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Chapter 14: Chapter 13- The Final Form

Yo Its me, Mag. I just wanna say that this chapter will be longer than ALL the other ones, as this ends this "volume", so ya know, enjoy. Ok back to the story!

*Yami concludes the recount of the battles*

Zal: ...I'm speechless Yami

Kunshu: Very badass

[Oh wait, I wanna try something, Devour]

*The massive wall of rotting corpses sink into Zal's grown shadow, as if being eaten*

Zal: Woah


Due to the massive amount of blood and flesh you have consumed, you have gained a new evolution

Check your evolutions for more details


[Yami's Evolution options]


Race Options:

Heart of Magic- Due to your titles and proficiency in magic, you have been given the option to evolve into a version of yourself that has a easier time casting, creating, and learning spells

Heart of Warriors- Due to your courage, you have been given the option to boost the abilities of your host

Scaled Heart- Due to your affiliation of killing the lizard kind, you will become the heart of a dragon and gain the ability to spew fire, and a special skill that every so often enhances your hosts abilities

Elemental Options:

Black Heart- Due to being the lord of shadow, discard righteousness and fully enveloup yourself in shadow, and in return you gain advanced understanding in the shadow

Massive Heart- Due to how much blood you've circulated and devoured, you grow in size, and gain increased proficiency in blood magic

Unlocked Options:

Blood Moon Demon- Discard your name as the monarch and become one with the shadows. Discard your parasitic origins and leave your host, able to travel from shadow to shadow. Gain an increase in power when living within your host shadow, and if choose to stay, gain the advantage of devouring others shadows, growing in actual size each time, but still able to control your own. You grow in power if you drain their body of life force, completely sucking them dry like a vampire. With each victim you devour, your army grows stronger.




Zal: You deserve it. You did defend us while I was passed out, ignoring the fact I'm now blind

Kunshu: Not to mention the fact you created me. You are truly a monarch of monarchs

[You guys are amazing. I'll need a bit to think about it]

Zal: I can evolve too, right? Let me see my options!


Race Options:

Giant- All your life you were small, now grow huge

Dwarf- Born short, stay short. Naturally learn how to make weapons and armor

Fairy- Because a massive amount of magic has exited your body, become its personification and also gain the ability to fly! But you get as tiny and as fast as a humming bird...but hey, pretty wings

Battle Options:

Berserker- Due to your savage battle style, get stronger, get taller, and get MAD

Assassin- You are small. That's and advantage. With some training, becomethe deadliest in the land

Unique Option:

Host Body- Because you are the host of a parasite, you gain the option to completely discard your human lineage, and discover a whole new world of options.




Kunshu: …


[Not all, that fairy option is cool]

Kunshu: That last option is worrying though, I don't wish for you to have a life of pain, strife, and ostracization from your own kind

Zal: I don't know it's there for a reason, right? I like its mystery

[Seems dangerous, but you only have it cause of me, and you saw my options. Maybe it's not all bad]

Zal: Yeah...I just thought of something.


Zal: How are we getting out of here? It reeks of sadness and terror here

[Hehe, I think our new friend can help]

Kunshu: How?

[You're long enough to reach the top, just stretch us up there]

Kunshu: If you wish, master

*Kunsh puts them on his head, and they slowly rise up*

[System, I want to evolve into a Blood Moon Demon]

Zal: Are you sure that's wise? There are a bunch of great options.

[Yeah but, that one is special. I worked my ass of and obtained that evolution, so I want it. Besides, maybe I can gain an actual form too]

Zal: Alright, then I won't stop you

[Evolve into Bood Moon Demon]


Evolution chosen, there's no going back



*Zal's body opens up, revealing her insides. She has no more organs, and no more blood, everything' and red. The only thing there, her heart, Yami. The heart melts, and oozes out from the top center of where her ribcage should be, like lava, and slithers down her body, like a snake, and enters her shadow. Zal's body closes up, filling in the space with more darkness. Her shadow changes colors, red, black, red, black, turns into a perfect circle, grows and envelops Kunshu, then quickly shrinks back down to regular size.*


Let it be so

You have successfully evolved into a demon, and discarded your status as a king...for now


*However, no one sees that last bit of the message, they're all pre-occupied with their own thoughts*


Kunshu: I give you my congratulation master

Zal: ...

[Zal wassup?]

Zal: Why is my body empty?

[Ok, um, because we were gonna die, I reformed your DNA so that you don't need to do things a human needs to anymore. So, I ate your organs, and filled your body with, supplementary things]

Zal: Like magic?


Zal: ...I won't lie...that's actually pretty impressive

[You're, not mad?]

Zal: Why would I? You saved my life twice now, I would be pretty ungrateful to my savior if I did that, so no, I'm not


*Mag: And because she no longer has periods anymore*

Zal: Shut your mouth


[Well, that's nice, it uncomplicates things]

Kunshu: We're almost there

[Kunshu, when we get to the top, climb into Zal's shadow with me; We don't need her village having a panic attack]

Kunshu: Right

*Kunshu reaches the top, and the trio enter the light of the sun*

*He puts his massive head on the ground, and Zal slides off*

*Yami extends the shadow, and Kunshu then dives into it. It takes a few minutes before he's completely swallowed by the shadow*

Zal: I know this place, my village should be somewhere near

[Good thing your clothes are, mostly intact]

*The only thing left is what looks like a giant rag that drapes over her body. I don't know, think of what a stereotypical peasant orphan beggar that hasn't had in months might wear*

*Zal walks through forest with confidence*

Zal: Hey Yami, why can I see again?

[I rewrote your FUCKING DNA]

Zal: Right...

*She strides through the grove of trees for an hour until...*

Zal: This is it, my village

*...It's a classic medieval town, but small, so like a few houses and other various building here and there, with a giant square smack dab in the middle*

Zal: Ok, so here's

*an orb of flesh waddles into view*

Bailey: Oh look, the runts back

*a lanky stick continues*

Ajax: I thought you ran off for good

*a white girl with red hair appears from behind the pig named Bailey*

Wendy: Ugh, I thought she was gone for good

*from a distance*

Villager 1: Zal's back! Hey Zal did you find anything special in the forest?

Villager 3: Zal I need some help, can you come over here really quick?

Villager 4: No, help me first, I'm having trouble reaching something that fell in the floorboards

*Ugh, a bunch of other characters that aren't important to the story bombard Zal with favors*

Zal: I JUST got back, how long have I been gone

Villager 2: About 2 days

Zal: Did ANYONE come to find me?

Villager 1: Sorry, the king's men came to check up on us. Said to report anything strange.

Villager 3: Don't worry, we'll let you rest up first. Head back inside.

Zal: Alright

Bailey: But before that...

*Bailey grabs Zal's behind*

Zal: Ahh

*Zal slaps him, hard*

Villager 5: Bailey! How da

*Zal doges the thrown fist, and piggy falls on his face*

*Ajax rushes forward, but she just trips him, and the stick faceplants too*

Wendy: Take this!

*Wendy threw a rock at Zal's head, hitting her in the back and causing her to bleed*


Villager: DEMON!

Villager: MONSTER!

Villager: WITCH!



*The villagers grab torches, pitchforks, axes, hoes, shovels*

*The suck-ka-teers are passed giant kitchen knifes*

Ajax: NOW we're talkin!

*The villagers grab Zal, and drag her to the center*

Zal: No let me go!

[The audacity I'm gonna fry these douchebags!]

Zal: No don't! Don't hurt them!

*Zal is dragged of to the middle of the square*

*Bystanders are brandishing their weapons, jeering and throwing rocks and tomatoes*




Figure: When we're done with you, we'll offer your head to the king, he'll surely reward us!

Zal(?): But I thought you all loved it here!

Figure: So think how much we'll love it there!

Zal(?): I thought, you all loved me

Figure: We did, but you're not human anymore

Zal(?): But I'm still the same old Zal everyone raised

Figure: Not anymore

*Zal has fallen into depression*


Zal: System, I choose the Unique route


This change is final, you shall be stripped of your race and name, are you sure?


Zal: Yes


Please name your host


?: If you're the darkness, Yami, I wanna be the cold

[Then I name you, Kori]

{Thank you}


Body Change Successful!

Please choose a body:

Molding of the Shadow-Taken

Erupting of the Fire-Scorn

Stature of the Cold-Broken


{Stature of the Cold-Bound}

*Kori's body becomes as cold as the dead, and the figures release her.*

Figure 1: What the hell?

*Her face glosses over, becoming as smooth as glass, and her skin turns a violent shade of light blue, as if she's a completely solid ice sculpture. Her clothes disintegrate, from the severe frostbite. Her hands harden and feet retract into her body, hands becoming sharp and frigid, as if made of crystal, her legs becoming pointed, sharper than diamond. Round circles of glowing white purer than the whites of snow appear on her face, her new eyes*

Figure 2: I knew it, she's a bad egg

{Or maybe I was raised in the wrong place}

*Crystals start to erupt from the ground, and encase everyone's legs except for Kori and Yami*

Figure 5: What the hell's going on?

[You're getting your just, deserts]

Figure 3: Who the hell?

{Oh, so you can hear him?}

[That's not all, Kori]


Due to your host's rare mutation, your race has changed as well, and now have a physical body. Enjoy


*The shadow at Kori's feet leaves her and separates. It grows into the pure body of a young man, smilar, to Kori's*

*The shadow takes shape, into that of a simple doll. The arms, legs, and sphere of a head separate from the body, ever so slightly. They all become round, curves smoother than silk and vibrating a red glow, something that you would only think possible under black light, but purer. His body blacker than black, red circles also appear on his face, his new eyes*

*Yami, is gracefully floating above the ground*

[Yo, I look so cool]

{As I'd expect from the former Monarch of Shadow}

[Thank you]

Figure 1: D-d-demons, both of you

[You're the true demons here asshole, who sacrifices a child just because they're different? Pathetic.]

{I told you I'm not a child!}

[You sure bout that? You're 3 feet tall now]

{Well now are you!}

[Better than being a shadow, shoot]

{What do we do with them?}

[Will you stop me?]


[Good, Kunshu, devour them all, don't leave a single one alive]

Kunshu: Understood

*He erupts from Yami's back, and hisses with killing intent at the villagers*

CozmicCatto CozmicCatto

Helloooooo. I know it's, unexpected, but this IS where I intended it to be. It was either this or she becomes a Dullahan, and this seems, cooler.

Besides that, for those that have read, thank you, for reading my drivel, and puting up with my garbage! You earn my deepest gratitude.

If you have any ideas of what could happen next, PLEASE post in the comments. This is an adventure after all.

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