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Chapter 6: And then the Amazionion thought, [Ahh! such a sweet and inocent little cherry this is! It'd be heresy to not go and take a lick~]


Argus's eyes snapped open. His face pale, covered in sweat. His right hand reaching out for something and the other on his heart, which was beating painfully. He gasped for whatever air his lungs could suck in.

[Just when I'm gonna be done with these nightmares!?!]

/ It's okay, Argus…it was just a dream…take deep breaths. No one can hurt you here…Have you forgotten? You're in an Anime World! /

A soothing voice resounds in his mind, with every intention to bring comfort to the scared boy.

[Thanks…now would you mind shutting up? It's too early for this shit.]

But, the boy did not appreciate the sentiment.

Getting up with frown plastered on his face, he walked towards the bathroom to fresh up, and clean his bloody sword while he was at it.



A sleepy Argus craving for coffee, was sitting on his bed after freshening up, with the Upgrade Interface on. Tapping on the Powers section, it said he have 3 Runes.

Having already decided what to do with them. He taped on Blink which further expanded into three upgradable aspects of Blink. Without any hesitation, Argus taped on 'Re-Directive Blink'.

{Re-Directive Blink

# Mental/Spiritual time of the user speeds up to the point where everything else seems to have stopped in time, when the magic is activated.

#User's body has to be stationary. Inertia/Momentum doesn't count.

# User can aim the Exit Point in any direction. Even 360 degrees.

# Any forced movements from the user will DEACTIVATE the time effect of Re-Directive Blink.

*Note- Forced movements will ONLY make the Mental/Spiritual time of the user flow normally. Not the Blink itself.

COST- 3 Runes. }

[This is gonna be OP…]

Fidgeting in excitement, Argus finalized the upgrade.

Closing the Upgrade Interface, he channeled mana into his Mark of The Outsider- activating Blink.

His whole world lost its colors. Everything was dyed in grey, other than the blue Exit Point. Turning his Exit Point at the window, Argus saw the people outside are frozen solid.

He saw a sprinting boy about to fall flat on the face with a really funny expression, frozen in time.

A woman furiously arguing with a vegetable vendor whose eyes were rolled up in annoyance, standing behind his hand drawn cart. Not moving in any way.

The innocent and happy smiles of the kids, who were running around were too frozen in time.

Everything looked strangely artistic.

About thirty seconds later, the constant whispers which Argus usually hears when keeping Blink active, suddenly got dramatically louder to the point his head started hurting.

Stopping Blink right then and there, Argus concluded, [So, the time limit of Re-Directive Blink is about 30 seconds…Decent enough…I can plan a lot of things in a 30 second time frame.]

"Alight…let's get some coffee before heading out…I'll also need to register with the guild but, I'm pretty sure I don't have enough Valis for the registration fee…Fine, I guess I'll head straight to the Dungeon and see what I can…kill."

Channeling his mana, Argus shaped the outfit he was wearing yesterday- Black shirt, chinos, and calf-length shoos




Vincent, the owner of the inn, was the one who attended Argus while his still blushing daughter, Anna peeked from the 'Staff only' room.

It was a sunny day, clear blue sky, a few birds flying high. The never ending hustle and bustle of the city gave him a sense of excitement, anticipation, and a feeling he couldn't quite put his finger on. A feeling he had long forgotten…Hope, perhaps?

Walking in an empty alley that he found a few meters away from the inn, Argus activated Blink.

'Stopping time' he leisurely aimed at a single story house before blinking on it.

From there on, he decided to 'Parkour-Blink' his way to the impossibly tall tower at the center of Orario- Babel.

Not only to get used to Blink but, also to see how physically good his body was, and the results astonished him. He was able to make 5 meter jumps, and more than ten meters with a decent inertia, coupling that up with Re-Directive Blink, Argus felt like he was flying.

Basically the stuff only a physically fit adult could pull off.



It was already lunch time and Argus was still only half way through. The path just wasn't coming to an end. Still being within 'Human Parameters', Argus was now somewhat tired.

Having decided that, he probably should be walking on stone road leading straight towards the Dungeon, Argus's awed eyes were once again darting left and right, gazing at all sorts of people from different races. The city itself was sight to behold as well.

Definitely, not because of a certain silver haired hottie, that can stalk people from great distances.

As he was walking, lost in his own delusional thoughts, imagining himself in situations that will never happen in real life. Argus caught scent of a heavenly aroma, sending his stomach on a rumbling frenzy. Swallowing his saliva, his eyes turned towards the direction of a certain restaurant. Followed by a…



Two unconscious grown men were thrown out of a particular restaurant. On the gates was standing a lone woman. She had short black hair, an adorable set of black cat ears rest on top of her head. Her slim figure was wrapped in a green waitress uniform along with a white apron. But, the eyes which were supposed to welcoming, were crueler than the goblins he had encountered yesterday.

Eying the two men in absolute disgust, the woman sensed a rather intense gaze on her. Turning her eyes towards the source, she saw a boy dressed in all black looking at her with eyes which are now wide open in terror.

[Ohh no…my intent…]

Her eyes which were fill to the brim with every intention to kill the two disgusting 'pigs' before her, softened. Opening her mouth she said, "Wai…"

But, before she could even finish a single word, she saw the boy turning around in a frenzy, and literally disappearing a second later, like a ghost.

Her eyes shot wide open, her mouth agape, as she stood there in dumb stun for a good while.





There was boy sitting on top of a roof, panting hard. A hand of his was clutching his throat, while the other was patting his sweat drenched body.

[How! I'm positive she had sliced my throat! And my body into pieces!]

The second his eyes were locked with that woman. He felt his throat slit open, his arms and legs cut. It happened in an instant.

If not for 'HER' screaming,

/Argus! Run! Now! /

And snapping him back to his senses, he would've fainted right then and there.

With a final sigh, Argus lit up a cigarette to calm his raging emotions. After all, he had just died, although virtually.

He also knew who that woman was- Chloe Rollo.

[I need to stay far away from that place… as far as possible…until I'm a little stronger.]

/Not a just little Argus…you need to get a lot stronger…I have a theory. What you felt was probably just a wisp of her killing intent. /

[You're kidding me…?]

/Your father did something similar once…/


[Hey…I...umm...Look! This changes nothing…the point is…Thank you…for snapping me out of it.]

/Don't mention it…I'll always be there when you need me. /





Once again, Argus started walking on the stone path leading towards the dungeon. What differed was, that he now had paper bag full of potato croquettes in his hands.

[Man…these things are good…]

/I would suggest you keep the budget in mind…I doubt you'll be able to earn much. And we're run out of money. We only have around 1000 Valis. /

[What do you mean 'WE'? there's no we in it…You'd do well to remember that.]


Looking the potato croquet in his hand, another thought popped into his head.

What timeline it is? Where's Hestia…or Bell?

/It doesn't really matter, Argus…It depends upon what you desire…What you intend to do here…Where you wish to stand…The most emotionally stable place will undoubtedly be Hestia Familia…and the place where your potential will get the attention it needs will be Loki Familia, or Freya Familia./

[And what the hell made you think, that you can decide for me?]

/I-It wasn't a decision, Argus…a suggestion…I wa-was just advising you to be- /

[Don't! Whatever it was… just don't! You've controlled my life long enough.]




The sun was right above his head when Argus reached Babel Tower.

A huge park was built right in front of the exit of the Dungeon, and currently Argus was resting on a park bench.

The chippering of the birds, the sweet smell of flowers, the gentle cool wind, felt just as marvelous as his garden back at Earth.

There were a lot of adventurers too, each wearing or carrying equipment better than the other. Shinning yet sturdy armors, magic staffs, maces, swords and the list went on. Each equipment glimmered with might and majesty alike.

Not the mention striking people of this world.

Argus, had gotten used to the unique beauty of the ladies residing in this world, almost all of them look impressive enough to be stars back at Earth. So, after a day long stay here, Argus somehow managed to not make a fool of 'his-virgin-self' by now gawking at the female adventurers who can end him with a slap…or so he thought.

What made him blush red like a cherry, was a party entirely consisted of Amazons.

The 'outfits' they wore so openly, were cosplay costumes for 'nightly activities' in his book. Not knowing where to put his eyes, he just looked straight down.

But, to his dismay, a mature woman of that party took notice of him and flashed a mischievous smile.

"Aye there cuttie!"

Argus's head snapped up the moment her voice reached him.

/Just don't have a heart attack…no matter what happens, don't forget to breathe. /

His heart raced like Flash, face got redder, as he looked at her walking rather 'seductively'. The woman responded his fluster with a giggle.

Deciding on, not teasing the 'little cherry' with mere words. She hooped on to his lap in one swift motion, straddling him with her soft thighs, her 'bouncing bunnies' snuggling to his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck, face so close that he could feel her breathing.

Slowly bringing her mouth closer to his ears, she gave his earlobe a little lick, which sent a thunderbolt down his body, before whispering, "Heya…did you like what you saw? Or rather… do you like what you're feeling…?"

Too damn flustered and embarrassed to even form a sentence, all that came out of Argus's mouth were a bunch of, what sounded like gibberish.

Seemingly satisfied with his 'answer', she whispered once again with a giggle, "Do'ya know what I fell? I feel a spear ready'n waiting to penetrate somethin~"

/Breathe! Breathe! Argus... and damn she's right! LOL! /

Her voice seemed to have clicked the gears in his brain, as he finally managed to reply something, "Wai-Listen! I-I'm new here! Alright! Okay!... I'm not…used to seeing people dressed…dressed like that! So…umm…"

Still grinning in mischief, she finally got off and sat beside him, with one leg on the knee.

Finally breathing in relief, Argus slowly lifted his eyes off the ground and turned them to peek at the woman beside him. But, like a fish too afraid to touch the hook, his eyes darted back the moment they came across her proud chest.

"Ya'know, rather than peeking like a little rabbit, you should jump like wolf! That face of yours is designed exactly fo'that…ya'feel me?"

[Yeah… I felt you a little too much for comfort!]

Preparing one the most sarcastic retort he could frame up, Argus managed reply, "Ye-Yes mam!"

"…heheha…Atta boy!"

Still giggling, she then got up and left along with her similarly giggling party, before patting his head. Leaving a sweat drenched, cheery red Argus behind.



His head still down. Argus was looking at the ground, calming his mind as fast as he can, when a thought hit him…

[I'm sitting in the park just outside the Dungeon, where there are who-knows-how-many Adventurers probably looking at me right now …]

/Ohhh, boy…/

Looking ahead in a frenzy, Argus saw every adventurer around was looking at his direction trying his/her best to not laugh.

And almost everyone burst out laughing on the floor, the moment the saw him looking up in hopes of 'privacy'.

Some middle aged ones were throwing knowing smiles at him which contained many different meanings.

/Things just can't get anymore creepy…/

[Okay, that's it for today's embarrassment! I'm outie!]

He thought before sprinting at full speed towards the dungeon.




Argus was now standing before a dark circular pit, which had a stairway going down in a spiral. Magic lamps were studded onto it's 'walls', providing just enough illumination.

Air felt moist. The only other source of light was the impossibly beautiful painting above his head.

Hordes of adventurers adorned in expensive looking equipment were either going down or up on the spiral stairway.

Standing there, Argus marveled the sight that he only ever saw in fantasy.

/Okay Argus, you got this. Don't panic… don't close your eyes, and play smart. /

Closing his eyes, before a deep breath, Argus spoke with a grin, "Okay! Let's do this…"

An_Imperfectionist An_Imperfectionist

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