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Chapter 21: Bottleneck.

The gang of pirates and two bounty hunters are currently sailing towards Nami in the Conomi Islands.

"Oi, Kaizo." Usopp.

"Yeah?" Kaizo.

"If you have no idea how to navigate, how do you know where the Conomi Islands are?" Usopp.

"Whit this." Kaizo flashes a blue compass.

"The moment I touched you guys, I made a spiritual connection to track you down. I simply made one for Nami at the moment she stole the ship." Kaizo.

"Why made them beforehand?" Usopp.

"In case anyone would betray us and I would have to hunt whoever it was." Kaizo.

Usopp, Johnny and Yosaku shiver while Zoro and Luffy nod. Zoro because he approves the decision and Luffy because he did found the logic of that.

"So, we follow the blue compass and we reach Nami, right?" Luffy.

"Yeah. But now is time to explain why Nami left." Kaizo.

Everyone hears Kaizo's explanation very carefully.

"So, to simplify, Nami's island was taken hostage by the Arlong Pirates and she wants to buy the island off." Usopp.

"Yes." Kaizo.

"But she's ignoring the fact that Arlong might betray her and never follow the deal through." Zoro.

"Aha." Kaizo.

"So, its up to us to save our precious Nami-san and fille that bastard of Arlong." Sanji.

"Yup." Kaizo.

(NOTE: Kaizo only explained the general situation, he didn't dwell into Nami's backstory.)

"Is Nami an idiot?" Luffy.


Sanji kicked Luffy's head.

"Asshat! Don't say that about Nami-san, it's obvious that a lady as benevolent as her is just trying to do what's best for her home." Sanji.

"I got that part but, she has us. We could and will give her a hand to defeat Arlong. Anyone who messes with my crewmate will pay!" Luffy.

Sanji nods and gives Luffy another meat on a bone.

"Who cares about why she's doing it. Our objectives should be clear, 1. Kick Arlong's ass and 2. Bring Nami onboard once again." Kaizo.

"Yeah!" Luffy.


Kaizo feels his chest burning.

'What's happening?' Kaizo.

[Your spiritual energy is beginning to overflow; you have to do the exercises that I told you about in order to keep it under control.]

Kaizo immediately puts himself in a meditation position and concentrated into gathering and controlling his spiritual energy.

"What's wrong, Kaizo?" Sanji.

"My Spiritual Energy is overflowing, do not make me lose focus, or else I'll die." Kaizo.

Everyone backed off a little and began to whisper.

"Luffy, Zoro, what's happening?" Usopp.

"Kaizo said that it's something his devil fruit produces and goes flash and kaboom and pow." Luffy.

Usopp sweatdrops and looks at Zoro.

"I'm not quite sure about the details but Kaizo told me that Spiritual Energy is as powerful as Haki. If it's getting out of control, it can't be good." Zoro.

"Ah, I get it." Usopp.

"What's Haki, Yosaku?" Johnny.

"No idea." Yosaku.

(A few minutes later)

As time passed, the rest of the tripulants were sailing towards the direction the compass was signaling. Kaizo was still meditating and getting his Spiritual Energy under control but the waters were not making it easy for him to concentrate.

Fortunately, Luffy was able to get sight of the island.

"Land-ho!" Luffy.

Zoro immediately shuts him up.

"Remember Kaizo's condition." Zoro.

"S-sorry." Luffy.

Just then, a giant sea creature, that looked like a cow, appeared from beneath them. Kaizo's Spiritual Energy began to overflow his body and blue cracks began to appear on his skin.

'Fuck!' Kaizo.

Luffy saw this and immediately punched the sea being out of the way. Once the waters got calmer, he went to check on Kaizo.

Kaizo's Spiritual Energy was getting under control again and the cracks began to leave his skin. Luffy, relieved, decided to row alongside the rest so that they can reach the shore faster.

Everyone begins to row and after a few more minutes, they reached Cocoyasi Village. Zoro carried Kaizo and put him in the sand, now that he's completely still, his energy control has improved.

"Ok, what do we do now?" Usopp.

"Well, we have to find Nami and hear what Kaizo said from her." Luffy.

"Yeah, confirming the facts is the priority." Zoro.

"Nah, I meant that she has to ask us for help. Otherwise, I'll treat this problem as hers alone." Luffy.

"What?! You're gonna leave Nami-san like that?!" Sanji.

"Of course not, but I cannot make her thoughts change. If she hasn't asked us for help is because she doesn't trust us. I want her to trust us as her crew, not for necessity." Luffy.

Everyone was taken aback by Luffy's thoughts, they never expected all that coming from the guy who acts like a goofball 24/7.

"Alright! Let's find Nami!" Luffy.

While they went through their entourage. Kaizo is facing the next stage of Spiritual Energy control.

'First was to gather it in a single spot, for it to act like a vase. Next, expand said vase using its own contents, and finally, redirect the excess of spiritual Energy towards the exterior.' Kaizo repeated to himself while making the steps.

The time passed and Kaizo remained meditating. While he was meditating, his friends found Nami coming back from Arlong Park.

"What are you guys doing here?" Nami.

"Kaizo told us everything, so stop pretending." Luffy.

Tch, Nami clicked her tongue.

"That was a lie. I only wanted that idiot to get off my back." Nami.

"You lie, and your lies are nowhere as convincing as Usopp's." Luffy.

"Oi." Usopp.

"We're strong, if you want Arlong to get his ass kicked, just ask and we'll help." Luffy.

Nami walks towards the group and just pass them.

"Just leave, this doesn't concern you." Nami.

"I can do whatever I want. I wont leave." Luffy.

"Suit yourself, fool." Nami.

Nami walked towards her house and the group remained unmoving.

"That woman is such a bother." Zoro.

"Eh?! Who the hell are you to judge Nami-san's actions?!" Sanji.

"I'm her and your superior, that's why." Zoro.

"Huh?! Since when?!" Sanji.

"I joined 3rd on the crew, that makes my position only below Luffy and Kaizo." Zoro.

"Screw that! I'll never follow your orders!" Sanji.

"I don't care at all. After all, you're just the 6th place." Zoro smirks.

Sanji freezes and charges at Zoro.

"I'll mince you into mush, you rotten moss!" Sanji.

"Just try it, you shitty cook!" Zoro.

The two began to battle.

"There they go." Usopp.

"Our Anikis are quite aggressive towards each other." Yosaku.

"Yeah. Luffy Aniki, what should we do?" Johnny.

Luffy just lays on the floor and covers his face with his hat.

"You and your friend should keep an eye on Kaizo since none of this involves you, this is our crew matter, we'll be waiting here for Nami's call. Until then, we'll do nothing." Luffy.

Luffy fell asleep.

Johnny and Yosaku noticed the seriousness on Luffy's words and did as they were told. Usopp wanted to follow them but felt that he would be scum for running from this.

While they were waiting, Zoro and Sanji's combat ended with Zoro's win and they decided to leave it at that...for now.

"Lucky...shot." Sanji.

"Heh, whatever you say." Zoro.

Time flied quickly and it was already nighttime, so Sanji decided to make dinner with what he has on the boat. Sanji went to the boat and saw Johnny and Yosaku acting as guards, protecting Kaizo.

Kaizo however, was looking the same. His blue hair was now glowing and a certain pressure is emanating from him.

'Is that the Haki thing? Usopp explained a little to me but it could be his Spiritual Energy.' Sanji.

Sanji didn't put much thought to it and just went to cook for the rest of the crew. He wanted to cook for the bounty hunter duo but they said that they would be fine with some cooked fish.

Sanji went back with his cooking equipment and saw everyone talking with a dark-skinned woman with bluish hair. It is Nojiko, Nami's adoptive sister.

Sanji went full Casanova mode and wooed all over her but fortunately she's Nami's sister and knows how to repel Casanovas easily.

The group got invited into her home. They found a nice house and Sanji began to cook for everyone.

"So, you're Nami's crewmates?" Nojiko.

"Yeah, although, one of us is not here at the moment." Luffy.

"Hm…why did you came here?" Nojiko.

"To help Nami of course!" Luffy.

"Do you have any idea of what Nami has suffered all these years just for this opportunity?" Nojiko.

"Do you really expect a pirate so vicious as Arlong to follow his deal through?" Luffy.

There was an intense silence, the only noise was of Sanji's cooking.

"This is a matter of this village. You should stay out of this." Nojiko.

"Why should I listen to you? The moment Nami joined my crew, her problems became my problems. But I respect her decisions, I know that she'll eventually come around." Luffy.

"You're free to stay the night here but, let me explain exactly what this whole situation is for Nami." Nojiko.

Luffy gets up and begins to leave.

"Luffy? Aren't you gonna eat?" Sanji.

"Save my fill for later, I'm not interested in Nami's past, Nami is Nami and that's enough for me." Luffy left and began to walk towards the shore.

Nojiko began her story about Nami and Luffy made his way towards the shore, he found Johnny and Yosaku sleeping surrounded by fish bones and there was Kaizo meditating the same as before.

"Hey. It seems that you're having as much problems as I have. I don't know what to do, really. I want Nami to trust us, but I don't want to see her at her worst. What if all of this backfires and she end up hating us instead? I would regret it forever." Luffy.

"Sorry for talking to you when you're like this but, I really needed to vent out some of this." Luffy.

Luffy gets up but he hears Kaizo's voice.

"It's fine, Luffy." Kaizo.

Luffy turns back and looks at Kaizo opening his eyes.

"I've finished regulating some of my energy, I should be fine tomorrow noon." Kaizo.

"I see, what's your opinion about Nami's situation?" Luffy.

"Everyone lives tied to many things. Dreams, convictions, revenge, anything is as valid of a reason as anything else, the true essence of what we do resides in the why, and that decision is for each person to make and only for them to make." Kaizo.

"For us, Nami's decision is dumb, heck, I'm mad at her for this. But in her mind, this seems to be the better choice." Kaizo.

"I understand that much, but does she hate us this much to still deny her true feelings about the matter?" Luffy.

"I think is the contrary." Kaizo.

"The contrary?" Luffy.

"When you've done bad things, it is difficult to go past it all and simply allow yourself to be happy again. Nami has betrayed her village, betrayed us and has reached the endgame of her plan, all the suffering from doing Arlong's bidding will end tomorrow." Kaizo.

"But she should be aware of Arlong's nature." Luffy.

"She is, and that's why its not that she hates us, but rather that she believes too highly of us for her to accept herself as part of our group." Kaizo.

"I don't quite get it." Luffy.

"Ok, see it like this, we don't know for how long she's been doing this…" Kaizo.

"Her sister said since she was a kid." Luffy interrupted.

"…Putting the fact that she has a sister apart, she's been gathering the money throughout all her life, basically, she doesn't want to see anyone suffer again, yet she betrayed her homeland. She decided to close her heart to anyone else, yet she allowed us in."

"Luffy, she loves us and this island so much, that in her head, she believes that she deserves to suffer for the things she's done. It may seem dumb, but its her reality. Once she hits bottom, you'll be able to help her pick herself up, and then and ONLY then, she'll be ready to make the call." Kaizo.

Luffy nods and understands more about how people work with guilt. He doesn't like it, but he respects everyone's decisions no matter what. That's also the reason as to why he let Zoro fight Mihawk despite knowing that he was no match for him.

"Thanks, Kaizo. I really needed to hear that." Luffy.

"No problem. Now, go back to your usual goofball self, this serious intellectual doesn't fit you." Kaizo.

"Hey, I'm smart!" Luffy.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Kaizo.

"Tch! Stinky Kaizo!" Luffy left and went to sleep under a tree for the night.

The next day, Nami would pay up her debt…or at least, that's what should've happen.

ZackDKaizo ZackDKaizo

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