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Only Joking Only Joking original

Only Joking

Author: pottahsapple

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One

"Hush, Ginger," a small brunette said in annoyance, plopping down on the floor in front of a tiny crate. Her orange and white cat moaned from its carrying case for the millionth time, her green eyes longing for freedom.

"We'll be back at Hogwarts soon," she cooed poking one short finger through the cage, stroking the kitten's soft fur soothingly.

"Kaydynce, are you nearly ready to leave, darling?" Remus called from downstairs.

She jumped up from the floor and stuffed the last of her clothes inside of her trunk and sat down heavily on top of the lid, buckling it shut with a bit of a struggle.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a second," she called back, surveying her tidy bedroom for anything she may have forgotten. Deciding she had everything packed, she produced her wand from the back pocket of her jean shorts and was about to mutter a levitation charm when Remus gasped from the doorway.

"No, Kaydynce!" he practically yelled, gripping the end of her wand, tugging it from her hands gently. "You can't do magic outside of school, especially here at Headquarters. The ministry will track it in a heartbeat."

Kaydynce had forgotten that she was not at the Burrow with her friends this summer. While the Weasleys were having a grand old time in Egypt, she was stuck here with all of the adult members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Kaydynce rolled her warm brown eyes and smacked her forehead lightly.

"I'm sorry, Remus, I completely forgot," she said gripping the handle of her heavy trunk, lifting it with great effort.

"Don't be ridiculous, Kaydy. I'll take it for you," he said, his tired coffee colored eyes sparkling as he smiled and flicked his wand at the baggage. The oversized black suitcase hovered out of Kaydy's hand and she smirked up at Remus as he sent her luggage floating from her bedroom.

"Ready to go?" he asked, aiming his wand at the suspended trunk in the doorway. Kaydy nodded her head, running her violet nails through her brown waves.

"Then let's head off to the station," Remus said walking swiftly from the room, Kaydy following closely behind him.

Remus placed the trunk on the worn out floor of number twelve, Grimmauld Place and held out his arm. Kaydy gripped it tightly as Remus held onto the handle of the suitcase.

Kaydy scrunched her eyes shut as she felt the oxygen being squeezed from her lungs. She clung to Remus' arm and struggled to breathe. Just as she began feeling a bit light headed, she felt the stone floor of King's Cross Station present beneath her feet and Remus' firm hands were steadying her until she was able to find her balance. She gasped, filling her lungs with the warm, fresh air, while Remus hoisted her trunk onto a trolley, leading them on their way.

"I'm thrilled you'll be joining me at Hogwarts this year," she said mischievously, watching his surprised reaction from the corner of her eye.

"How did you know that already?" he asked, a smirk appearing on his pasty, gaunt face.

"I have my ways," she said playfully, with a devilish glint in her eyes. He chuckled deep in his throat as he watched her skip ahead of the trolley, twirling in a graceful circle or two. He observed the way her wavy brown hair orbited around he shoulders, bouncing attractively down her back once she stopped spinning, and he admired the beautiful, immaculate young woman he had raised.

Remus Lupin had found Kaydynce after a vicious battle in Nottingham: one between Aurors and Death , a young member of the Order of the Phoenix, was sent after the battle was finished to recover the bodies of any deceased Order members. Instead of retrieving corpses, he had stumbled upon a baby girl of no more than one year old, wrapped securely in a ratty, old blanket, sleeping soundly. She was all alone, surrounded by rubbish and the remains of buildings that were blown to pieces during the brutal duel. She began to stir as Remus stepped closer, wand at the ready. And as her big brown eyes fluttered open, she began to cry, panic overtaking her as she didn't recognize her surroundings, or the man standing before shushed her and scooped her into his arms and brought her back to Dumbledore to decide what to do with this child.

"I would suggest bringing the child to an orphanage, Remus," he had advised, pacing the floor of Grimmauld Place, his mind clearly somewhere else. Remus couldn't blame Dumbledore for being reserved about it. Four of his men had just disappeared, so, a lost child was certainly not his first concern, though Remus had hoped that Dumbledore would have been a little more helpful. Remus glanced at his best friends, James and Lily, who looked up at him sympathetically while Lily held their own newborn son close to her chest, rocking him to sleep. Nearby, Sirius Black held the little girl in his arms tickling her ribs, watching her giggle.

"We can't just abandon her now," Remus said watching Sirius play with her, a wolf-like grin stretched across his rugged face, completely oblivious to everybody else in the room. "Sirius loves her already. We can't just take her away from him," Remus said more to himself than to Dumbledore, watching his dearest friend glow with joy.

"Yes, I do see what you mean," Dumbledore said, his blue eyes twinkling behind his half-moon glasses, his eyes following Remus' gaze.

"Sirius," Dumbledore beckoned. Sirius instantly stopped laughing with the baby and strolled over, carrying the delicate little girl on his hip.

"I wonder," he said wistfully watching Sirius closely. "Would you like to, perhaps, adopt the child?" Sirius' brown eyes widened and he looked down at the baby on his hip. She had placed her tiny head on his shoulder as though it belonged there, her dark brown hair curling on the ends. She sighed softly, closing her eyes and snuggling her face into his shoulder. Sirius brought his glassy eyes back to Dumbledore.

"I'd love to," he said with an elated smile.

Mere months later, the Potter's whereabouts were uncovered and they were murdered by the Dark Lord himself. Though it had been deemed impossible, their son, Harry, survived the killing curse that grim Halloween night. Voldemort vanished undetected. The first person everyone accused to have been affiliated with the murder of James and Lily Potter was their best friend, Sirius Black.

Remus could not accept that two of his dearest friends were dead because of another close friend's betrayal. But the evidence was convincing and, whether Remus believed it or not, Sirius would be thrown into Azkaban, leaving his new daughter, Kaydynce Leanne, alone once more. Molly Weasley insisted the child live with her and her children, but Remus declined and kept Kaydynce to himself, knowing it was what Sirius would have wanted for her.

"Take your trolley and go on ahead of me," he called after her. Kaydy hurried back to his side, taking control of the cart, pushing it through the crowded station. Remus rubbed his tired eyes, refusing to let the tears burst forth. He missed his friends dearly, Sirius included. Once he regained his composure, he followed tiredly after her and they soon reached the entry to platform nine and three quarters. He laid a bony hand on her shoulder, turning her gently to face him. She stared up at him, waiting for him to speak, her brown eyes wide with wonder.

"Kaydy, you're growing up so fast," he said and Kaydy backed away from him quickly, shaking her head vigorously.

"Don't," she said with a nervous laugh, reluctant to hear his speech that she knew would leave her misty eyed.

"I'll be quick, don't worry," he chuckled softly. "As I was saying," he continued. "You're growing up so fast and I wanted you to know that I've always thought of you as, well… as my daughter." Kaydy looked down, forcing her tears back into her brown eyes. She knew nothing of her past, besides what Remus had told her: that she was discovered after a battle and Remus took her into his home straight away.

"You're a brilliant young witch. You're wise, and talented, and beautiful. I want you to know how proud I am of you," he said, his voice a little shakier than usual, as though he were fighting back tears as well. Kaydy looked up at him and quickly flung herself into his embrace, sniffling away the few tears that she had let slip down her tan cheeks. He held her tiny body against his bony chest and patted her hair lovingly.

"Alright," he said clearing his throat and pulling away from her gently. "We'd better go through before the barrier closes." Kaydy nodded and brushed the tears from her tan skin and began shoving the trolley forward again, gaining speed with each step she took. She grinned as she sprinted forward, running straight through the brick wall leading to the Hogwarts Express.

Like every year prior, she stared in awe at the scarlet locomotive as numerous magical families crowded together on the platform. She pushed her cart out of the way of the entrance, in order to avoid being knocked over. Remus ran through the barrier and stood beside Kaydy.

"Are you excited to see the twins again?" he asked lifting her suitcase off of the trolley for her. Kaydy grinned to herself, clearly picturing the smiling faces of her identical best friends.

"Of course I am," she said happily. "I've missed all of the Weasleys to death."

Remus had always made certain that Kaydynce was welcome in the Weasleys' home. Molly and Arthur truly loved her, and she them, and she was always treated like one of their own children. Kaydynce had never had a family like the Weasleys'. She never had a big family to spend the holidays with, nor had she ever had any brothers or sisters to bicker with over whose turn it was to wash the dishes or mop the floors. For the first five years of her life, it was just her and Remus.

When Remus introduced her to the Weasleys when she was six years old, it was a completely new life to Kaydy. The Burrow was rather small for the number of people living inside of it, but the Weasleys never seemed to notice, nor complain. For the first time in her life, Kaydynce witnessed what a happy marriage really looked and felt like through Molly and Arthur Weasley. Even with seven children roaming around, they never seemed to be overwhelmed or unhappy with the path they had ended up on. In fact, they were very grateful and wouldn't have it any other way. Kaydynce strived to have a marriage, a life, like Molly and Arthur, filled with laughter, honesty, and a fierce love for one another.

Kaydy had missed all of the Weasleys terribly over the holiday and couldn't wait to be back at school where she could spend every day with her best mates again.

"Why don't you go ahead and find your friends. I'll see you once we arrive," Remus said handing Kaydy her luggage. She nodded and lugged her trunk behind her, dragging it through the narrow corridors in search of an empty compartment.

"Want help with that?"

Kaydy turned around and found herself staring into the icy blue eyes of Draco Malfoy. Draco stood at least four inches taller than her. The infamous smirk on his face faltered for a moment, almost becoming a soft smile, before quickly returning to its normal sneer.

"No, I'm fine, Malfoy," she said, doubting he was actually going to help her, and risk the others witnessing a sheer act of kindness.

"Allow me," he said smacking her hand away lightly, lifting the suitcase easily. She watched as he pushed smaller children out of his way, trying to find an empty compartment. She smiled apologetically at as many first years as she could while she jogged to keep up with Draco.

He slid the glass door open, allowing Kaydy to enter the empty room first. He followed closely behind, hoisting her luggage onto the wire rack above the cushioned seats.

Kaydynce was the only person to know the other side- the good side- of Draco Malfoy. She saw him beyond the cold, hard exterior, straight through to the caring, terrified core of him. Kaydy had become quite close with Draco during his first year, her second. She had given him the benefit of the doubt and refused to pass judgments on him until she knew everything there was to know about him. At first, Draco hated Kaydy and loathed her persistent nature. But he couldn't resist opening up to her, because Kaydy had a gift for making people feel at ease. She gave him comfort and support that he could get nowhere else and soon enough, he was eager to share his emotions with her. He knew she wouldn't hate him for making a rude, arrogant remark, like he often did. Draco had never let anybody into his life, into his heart, the way he had let Kaydy. In each other, they had somebody to confide in, someone they could tell their deepest feelings and scariest thoughts to without being judged. They had a bond, with an unbreakable trust in one another.

Although they had agreed to keep their friendship a secret, Kaydy couldn't resist telling Fred and George about it, praying that they would give Draco a chance. But, she knew there was really no hope, since Draco and his family had ridiculed the Weasleys for ages. It was hard for Kaydynce to look past that, herself. The Weasleys were, after all, considered family in her eyes and she had been present for most of the Malfoys' cruel, supercilious remarks toward them. But once Kaydy had finally gotten Draco alone, she learned that he isn't so despicable when his father is not around. Draco would never dream to let anyone know of the deep hatred he felt toward his father. Besides Kaydy, he would never tell a soul of the horrible things Lucius Malfoy expects his son to do with pride to bring honor to their family. Perhaps if he did, he would have more true friends like Kaydynce in his life, rather than 'friends' who fear him.

"Thanks, Draco," she said with a sincere smile. He nodded to her and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Kaydynce Lupin!"

The two of them turned to look at the tall, redhead standing in the doorway of the compartment. He grinned, as did she, and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, lifting her into the air effortlessly. She giggled into his shoulder, returning his hug, before he set her back on her feet. He glanced over at Draco and glared for a moment before moving his gaze to his feet. Seconds later, another boy with fiery red hair, identical to his twin, grinned from the corridor, his hazel eyes twinkling as he stared at Kaydy. She smiled back at him, waiting to be captured in his warm grasp, but as his eyes fell to Draco, she watched as the sparkle in them evaporated.

"Oi, Malfoy!" he said stepping into the compartment, his eyes staring directly to Draco. "What do you think you're doing?" he looked down at Draco in disgust, towering over him.

"Fred, calm down," she said wrapping her fingers loosely around his forearm. "He helped me get my luggage to the compartment, that's all." The boy, called Fred, relaxed at her gentle touch and glanced down at her, his expression softening before turning to face Draco again.

Draco dropped his hateful eyes to the floor, his sneer present on his lips, and stared at the carpet beneath his shoes for a moment. He brought his gaze back to Kaydy's repentant eyes and flashed a half smile at her.

"I'll be seeing you, Kaydynce," he said glancing back at Fred, throwing him a quick glower before leaving the compartment. Kaydy watched him go, staring after him long after he was out of view. She could tell that he had wanted to curse Fred, but at least Draco makes an effort to spare Kaydy.

Draco never wanted her to feel torn between him and the twins, probably because he knew he would never win. So, he did his best to control his hate towards them to keep her in his life. George tried to do the same. Although he despised Draco just as much as the other Weasleys, he always made an attempt to be civil towards him by biting his tongue or ignoring his presence completely, and Kaydy appreciated his efforts. She hated that Fred would never do the same, and yet, she couldn't bring herself to blame him either. Draco was always nasty to the Weasleys, even after Kaydy came along. She had hoped with all her might that by befriending Draco, the rivalry between Gryffindors and Slytherins, or at least Weasleys and Malfoys, would diminish. But when Draco suggested they kept their friendship out of the public eye, she knew that the hostility between the two houses and families would stay as is.

Fred turned around to face Kaydy with a sheepish smile on his innocent face. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against his chest and breathed in her sweet scent.

"Honestly, Fred, did you have to scare the poor boy?" she joked giggling softly into his green shirt. He chuckled and let her go, taking a seat across from his twin. Kaydy plopped down beside him and pulled her knees casually to her chest, which Fred couldn't help but notice, had gotten quite larger and fuller.

"How was your summer, boys?" she asked snapping him from the inappropriate thoughts he should not be having about his younger best friend.

"It was great! Egypt was spectacular," his brother said excitedly.

"But surely Ron will love to tell her all about that, George," Fred stated rolling his eyes.

"He's been flashing about a clipping of us," George said.

"He's showing anyone that'll look, really," Fred continued.

"The day maid-"

"The night maid-"

"Some bloke who fixed the toilet-"

"And a wizard from Belgium!" they both said together. Kaydy laughed quietly shaking her head, allowing her light brown waves to fall over her beautiful face, concealing her dazzling white smile.

"Leave your baby brother alone, Fred!" she said slapping his arm playfully. His twin laughed loudly from the seat across from them and Kaydy looked at him with a false glare in her eyes.

"You too, George!" she scolded, causing the brothers to laugh harder.

"You sound like Mum, Kaydy," George said knotting his fingers behind his head getting comfortable as the train rolled forward, embarking on the journey back to Hogwarts.

Within minutes, a low snore sounded from George, and Fred and Kaydy looked at each other, shaking their heads. He watched her twist a strand of hair around her purple nails, staring at her intently, examining her appearance.

Fred noticed that her hair had gotten much longer over the holiday and it draped well beyond her broad shoulders in cascading chocolate colored waves. She had also acquired spectacular curves which graced her body to perfection. She was definitely more mature than the other girls in her year. Her warm brown eyes seemed to smile, the way they normally did. Fred loved Kaydy's eyes. They were his favorite physical feature she had possessed. His eyes scanned the bronzed skin of her slender arms and legs, yearning to run his fingers along the satin-like flesh. Fred knew she was, by far, the most attractive witch in the fourth year, if not all of Hogwarts.

"So, what's new with you, Freddy?" she asked smiling up at Fred. Her smooth, soft voice overwhelmed him and he mirrored her smile for a second.

"Nothing really," he said looking away from her shrugging his shoulders. He ran his hands through his short ginger hair, ruffling it up a bit.

"I see you've gotten closer with Malfoy," he said with venom in his voice. Kaydy rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders, avoiding Fred's piercing stare.

"I guess so," she said shortly.

He rolled his eyes and angled his body to face her. She tried not to meet his gaze, but gave in and stared back at him. He raised an orange eyebrow, urging her to continue. She groaned and ran her nails through her hair irritated. She always knew she would regret having told Fred about the friendship she had built with Draco.

"We wrote a lot this summer," she said. "He's not as bad as you think he is," she defended with the same argument she had been using for the past two years, refusing to look at Fred's face this time.

"Oh no, I bet he's real sweet and compassionate, right?" he mocked crossing his arms. "A perfect Prince Charming?" Kaydy glared daggers at him, pursing her lips together.

"You don't even know him," she said through her teeth, trying to keep her voice down, as not to wake George from his slumber.

"I know he's a right foul git who doesn't deserve your affection," he said angrily. "All he cares about is blood, Kaydy. And for all you know, you could be a muggle-born. Then, he'd treat you like rubbish."

"Stop it!" she said in a hushed yell. "He's a different person than you know him to be. Just leave it alone," she begged, desperately pleading with her eyes. She tore her stare away from his and let her misty eyes dart around the room, avoiding his sorrowful stare. Fred knew that it killed Kaydy not knowing about her past.

"Sorry," he whispered, noticing the tears rimming her eyes. She ignored him and wrapped her arms around her flat stomach.

"Hey," he said a little louder, tugging on her elbow until she looked up at him. "I'm sorry," he said again. This time, Kaydy shut her eyes and half-smiled up at him, nodding her head in acceptance.

"You know what I think?" he asked in a light tone and Kaydy couldn't help but smile at the smirk in his voice. She looked up at his freckled face, waiting for him to continue. "I think you have a crush on Mr. Malfoy," he teased, chuckling as her eyes widened.

"I do not!" she said loudly, covering her mouth with her hand as George stirred across from them.

"Sure, you don't," Fred said, his voice laced with disbelief. Kaydy just rolled her eyes, deciding not to waste her breath arguing with him.

"Well, you know what I think?" she asked looking up at Fred with a devious grin playing on her pink lips.

"What?" he asked looking down at her, his eyes dancing across her stunning face.

"I think you're jealous," she said poking his hard chest. His eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows and lifted his hands, poking at her sides, tickling her until tears poured from her eyes. Fred pulled her easily against his chest, draping his arm over her shoulders as she snuggled closer to him.

"So what if I am jealous?" he asked staring down at his best friend seriously. She glanced up at him, caught off guard by the meaningful tone in his voice. And her lips parted, but before any words could escape, the train lurched forward, nearly sending them both to the floor. Fred tightened his grip on Kaydy as she squealed, preventing her from falling and she held onto his green t-shirt. George's eyes snapped open, and he looked around frantically.

"What's happened?" he asked as the lights in the train flickered and it got terribly cold.

"We've stopped," Kaydy said stating the obvious, and the lights shut off completely. "Why have we stopped? We can't be there yet," she said looking around the darkened compartment. She curled up against Fred and tried to stay warm as the temperature seemed to drop with each passing second. Kaydy's teeth chattered and she buried her face into Fred's chest, feeling him tremble beneath her.

"What the bloody hell was that?" George exclaimed shuffling a little closer to the door. Kaydy lifted her head, but Fred pulled her face back to his torso, forbidding her to see what had frightened George.

"Don't, Kay, it's nothing," he cooed in her ear rocking her back and forth. The compartment door slammed open and closed again, and Kaydy wrenched her head away from Fred to see Draco Malfoy panting in their compartment, clearly scared out of his wits. Fred and George exchanged a confused glance and Kaydy watched Draco as he pressed his pale forehead against the glass of the compartment door.

Minutes later, light filled the compartment and the train jerked forward, continuing on its way to school. Draco fled from the compartment and George poked his head into the corridor, asking nearby students if they had seen anything.

"Are you alright, Kay?" Fred asked holding her tighter as she shuddered. She nodded and pushed herself away from Fred when Angelina Johnson burst into the compartment.

"Fred!" she squealed, her dark brown eyes wide with panic. "You're okay!" She jumped into his arms, hugging him tight. He wrapped his arms loosely around her waist and Kaydy looked away sullenly, sliding across the cushion away from Fred.

"I'm fine," he said into her long raven black hair. She pulled away from him and kissed his cheek before sitting down in the seat George had previously occupied.

"Oi! Lee, did you see anything?" George called darting out of the compartment. Kaydy watched him leave, feeling the awkward air creep towards her. She pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her thin, bare legs, in a desperate attempt to make herself as small as possible.

While Angelina captured Fred in a deep conversation about Quidditch, Kaydynce took the time to really examine her features. Angelina Johnson, one of the chasers for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, had unbelievably long, toned legs and a body to die for. Kaydynce envied Angelina's slender figure, with curves in all the right places. She looked older than fifteen, much more developed than most of the other fifth years in Hogwarts. The dark brown color of her skin seemed to glow, even under the poor lighting the compartment had to offer. She had brown eyes with subtle hints of gold when the light hit them properly with long black eyelashes, which she'd bat with effortless precision. She giggled enthusiastically, flashing a brilliant white smile, as she laid her manicured fingers flirtatiously on Fred's knee. He smirked back at her and continued to crack jokes, dying to keep her laughing. Kaydy stood abruptly, unable to watch the sickening love scene play out any longer, and left the compartment unnoticed.

As soon as she left the compartment, she realized she had nowhere else to go until they arrived at , she wandered aimlessly, refusing to return to her unavailable compartment.


She glanced behind her, meeting the chocolate brown eyes of the youngest Weasley. Ginny quickly engulfed Kaydy in a tight hug, locking her thin arms around Kaydy's bony waist. She gladly accepted and returned the embrace wholeheartedly.

"I've missed you, Ginny!" Kaydynce said into Ginny's straight red hair.

"I've missed you too!" she squeaked letting go of Kaydy's waist. "Whenever you're not around, Fred and George tend to pick on me more," she said with a laugh. Kaydy laughed too, knowing it was the truth. This summer was the first holiday in a few years that Kaydy had not spent with the Weasleys. Molly and Arthur had invited Kaydynce to join them in Egypt, of course, seeing as how they had always considered her a part of the Weasley clan, but Kaydy couldn't impose. Not to mention, she didn't like the idea of being so far away from Remus.

It was Kaydy's self-proclaimed responsibility to take care of Remus when the time would come for him to transform into his werewolf state. He never liked the idea much, but Kaydy refused to let him endure the transformation alone. Remus never wanted Kaydy to be present during his 'bad nights', but she feels that she must protect Remus as much as she can.

Kaydynce had known of Lupin's condition since she was five years old. He hadn't taken his potion one night, and he couldn't get away fast enough, and Kaydy watched him morph before her eyes. All she can remember thinking was, "I need protection. I need to help him and keep myself safe too."

As a young child, Kaydy, like most magical children, did not know how to control her magic. She never imagined that her distressed, frantic thoughts would change her, giving her an animagus in the form of a giant wolf. Her tan, black and grey fur blew in the breeze as Remus turned and looked at her through his bloodshot eyes. He howled loudly, throwing his head back, and Kaydy stood her ground, trying to remain calm for Remus. He bolted away from her and into the forest behind their home and Kaydynce followed after him, willingly putting herself in danger in order to protect her guardian.

Kaydy knew that if she hadn't witnessed his condition first hand, Remus probably wouldn't have introduced her to the Weasleys at all. She was wise enough to know that he had sent her there to try to keep her away from him during his 'time of the month,' but she still managed to sneak away if, and when, the occasion called for it.

"Wanna come with me to find Harry?" Ginny asked. "And Ron and Hermione," she quickly added, a faint blush coming to her pale cheeks. Kaydy smirked down at her, fully aware of the intense crush she had on Harry. And she nodded, following Ginny down the narrow hallways of the Hogwarts Express train in search of the Golden Trio.

"They're in here, Gin," Kaydy said sliding open one of the compartment doors.

A boy with flaming red hair sat beside another boy with messy black hair and emerald eyes hidden behind round glasses. Across from them, sat a young girl with light brown curly hair and slightly large front teeth.

"Hello, Kaydy!" the redhead stood up, giving her a tight hug.

"How are you, Ronald?" she asked locking her arms around his neck.

"Great, we missed you in Egypt!" he said and the rest of the compartment groaned, probably expecting Ron to dive into his tales of his holiday for the millionth time.

"I missed you guys too. You'll have to tell me all about your trip later," she said and the girl sitting in the compartment smiled up at her thankfully. Kaydy winked down at Hermione and moved out of Ron's grasp.

"Hey, Kaydy," the black haired boy said distantly. She smiled at him and sat beside him crinkling her eyebrows skeptically, looking him over carefully.

"You alright, Harry?" she said pressing the backside of her hand to his forehead, his skin clammy and warm.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said distractedly. "Did you hear a woman screaming earlier?" he asked looking at her with hopeful eyes.

"Why? Were you giving her a reason to scream?" she joked raising her thin brown eyebrow at him. The others laughed at her raunchy joke and Harry forced a chuckle shaking his head.

"No, I didn't," she said seriously. "Why do you ask?"

"When the Dementor-"

"Is that what it was? Bloody hell!" Kaydy said, her brown eyes doubled in size. "Sorry, go on," she said seriously again.

"When the Dementor came into the compartment, it," he trailed off twiddling his thumbs nervously. Ron glanced at Ginny, rushing to shove her out of the compartment.

"It went straight for Harry and, well, it sort of sucked the life out of him for a moment or two," Hermione continued for him, terror in her eyes as she spoke. Kaydy's jaw dropped and she grasped Harry's cold hand in her own and looked him in his green eyes.

"What was it like?" she asked, feeling Harry's hand shake, his fear radiating from his palm into hers.

"I felt like I was reliving every bad moment of my life," he whispered. "And then I heard a woman scream right before I blacked out." Kaydy wrapped her arms around him to provide comfort. He let her cradle him and he sighed deeply into her hair.

"I just don't understand why it chose me, and not the others," he said thoughtfully, lacing his fingers with Kaydy's.

"I don't know why these things happen to you, Harry. But you handle all of these horrific circumstances marvelously," she said kissing his cheek and standing up. "When you get to school, go see the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He should be able to help you." And with that, Kaydy left the compartment, reluctantly returning to her own, knowing they would be arriving at Hogwarts soon and she needed to change into her school robes.

When she slid the glass door open, she found Fred sitting alone. He glanced up at her before quickly looking out the window again, a disappointed look in his eyes.

"Nice to see you too," she muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" he asked looking her up and down subtly.

"Were you expecting Angelina?" she asked cynically, standing up on her tiptoes to retrieve her robes from her trunk. "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but it's just little old me." Even on the tips of her sneakers, her fingers only just brushed the edge of her suitcase and she let out a frustrated groan. As Fred's long arm reached over her head, Kaydynce felt the warm muscles of his front press against her back. He gripped the wire rack in his hand and leaned his weight on that one arm, staring down at her as she turned to face him, realizing just how close they were. Her chest pressed against his with every breath, and she craned her neck to look into his hazel eyes and stared crossly as he smirked down at her.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a wee bit jealous, Kaydynce," he whispered, leaning closer to her, watching her brown eyes dart from his eyes to his lips.

"So what if I am," she murmured, inhaling his scent of honey and brown sugar. His hazel eyes widened for a split second and he stepped away from her a little bit. Otherwise, he seemed to have ignored her comment and he yanked her robes out of her trunk, tossing them to her playfully, as though she had said nothing out of the ordinary. She caught them easily and walked slowly out of the room, trying her hardest not to sway on her way to the changing sections.

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