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Chapter 22: Destiny: Organ Islands

After killing Oyag, Shun went back to Toma and asked him.

"I guess this is not Gally since he was calling himself Oyag tell me does he have a bounty?"

"Y-yes he is the vice-captain of Gally's pirates, his name is Henna Oyag with a bounty of 1,200,000 bellys!" Toma replied with surprise in his tone.

Shun looked like someone a little older bigger than him and yet he could kill a 1,200,000 bellys pirate easily. He wondered if he could reach such strength someday.

Although he was a little afraid of Shun's indifference when he killed pirates, he had a great hatred for these pirates since they ravaged his village and killed several villagers who were known to him.

*What...? I didn't think he was going to have a bounty since he was very weak, his captain Gally has half the bounty that Eldorrago had 2 years ago, but now his bounty might have gone up, still, it would be good to face this Gally to know if, with my current strength, I can defeat a 5,000,000 belly pirate* Shun thought.

He had to confirm how much strength he has compared to the pirate's bounty, so Gally was the perfect target.

"S-shun-san please save my village. I will do whatever you want" Toma said as he put his head on the floor of the ship bringing Shun out of his thoughts.

Shun looked at him silently with a weird face and then replied:

"It's okay anyway I needed to go through the Organ islands, but don't say strange things that can be misunderstood"

"T-thank you so much Shun-san!" Toma said with a happy expression.

"But what do you mean by strange things-"

"Never mind, just go free your friends or whatever and explain the situation to them" Before Toma could finish his question Shun interrupted him.

"Y-yes it's true they must be very tired from being locked up for so long" Toma said and immediately went to free the villagers.

Meanwhile, Shun started to move through the air his boat where Po was towards the pirate ship.

In the cells of the pirate ship was Toma looking for the keys to free the villagers.

"Toma what are you doing here, what happened, why was there so much shooting and screaming?" asked a young girl of about 18 with brown hair.

"Chihiro-san don't worry, we are safe!" replied Toma in a happy tone.

"What, did the marines arrive?" Chihiro said with a happy expression, thinking that the marines had been in charge of defeating the pirates.

"Our luck isn't bad, I knew it was only a matter of time before they heard about us!" Said another young girl with tears in her eyes. This was Hana.

The other imprisoned villagers were also cheering happily as they had been through hell since the attack.

In the cells were 5 people, 2 young women, 2 young men, and a boy of about 6 years old.

"No, it wasn't the marines Chichiro-san. It was a boy named Kimura Shun, the pirates attacked his boat and he defeated them, he jumped and flew high in the sky falling to the ship and leaving all the pirates dumbfounded, that's great!" Said Toma excitedly recalling the scene where Shun soared into the air and plummeted towards the ship.

"Plus he said he'll help us save our village from Gally's pirates!" he added with a smile.

"WHAT!?" Exclaimed the 5 people surprised that one guy alone defeated all the pirates and it wasn't the marines.

The young doubted Toma's words, for not only were there many pirates with swords and weapons, but they also knew there was Oyag who had a bounty.

"Hey, are you sure...?" Said a young man with doubt in his eyes.

"Yes! If not how else do you think I am here without anyone doing anything to me?" Toma said trying to convince him.

After releasing them, they quickly went up to the deck of the ship. When they arrived what they saw left them in shock.

Scattered all over the deck were the 10 pirates with slash wounds and some from bullets. Even one of those corpses belonged to Oyag.

They knew these pirates well as they were the same ones who attacked their village and kidnapped them, they were very fierce, but now they were dead and with a look of terror on their faces.



All 5 of them were shocked except Toma, then they turned their gaze to a black haired boy with navy blue eyes who was sitting on a box, in his gaze you could tell indifference to the scene in front of his eyes.

Shun felt indifferent, as he treated these pirates like the wild beasts he hunted before. Even the wild beasts he had more respect for, as they hunted for food and did not go around selling slaves or killing for fun.

This was none other than Shun who directed his gaze on these 5 people. When they saw Shun's gaze on them they felt a chill.

"Do any of you know how to drive a ship?" Shun asked in his characteristic monotone.

After a brief silence, one of the young men answered:

"I-I know something, I was taught by my father when we sailed to other islands."

"Well here's a compass" Shun nodded tossing the compass to him for guidance.

"The destination is the Organ Islands" Shun added.

"W-well" Replied the young man hesitated to go back to the Organ Islands since Gally's Pirates were there, but he was afraid of the aura Shun gave off so he obeyed.

Shun did not know of this boy's thoughts as he had his usual look. And his goal was not to make these people afraid of him.

The atmosphere was uncomfortable as the 5 people were afraid of Shun, even if he saved them it is shocking the scene of 10 pirates slaughtered easily by a boy younger than them.

"Shun-san is that...?" asked Toma when he noticed the presence of an animal that wasn't there before.

"This is Po a simple duck" Shun said introducing Ryuu.

"Quack..." Grunted Po a bit annoyed by Shun's introduction.

Toma was surprised because in front of him was a 2 meter tall duck, he had never seen such a tall duck before.

The other people turned their surprised gazes to Po. From the previous scene, they had not noticed this big duck.

"How cute, it's so soft!" said Chihiro as she swooped down and happily stroked Po.

"Wow he's so tall, I want a pet like that too!" commented the little boy who before because of everything he experienced had a scared expression.

Po straightened up and had a smug look on his face as everyone hugged and petted him, thanks to him the awkward atmosphere went away.

"Shun-san, Po is great how did you become friends with him?" asked Toma.

"It's a long story and we don't have time, we should go to Organ Islands" Shun replied not caring about petting this pretentious duck.

"Y-you're right sorry for asking meaningless things" Toma said in an apologetic tone.

Shun noticed the look on Toma's face. After a brief silence, he said:

"Mm it's okay, I'll tell you the story since we have time while we sail anyway."

He wasn't used to being nice to people other than his family, but when he noticed Toma's look he felt a little bad.

"Thank you!" Toma said with a smile.

"It's nothing to be thankful for"

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