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Chapter 54: Haki Training

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Kong sat quietly with his eyes shut, deep in thought, pondering a way to help Brontes overcome his current challenge.

Brontes, respecting Kong's need for concentration, didn't interrupt. Instead, he relaxed to the side, sipping tea calmly.

As time ticked away, Brontes refilled his cup three times, snacked from a bag of treats, and even enjoyed a cigar. Eventually, Kong opened his eyes.

"Look, I've pushed my Haki to its limits, but it wasn't easy. It took a lot of time and hard work. My journey might not be the best for you. Remember, practice makes perfect." Kong finally shared with Brontes.

"Practice makes perfect? That's your advice?" Brontes was surprised by Kong's simple suggestion.

He felt like Kong was making fun of him. He had already explained that the usual way of training Haki wasn't enough to improve anymore.

Kong caught the frustrated look on Brontes's face, chuckled, and said, "Hahaha! Since when did you start acting like Garp, so blockhead?"

"Kong-san, I really need to get back to G-1 Base. Can we please get serious?" Brontes pleaded, feeling a bit desperate.

"Alright, alright. Here's a simple tip for you. From now on, keep your fighting spirit high as if you're always in battle. Cover yourself with Armament Haki at all times, no matter what you're doing. Turn it into a habit, and you'll see your skill with it grow. This way, you'll understand your body and its capabilities much better." Kong explained patiently.

"Hmm, that actually sounds like a solid plan," Brontes acknowledged, nodding. Keeping up the Armament Haki all day might be a slow process, but it promised to strengthen his abilities.

Kong's advice seemed simple, but Brontes knew better. It was a tough training regimen that would demand a lot of stamina and focus to maintain control over his power.

Kong also emphasized the need for a constant high fighting spirit, a tough mental challenge.

As an Admiral, Brontes had more responsibilities now and couldn't afford to be in combat all the time. It wasn't practical. But according to Kong, even in sleep, Brontes should envision himself in battle to keep his Haki active.

"For Observation Haki, the best practice is to close your eyes. Just like with Armament Haki, you should keep them closed as much as possible." Kong added.

"So, I should become blind?" Brontes blurted out, thinking of a future Admiral, Fujitora, who was blind yet had incredibly strong Observation Haki.

"Blind? Are you kidding me? Why not just cover your eyes with a cloth? I'm starting to wonder how you ever became the Chief of Staff at Marineford, let alone an Admiral." Kong said, misunderstanding Brontes's comment.

"Oh, right, right." Brontes quickly agreed, realizing his thoughts had wandered to the old blind man who would one day be an Admiral.

"What about Conqueror's Haki?" Brontes inquired.

"That, I can't help with. I don't possess Conqueror's Haki. You're asking the wrong person; I'm not familiar with how to train it. It seems more common among pirates. But from what I've seen, Conqueror's Haki really shines when it's naturally strong. Otherwise, you're better off focusing on your Armament and Observation Haki. Just look at Zed and Garp. They've dedicated themselves to Armament Haki training, and it's paid off." Kong explained.

"Got it, thank you, Kong-san." Brontes said, feeling a sense of direction for his upcoming training. This advice cleared some of the confusion that had been holding him back from his goals.

Kong's training strategy might be slow, but Brontes knew it was sure to yield results. Progress, no matter how gradual, was better than standing still.

With his new training regimen in mind, Brontes stood up, his body enveloped in the shimmering sheen of Armament Haki. He held onto this armored state as he left Kong's office.

As Brontes stepped out, he was immediately met with a surprised voice: "Hey, who are you gearing up to battle?"

It was Vice Admiral Kuzan, who had just left his own office for lunch when he spotted Brontes exiting the Fleet Admiral's office, looking ready for combat.

Kuzan, known for his cool demeanor, couldn't hide his astonishment at the sight of Brontes, who seemed to be armored for an intense fight. To anyone passing by, Brontes would appear as if he was on the verge of entering a fierce battle.

"It's just training, Kuzan." Brontes replied, turning to face the Vice Admiral. He shook his head, dismissing the concern.

"Training?" Kuzan echoed, his skepticism clear.

The sight of Brontes, so fiercely covered in Armament Haki, was not something one would associate with a simple training exercise. Kuzan had never seen such an unorthodox training method before.

Brontes shrugged: "It's a bit complex. You might not get it even if I explained. But you'll see. I'll be keeping this up from now on."

Kuzan scratched his head, puzzled as he watched Brontes walk away.

The idea of maintaining full-body Armament Haki outside of combat was unheard of. It demanded a level of focus and control that was extraordinary.

Strengthening Haki, whether Armament or Observation, wasn't a task that could be accomplished quickly. It was a process, as Kong had emphasized, that required dedication, consistent effort, and the experience of numerous battles to unlock deeper potential within oneself.

On days without actual combat, Brontes planned to train his Haki by keeping his body constantly in the state of Armament Haki, aiming to master it to the point where he could wield it effortlessly. This was his way of indirect strengthening.

Back in his own office at Marineford, Brontes felt a bit out of place. Without a real enemy to confront, he had to keep his fighting spirit and concentration sharp, using his imagination to invoke the power of his Haki.

The recent battle with Kaido had shown Brontes that his Haki needed to be stronger. This new training might help bridge that gap. He didn't linger at Marineford; his true battlefield was the New World, and he was eager to return.

Meanwhile, the other Admirals at Marineford, Sengoku and Zed, carried on with their responsibilities. Zed was in charge of the Elite Camp, though the current batch of recruits didn't seem as promising as the previous ones.

The world was edging towards a new era of confrontation, driven by the surge of pirates, particularly since the start of the Great Pirate Era two years prior.

These new pirates were causing chaos in the New World, challenging the established powers and reshaping the balance of the seas.

In the New World, the secrets of its history were whispered among those who dared to navigate its treacherous waters.

Central to these secrets were the four Road Poneglyphs, the keys to locating the legendary treasure of the Pirate King. Of the four, only the locations of two were widely known, held by formidable figures: Big Mom Charlotte Linlin and Kaido of the Beasts Pirates.

These two titans had dominated the New World for a decade, ever since the Poneglyphs had slipped from the grasp of the previous era's tyrant, Rocks, predating even the illustrious Roger.

Following Rocks' downfall, Linlin and Kaido had split the Poneglyphs between them, and their possession had ignited a relentless storm across the seas.

Pirates, both ambitious and foolhardy, sought to challenge these Overlords, and some even dared to confront the mightiest crew of all, the Whitebeard Pirates, the true sovereigns of the New World.

The influx of new pirate crews stirred constant chaos, disrupting the fragile peace of nations and bringing untold suffering to the innocent.

Amidst this turmoil, Brontes, stationed at the G-1 base, found his days less burdened by direct conflict.

His subordinates handled the skirmishes unless a threat of Overlord magnitude demanded his attention.

In the New World, his presence was one of three formidable Marine forces. Sakazuki, known for his ruthless methods, commanded the G-5 base, a repository for marines with tarnished records, while Borsalino, with his adept leadership, managed the G-2 base, leaving Brontes seldom needing to act.

Brontes, however, was immersed in his own battle—a battle of discipline and mastery over his Haki.

His daily regimen at the G-1 base had become a subject of intrigue. Always cloaked in Armament Haki, he had taken to wearing a hat that obscured his eyes, perpetually closed to the world, a practice that left many baffled. Only those close to him understood the reason behind his odd behavior.

Curiosity about Brontes's unusual methods eventually waned as the base's personnel grew accustomed to his seemingly blind state.

They stop questioning, accepting his constant state of readiness as part of the base's routine.


A year into his rigorous Haki training, Brontes had delegated his administrative duties to the staff department, his sight rendered useless by his closed eyes.

Disregarding the paperwork, he devoted himself entirely to his training, dismissing these distractions.

His days were consumed by the pursuit of strength, with no Admiral-level interventions to interrupt his focus.

"...Sir, a message from the SSG. Dr. Vegapunk wants you to visit his laboratory." Kaise said, standing in front of Brontes.

"Hmm." Brontes nodded and stood up.

The distance from the G-1 base to Punk Hazard wasn't very far, just a few hours away. Upon arrival, he was immediately met by someone.

Brontes was led all the way to Dr. Vegapunk's personal laboratory.

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