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Chapter 66: Extras


"Elder Yang, Fan Lin had left the premises of the headquarters."

Elder Yang's secretary said to him on his reciever.

"En. Take the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul and store in the special storage."

Elder Yang ordered and began to comb through Fan Lin's Spirit Soul Tower battle data.

He was the person in charge of the Spirit Soul Tower and it was his duty to oversee the trial reports of all the challengers to maintain the impartiality of the trials.

The challenge records also helped them to collect information from and about various challengers that took the Spirit Soul Tower challenge. This allows them to recruit (poach) good prospects for the Spirit Pagoda.

Leng Yaozhu was an example of this although she joined the Pagoda on her own.

(Contradictory statement)

Elder Yang compiled all of Fan Lin's reports so that he can send it to the other Elders, Vice Presidents and the President. Fan Lin's challenge was something that all of them were looking forward too but due to Qiangu Dongfeng's preparations, they all had some urgent work that they were now involved with.

Well, half of them were on the tails of the reappeared mysterious death and nearly a third were spread around in the Douluo continent to recover the experiment data from the experiment facilities that became the victims of the previous mysterious death. The people were dead but the research progress remained. That was the most valuable part of those research labs anyways.

Lastly, the remaining one-third were doing usual Spirit Pagoda stuff like overseeing the installation of new Pagodas, ordnance and logistics network of the Pagodas, supplying of spirit beasts into the beast colosseum and etc. They were busy. All of them were. All because of Qiangu Dongfeng who had purposefully done so to avoid the interference and entice Fan Lin in his clutches.


"Now I just need to prepare an excuse for giving him the Ice Jade Scorpion spirit soul on my own and I would be done with today's work."

Elder Yang said to himself as he signalled his secretaries to deliver Fan Lin's report.

"I hope he one day realises that Qiangu Dongfeng's not a good guy."



What are they talking about?

What does he mean by the Resurgence of Life file?

Was is the one he stopped reading when he saw me?

I have scanned it spiritually and it wasn't any special or had any words that matched what he was saying at that time.

6639 page?

That file didn't even have 100 pages.

So another file it is then.

What was in that another file then?

What are they talking about about?

What kind of assurance did he give?

"Where are you? You aren't at the shop."

{Just leave the stuff there and leave. Throw the vials whenever you are free in the upcoming month. I will take care of the rest after my work is done.}


He dared to order me!

He even cut my call!

I will kill him.


So Leng Yaozhu is going to take Qiangu Dongfeng's place.

He somehow even convinced her for a peak hundred thousand year old Spirit soul Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear at that.

What was in that file?

His spirit soul absorption speed is quite fascinating. His enery physique really eases the assimilation of the spirit soul and hastens the formation of the spirit ring.

Where is he going now?

Oh! He did return to get the clothes.

Why does he need them though? Also, he never explained why he is wearing a female clothing. Why does he even have that?


Let's not think any further about this. I don't feel good.

He is going to the soul train station now.

He hadn't explained the situation to me though.

I should be ready to interfere if things went wrong.

Don't rile him up you idiot? Why are you even telling him that you became violent his daughter?

(I tried 20 different sentences, this one was the least weird)

Wait, you took my clothes as a present for another girl?

She is going to burn them at that!

*Internal sigh*

Whatever. I am not wasting my time on thinking about his actions anymore.

Why are you sleeping when he is just a distance apart!!!?

Five hours later.

It was 2 am in the night and the train was steadily moving forward towards its destination.

A female server of that exact soul train glanced at the sleeping boy and then at the compartment that was devoid of everyone except those two.

She slowly went towards him and poked his head with a stick for a few times.

"He really is dead!"

She said in a somber manner and began to take Fan Lin's storage guide necklace.

"What are you doing?"

Emphasis on the tried to take Fan Lin's storage guide necklace. The server hadn't succeeded and the reason was the cold female voice that she heard.

She slowly turned around as the voice had nearly gave her a heart attack and she leaked a little while her legs felt like cement blocks.

As she turned, she saw the person who seem to have said those words. It was a girl, around 10-13 years old.

The server internally heaved a sigh of relief at that because she thought that the voice had came from the corpse of the crossdresser boy or someone who was an adult.

'Hmph! I got scared for no reason. It was just a little girl.'

The server thought and just as she made an angry face to began her retort to the little girl, she saw an handsome man with golden pupils sitting elegantly in one of the seats behind the girl.

The Handsome man looked at her and she ran away while screaming, unable to understand the fear that she just felt. The train compartment needed cleaner now.

"Disgusting humans."

Gu Yue muttered in a disgusted tone. She then slowly turned to look towards Fan Lin who was still sleeping like a log despite the screams of the woman who was gone.


"I will just poke a small hole through his body. It would heal in a few minutes anyways."

"This will also serve as an example of why you shouldn't sleep in public."

Gu Yue quietly mumbled as clear eyes began to decide when she wanted to skewer him and an elemental blade began to slowly form in her hand.

'On his heart then. It's not serving any purpose in him.'

She wondered for a brief moment before coming forward and plunging her hand but then backing away immediately because a certain hand just grabbed the air where her neck was supposed to be.

Fan Lin had woken up.

'This liar! 😡

'What cut my senses, completely defenceless? You cheater deceitful human! I hate you.'

It took Gu Yue a lot of restraints to not chop his head off.

Thousands of words formed in her mind as she angrily observed Fan Lin leaving the compartment after glancing at the time.

Her whole day was wasted on protecting him in case he did something weird since he was acting weird after gaining his mental state.

Fortunately nothing happened but Gu Yue's resentment rose up a notch, burying the goodwill that she held for him.

He was once again doing something extremely risky and if he failed the spirit beasts would be the one to most likely suffer due to it.

They both teleported to Fan Lin's previous training area behind in the Working students dormitory in the Outer court of the Shrek Academy.

"Di Tian, go and ask the Myriad Demon King to check the contents of the vials the old human way."

(The Old human way - do you know how Grenades are thrown. Same. Open the vial and throw it far away and then see the results and try to understand what it was. You can also interact with the results but it isn't advisable to do so.)

Gu Yue gave the storage ring that Fan Lin had entrusted her with to Di Tian and instructed his new task.

There were lot of desert areas in the Western Douluo continent and they were a perfect place to check weird things. A few millenniums ago, humans had also tested something there and the results were shocking!

Groundbreaking even!

Who said the spirit beasts can do the same? Plus these are his vials, they should be able to help them grow more trees right?

Wrong. Completely wrong.

"Forget it. Return the ring. We should not be hasty. We have waited for so long, a few more years won't hurt."

She took the ring back as she recalled the warning that one of Fan Lin's worker gave her.

"Sooner or later, he will have to give the explanation for his actions."

She quietly walked back and began to cultivate in her dorm room. The other members were also cultivating and no one asked her anything.

She was Gu Yue, she often had stuff to attend to in the Spirit Pagoda.


After he had come to the conclusion that his conversation with Yun Ming had ended from his side, Fan Lin had disregarded his existence and went to sleep.

He needed a quick emotional refresh and he will wake up when it was complete.

Two things were neglected here.

One, he had no knowledge of what had happened to his psyche.

Second, he had taken the train for Skysea city.

For those that don't know what that means, let us give you a brief overview.

Bright city was at the west of the Douluo continent, just before the deserts started.

Shrek Academy was around at the centre of the Douluo continent.

Skysea city was at the North Eastern coast of the Douluo continent.

It took nearly three days by a soul train to reach Bright city from Shrek City.

It took around 19-23 hours to reach Shrek city from Skysea city via a soul train.

Fan Lin was going towards there Skysea city (East) whereas his destination was at the Bright city (west)

Fan Lin had slept to refresh his mental state but he didn't know just how destroyed it was, aka, he didn't know when he would wake up.

And he had already went to sleep, on a train that was going opposite of where he had to go and while completely disregarding his special body that didn't had any pulse or breath. And in a general situation he didn't need to worry about that as well.

Wanna guess what would happen?

Five hours later, he was nearly mugged by a woman but two kind hearted people saved his empty storage device that was the spare. The actual one was the belt that he was wearing.

And then...

Fan Lin's body sprang upto action as he immediately clawed through at the air as his mind, already in the Dead Calm state, observed the empty train compartment.

He unconsciously switched to his emotion state and saw no one in his compartment.

'It's empty? The passengers must have left.'

Yes, they did. All because of two kind strangers that all of the passengers who wanted to sit there just quietly moved to the next one or were journeying while standing and Fan Lin had the whole compartment to himself.

By the way, those two kind strangers were standing just a feet away from him, masked away by the spiritual power of theirs. They both seem to be silently judging him with various thoughts but the truth will remain unknown.

Fan Lin didn't know any of that though. He glanced at the time that was displayed at the door head of his compartment.

'Five hours have passed.'

'I seem to be having a bad dream if I woke up like that.'

'I will sleep some other time then.'

He thought as opened his window and flew off towards the direction of the Bright city.

There was a reason why he wanted to become a Soul Saint. He can fly now. Just like any other Soul Saint and only to a short distance.

[Hundred thousand year old spirit skill - Ice Jade transformation]

[Hundred thousand year old spirit skill - Jade Death(Domain)]

Eight limbs of the Ice Jade Scorpion manifested behind him. Then a moment later they all transformed into icy feather wings as Fan Lin Lin sped through the Bright city from above the clouds.

An hour later.

He slowly descend near a small mountain near the Bright city and ran the rest of the his destination.

The night had just began to him.


That night. After Di Tian parted ways with Gu Yue.

Shrek Academy

Inner court

"My Majesty, I think it's time for you to reveal your identity to your other self. We have progressed in the new settlement of the Spirit Beasts and by the end of the next year, we would have completely relocated to the new area. We will then go into hiding from the world while you do your work."

Di Tian respectfully said to a little girl that wasn't Gu Yue... Because she was pretty and Gu Yue isn't.

"Even if we relocate, the danger of the abyss still remains. You should have understood by now that our foe isn't any random god but mostly like one that is near the godking rank."

"How do you expect us to fight a psuedo godking when we don't even have a god among our ranks. The revival of the Dragon God is still necessary and for that, I have to stay away from my weak side. She has own duties and so do I."


"...Or do you not want the Dragon God to revive?"

The little girl said with a serious tone.

"No no no, My Majesty! That's fallacy! I would rather die than delay the revival of the Dragon God!" [Di Tian]

"So let's follow the plan I have made. You relocate the soul beasts while she will take care of the spirit soul problem in the Spirit Pagoda. Then we all will deal with abyssal realm and the Dragon God will create a new far better paradise than your so called settlement."

"Kill that kid the moment you are done with him!"

The little girl said with visible disgust. Di Tian politely bowed his head and disappeared to complete the new tasks.



A year is divided in twelve months. Each month having exactly 30 days.

4th was the one where the new students joined.

6 and a half something was the month when Fan Lin left the Shrek Academy.

Around the second week of the 7th month (29 days later) was the time where he submitted the Resurgence of life file.

7th month, third week, a small forest was created a the western most part of the Douluo Continent. A species was entirely changed as well.

9th month - Gu Yue visited the small forest. Name change to Moon Forest.

10th month, 2nd week - the Resurgence of life project started.

24 days later - Resurgence of life project stopped due to protests. (Month 11 day 8)

Two days later - Fan Lin left to increase the forest area of the Moon Forest. (Month 11 day 10)

The same day as the forest was increased in size, Qiangu Dongfeng ends the problem of the protests. (Month 11 day 11)

Two days later, Gu Yue went to visit Fan Lin. (Month 11 day 13)

Seven days later, Fan Lin did his spirit soul tower challenge in the morning. (Month 11 day 19)

The same day, afternoon, he had his incomplete awakening. (Month 11 day 19)

(Around 1:47 pm in the afternoon, he called Leng Yaozhu and began the deal)

(4:02 pm, he reached Spirit Pagoda and absorbed his new spirit souls)

(6:13 pm, he came to get the clothes to his small shop. The four of them avoided him)

(8:45, Yun Ming came to have a discussion.)

(8:57, Fan Lin began to sleep)

(Afterwards - emotional state erasure ensuing. Unknown time)

(Memory erasure ensuing. Unknown time)

(Mind alteration ensuing. Unknown time.)

(Danger! 2 am on Month 11 day 20)

(Temporary gaining access to the body)

(Dead calm state ended. Emotion state restored. Incomplete emotional refresh. Incomplete memory erasure. Incomplete mind alteration.)

(Let it be then.)

The end.


The small arc ends with this.

The next would be a small discussion on whether you want the What if chapters.

There are 26 of them but they are heavy spoilers.

Your choice.

Read my other works after some time as they As I am re-editing a few of them and would likely post them whenever I am free.

If I don't, then don't read it as they would just disappoint you.

Also I finally got over the writers block for Kamenkendo. A small success!

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