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Chapter 123: Shirahoshi's Heartrending Cry #123

With a grunt of effort, Cedric pushed himself harder, exerting every ounce of his colossal strength. He strained against the weight of Noah, his muscles trembling under the immense pressure. Sweat dripped from his brow as he fought to hold the ship in place, his determination unwavering.

Meanwhile, Baby 5 and Kieran continued their vital tasks. Baby 5's cannons unleashed a barrage of explosive shots, further chipping away at the weakened parts of Noah's hull. Kieran, utilizing his shadow abilities, intercepted any oversized wreckage that threatened to harm the island, redirecting it away from the vulnerable citizens.

Amidst the chaos, Den and Chuchun worked tirelessly, aiding the royal guards in evacuating the injured and guiding them to safety. Den's calm demeanor and Chuchun's unwavering determination provided a glimmer of hope in the midst of the chaos.

As the battle raged on, Cedric's strained muscles quivered with exhaustion. He could feel the weight of Noah pressing down upon him, threatening to overcome his strength. But deep within his being, a surge of determination welled up, igniting a fire that burned brighter than ever.

Cedric tapped into his hidden power reserves, pushing himself beyond his limits with a savage roar. Veins bulged on his forehead as he summoned every ounce of his colossal strength, channeling it into a mighty surge of force against Noah.

The air beneath Cedric seemed to distort as he unleashed a tremendous burst of power, causing shockwaves to ripple through the surrounding area. His arms strained and trembled under the immense strain, but he refused to yield.

Miraculously, against all odds, Cedric managed to halt Noah's descent. The massive ship staggered in the air, its forward momentum stymied by Cedric's immense strength. Though it was only a momentary respite, it breathed new life into the weary defenders of Fishman Island.

But Decken, relentless as he was, refused to let Cedric's actions go unpunished. Frustrated and emboldened by Cedric's dismssive attitude, Decken seized the opportunity to strike a devestating blow.

With a wicked grin, Decken hurled an axe with precise aim, targeting Cedric's remaining eye. The blade sliced through the air, cutting a deadly path toward its mark. Cedric saw it coming, but refused to let go of Noah.

The axe connected with its mark, creating a sickening squelch and burying itself into Cedric's left eye. Pain seared through his body, and his grip on Noah's hull wavered for a fraction of a second. The ship tilted forward, threatening to plunge toward Fishman Island once more.

"No!" Shirahoshi cried out, her voice filled with anguish. She watched in horror as Noah began to inch forward again, its destructive path inching closer to Fishman Island.

The citizens of the Ryugu kingdom gasped in fear, their hope slipping away as the massive ship continued its relentless advance. Desperation filled the air, mingling with Shirahoshi's despair.

His voice trembling, Fukaboshi shouted above the chaos, "Get back up, please, I beg you! We can't give up now!"

His vision momentarily blurred, and his injured eye streaming with blood, Cedric growled angrily. With a surge of determination, he summoned the remaining strength within him. Pushing through the pain, he lunged forward, his hands gripping the ship's hull again.

But no matter how hard Cedric strained against the ship's weight, Noah's momentum seemed insurmountable. The colossal vessel continued its descent, threatening to crush Fishman Island under its colossal mass. Desperation clung to the spectators' expressions, and despair threatened to consume them entirely.

Just as hope teetered on the edge of extinction, a wondrous spectacle unfolded before the eyes of the astonished onlookers. From the depths of Cedric's battered soul, a spark of inspiration ignited, transforming his grim determination into a blazing inferno.

In a display one could only describe as otherworldly, majestic fire clouds materialized around Cedric's towering figure. These ethereal seemed to have a mind and will of their own as they began to spread. Expanding with purpose, the fiery tendrils reached out, engulfing Noah's brow like a flaming crown.

They formed an impenetrable barrier, shielding Fishman Island from the impending catastrophe. The fire clouds radiated an awe-inspiring aura, putting the hearts of the spectators at ease and inspiring hope.

The flames, now an extension of Cedric's indomitable will, roared with primal intensity. Their vibrant shades of red, orange, and gold flickered and danced with an ethereal glow, casting a warm, radiant light that bathed the island in an otherworldly brilliance.

The air crackled with energy, carrying the scent of burning wood and seared metal. The intense heat emanating from Cedric's body mingled with the salty sea breeze, creating a unique atmosphere. The spectators could feel the warmth against their skin, a comforting reminder that they were not doomed. At least, not yet.

As the flames enveloped Noah's hull, the ship seemed to float in a strange state of defiance and submission. It remained frozen mid-air, its colossal bulk held captive by the fiery embrace.

Amidst the fiery maelstrom, Cedric stood resolute. His eyes, unyielding even with the loss of one, burned with an intensity matching the flames around him. He had become a living embodiment of strength, a force that defied all odds, taking another step toward his goals.

Witnessing Cedric's transformation, Decken's frustration and rage reached their peak. His voice reverberated through the chaotic battleground as he directed his fury at Cedric. "Everything is your fault!" he bellowed, his voice dripping with venom. "Ever since you and your crew arrived, my plans have been utterly ruined!"

With his mind clouded by anger and a burning desire for revenge, Decken seized another axe, its blade glinting ominously in the fiery light. He took aim, his focus solely on Cedric's remaining eye. The spectators held their breath, their hearts pounding in anticipation, hoping against hope that Cedric would prevail.

But Cedric had ignored Decknes enough for one day. His body, ravaged by pain and exhaustion, surged with a wave of newfound anger. With a primal roar that resonated throughout the battlefield, he unleashed a torrent of flames from his gaping maw.

The beam of concentrated fire erupted from Cedric's mouth, streaking through the air with blinding speed. It collided with Decken, engulfing him in a searing inferno. The crackling roar of the flames drowned out the pirate's defiant screams, his body consumed by the scorching heat of Cedric's attack.

Within moments, Decken turned to nothing more than a charred corpse, his life consumed in a display of overwhelming power. The air was heavy with the acrid scent of burnt flesh, a chilling reminder of the young man's nature hidden deep beneath an amicable exterior and a charming smile.

With Decken's life extinguished, the battlefield fell silent. The onlookers, filled with shock and relief, stared at the charred remains of their once formidable enemy and remained indifferent to his death. But amidst the aftermath of the fiery clash, a new wave of emotions washed over Shirahoshi.

Tears welled up in Shirahoshi's eyes as she processed the events that had unfolded. Decken's lifeless body, falling on the ground while everyone around seemed indifferent to his demise, struck a deep chord within her heart. She couldn't understand how they could be so dismissive of a life lost, even if it belonged to their enemy.

As she watched the citizens of Fishman Island resume their efforts to push away the ship, their determination unwavering, Shirahoshi's emotions welled up, threatening to overwhelm her. The weight of sorrow and frustration became unbearable, and she could no longer contain the turmoil within her.

Shirahoshi's screamed, and her cry seemed to suspend time, shaking the entirety of Fishman Island in a moment of reckoning. For a brief instant, the hurried soldiers, the roaring flames, and the creaking of Noah's hull all faded into the background. The only sound that echoed was the raw, unfiltered pain of a young princess who had witnessed something she couldn't understand.

As Shirahoshi's anguished cry reverberated through the island, a miraculous event unfolded before the astonished onlookers. As if summoned by her distress, the tranquil ocean waters surrounding Fishman Island roiled and churned, heralding the arrival of immense creatures.

Eight colossal sea kings emerged from the depths, their massive forms casting dark shadows over the underwater kingdom. These ancient creatures, with their sleek bodies and fearsome countenances, possessed an otherworldly majesty that commanded respect.

Their eyes gleamed with intelligence as they scanned the chaotic scene, their gazes shifting from Shirahoshi's tear-streaked, settling on her for a long moment before turning toward Cedric's struggling form beneath Noah.

In a synchronized display of strength, the sea kings approached Noah, their enormous jaws opening wide. With a calculated precision that belied their immense size, they clasped the chains attached to the colossal ship in their powerful teeth, their grip unyielding. As the chains strained against the sea kings' strength, creaking metal echoed through the water.

Gasps of shock and awe reverberated through the crowd as the sea kings began to exert their tremendous might. Slowly and deliberately, they dragged Noah away from Fishman Island, their combined efforts overpowering the ship's downward trajectory. The colossal vessel was pulled deeper into the watery depths, disappearing from sight.


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