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Chapter 4: A New Friend

The crew sailed up reverse mountain and heard a loud "Buoooooh!" Thirteen looked down and saw a huge black mass, he wondered if talking mountains were real as the ship flew down the mountain and were about to crash into the giant mountain. Luffy shot the cannon at the mountain, creating enough force to stop the ship, but the figurehead snapped off and landed on the deck. Luffy screamed "You broke my seat!" as he punched the mountain in the eye.

Thirteen said "I've never seen a mountain with eyes." Usopp snapped "It's a whale!" Zoro nodded and said "Me neither." Usopp foamed at the mouth and mumbled "I don't have an opinion..." The whale opened it's mouth and swallowed the boat whole, Luffy jumped off and landed on the whale's head as the ship sailed into the whale's stomach.

The ship landed in the whale's stomach and a giant squid appeared before three harpoons killed it and a man was seen dragging the rope back. Thirteen watched him silently and the man watched them all as he walked to his chair. Sanji snapped "Say something damn it!" Usopp said "If you want a fight we have cannons!" The man was silent before saying "I wouldn't do that someone could die." Sanji said "And who would that be?" The man was silent before saying "Me."

Thirteen was curious about the old man as the group got more frustrated by the way he took a few seconds to answer. He watched the old man and waved his tail in the air slightly, the man, who said his name was Crocus, turned his attention to Thirteen as he said "A Mink?" Thirteen nodded and Crocus said "Haven't seen one of those in a long time.." Thirteen said "You've seen more?" Crocus was confused and said "You're not from-" he was cut off by the whale shaking, he sighed and jumped into the water, swimming towards a ladder. He climbed up the ladder and opened a door, causing three people to shoot out and land on the deck.

Thirteen saw the two strangers and Luffy. The duo got up and aimed their bazookas, Thirteen shot his chains around their necks and started slowly pulling them back. The duo dropped their bazookas and started choking, Luffy said "Thirteen, don't kill them." Thirteen nodded wordlessly and shook the chains loose, before walking towards the blue haired woman and grabbing her by the throat and growling at her visage. The blond haired man with a crown said "Let go of her!" Thirteen kicked him in the head while staring at the blue haired woman, Luffy frowned and Nami said "Who is she?"

Thirteen said "A world noble." The crew glared at the blue haired woman, who struggled to grab Thirteen's hand as she choked out "Who are you?" Thirteen moved his tail and pulled his shirt open showing her his brand, her eyes widened and Thirteen said "I've seen you before, in hell." The blue haired woman was still staring at his brand in a daze. Thirteen said "Don't worry about me, I won't kill her. I promise." Luffy nodded and talked to Crocus as Thirteen walked to the back of the ship.

He threw the woman on the ground, she gasped for air and coughed slightly as she sat up and rested her back on the railing. Thirteen crouched in front of her and said "Why are you here." The blue haired woman said "None of your business." she touched his brand and said sadly "Do you have a name?" Thirteen said "It used to be slave. Now I usually go by Thirteen. Though I guess you don't really care at all." the blue haired woman froze and said "I'm not like them." as she grit her teeth. Thirteen said "You're all the same." the blue haired woman snapped "I'M NOT LIKE CLAIRE!"

Thirteen grabbed her neck and said "Don't say that name in front of me. That whore ruined my life." the woman started choking and tapped his hand quickly, he let go and she gasped for air as she said "I heard. She's been bragging about it to everyone." Thirteen said "She doesn't have a kid does she?" the blue haired woman shook her head and Thirteen nodded and said "Good. I didn't want to have to my own child." the blue haired woman said "You would kill your own child?" Thirteen said "When you're born with that filthy blood in you, you're no longer human. It's not killing a child, it's ridding the world of another disgusting piece of trash." as he stood up and said "So to answer your question, no I wouldn't. It's no longer my child, just another slave-owning waste of oxygen to-be." before walking away saying "You're MY prisoner now. Where ever you came from, prepare to never return." and he disappeared, the blue haired woman watched him go sadly before standing up and following him.

The crew sailed outside, and Luffy fought against the whale before drawing his flag on him and claiming that he would return one day to finish the fight and to not smash his head into the mountain anymore or else the paint will disappear. Nami talked to Crocus about how to sail in the grandline, he explained how logposes worked and what a log pose was. The blond haired man said "I have a log pose going to whiskey peak." Nami said "Give it to me." the blond haired man said "Only if you bring us to Whiskey peak with you." Luffy agreed and the man gave Nami the logpose. The crew said goodbye to Crocus and Crocus waved before saying "Oi Mink brat! Come with me."

Thirteen said to the blue haired woman "Stay here. I will kill you if you're anywhere else." as he drew a circle around her feet and followed after Crocus. Nami looked at her and said "You're one of the world nobles huh?" The woman said "My name is Vivi. My family is world nobles but we don't like in Mariejois." she looked down and said "This is exactly what a slaver does to kid slaves." Nami said "Can you tell us about him and the girl who owned him?"

Vivi said "I've seen him a couple times when my father brought me to Mariejois for the Reverie, he never spoke and always silently stood behind Claire." she grimaced and said "She would make him crawl on his hands and feet as she sat on his back and ordered him to do whatever she wanted."

Luffy clenched his fists and Nami said "What about her?" Vivi gave a disgusted look and said "Claire? A disgusting whore. She bragged about forcing Thirteen to have sex with her.." Vivi hesitated before sighing and saying "She said after she caught him again she would keep him as a personal sex slave, and that the next time she wouldn't take pills and hoped to get pregnant." Vivi looked confused as she continued "She said she loved him, and he was her favorite toy." Nami almost vomited and Sanji silently smoked his cigarette away from the group, Zoro sat off to the side and sharpened his swords loudly. Usopp put his goggles over his eyes and went to the Merry and Luffy walked away. Vivi kept talking about Claire and Thirteen as well as the rest of the world nobles, as Nami listened.

Thirteen walked into Crocus' lighthouse and Crocus said "Are you from Zou?" Thirteen shook his head and said "I don't know where I was, but I've never seen another Mink before." Crocus moved his shirt and saw the brand before sighing and grabbing a picture, he pointed to the big dog and cat and said "They are from Zou. I can have them bring you there." Thirteen stared at the two and shook his head before saying "I want to stay with my friends." Crocus nodded and patted him on the shoulder saying "If you ever want to go back come find me." as he gave him a piece of his vivre card.

Thirteen took it and put it in his pocket before saying "Why?" Crocus smiled and said "I knew your father, he was a friend of mine a long time ago." Thirteen said "Do you know where he is now?" Crocus sighed and said "He died." Thirteen nodded and said "I see. Do you know what invisible armor is?" Crocus said "Haki? Who told you that?" Thirteen said "A man from loguetown, his hand was completely black and he grabbed a logia. He never said anything else about it though." Crocus said "It's a manifestation of your spirit and will." he lifted his had and demonstrated as his hand turned black before saying "Concentrate your will to become an invisible armor around you. You'll get the hang of it with time." Thirteen nodded and said "Thanks." Crocus smiled and said "No problem. You look just like your mother." Thirteen nodded and walked away saying "Thank you Crocus." as he left, Crocus sighed and watched him go.

Thirteen walked back to the crew and dragged Vivi by her collar on to the ship before it sailed away. He threw her on the deck and sat down next to her as she coughed and said "What are you going to do with me now." Thirteen said "What ever I want. Do you have any problems with that?" Vivi said "I don't think I really have a choice." Thirteen nodded and said "You don't." as he closed his eyes and said "Don't move a single inch from that spot." Vivi sighed and laid back down.

A while later

Thirteen was sitting in the darkness next to Vivi, who was in the same spot as her stomach growled. Thirteen didn't care, even if she was dying he would watch. Just like they did to him, he wondered if he should brand her, he said "Should I give you a brand? I'll let you have some food, if you take the brand." Vivi grit her teeth and said "No." Thirteen nodded and closed his eyes again, Vivi bit her lips and said "You realize this is exactly what they would do right?" Thirteen nodded and said "I'm aware. It's what you deserve, I don't pity you. Talk all you want, you won't escape. If you run, i'll break your legs. If you crawl, i'll break your arms. If you try and escape after that, i'll make you sit in a bed for the rest of your life." Vivi grit her teeth and teared up, Thirteen watched her and felt nothing, no satisfaction, or pity, he didn't even feel bad, he wondered if he was doing the right thing. He frowned and shook his head 'she deserved it, they all did' he thought as he tried to convince himself.

But did she really?

A few days passed

Thirteen didn't move from his spot as he watched Vivi lay on the ground, she hadn't eaten in days. He had only given her water to survive, he got into an argument with Sanji about giving her food but he stood by his actions. The crew landed at Whiskey peak and were welcomed by the people there, Thirteen said "I'm staying here." they nodded and left the ship, when they landed a man with big curls said "What about your friend?" Luffy said "He's staying on the ship." before walking away, Nami said "I wouldn't go there if I were you, he's not in the best of moods right now." as she followed Luffy, the rest of the crew followed the duo and the man silently stared at Thirteen before seeing Vivi and widening his eyes as he ran onto the boat.

The man stood in front of both of them and said "Miss Wednesday, what are you doing?!" Thirteen said "Leave. She's getting what she deserves." the man snapped and said "This is inhumane! She's not a-" Thirteen said "Slave?" as he flashed his brand and continued "I've seen you there too. Now leave, she won't be coming back." the man was shocked and said "You're the tiger boy! Let the princess go! I will replace her!" Thirteen said "I'll take your life in exchange for her freedom." The man said "Very well." Vivi said weakly "No igaram! I'm fine really, just go. So many people are suffering more than I am right now. Remember your mission." Thirteen said "Leave." Igaram said "But princess! You can't-" Vive snapped "Igaram! I'm ordering you to leave!" Igaram hesitated before saying "If you hurt the princess, I will hunt you down myself!" before leaving.

Thirteen watched him go before closing his eyes and frowning, what she said was bothering him. He said "What would you know about suffering? This is probably the first time in your life you haven't eaten whenever you please." Vivi said "I might not have suffered myself, but my country is suffering right now. Compared to them, this is nothing." Thirteen said "Must be frustrating to be in a position you can't change even if you tried isn't it." Vivi was silent and Thirteen said "My offer still stands, if you receive the brand you can eat." Vivi said "I will not." Thirteen nodded and closed his eyes.

A while later

Two people landed on the deck and said "There's the princess, what happened to you?" Thirteen opened his eyes and said "Who are you?" the man said "Mr.5" and the woman said "Miss Valentine" Thirteen nodded and said "Good. Leave." Miss Valentine said "We're not leaving without the princess. She knows a secret about our boss, we've been ordered to kill her." Thirteen said "To be perfectly honest with you, I couldn't care less about your objectives or boss. She's my prisoner now, leave the ship. Now." Mr.5 said "Who said we would listen to you?" Thirteen said "I wouldn't use force if I were you, I don't have a habit of leaving enemies alive." Miss Valentine giggled and said "We don't either." Thirteen shot forward and grabbed her throat before wrapping his chain around Mr.5's neck and twinkling it as he pulled him back, strangling him.

Thirteen said "Would you like to continue?" Miss Valentine paled in fear, she didn't even see him move, she shook her head and Thirteen said "It wouldn't be very nice to spill you blood all over the deck..." he lifted her off the ground before twinkling his leg and kicking her in the stomach, sending her flying towards town. He punched Mr.5 to the ground and kicked him after her before going back to sit down next to Vivi, who watched and was amazed, she didn't see him move either, he was like a ghost.

Thirteen heard foot steps and a voice "That wasn't very nice.." he looked up and saw a woman dangling her legs as she sat on the railing of of the upper deck, he looked back down and said "I don't have a habit of talking while looking up." the woman giggled and jumped down, she landed right in front of him and Thirteen noticed she didn't make a sound, he said "You've been on the run before?" the woman froze and said "Excuse me?" Thirteen said "When you landed you didn't make a sound, if I didn't have predator ears I wouldn't have heard your footsteps before."

The woman was silent before saying "I have been. I assume you are the same?" Thirteen nodded and said "You are correct. Why are you here?" the woman said "I don't have to run for now, and your little prisoner has vital information on the boss." Thirteen nodded and said "I've been told. Would you like to sit down?" The woman smiled and sat down as she said "Although I don't really care that much, can you tell me why the princess of Alabasta is currently on the floor and passed out from starvation?" Thirteen said "She's getting a portion of what I had to go through. We didn't all escape before suffering like you." the woman frowned and said "What does that mean?"

Thirteen said "I assume you have been escaping for a long time? I don't see a brand on you so I can only assume World Government related. You might have lost your home, but I lost everything, even my freedom." as he flashed his brand, he frowned and felt he had been doing that a lot lately, maybe he shouldn't be, he didn't really care but others might. The woman was silent before saying "You were a slave?" Thirteen nodded, and the woman said "But why are you making the princess suffer? She hasn't done anything, as far as I know she is quite kind."

Thirteen said "She's a world noble. They're all the same, she may wear a kind facade but deep down she is just like the rest of them. A filthy worthless piece of trash. Has she ever had to steal to eat a single piece of food? To steal clothes so that she wouldn't freeze to death in an alleyway alone? To kill because people recognized her and wanted to capture her for a bounty? I don't think so." The woman was silent and Vivi said weakly "Maybe not, but I'm not the same as those who live in Mariejois. Just because I'm helpless against you and lying here starving, doesn't mean you can group me in with those monsters." Thirteen ignored her, but frowned as she continued "I will never be like them, even if you threaten to kill me I won't admit to being the same. What your doing right now is becoming one of them! Does it make you feel good to see me like this?"

Thirteen said "Actually I feel nothing. No satisfaction, excitement, happiness. Nor do I feel bad, or pity you. It's very strange." the woman said "You don't feel anything?" Thirteen shook his head and said "No. I wonder sometimes if I was born like this, or if it was from all the time I spent there." the woman felt sad for him and said "No one is born like that." as she shook her head, Vivi was silent before saying "Then why do you keep me like this?" Thirteen said "Because it's what you deserve for being one of them. Maybe not personally but your title will follow you forever... Just like mine has." Vivi stared at him and said "You're not a slave. You may have a brand but you aren't what it represents anymore."

Thirteen felt really weird hearing that from her, he was confused, could it be that he was wrong? Maybe she was like Luffy, maybe she was trapped by a title as well. He frowned and said "Are you trying to appeal to my better nature? I won't let you go no matter what you say." Vivi said "I know. I want you to know that your title was abandoned the moment you escaped, no matter what anyone else says. You aren't a slave anymore and I'm not a Celestial Dragon. I may be a world noble like them but we are not the same." Thirteen thought to himself silently as he turned to the woman and said "What do you think?"

The woman smiled and said "You're asking a stranger, who may be an enemy for her opinion?" Thirteen said "Yes, someone who has suffered before. We might have different experiences but we are the same." the woman tilted her head and said "How are we the same?" Thirteen said "If we were each offered to slaughter an entire island full of people to live the rest of our lives in peace, I don't think there would even be any hesitation." the woman was silent and said "Perhaps.." Thirteen nodded and said "Now please give your opinion. Is this the right thing to do? Am I wrong?"

The woman stared at him silently and said "What do you think?" Thirteen shook his head and said "I don't know, I was never taught morals. I was sold at 6, killing is the only thing I was taught, I learned about sex, women, money, and other miscellaneous things trough other slaves. I was taught by a girl in the east blue how to smile, she also taught me how to have sex gently. Other than that I don't know anything else." the woman frowned, she didn't need to hear that. Vivi blushed at the thought and lowered her head.

The woman said "What about your friends?" as she pointed to the group, who was coming towards the ship along with a duck. Thirteen looked over as they boarded and said "They are the first people to call me friend. This ship is the only place I can call home." the woman smiled and said "They didn't judge you by your chains and brand did they?" Thirteen shook his head and the woman said "Perhaps you should do the same." as she stood up and heard an explosion. Luffy looked over and said "That guy with the curls exploded!"

The woman said "Seems like my trap caught a fish." Vivi's eyes widened as she said "You killed Igaram?!" the woman smiled and said "You didn't think just because I was talking to him, I would let both of the spies go free with information on the boss did you?" Vivi grinded her teeth and spat "I thought you were a nice person, Miss All Sunday!" Thirteen said "Is that your code name? Seems a bit of a mouthful no?" Miss All Sunday sighed and said "I didn't get to pick."

Luffy said "Who are you?" Miss All Sunday said "The boss' partner." Nami said "That Crocodile Igaram was talking about?" Miss All Sunday nodded and threw a logpose at Luffy and said "You can skip the next Island with that." Thirteen watched as Luffy crushed the logpose and said "I decide where this ship goes." Miss All Sunday said "Very well." she turned to Thirteen and said "Remember what I said." before she left, Thirteen watched her go and silently thought about what he was doing, maybe she was right.

Luffy said "What did she say to you?" Thirteen said "I asked her if I was doing the right thing. She said you guys didn't judge me by my status and maybe I should try to do the same." he looked at the group and said "Am I wrong? Is this not what I'm supposed to do?" Luffy was silent and Nami said "What do you think?" Thirteen frowned and said "I don't know. She asked me the same thing." he stood up and said "Deal with her however you want." as he walked away, Nami said "Where are you going?" Thirteen said "I need to think." as he disappeared.

The crew watched him go and Luffy looked at Vivi, who was still on the floor. He walked up and stretched out his hand and said with a smile "I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?" Vivi took his hand and he pulled her up as she said "Yeah, I'm okay.. Is he okay?" Sanji walked towards her with a plate of food and said "He'll be fine. Eat." Vivi took the plate and eat the food on it quickly as the ship sailed away from Whiskey peak towards Little Garden.

Thirteen was sitting on the back railings of the Merry, peeling a tangerine and thinking to himself. His ear twitched and he heard light footsteps, he turned around and saw Vivi standing behind him with a plate of food. He looked at the food and then her face, quietly waiting for her to speak and she did "I never saw you eat while you were watching me so I brought you some food." she smiled slightly, he looked at the food and said "Why?" Vivi was confused and said "What do you mean?" he said "Why would you bring me food? I starved you for days and humiliated you. I threatened to break your limbs and make you a paraplegic." he turned back to the sea and said "Is it pity? Do you feel obligated to be kind to me because of these?" as he rattled his cuffs.

Vivi said "You haven't eaten. It has nothing to do with you being a slave. Why do you always think people pity you when they offer help?!" Thirteen said "Because why else would someone help a stranger? If I was a normal person would you be bringing me food? If I starved you and never revealed myself to be a slave would you be standing here right now?" Vivi was silent and Thirteen shook his head and said "You wouldn't. No one would."

Vivi grit her teeth and walked up to him, she grabbed his collar and pulled his face towards hers and said "I don't care if you're a slave or not! I don't care if you starved me! I giving you the food because you're hungry!" Thirteen was stunned as he stared into her eyes, she stared right back and said "You're going to eat because you're hungry." as she shoved the plate into his hands and walked away, he watched her go before looking down at the plate of food in his hands, it was half eaten. He frowned and walked towards the deck and saw her holding her stomach while sitting down, he sighed and walked in front of her before sitting down next to her and feeding her the food himself as he said "You haven't eaten for days, at least finish a single plate. Be a little more selfish."

Vivi looked at him with tears in her eyes as he fed her and said "Can you be my friend?" Thirteen froze and said "Why would you want me to be your friend?" Vivi said "You are a nice person." he frowned and said "I'm the reason you are sta-" she put a finger on his lips and smiled as she said "But you also fed me when I was starving, and you didn't eat even though you're starving yourself." Thirteen said "I'm used to it. You're not." as he fed her, Vivi said "So can you?" he looked into her eyes and saw hope, he sighed and said "If you wish." Vivi cheered and hugged him, Thirteen was a bit overwhelmed, he thought they were friends not bosom buddies as he said "Excuse me." she let go of him and grinned as she said "Sorry. I wanted to be friends with you since a long time ago!"

Thirteen was confused and said "What?" Vivi said "When I saw you at the reverie I wanted to be your friend! You looked cool but you were a bit scary and were always with Her so I never approached you." as she giggled, he was a bit taken aback, he didn't expect that. He said "Is that so." as he finished feeding her, she nodded and smiled as she closed her eyes and fell asleep while leaning on his shoulder. He didn't know what to do now, he was a bit confused.

Nami came by and was amused by his look as she said "What happened?" Thirteen said "I don't know. She said she wanted me to be her friend and fell asleep on my shoulder. What do I do?" Nami giggled and said "What did you say?" he said "I agreed. But what do I do now?" Nami said "Just stay there and sleep. We still have a few days before we get to Little garden." he sighed and nodded before closing his eyes as Nami walked away. The ship slowly sailed towards Little Garden with a new friend, Thirteen thought maybe having more friends wouldn't be a bad idea as he drifted off to sleep with Vivi smiling on his shoulder.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! He's still changing slowly, he won't change immediately. So yet again more character building, soon though he'll be where I want him to be and it will be much better! He kinda feels like a robot right now, but he won't be for long! Wait for it :)


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Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

Hey guys! He's still changing slowly, he won't change immediately. So yet again more character building, soon though he'll be where I want him to be and it will be much better! He kinda feels like a robot right now, but he won't be for long! Wait for it :)


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