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Chapter 22: Mariejoa : the holy land


Strong winds blew as the sun eventually got engulfed by the horizon, the dark clouds in the sky signified that a storm was approaching. In this gloomy weather, standing as impassable wall was the red-line.

This wall or rather a continent made up of reddish minerals stood at a insurmountable height as it touched the clouds in the sky, it ran as deep as 10,000 feet below the sea making the process of getting to the other side very arduous.

The Red-line had seemed to always stand as a barrier that separated the four seas. It tore the Grandline into two parts, Paradise and the New World.

Atop the Red Line at the halfway point of the Grand Line where the Red Line and the Grand Line cross stood the capital city of the world, the Mariejoa.

 The holy land of Mariejoa was the capital of the world government filled with powerful officials and elites that ruled the world. It was also a place filled with wretched Celestial Dragons, God's knights and slaves.

This symbol of oppression and control had no dangers against it as no one was crazy enough to challenge the world government, but at this moment one individual was set on doing the impossible as he was climbing the Red-line.

This man could be seen climbing the red line with his bare hands and he was almost at the top. With each grunt and deep breath he held onto rocks for support as he slowly progressed upwards.

The strong wind that swayed his body in addition to the clouds that made visibility difficult added to his struggle but his will was dominant as he continued to climb to achieve his goals.

He had planned about this since the day he had escaped and no power in the world would stop him today.

After a strong struggle against nature's powers it finally bore fruit as he reached the top.

He pulled himself over and laid down on his back in exhaustion. He took deep breaths and took time to relax to get his body ready for what he was about to do. His actions might seem crazy to some but if he hadn't done it then his heavy heart would be sure to take his soul in the coming years.

After making sure that his body was rejuvenated and ready for any trouble thrown at him, he followed a path that he had memorized since his days as a slave.

There were several guards patrolling the area. Their patterns and routine had already been calculated before hand and under the cover of bushes he avoided being seen. He avoided all attention this way and managed to slip into the main city.

Hiding behind a wall he looked all around to see familiar sights that had given him nightmares in the past. After seeing that the coast was clear he sneakily walked over to a large mansion as jumped high and grabbed a ledge pulling himself over.

He had made sure that he got his timing right and if everything was going according to his plan then this place should have been empty today. All the celestial Dragons should be out playing their 'hunting game'.

He walked over to a balcony and entered by breaking the doorknob as stealthily as possible.

Opening the door he saw a dark room with several fancy furniture and exotic looking fruits on the table. He seemed to be in a living room. His timing must have been right as no one seemed to be home.

He went to one of the rooms next the living room as he saw a big cupboard. Opening it he was met with equipment and torture devices that haunted his nightmares. He saw a black whip as he clutched his chest when remembering a certain memory.

He shook his head as he muttered, "I can't keep getting stuck like this. I have to be quick". He looked beside the whip to see a collection of keys held by a large ring.

He grabbed the keys and quickly but carefully made his way down into the basement of the mansion as that's where all the slaves were usually kept. Taking a spiral staircase downwards he reached a large wooden door.

He opened the door as he stepped in the see a sight that he was very familiar with. It was a long hallway with rows prison cell running from his sides to the end of the hall. It was dark in here the only source of light being torches, the smell of death was eminent, the temperature down here seems to be way cooler than upstairs and the only sound that could be heard were rattling of chains and tiny whimpers .

Due to his sharp ears he heard the whispers all around him,

"I thought they were gone for today"

"I…. Can't take this anymore…."

"Please…. Not… me.. Not this time"

He frowned as he immediately went up to grab a torch and exclaimed loudly, "Don't be afraid. I'm not one of them. I've come to free all of you".

The whispers were silenced as the clanking of chains ensued and they came closer.

On his right a coarse voice called out, "Wait I know that voice, Tiger?", a man with spiky red hair came into the light of torch.

He had long arms with three joints with several scars on his chest. He was a tall man with lean and thin build. On his wrist and ankles were metal chains.

"I thought you died", said the man as he came closer . Now that he saw a familiar face he was no longer afraid.

Tiger smirked, "I'm happy to see that you are still alive Sevta".

Sevta smirked as he ran his hand over his chest to show scars that had been made through whipping,

"It'll take more than some weaklings with whips to kill me", he laughed before stopping, "They did take one of toes though".

Fisher Tiger who was a red skinned sea bream fish-men started to unlock the cell of his dear friend before unlocking the chains. He did not comment on his friends dark humor as he knew that it was his coping mechanism.

"Help me free the rest of them", he muttered as he handed several keys to Sevta.

Together they unlocked all the cells and helped people out of their chains.

The men who were freed cried with relief as they felt a semblance of hope that they might finally be free.

"Now you all must do as I say to escape ", commanded Fisher Tiger as he caught the attention of the whole group who gave him their full attention .

"We will now go over to the women chambers and free them as well. We must do this as quietly as possible because their cells are not in the basement and any noise can alert the guards."

" After we free them we will kill as many guards as we can as quickly and efficiently as possible. We will then head to other houses before freeing the slaves over there as well. We need as many people as we can get for the plan to work. I will take most of the men with me so that we can cause a distraction and let most of the people escape in the chaos. If we don't work together then we won't be able to escape. Most of us may get injured or may die. I hope you all are prepared. ", Tiger hoped that these men were willing to do what was necessary.

The men around had a serious expression now as they nodded , they knew that most of them might die in the process but if they can help others escape then they will put their life down willingly.

Sevta smirked as he patted Tiger on the shoulder, "Don't worry, death is way better than being captured again that's for sure".

"Yeah… I won't be able to face my family if only I managed to escape while I left behind all the women and children", one of the more muscular gentlemen joked as he crossed his arms. The slaves around him also smiled and nodded as they shared the same sentiment.

Tiger smirked at this before turning towards the staircase, "Come on we don't have much time".

The men then proceeded towards the women prison cells. The slaves were always kept in separate areas according to their sexes as the celestial dragons had different uses for them.

What they saw inside made most of the almost throw up as they gritted their teeth in anger. Most of the female slaves wore thorn clothes or no clothes at all with several cut marks with bruises all over their body.

The men had entered expecting the worst but couldn't help expressing their disgust when they saw several little kids in the same state.

They immediately rushed to open the cells as some of them went to go grab some proper clothes.

The slaves were filled with joy and sadness when they realized that they were finally being freed. Most of them wept bitterly as they held each other for comfort. They thanked their saviors from the bottom of their hearts as they had almost given up hope on ever leaving this hell.

Fisher Tiger smiled at the scene as he now knew that he has made the right decision in coming back. His heart felt lighter and lighter with every smile and face full of hope, he was especially joyful when little kids came to him to thank him. Although they were humans and he was a fish man they treated him without discrimination and instead were very thankful.

After they had informed the women and children of their plans and got them proper attires they headed out of the mansion in groups.

Fisher Tiger led the charge as he snuck around grabbing any guard and killing them stealthily. The groups followed carefully and quietly as they entered several other houses and repeated the process.

They armed themselves with weapons and guns that had been left behind by the celestial dragons. While they left several bomb charges in the buildings they left behind.

 After several houses were freed of slaves the guards finally managed to grab that something was going on as alarm bells started to go off.

"Shit! We have been found", Sevta cursed as he crushed a guard's throat with his hands.

Fisher Tiger looked at all the women and children before he told Sevta, " Go towards the lifts with all the women and children. Take some men with you. I'll try to buy you guys more time", he commanded with authority.

Sevta believed in Tiger with his whole heart as he did what he said.


The men raised their weapons as they shouted war cries in response. Fisher Tiger immediately set of the charges as several buildings blew up while the rest caught fire.

The marching of feet could be heard approaching them as all the men readied themselves. Several guards with spears could be seen charging towards them through the dust of the explosives.

Fisher Tiger stood at the front as he along with all the men charged forwards. They shouted with rage as they remembered all their sufferings and they were filled determination to fight and survive no matter what.

The two sides collided as Fisher Tiger tore through the front line. The bodies of several guards were sent flying into the air as the rest of the guards clashed with the slaves.


[Paradise ; Sabody]

Throughout the seas in every island that had a video transponder dendenmushi there were crowds formed around it. The sound of chatter reverberated throughout the groves of the Sabaody archipelago. Even some pirates could been seen peeping at the big screen laid before them as they hid behind buildings.

"Ugh! Why do we have to be here?", a marine soldier lamented his fate as his companion beside him smirked.

"I don't see how it's a bad thing, you should be happy to be stationed here. Don't you know what's going to be shown today?", asked the cheerful marine.

"Huh? How is being stationed for crowd control lucky?", he had no clue as to why his friend was very cheerful at the prospect of being made to keep the crowd in check.

The cheerful marine sighed as he rummaged through his pockets and pullout a folded piece of paper.

"Here, open and see it for yourself", handing it to his friend he expected his friend to understand without saying anything.

The grumpy marine rolled his eyes before reading the contents of the poster. In a split second his eyes widened immediately as he shouted, "Hey! Isn't this the singer from three years ago?".

He clutched the poster tightly in his fist as he gritted his teeth, "That bastard!! He said it'll only be two years".

The cheerful marine chuckled, "Yeah yeah but he's back now so just be happy. The poster said he'll only be performing a single song today before he starts to release songs on the regular again. I hope it'll be a good show".

The grumpy marine sighed as he slopped his shoulders, "Only one song, damn. Well I hope it's at least a good one, I'm expecting some explosions".

"Also are we sure it's the same guy, isn't he supposed to be the golden king? Then why is he shown with a black costume in the poster?", he added.

His friend held his chin as contemplated his friend's question but just shrugged his shoulders as he had no idea.

"I guess we will just have to see"


[New world]

A huge blimp was floating through the night sky . It's appearance hidden from the below by several clouds surrounding it.

"Hmp! I hope your boss can deliver on his promise or suffer the consequences. Remember I have several contacts in the underworld", a hidden figure could be seen in a dark room talking through a dendenmushi.

"Don't worry the performance today will be really bombastic~", a feminine voice cooed through the dendenmushi, "I just hope you fulfill your promise of streaming it throughout the new world as well".

"Lady if it's good enough as your boss promised then there won't be a soul in the New World that won't know about the performance", the dark figure mocked.

"I hope so~. Did the parcel we sent you reached properly?", the lady asked.

" Ah, the rectangular piece of metal with a glass on the front? Yeah I have received that construction", the figure laughed with delight.

"I've got to say this magical instrument seems almost revolutionary but I can name several things that has to twined with it. If your boss ever wants to mass produce it then you should contact me", the figure replied with a slight greed in his tone.

"Hehe~ I'll inform him about it. The performance will be transferred over there just incase the government manages to turn the video dendenmushi off. If you follow the instructions we sent you then you can also stream it from there", the voice instructed with fine etiquette.

"Hahaha, I don't know what you guys are planning that will make the government turn the dendenmushies off but I'll keep your suggestion in mind", the figure now suddenly rose from his chair as his body began to transform.

The moonlight from a nearby window now clearly illuminated his body. His body was covered in white feathers, and he had a large tail and wings that resemble human arms. He wore a blue top hat with a large striped feather in it, a light blue button-down shirt with a yellow bow on the top, red and white checkered pants, a dark cape, and shoes that fit his bird-like feet. His appearance resembled a large albatross bird.

"Thanks for working with us, Morgans *gatcha*", the voice in the dendenmushi exclaimed before the dendenmushi connect was cut off.



The sounds of metal clashing against metal resounded throughout the holy place as blood ran like rivers. Now the guards seemed to be struggling against the slaves as more and more slaves were freed and joined the rebellion. One of the guards in a tower nearby was seeing this massacre gapped through the binoculars.

"Call the marine headquarters!!", one of the guards in a tall tower exclaimed.

A guard who was clutching a dendenmushi was sweating profusely as he shouted back, "The call won't go through!! The signal has been jammed!!".

The tower guard grimaced, "Shit! Even the holy guards won't be returning soon! Isn't there anyone else who didn't go on the hunt today!!?".

But before the guard at the bottom could answer a figure cane before them. They both smiled as they believed that their prayer had been answered.

"Why didn't you guys get me sooner?", the figure in a white mask asked.

The guards now sweated bullets as they bowed and apologized, "S-sorry sir! We didn't know that you were here today".

"Tch!", the man knew the guards thought less of him as he had a bad reputation amongst the CP0 agents so he assumed that the guards were deliberately keeping him uninformed.

The guards who had genuinely no such intentions were unaware of the agent's self victimization

"I'll handle those revolting insects. You guys gather a troop and put out the fire before it spreads", the figure commanded as he ran out of the window.


Fisher Tiger panted as he punched his hundredth guard to oblivion. Although the number of guards has thinned since before he did not let his guard down as he knew it was only a moment before marines would be coming over here. Only if he had a way of jamming the signals then would he be able to have fought for more time.

Time was ticking and he needed to leave soon. He turned towards the rest of the men at the back who were slightly injured, "Turn back all of you who can't fight anymore. Use the lifts, Sevta must have seized the control already", he shouted.

The men at the back frowned before nodding and thanking Fisher Tiger as they started to head towards the lifts.

The rest of the men continued to fight against the wave of guards that seemed to keep pouring out over and over.

Fisher Tiger turned towards the guards but suddenly he heard a cry from far away. He turned his head towards a building as he used observation haki. His eyes widened as he realized something, 'Someone is still left!', he thought as he immediately rushed towards the voice.

"Hold them! I'll be back soon!!", he shouted towards the men.

He punched through the door of a burning mansion as he immediately started to rush towards the direct of the voice. He rushed up the stairs as he entered a smoky hallway. Every furniture seemed to have caught fire.

He closed his eyes and concentrated to find the person. 'To the right!', he rushed forwards as he turned right to be met with a large metal door. He looked beside him to see an aquarium with dead fishes which he immediately broke,

"Fish man karate: ten thousand tile true fist!!", he shouted as he pulled his right fist back while the water started circling around his fist.

He punched the metal door with force as the whole mansion shook. The metal door immediately collapsed under the great force. Dust and ash rose and filled the air as he entered the room.

Inside he saw three little girls chained to the wall. One of them had black hair while the two around her had green and orange.

The girls shuddered a bit when Tiger entered the room but soon realized that it wasn't a celestial dragon or a guard. Fisher Tiger ignored the look of fear as he went towards them and struck at the chains. The girls closed their eyes in fear but soon learned that Tiger meant no harm.

The chains came loose and broke as the girls were now free.

"Can you walk?", Tiger asked in a hurried tone.

The girls looked at one another before the black girl nodded.

"Good", Tiger exclaimed as he looked back to see that the hallway had completely erupted into flames.

He frowned before turning towards the wall, "Stand back", he gestured towards the girls.

The girls huddled together as they stood behind Tiger. He closed his fist tightly as he used the same technique he had used on the door. The walls shook before the wall that came into contact with his fist crumbled and broke to reveal the outside world.

Tiger bent down as he gestured the girls to get on top of him. The girls were a bit reluctant at first as they did not want to trouble their savior any further. But when they saw the height they were in they relented and got on his back.

Fisher Tiger got near the edge as he jumped off with his strong legs . The girls clung to his back tightly as they feared that they will fall. Fisher Tiger landed near the slaves as he scanned his surroundings.

It seemed that they had lost several slaves in the fight but the guards were also defeated. The girls peeked from Tiger's back as they saw the carnage. Several guts lay on the ground as pools of blood and torn flesh covered the battleground. The girls shivered for a bit but steeled their heart as they expected to see this scene when they heard the voices of battle from the mansion.

"Time to go. Turn back, head towards the lifts!!", Fisher Tiger shouted.

The men followed his command as they were left towards the lifts. Fisher Tiger carried the girls on his back as he didn't want to be left behind if they couldn't run fast enough.

Fisher Tiger smirked when he reached the lifts and could see Sevta waving back at him.

When they reached the lifts they could see that two out of the three lifts hand been lowered but one was still here.

"I was almost thinking that you were dead", Sevta joked as he stared at Fisher Tiger. He raised his eyebrows when he saw a girl with black hair popping her head out of his back.

"I thought we got everyone", he muttered to himself.

"Let's go Sevta, we have no time to waste", Fisher Tiger exclaimed in a rushed tone, "The marines might be here any moment".

Sevta nodded with a serious look and turned towards the lever which controlled the lifts. He held the lever with his hand as he ushered the slaves to get in. But before anyone could enter the lifts a boomerang flew through the air as it sliced the ropes of the lift.

The lift fell Immediately as several more boomerangs flew through the air as several slaves and Sevta were hit.

"Argh!!", they shouted in pain as the boomerangs were embedded into their legs.

Fisher Tiger turned around with wide eyes as he scanned for the enemy. He bent down to place the girls on the ground as he might have to engage in a fight. The girls were scared at what had happened just then. They were so close to escape but their only way out had fallen into the ground.

Fisher Tiger looked ahead to see a figure coming out of the smoke of burning buildings.

The figure wore a white suit with a white mask. He had a tall figure with non visible muscles. He walked slowly with his arms crossed before his chest, he snapped his fingers as two boomerangs showed up in his hands.

"You pests can't escape today. You have already caused enough trouble", he exclaimed as he started quickening his pace.

'A CP0 agent!! I thought they would be out today, why is this one still here! ', Tiger cursed in his head as he rushed forward to meet the agent in a clash.

Tiger darkened his fist before he punched the agent. The agent countered by hitting the fist with his boomerang while he threw the other one over his head. Tiger dodged the boomerang as he tilted his head before trying to head-butt the agent but he moved back to dodge.

Tiger kept punching the agent but he blocked with his boomerangs. After each punch the boomerang broke but the man always seemed to get more out of his sleeves.

"Fishman karate : shark skin palm thrust!!!", Tiger pulled back his right arm before thrusting his palm towards Labet.

Labet used held his boomerangs before his chest as he used armament haki. The palm clashed with the boomerangs as the vibration caused the ground nearby to crack.

Labet gritted his teeth when he noticed that he was being pushed back, he decided to relent as he directed the palm upwards before doing a backflip and moving several feet back. Fisher Tiger didn't let him relax as he immediately charged at him.

The fight continued as Sevta tried get the other lifts to rise back up.

Labet now saw that the fight was pretty even and if he does not do anything fast then the slaves might escape. He thought of an idea as he immediately jumped back and threw a black boomerang at Tiger.

Tiger without any thought punched the boomerang but the second his fist made contact with it the boomerang exploded into black dust.


Tiger had inhaled some dust as he now coughed violently while clutching his throat. He waved the dust away as he saw that the agent had set a trap. The agent threw ten boomerangs at the slaves behind him from all.

Tiger gritted his teeth as he punched the air before him

" Fishman karate: Arabesque brick fist!!!", the force from his fist radiated out in a wide radius as the boomerangs trembled before falling down on the ground.

Tiger sighed in relief but suddenly felt something from his back. A silver metallic sharp boomerang had been thrown out of the range of the fist as it made it way backwards.

He turned back fast trying to clutch the boomerang but it slipped from his grasps as it headed towards the little girls that he had saved before.

The slaves all around wanted to rush towards the girls to save them but the boomerangs in their legs made it very difficult. They could only close their eyes to not see a brutal sight before them.

The trio saw the boomerang as they were frozen with fear but the black haired girl in a split second gritted her teeth and placed her body in the direction of the boomerang.

"Noo!! Sis-Hancock!!", the other sisters who were pushed away shouted in fear for their elder sister.

She wasn't afraid to give up her life if it meant that her sisters could live. She closed her eyes as she anticipated the boomerang to pierce her body.

Tiger flinched at the sight as the boomerang was now inches away from the girl.

Labet was ready to take advantage of an emotionally unstable Tiger so he waited until the girl died.

The little girl closed her eyes and waited to feel an intense pain but it never came. Opening her eyes she saw a very strange sight before her.

The boomerang had stopped inches away from her chest as it now stayed floating in the air.

Tiger's mouth lay agape as he stared at the miracle before him.

The two sisters now rushed towards Hancock as they hugged each other while crying tears of joy at their sister still being alive due to certain intervention divine or of human origin.

Labet's body went stiff as he didn't expect this to happen. He immediately looked around to see if anyone was here who was responsible for this. But no one seemed to be here except for the slaves.

He now suspected that It must have been one of the slaves since the celestial dragons were always keen on feeding the slaves devil fruits for their own amusement. He really wouldn't be surprised if one of them had the power to stop his boomerangs.

"Which one of you is responsible for this!!", he said through gritted teeth and threw more boomerangs but they all seemed to be just stopped in the air but one of the boomerangs flew backwards and went out of sight but Labet did not notice it in panic.

Tiger was now up and prepared to protect the girls. He was confused as to what was happening but didn't question it further. He placed his body before the girls.

He turned his head towards the girls a bit as he asked, " Did one of you do this?", he was curious whether one of them was a devil fruit user or not.

The girls shook their head and denied any responsibility for the strange sight.

"We are devil fruit users but that wasn't us", exclaimed Hancock , the black haired eldest sister.

'Then who could it be?', sweat rolled down Tiger's temple as he stared at the agent before him but then when he laid eyes on what was approaching in the sky behind him he froze.

The agent also seemed to be very agitated now. He was very paranoid as to what was happening. He gritted his teeth and decided to focus on the Fishman for now.

But when he looked the Fishman he saw that the Fishman wasn't focused on him but instead was staring past him with wide eyes.

Labet now felt goosebumps all over his body. He slowly turned his head and saw a sight that left his eyes wide open.


[A few minutes earlier]

"Hmm~ hmm~ ", a man with a black suit hummed a soft tune.

He was seated on a throne made up of metal as he tapped his fingers to a special rhythm.

He wore a black suit with a black shirt under it and black pants accompanied by black curved shoes. He wore several rings around his finger with several designs showing animals.

This man had long green hair which was kept in a slick back manner as it reached his shoulders. He had a lean tall muscular build as his clothes hugged his body tightly to show off his large muscles.

 He wore a pair of green shades that hid his eyes and rested on his long bridged nose. His square jaw seemed to be sharp and looked like a perfect sculpture. The golden earrings jingled as he swayed his head to a rhythm of his making.

He suddenly stopped as he pressed an instrument in his ear,

"I think it's time. I hope you are ready Bacaratt", he smirked as got up from his throne and started walking forward.

The throne immediately dematerialized as it got absorbed into the platform.

"It's ShowTime!", he snapped his fingers and suddenly the platform trembled as it started to rise higher and higher.

The platform could now be seen clearly to show it looked like a giant floating stage the size of a battle ship. The stage continued to rise as it eventually reached the skies. The floating stage started soaring through the skies. It quickly gained speed as It started to move forward.

The man tapped his foot as a mic rose from the floor with several flying spherical devices with lenses attached to them. The flying spheres then flew around the stage as the stage started to get surrounded by black clouds.

The stage was now covered with black clouds and could not be seen from the outside at all.

"Damn, Fisher Tiger really did a number on Mariejoa.

But sadly I'm going to do something far worse", he smirked as he now sensed that the stage was directly above Mariejoa.

He raised his eyebrow as he sensed a fighting going on near the edge where the lifts would be. He felt several life forms but what intrigued him were three small life energies.

He smirked before holding his ear as he muttered, "Yeah… at the lifts…. Yeah…. Thanks Tannaka".

As he got closer his observation haki sensed more details . At that instant he knew how many people were there and what everyone was doing.

He raised his palm and squeezed as he felt that he had stopped it at the right time. The weapon that as heading for one if the small life force was stopped. He felt a bit strange as he recognize the shape of this weapon.

The man now smirked as he opened his palm and something flew into it. It was a boomerang.

He grinned evilly, "It's payback time."

"Baccarat start the stream"


The slaves stood motionless as they stared at the flying machine. Tiger was dumbfounded but kept the girls behind him just incase the machine was hostile towards them.

Labet's eyes went wide as he stared at the black clouds that seemed to be surrounding a floating machine of some sort.

'What the hell is that', he thought to himself but his questions were answered not a second later.

Through the clouds blue and red rays of light could be seen emitting out as slight electrical sparkled through out the clouds.

"My dear fans! Sorry for the wait! But now I'm back and have prepared something special for everyone.

Please enjoy!"

A deep voice was emitted from the floating mechanism as it reverberated through out Mariejoa.

Labet's eyes were now wide as his body started to shiver. He remembered this voice. This voice was the reason why his fellow companions made fun of him for getting injured by a blue sea dweller, the reason why the celestial dragons doubted his skills and the reason why he wasn't taken on the hunt.

'He should be dead!!', he screamed in his head. He couldn't accept the fact that lay right before him.

The clouds now parted as a stage could clearly be seen.

There was a large big screen at the back that showed a very familiar face with green hair.

The man on the screen raised his right hand up and pointed to the sky, "ARE YOU READY!!SHOW START!!!".

Large speakers formed around the screen as the sound of drum sticks ticking could be heard.

Then drums beats along with a string of an electric guitar could be heard at the same time.

Bright red and blue lights started to move up and down in unison as flames generated besides him.

Labet now had enough feeling in his numb legs as he forced himself to move. But suddenly a ring flew from the stage and landed at his feet. He didn't have time to look down as it instantly enlarged into a big sheet of metallic blanket and wrapped around him restricting his movements.

"Fuck!!", Labet tried to move and struggle but nothing seemed to work as the blanket grew thicker and thicker in size.

Fisher Tiger watched in shock as the agent was being lifted up into the air. He now knew that the man on the stage must be responsible for stopping that boomerang. But he did not let his guard down because he didn't know if he was their friend or foe.

"Who are you?", he muttered to himself.

The man who was now dancing to the music that he recorded beforehand smirked as he saw the floating struggling agent that was now before the stage. He was just an inch away from the camera's range as the camera's were supposed to be focused on him and the stage.

He did a shuffle with his legs before pointing to the agent with his index finger like a gun. He saw that the mask on the agent was now gone to show a terrified expression and he smirked as he held the mic, "I'm back".


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