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Osmosian in a hero's world Osmosian in a hero's world original

Osmosian in a hero's world

Author: Omega_beam01

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Foreigner

(A/N: " " is for speech, ' ' is for thoughts or inner monologs)


Within a criminally small alleyway, hidden in the depths of the oppressing and ominous night which seemed to plague the city of Hosu, one would find a rather small child lying, seemingly, lifeless on the hard concrete ground; bartered and heavily bleeding.

The child's body barley covered in what many would consider rags, though to it they where his best attire.

This scene alone even without any context would, cause outrage amoungst any decent hearted human, "who could do this to a child?"

"Why was this done onto the poor boy", and the question that would be most prevalent in their minds, "Why was there no-one assisting him", but for those who were residents in this area they knew the reason as to why. The poor boy had somehow managed to anger the local Yakuza, evident as there has been no dispatches towards the police and no "heros" patrolling the local area. Or rather even if there was a hero on partol or police despatched, they wouldn't do a thing about it simply because the modern day Yakuza have incredible resources despite slowly becoming obsolete.

So because of this there would be no (sensible) person who would come to this boys aid, meaning under normal circumstances he would be as good as dead. But these are not normal circumstances...

A small blue glow began to eminate from the small boys body. The light was feint but slowly increasing in size and in brightness evedently incompessing the boys body and coating him head to toe in the seablue light. His wounds began to heal, his breathing became steady and as suddenly as this blue light appeared it disappeared.

Then the boy's eyes shot open the iresis and scelera were filled to the brim with the seablue light. The unidentified child began to blink rapidly and the light in his eyes faded away.

"What the hell happened??", the boy asked himself, "Where am I?", he asked looking around in confusion and trying to get his barrings."Oh yea..I-I... died...", he said with a somber look "But why the hell am I in a...stupidly cramped alley?". He looked around trying to understand how he was alive and where exactly he was "Why the hel-Arrhhggg", he screamed clutching his head in pain as memories flooded into his brain, memories of a life he never lived yet still felt natural to him. He remembered a birth not his own, yet it seemed as if where his, the suffering he did not remember but happened none the less, the abuse that plagued his life, but none he remembered or understood.

"What the hell was that!?", he yelled in shock and pain. He sat still on the cold, hard concrete, contemplating the phenomenon he had just experienced. Not only had he somehow managed to get reborn or rather transmigrated into an eleven year old boy's body, he had also gained the body's memories on-top of his own, which had not only stunned him into absolute shock, but also gave him great sadness and anger.

But no-one could fault him for being in disbelief, afterall it is not every day that one is suddenly brought into a fictional world. Yes, from what the body's memories showed him and his own understanding, he was now in the world of quirks and superheroes! He did not quite know whether or not if he was in the cannon timeline, but he knew he was in the world of "My Hero Academia", afterall from what he could remember there where no other fictional stories where a man named "All Might" was worshipped so much and where it was so common for young children to be taken to hospitals to check their potential superhuman abilities (to his knowledge of course).

But the last part of that observation is what angered him. He had seen through the child's memories, whom was then revealed to be "Koji Tatsuya" and he could only scowl at the life the boy had lived. At the tender age of 4 he was disowned by his parents simply because he was diagnosed "Quirkless" or in their eyes a waste of time and space. Upon being thrown onto the streets, he attempted to enter himself into the local orphanage, but was turned away by the caretakers for the same reason he was on their doorstep,

"No-one in their right mind would adopt such a useless child", was the reason they gave as if it were the absolute truth.

From then on the boy tried his damnedest to survive on the cruel streets of Hosu, eventually turning to theft and other illegal actions to thrive. He met many residents of the underworld this way, one of which had decided to take the child under her wing. "Karin Hitsugya" or as he called her "Miss Hitsugya" was the person who taught Koji how to read, write and most importantly thrive.

Koji picked up every lesson she taught him with ease and soaked up all her teachings like a sponge. At times Miss Hitsugya was hard pressed to figure out whether the boy had an intelligence quirk or not because of his insane learning capacity.

The woman had provided a motherly presence for the boy, but also made sure not to codle him; in order to get the most results out of the child and over the years he showed great promise as well as skill. The two had embeseled from profitable companies, emptied out multiple banks and robbed over a thousand unsespecting civilians. All of this done with the aid of Miss Hitsugya's unique phasing quirk and Koji's sly hands.

As you can imagine this enraged many people, putting a target on the duo's back and today was the day someone hit a bullseye on that target. The two had angered a prominent Yakuza group which reigned over a small section of Hosu, so naturally after tracking the duo down they decided to go pay them a very intimate visit.

Neither Koji or Miss Hitsugya saw them coming, though the older woman blame herself as she had the most experience out of the two.

The thieving duo were going through their latest plans regarding the local bank which was due for a maintenance check, no thanks to Miss Hitsugya's interference, when the front door of their home flew of its hinges with a loud "SMASH!".

Two men rushed inside the house, one a behemoth with orange, thick, long hair plaguing his head and face, dawning a tight fitting black tuxedo. The other being no where as big, rather skinny infact, blue skinned, hairless and also dawning a black tuxedo.

It was all over before it could even begin, the blue skinned man released some type of gas from the gills on his kneck, which caused Koji and Miss Hitsugya to stumble, both of them instantaneously disoriented by the gas, which left them open to the behemoths attacks.

Miss Hitsugya was taken out 1st,since she was the biggest threat, with a barrage of overpowering jabs from the massive hulking algemation of muscle which was the orange behemoth. She barely had time to a realise what was going on before she was pummeled into a bloody mess.

Koji was then sucker punched by the monster of a man, sending him flying into the kitchen window; causing him to not only nearly blackout but also sending cracks through the window. He was then pummeled as well to an even bloddier mess with a combination of fast jabs and destructive kicks.

Once the orange behemoth was done crippling Koji he turned to the blue skinned man with an expectant look and the man noded; the monster the proceeded to walk out of the damaged house, not even throwing a glance back, leaving only the blue man.

The colourful man only offered a sad smile towards Koji's and Miss Hitsugya's broken bodies, shaking his head disprovinngly at the site of the older woman emerging from her mini crater with a very shakey stand.

No words were said; the look burning in the woman's eyes were a clear indication of what she wanted to do.

"You know...", the ocean blue man said, "I honestly didn't want to be the one to do this, but the boss specifically requested me to be the one who sent you to your grave. You know why?", he asked sadly.

"...", Miss Hitsugya only narrowed her eyes at what the man said, her blood boiling even more at each word.

"It's because my quirk "Gaslight" allows me to secret a very disorienting toxin which severely weakens anyone who is subjected to it, to the point even their quirks become inactive.", he said with a somber look on his face.

"G-g-go t-to he-hell", the older woman stuttered out in anger, but could barely even speak. The man in blue only grimaced at the her request, "Don't worry, with all I've done it's almost a complete guarantee I'm going to end up there, though you'll have to go their first"

Miss Hitsugya only growled at the man, words failing to convey her rage.

She kept on taking quick glances at Koji, desperately trying to come up with a plan to escape, but it was all futile as the next few moments showed...

The man turned and began to walk away pulling out a lighter as he did, "But that's not the only thing it's capable of... afterall it is called "Gaslight" for a reason."

Miss Hitsugya's eyes widened as she began to run towards Koji.

"Rest well, Karin Hitsugya", the man said as he walked out of the small apartment, but not before turning on the lighter and tosining it back into the Gas filled room.

Time seemed to move at a snails pace for Miss Hitsugya, as she moved at speeds her heavily injured body was struggling to maintain, her mind only focusing on the boy she had come to love as a son over the years; she had to save him at least!

During this whole debacle, Koji had made a struggling attempt to stand as well, his mind not even registering the immediate danger he was in, courtesy of the orange behemoths assault on his person. Had he only realised the situation sooner, he most probably would have aided his mother figure interms of escaping, but instead...


"Ahhhh!",Koji was suddenly pushed through the window, breaking it in the process. His last sight of his adoptive mother was just before the flames consumed her. She had a content tearful smile on her face, which spoke volumes.


The shockwave from the explosion sent him barreling into the next apartment building's wall and then finally from , a 2 storey drop, onto the floor; breaking multiple bones and causing him to blackout indefinitely.

"Koji" or rather the inhabitant of Koji's body quickly looked up to scope the damage done to his adoptive mother's apartment after recalling the most recent of this bodies memories.

"Damnit!", he shouted in frustration and anger , hot tears beginning to flow down his face. He may not have originally known the woman that had sacrificed her life for this body's previous host, but due to the memories he saw and personally felt, an immediate connection was formed with the now presumably deceased woman.

'I-I...have to go back up there...just to at least see if I can salvage anything' and with that thought he rushed back into the apartment building, desperately hoping the two unknown men had actually left the scene instead of opting to wait for him to return and with each step he took his anxiety increased ten fold. But to his relief they did indeed leave, though this did not bring him much comfort.

Somehow the explosion and obvious fire had been contained to only their apartment, as if there was some type of invisible wall preventing it from spreading elsewhere; he assumed it to be part of the blue skinned mans quirk.

As he entered he could only feel despair, all the good memories he and Miss Hitsugya had made in this house no in this home, all of it gone with the fire.

Pictures that were plastered on the wall where all either burnt beyond recognition or simply destroyed in the explosion, but that was not even the worst of it.

"Koji" began to slowly walked to the place he had last seen his adoptive mother; pain and sorrow filled each step as he drew closer to his destination.

A necklace with only a single teal crystal remaining...

That was the only thing left, no corpse, no clothes, just this one piece of jewellery.

Tears stained the chared floor as he dropped onto his knees clutching the necklaces in his hands as if it was life itself. "Koji" had never felt this empty before in both of his lives.

He began to squeeze the precious jem, blood drawing from his right had from the pressure, an emotion he knew too well swept over him.

Hate it was hate, an emotion which saturated not only his present but past life as well. For a moment he thought of just ending it right there, afterall he now has no reason to live, but miraculously as if it was one last gift from his adoptive mother a sudden flow of power began to surge through his right hand.

The teal colour of the jem started to coat his fingers, moving slowly up his hand, making its way to his wrist and finally covering his forearm. A look of awe was plastered onto his face, as he stared at his right hand in shock. It was a carbon copy of the jem he held in his hand.

A brand new sense of resolve began corsing through "Koji's" body, he still had a purpose one he will strive to accomplish.

"Miss Hitsugya, I-I will make sure you rest peacefully", the transmigrater said a look of pure conviction replacing his sorrowful one

Omega_beam01 Omega_beam01

Hey readers this is my 1st fanfic so any advice on your behalf would be appreciated, thanks :).

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