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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

The light was just above her head now…

So, they could clearly see her face and the whole body now. Lust increased leaps and bounds. Even with the bruised face and the streak of blood dripping from the corners of the mouth, Isabella still looked damn near perfect in her jeans, formal shirt, and blazers. It was almost impossible to try and take your eyes off of her. She was damn near perfect.

The guys just kept staring at her unblinking.

But then they found something was wrong… she did not look scared. There was not an ounce of fear in her eyes… but instead, they were met with a cold mocking gaze of the girl. She leisurely flexed her neck and hands without any sort of anxiousness whatsoever.

Before they could make sense of it, the girl took a baseball bat from behind the lamp post…

"I am not your meal boys… you guys are going to be mine tonight!! Let's see, who wants to go first!!" Isabella voiced out for the first time… Her voice was angelic almost. But something in her voice and eyes made them unconsciously take a step back.

The most alarming thing was of course the bloodstains on the bat… The guys' eyes widened inexplicably.

"What? Aren't we supposed to be having fun tonight… I am all for it. Bring it on!! I will give you an unforgettable experience, promise!!" Isabella mocked…

The very next second, before any of them, could comprehend what was happening, the bat very accurately connected with one of the guy's heads…

Isabella did not hold back at all… blood poured down almost instantly.

"Did I forget to mention…? My kind of parties is quite bloody??" Isabella asked unflinchingly staring at the guy crouching down on the ground in pain holding his bloody head… She did not break his skull, but it was still going to hurt like hell.

She looked at him as if she was watching a photo of a damn building instead of a guy wailing in pain…

The other guys took a vigilant step backward.

They themselves did not know why…

She was just a little girl. They had met and violated many girls- big and small without any remorse.

But there was just something chilling in Isabella's eyes that they couldn't really help but be scared involuntarily.

Isabella nonchalantly moved the hand of the guy lying on the ground with her foot from out of her way and took another intimidating step towards the rest of them. The baseball bat hung down her left-hand slump.

"Hey… hey. Stop…" One of the guys started cautiously.

"We… we will go away. We will not disturb you… promise!!" One of the other guys followed.

"You guys are not disturbing me at all… quite the opposite actually. I am having too much fun right about now…" Isabella answered giving them a bright smile.

"You… You stop right there… do… do you know who I am?? You… You will not be able to get away after hurting us!!"

"Yes… It is wise to just let us go… My dad will not stay still if you hurt us…"

"Well, I do not see your dad here. Unless you can magically have him transported here right this second, you are all going right back to hell for what you did… sorry, my mistake… you guys never had the balls to do what you wanted. So, I will rephrase… you are all going to go to hell for what you tried to do to me!!" Isabella said smiling brightly.

And the next minute the whole scene went from being nonchalant and cold to bloody messy as metal met with flesh followed but howling and screaming sound of full-grown men. She cornered them in few small steps and prevented them from trying to run away… not that they could anyways, since the first strike was to their legs… Even getting up would be difficult and painful let alone run.

By the time Isabella was done with them, they were all bleeding and bruised and in a hell of a lot of pain but everyone was still alive… there is no risk for life.

"Oh, yea… I almost forgot. You guys said you were going to complain to your dads right… you should know who I am to complain right? I am Isabella… Just Isabella… tell your dads… I own this club here… so, they should be able to find me here if they dare to come that is…" Isabella said sarcastically before taking out another cigarette for herself…

The baseball bat was left in a corner without care as she smoked all over again watching them groan and whine in pain… her face once again glowed in the light as she stroke the lighter, but this time, what greeted was not beautiful but a ghastly sight. Her whole hand was covered in blood while her face had its fair slashes of red.


Suddenly a shrill voice interrupted the grave atmosphere in the alley.

Isabella looked up only to meet an extremely exciting pair of eyes looking at her intently. It was a girl… probably a couple of years older than her. She was looking at Isabella with fascination and a big smile. She was pretty much looking at Isabella as if she was seeing the most amazing thing in the world.

Isabella frowned uncomfortably… but she still completely ignored the girl and took out her phones and said, "Send some people to the alley beside the club. Also some cleaning staff. It's rotten here…"

Just as she was going to go inside the club through the side doors, she was stopped on her tracks forcefully for the second time in a matter of half an hour. This had never happened to her.

Isabella's brows frowned in annoyance. She followed the hand stopping her to the little excited girl she had just met.

"HI. I am Amelia… it is very nice to meet you…" Amelia said with a joyous expression on her face… there was no trace of fear or weariness in her eyes which actually surprised Isabella.

When people saw her ruthless side before, they usually flinched away. No, that she ever cared about it… She never minded what anyone ever thought about her anyways.

And personally, she liked the fact that people feared her… saved her a lot of trouble. She did not have to look over her shoulders to watch who was going to stab her on her back.

But seeing Amelia, it felt refreshing somehow…

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