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Chapter 119: The World Conference

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"Let's head over to my place." Brontes said, taking the lead towards his splendid mansion.

"Wow, is this really your place? It's very big and beautiful!" Vivi couldn't help but express her amazement, not showing a bit of fear, just pure admiration for the beautiful structure.

Chaka, positioned just behind Vivi, was equally astonished by the sight of Brontes's mansion.

It was more magnificent than anything owned by even the wealthiest of kings, appearing as though it was constructed from pure gold and studded with diamonds.

"I've got a few things to take care of. Vivi, feel free to explore and enjoy the house while I am away." Brontes said to her with a smile.

From a distance, Chaka observed the scene, filled with nervousness. Despite being the one invited by Brontes to this grand mansion located in Mariejois, the domain of the World Nobles, his anxiety and fear were palpable.

"Don't worry, nobody here will dare to cause you any trouble." Brontes assured Chaka with confidence.

"Thank you, sir." Responded Chaka, managing a nod though it was clear he was sweating from nervousness.


Meanwhile, Brontes was occupied with leading a world conference. This wasn't his first experience at such an event.

Sengoku was also in attendance, along with Borsalino, who came to represent the Marine at the conference.

At the same time, Sakazuki and Kuzan were otherwise engaged, with one stationed in the New World and the other at Marineford.

"I heard about your recent adoption. You've adopted a daughter?" Borsalino expressed his surprise, looking over at Brontes.

"Yes, she's the daughter of Cobra, the king of Alabasta. Her name is Vivi." Brontes answered, with a happy smile playing on his lips.

"Why don't you consider about getting married? The same goes for Sakazuki and Kuzan. It seems you guys plan to remain single for the rest of your lives." Borsalino said with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

"We'll see what happens. Being with someone you genuinely like is wonderful when you find the right person, but it's not something I'm thinking about currently. How about you? Haven't you ever thought about getting married?" Brontes asked with a smile, shifting the topic to Borsalino.

Borsalino just shrugged: "It seems like a lot of trouble." Showing his typical nonchalance towards the subject.

Brontes couldn't help but shake his head in a mix of amusement and resignation at Borsalino's response.

Then, Sengoku chimed in: "Brontes, if there's someone out there you have feelings for, you should pursue it. Don't end up like us, a group of old bachelors. If you're interested, I could even have Tsuru introduce someone to you."

"You all seem overly concerned about this. I'll be sure to let you know if I ever meet someone who might be a good match." Brontes replied with a light and carefree laughter.

At the moment, Brontes had no intention of getting married; he was too wrapped up in his responsibilities and found immense joy in the newfound experience of fatherhood with Vivi, which he held dear.

"It's entirely up to you. Now, the world conference is about to begin. We should head in." Sengoku said, promptly changing the subject.

With that, they stood up and began to make their way to the conference, Sengoku leading the group.

Given the hierarchy and division of powers within their organization, Sengoku's role was particularly significant.

As the Fleet-Admiral of Marineford, his responsibilities were distinctly naval, whereas Brontes, though also holding the rank of a Fleet-Admiral, focused more on administrative oversight concerning the nations and the World Nobles.

This clear demarcation in roles underlined the functional differences in their positions, with Sengoku also holding a level of seniority and a record of accomplishments that surpassed those of Brontes due to his longer tenure and old-generation status.


The world conference got underway, and right from the start, a photograph of Dragon was presented for discussion.

This conference had several critical points on its agenda, including strategies on handling the Revolutionary Army, assessing the current pirate threats, and delving into matters affecting national economies among other critical issues.

On the initial day of the conference, Cobra expressed his frustration with Walpol's attitude by directly scolding him during the session, a moment that Brontes remembered clearly.

However, with a myriad of important matters presented by various nations requiring his attention, Brontes didn't allow himself to dwell on the incident.

After several hours of discussions, the first day of the conference drew to a close.

The event was scheduled to span seven days, with sessions designed to be concise to keep the participants engaged without overwhelming them.

This setup also facilitated opportunities for the kings of various nations to interact more personally, fostering relationships through the sharing of benefits and agreement negotiations.

It was notable that Cobra had attracted a substantial gathering, with some kings even bringing their princes to engage more deeply in discussions with him.

"The Revolutionary Army's activities pose a significant threat that we must deal with urgently." One of the Five Elders emphasized, his stern tone cut through the noise of the conference room and made it quiet.

"The influence of Monkey D. Dragon is expanding, catalyzing dissent within numerous nations. Though these uprisings are not yet large-scale, the effects of their actions cannot be underestimated."

"We will dedicate a portion of our forces to work alongside CP to support you in case of an attack by the Revolutionary Army. Based on the discussions we've had today, it's clear that their disruptive actions can no longer be tolerated." Sengoku said, offering his viewpoint.

"Ragnarok, as the one overseeing this, what are your thoughts?" Inquired the elder with bald head and long sword.

"Our strategy must be one of careful consideration. The world's expanse makes locating them comparably as challenging as finding a needle in an ocean. I propose we postpone a direct strike and instead deploy spies to uncover opportunities, with the ideal outcome being to infiltrate their ranks. This way, we can hope to locate and dismantle Dragon's operations from within. To act hastily would only serve to tip them off." Brontes proposed, offering a measured and strategic approach to the issue at hand.

The elder with blonde hair nodded:"Right, I agree with your plan. We'll continue to entrust this task to you, as you're currently in charge of this operation."


As soon as the meeting finished, Wapol couldn't shake off his resentment. He'd been scolded by Cobra during the meeting and even tumbled from his chair.

Wapol, the king of the Drum Kingdom, had everything handed to him from a young age, including the Tumble-Tumble Fruit.

This was his first time at the World Conference, and being treated poorly by Cobra didn't sit right with him.

He was definitely angry, but he knew better than to cause a scene in Mariejois. With so many kings from different countries around, he couldn't risk being reckless.

Feeling down, Wapol strolled through the garden, avoiding interaction with other royals and nobles. Suddenly, he noticed a young girl skipping towards him. It was Vivi.

Approaching her, Wapol sly nudged her with his knee as she passed by.

"Are you alright?"

Dolton, who was following Wapol, witnessed this and hurried over, but he was too late.

A man appeared from the shadows, grabbing Vivi, while others in black surrounded Wapol.

"What's going on?!" Despite his royal status, Wapol was not used to such intense situations.

The man was holding Vivi, and asked gently: "Princess Vivi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Vivi replied, stepping away from the man's grasp and apologizing to Wapol: "I'm really sorry for bumping into you. It was an accident."

Dolton and the others were taken aback. They were surprised to see Vivi apologizing instead of Wapol, who was clearly at fault.

"It's okay, I didn't see you." Wapol admitted, showing some sense despite his spoiled demeanor.

He understood that these people were looking out for Vivi. Suddenly, something clicked in Wapol's mind as he remembered Brontes' behavior in front of the kings from various countries, making him realize that he might made something foolish.

Feeling too scared to stay, Wapol swiftly departed, paying no attention to Dolton trailing behind. Dolton respectfully bowed to each person in black before rushing after Wapol.


Soon, Vivi was brought back to Cobra, who then burst into tears, exclaiming: "That hurt a lot!"

Wapol's accidental collision had struck her forehead hard, especially painful for a young girl like her.

The leader of the group apologized to Cobra: "We are sorry for not safeguarding Princess Vivi properly."

Cobra reassured them: "It's fine, it was just an accident. King Wapol didn't mean to harm her. Please don't mention this to Fleet-Admiral Ragnarok." With a calm demeanor, Cobra waved off the incident.

With some hesitation, the man nodded and left with his team. Vivi eventually stopped crying and began sharing her day's adventures with Cobra.

In Mariejois, the hub of the World Nobles, there was always a buzz of activity.

Even though Vivi didn't encounter any World Noble during her ordeal, their presence wouldn't have altered the situation.

With the CP agents safeguarding Vivi, even the World Nobles wouldn't dare to act irresponsibly.

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