floor of the Delta building!"

Shaking his head he ignores the woman and walks down the white-tiled hall. "Nineteen more to go."

"We bring you to the location of this breaking news coverage, the Delta building." A young woman stands in front of a camera holding a microphone.

"S.W.A.T. just arrived on the scene a moment ago and sources say the national guard are on their way. It all started an hour ago with a 911 call claiming a murder took place on the twenty-fifth floor."

The camera pans up, showing billowing black smoke coming from the twenty-fifth to thirtieth-floor windows.

"Now we are suspecting a terrorist attack and multiple hostage situations. As far as we know, there are over one hundred scientists on those floors and their deaths will push back the medical research by decades." Suddenly the woman pauses.

Holding her hand to her ear her face begins to scrunch. "We just got word, S.W.A.T. is storming the building. Hostages on the inside say he has killed all scientist on the thirtieth floor and may start killing hostages."

The camera pans towards the front doors. People are madly dashing outside the building, and heavily armed men are rushing inside.

On the thirtieth floor, John stands in a pool of blood. His hands pointed at a large machine as his body drips in sweat and face contorts in pain.

"You body isn't strong enough, your mutant gene is causing the cancer to run rampant through your body as you become stronger."

"I used my ability for three days straight and felt nothing like this?!" Blood pours from the sides of his mouth as he struggles to speak.

"Strength will always advance faster if used in combat or a high-stress environment."

"Ahhhhhh!" His hands begin to tremble and the machine begins to billow smoke from the inside. Blood drips from his nose and ears as power drains from his body. His hands drop lifelessly to his sides as he struggles to breathe.

"Ok" His chest heaves up and down "I'm ready."

"In order for me to reincarnate you, you must die first as I don't have the ability to kill."

John stands in silence for a moment. Taking a step forward he grabs a chair and slowly drags it into the hallway. Sitting down he looks at the door leading to the stairwell. "I didn't think it would take this long, who knew the other floors were experimenting as well."

Silence lingers in the long hallway. Behind the reception desk, a woman huddles in a corner and silently prays.

"What's death like?" His face is calm, not even a trace of fear for his upcoming death can be seen.

"Would you like to exchange one of your wishes to know?"

Smiling wryly he slowly shakes his head. Using his sleeve he wipes some of the blood staining his mouth. "I'm sure you won't tell me what you are or why you picked me, but thank you. After I die will I still be able to talk to you again?"

A few seconds go by with no response. Closing his eyes he can feel weak electromagnetic fields standing outside the door, waiting to burst in.


The voice sounds one last time in his head.

"Then this is goodbye." Placing his hands on his legs he struggles to stand for the last time.

The door slams open as seven men with assault rifles storm the hall, their weapons trained on John.

"Put your hands in the air right now!" The men begin to yell as they creep forward.

"I've always been a man on borrowed time since the day my parents sacrificed their lives to save mine. So this life I won't kill the innocent to protect their sacrifice, but my next life I shall be king."

Lifting his hands into the air he slowly spreads his fingers. Suddenly light clicking sounds spread throughout the hall.

The swat team stop advancing and look towards the ground. At their feet are over twenty grenade pins. "What?"

Suddenly a burst of white light and high pitched screeching echoes throughout the hall causing all the swat members to drop to the ground in pain.

John fiercely opens his eyes and twitches his wrist causing a gun to fly towards his left hand. Pointing the gun at the swat members he slowly opens his mouth. "He's got a gun!"

Not even thinking who said it due to the loud ringing in their ears, the swat members aim their rifles and fire blindly down the hall.

John raises his right palm towards the oncoming barrage of bullets as they shred through his body.

A fierce burning pain runes throughout his entire body as the feeling of death overtakes him. The gunfire finally stops and his vision begins to fade. Using the last bit of will he gets one final glimpse at three bullets floating in the air. The gun drops from his hands into the pool of blood at his feet. As his eyes close he drops to the ground.

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