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Otherworlder Paradise Otherworlder Paradise original

Otherworlder Paradise

Author: Nihr

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A Reincarnator, a Babe, and a Frenchman

The sun was blaring down, piercing deep into my skin, my lips were dry, and the heavy taste of sleep hung in my mouth.

The howling of wind brushed over me, spreading past and out into the surroundings, disappearing beyond my perception like an invisible specter.

My eyes peeled open, slowly, as if they had been pressed and sealed shut prior to my awakening.

As the light filtered through my pupil, and into my eyes, neurons were fired and I experienced the blessing of sight.

What entered my vision was the dry and cracked ground of a forsaken wasteland.

I blinked, and then I did so again, before finally using the awareness of my body to understand my position.

I seemed to be in an... Awkward position. Face on the ground, my rear in the air, my knees neatly folded beneath me, and my arms at my side.

Silently, I moved my hands to press against the ground and pushed, using the force to lift my upper body, changing my position from 'submissive and breedable' to a comfortable kneel.

As I took in the surroundings, I took a deep, shuddering breath of the almost too-pure air.


The ground for miles around was the same dry and cracked dirt as to what face had been getting friendly with earlier. The earth was uneven, jagged even, as if the first of god had come down and beat the earth in a drunken rage.

I myself, was in what seemed to be a collection of ruins, most too far gone now to be recognized, however judging by what was left, as well as the singular, still somewhat standing two-story house standing a little ways off, I could guess that this used to be some kind of suburban neighborhood.

The ruin I was now sitting in was one of the worst of the bunch, all that was left was a vague outline of the foundation of the house, and one corner of the wall that stood tall like a mountain.

I was confused, and a bit concerned. I mean I know I live in a shit hole, but not a wasteland-level shit hole. And I really doubt someone would drug and kidnap a normal schmuck like me.

I let my thoughts wander as I moved to stand up, letting a small frown find its way onto my face as I got onto my feet.

I had a vague sense that I was smaller than I usually was, in height that is, although I couldn't tell for sure as there was nothing to compare to, the feeling still bothered me.

As I took a step forward my frown deepened. I was wearing the clothes I went to sleep in, a short and boxers, fortunately, I hadn't taken off my socks but...

My eyes wandered down to my feet, or they would have, if not for the black mass which had blocked my sight.


Nonchalantly, I raised my hand, giving a squeeze to the mass hanging from my chest.

Sure, I wasn't exactly a manly man, and most of my friends said I was a femboy, but I definitely didn't have tits, or at least not ones this big.

I mumbled to myself, complaining about my friends and how they'd tease me about my naturally feminine looks.

Leaning forward, I inspected the rest of my body, nice hips, thin waist, a good ass, and thighs.

Running my hand through my hair, I felt soft and fluffy locks of what I could guess was neck-length hair.

I stopped a moment, before nodding to myself in satisfaction.

"Looks like I'm a babe now, not bad..."

And then, I realized that I was a babe now, suddenly in a wasteland, no memory of how I got here and...

Memories of my favorite pass time seemed to pass through my mind, remembering all the stories I had both read and written and a sudden realization dawned on me.

In the next moment, I collapsed, my legs folding underneath myself, my face impacting the ground and my arms falling to my side.

With that, I passed out, a vague memory approaching in my unconscious reprieve.

--- --- ---

It was just another normal day for Hell, slogging through school while reading novels on his phone, trying to endure his friend's teasing, and avoiding living up to his edgelord-tier name.

It was after school hours now, and he was walking home with his best friend, Gabriel Licht. Honestly, it was a mystery to him how they had become friends, they were complete opposites. While he seemed to radiate gloominess and cynicism, she seemed to be the embodiment of light itself.

She walked with a confident gait and always seemed to have a cocky smirk plastered on her face, she was tall, with wavy blonde hair, and always seemed to draw others in with her charisma.

He, on the other hand, was a depressed, and maybe edgy, little fuck that much rather be part of the background than actually talk to someone. Not that he couldn't, mind you, he just didn't feel like it, ok?

I mean he talked around his friends, so of course he could talk to-.

Gabriel finally broke the silence between the two, letting out a soft hum from her throat, as if to get his attention.

He turned slightly, peering up into the taller girl's eyes, tilting his head lightly in curiosity.

Seeing his actions, she gave a quiet chuckle as her smirk developed into something a bit more genuine.

"Hm hm, you know, I always meant to ask you Hell..."

She trailed off, as if to add some sort of suspense to this mundane moment.

"... Ideal reincarnation cheat, go!"

At her sudden and enthusiastic shout, Hell stumbled over his words for a moment, before he drew into a thoughtful silence, obviously putting some thought into his answer.

This was why they were such close friends, their shared interest in novels and the like was what originally brought them together, and eventually, they learned how compatible their seemingly contradicting personalities were.

Looking back up at Gabriel, Hell seemed to have come up with his answer.

"Gacha, it has to be some sort of gacha!"

Gabriel's smirk seemed to return as she heard his answer. Hell seeing her smirk, replied with a confused expression, however, the only answer he got to his own expression was Gabriel's hand rubbing the top of his head, much to his annoyance.

"Of course it'd be gacha, you gambling little shit."

Grabbing her hand with both of his, he tried to peel her hand off his head while sending a glare toward the girl, trying to ignore the warm feeling on his face.

"Grrrr... Quit it, Gabriel!"

The sweet laughter of a girl and the embarrassed protests of a boy were heard as the two continued on their way.

--- --- ---

For the second time today I had woken up, face down, ass up. With no words and little thoughts, I brought myself to a sitting position, a lost look on his face.

This was that, right? Unfamiliar place, unfamiliar body, he was reincarnated, right?

And, as if to confirm my suspicions, I felt something. It was almost akin to the awareness one felt of their arms or legs, even if you didn't see them, you'd know where they were. This new feeling, although I couldn't tell where this new 'limb' was, I knew I could move it, how to move it even, and thanks to the sudden recollection of a past memory, I had a feeling I knew what this was.

Prodding my new 'limb', I gave it an explorative flex.

A strange tingling sensation was felt on the palm of my hand, followed by a slight shift in weight in the same location.

With curiosity, I gripped the smooth, cold item and brought it in front of myself for inspection.

It was about the same size as my hand, probably larger even, rectangular in shape, and had a smooth black surface.

If the appearance alone wasn't enough, then the small button on the slim side of the object was more than enough confirmation for me.

It was a phone.

Shifting my grip from the previous awkward hold, to a more than familiar one, I slid my thumb over the side of the phone, stopping when I had felt the power on button.

Clicking down, the phone lit up, or at least as much as the phone could with the black-and-white interface that popped onto the screen.

On the phone's screen was a white box with white text that contrasted with the black background. There was a small X in the corner of the box, to presumably close out of it.

Leaning in slightly, I read the contents of the box.

[Welcome to the Omniversal Suppy Rift!]

[The device you are currently using is the foci for the supply rift and is used to manage the rift as well as the items received from it.]

[To receive items from the rift, you must use a rift token. One rift token gets you one, random, item. You get one free rift token a day, rift tokens also have a chance of dropping on the defeat of an enemy, please note that the drop chance is based on the difference in strength between you and the enemy. Finally, there are also hidden requirements, more commonly known as achievements, that allow you to receive rift tokens.]

[There are also special rift tokens that alter the items that can be received from the rift, whether that be changing the available items, to increasing the number of items received.]

[Finally, there's the inventory. Items received from the rift are automatically kept in the inventory. Physical items have two states, deployed and not deployed. Deployed items appear in physical space, while non-deployed items remain in the inventory, please note that all deploying and undeploying must be done through this device. More abstract items, like skills, abilities, talents, techniques, etcetera, and etcetera, are kept in the inventory until absorbed. Upon absorption, items can not be returned to the inventory. Any items obtained outside of the rift cannot be put in the inventory.]

[Other things to note are: Items are deployed within 6ft of the user in a completely static state. Items can be undeployed from anywhere. Anyone can use an item from the rift, without your permission, and they can harm you with said items.]

[Finally, there's the status. It displays personal information, which isn't all that important for you, but allows the author to drop your name and other information that might be important.]

[That concludes the tutorial for the Omniversal Supply Rift, enjoy!]

Ignoring the line of text that would immediately put me into an existential crisis, I finished reading the tutorial, pressing the X to close out of the box, an excited smirk that I failed to dampen emerging on my face.

This was a dream come true. A new world, a ha ha of all things, the only thing I was missing was... was...

Pulling me out of my own thoughts before I could stumble into a self-deprecating stupor of depression and self-loathing, a new box appeared on the screen.

[For successfully completing the tutorial, you have received 1x starter class rift token!]

'Hm, this must be the hidden requirements it spoke of...'

Closing out of the notification window, another one appeared.

[You have received your daily rift token!]

Again, closing out of the window, I was finally greeted by the app's interface. The background was black with simple white text, reminding me of old JRPG's and the likes.

At the bottom of the screen, there were three tabs indicating the functions of the phone, the one reading status being a lighter black compared to the rest of the interface.

Drawing my eyes up toward the content on the screen, I read it with slight curiosity.


Name: Hell Valentine

Race: Human

Age: 18

Sex: female? ( seriously dude, you need to figure out your gender before you have a breakdown.)

Absorbed Items: None

Description: You're a short-stack with big tits, a hot body, and a cute face. You're pathetically inept socially, and would rather be a potted plant than be talked to. Power-wise, you're pretty fucked, like seriously, hit the gym or something.]

Seeing nothing wrong with my status, I tap on the tab that reads 'rift', the screen quickly shifting scenes.

Two boxes appeared, one reading 'Starter Class rift' and the other reading as 'Standard Supply Rift'. There was little information on the standard rift, however, the starter class rift had a description.

[Starter Class Rift

A rift that grants multiple items related to each other to form a starter class of sorts.]

'Might as well…'

With a halfway nervous and halfway expectant feeling in my chest, I tapped the standard supply rift.

The screen turned black, not the black of the UI's background, nor the black of the screen while the phone had first appeared in my hand. No, it was a black one saw in the depths of their soul, a darkness that consumed everything, a darkness that would show itself during the villains most crucial moment and offer them an unattainable and tainted power…

And then, as if shinning through a broken illusion, bright words began to appear all over the darkness. They were scattered, and didn't stay long, quickly fading back into the darkness, but they were bright, not blindingly so, but bright enough to bring hope to the ever consuming darkness.

I recognized a few of the words as they appeared. The all seeing eyes of god, conquerors haki, Zenitsu's nichirin blade, there were also many others I couldn't recognize. I understood, these where what I could obtain from this ability of mine, these words of hope were my power.

Before I could continue to observe the words, the rate of their appearance sped up, they quickly overlapped, continuing to appear until the screen was filled with a pure and hope bringing light.

After a few moments, the light faded, and a single line of bright words stood on the dark background.

[You have received the ability: Charge (Charlotte)]

Reading the words, I felt both parts excited and disappointed.

It was amazing, actually being able to posses an ability that I would never have thought I'd been able to posses.

However, this specific ability at my current level was more of a detriment to me then an aide, and would probably be saved for emergencies.

Charge was an ability that flung its user at high speeds. High enough speeds to be confused as teleportation to the naked eye.

The keyword in that description though is flung, as although it does launch you easily at high speeds, it doesn't have any way to safety stop the user.

So the only way to stop at my current level was to either hope I could loose enough speed to stop without hurting myself, or hit whatever happens to get in my way and pray I don't break too many bones.

I sighed a little, rubbing my forehead while thinking of applications for the ability.

What were the limits? Was the speed of charge dependent on my current top speed? Would I ever be able to control this ability properly? Could I ever not hurt myself using this?

Laughing a bit at myself, I tapped the screen that still held the single line of text, sending me back to the rifts menu.

I wouldn't be able to come up with answers by just thinking, so instead, I moved on, glancing back at the available rifts.

The standard rift has disappeared, probably on account of the fact that I no longer had any normal rift tokens.

Deciding to move on with using the rift, I tapped on the starter class rift, watching as the same simple, yet somehow cinematic animation played out as I was left with a slight block of text.

[You have received the item: Ambassador (TF2)]

[You have received the item: Big Earner (TF2)]

[You have received the item: Invis Watch (TF2)]

[You have received the ability: Backstab (TF2)]

Now this... This was something I could work with. It wasn't particularly overpowered, not like some of the gacha fanfiction I had read in the past, but it was a start, a decent one at that.

The Ambassador was a gun that did incredible damage to one's head, however, was weaker than a normal gun when hitting other parts of the body.

The most notable feature of the Big Earner was that on kill, the user would get a rather significant speed boost.

The invis watch, as its name suggests, was a watch that would turn the user invisible. There were limitations though, you couldn't attack while cloaked, the duration of invisibility was limited, and it was possible to become visible, if only momentarily, when in contact with another person.

Backstab was an ability that would allow the user to instantly kill an enemy if stabbed in the back. The back is described as a 180-degree angle behind the center of the targets sight.

Of course, this was just what I could remember of the ability and items, it could be possible that they were adjusted to better fit a real-life environment or to maintain some sort of balance.

Humming to myself, I tapped on the inventory tab, dozens of light grey boxes appearing on the screen, the first few filled with the images of several different items.

At the top of the screen there was a bit of space holding what I could presume was a search bar, as well as a sorting a filtering function. As well as that was a button with a folder icon, which I assumed was to use to make tabs or folders to sort my inventory, definitely something I wasn't going to use.

I may prefer my shit organized but I don't have the patience to do that organizing myself, so I just practiced the next best thing, organized chaos.

Giving the inventory I tentative scroll, noticing how no scroll bar showed itself, implying that the inventory was infinite.

Giving a hum of approval, I scrolled back to the top of the inventory screen and gazed at my acquired items.

The first of which was a yellow orb that seemed to glow faintly in the inventory box, the visage of three, white, upward facing chevrons within the orb.

Giving it a tap, a new screen appeared.

At the top left corner was an arrow facing towards the left, probably to go back to the inventory. Front and center was the orb, now in a much larger box.

Above the orb was a line of text that read 'Ability: Charge (Charlotte)', beneath it was a chunk of text matching how I had described the ability before, with the added note that when using the ability, the users perception of time would slow down.

And finally at the bottom was a light grey rectangular box that had the word 'Absorb' inside of it.

Giving the whole screen a quick glance over, I shrugged and tapped on the box at the bottom of the screen.

The orb on screen seemed to pulse rapidly, almost like a beating heart, diming and shining repeatedly.

The pulsing quickened and then, as if caught doing something it shouldn't have, it stopped and a crack was heard from the screen.

The orb had a crack on it that slowly, yet visibly grew, a gentle yellow light leaking from within.

The cracks quickly grew, and then they stopped briefly. I watched in slight anticipation, flinching back slightly as the orb shattered, filling the screen with shining yellow light.

As I flinched back, I felt a strange new addition to what I had previously described as a new limb. Before it was like I had the barest minimum of what I could describe as an arm, something that could move in only one way. Yet now, there seemed to be something attached to it, even if they were both distinctly different muscles, they were ultimately part of the same whole.

Yep, I'll admit it, this analogy is getting a bit convoluted. Essentially, this new ability I had just absorbed was like an extension of my ability to summon the phone. Yet it was also separate, like how fingers were all part of a hand, yet were moved separately from each other.

I grumbled a bit, still trying to figure out how to properly explain the feeling of supernatural abilities.

Eventually, I gave up on that, moving my gaze back to the screen, which was now back on the inventory screen.

I moved to the last item, a yellow orb with the visage of a knife within it.

This one was the backstab ability, and reading through the description I saw that there were certain requirements to use the ability.

The first was that I must be using some kind of knife or dagger, or weapon classes wouldn't work so I couldn't just proc backstab on anything I wanted.

The second was that I had to actually pierce my enemies back to activate backstab. I had to at least get half the blade into their back. So if I was too weak to pierce my enemy's bodies or any armor or clothing they might be wearing, then I wouldn't be able to insta kill them.

Oh, and the ability wouldn't insta kill everyone. People who had high crit resistance, damage resistance, or just generally high resilience might be able to tank or completely shrug off a backstab.

But that didn't matter right now, I was a low-level weakling and I'm sure this ability would be enough to handle other low-level weaklings.

Again I absorbed the ability, resisting the urge to flinch at the bright light that came from the phone screen.

Feeling another new addition to my repertoire of abilities, I studied the different feelings, comprising them.

The ability to summon the phone and the ability to charge was like a button, pressing them would instantly activate the effect. Backstab on the other hand was like a switch, when it was on I would proc backstab when I stabbed someone in the back, and if it was off then I wouldn't.

So with a quick mental flick, I turned backstab on before turning back to the inventory screen.

Tapping on the Ambassador, I quickly read through the description. It was roughly the same, though instead of specifying headshots as its strong point, it instead specified critical hits in general. It also noted that releasing, emptying, and then resetting the cylinder would magically reload it with bullets from god knows where.

Tapping the box at the bottom of the screen, that read deploy instead of absorb, I heard the telltale kacha of a camera going off and saw a bright flash from the front of the phone, noting that the ambassador was now slightly greyed out, and the box that previously read deploy now read undeploy.

Peering over the top of the phone, I saw a revolver sitting on the cracked ground in front of me. The gun had a large frame, with a dull, red, rosewood grip, an engraving of a reclining woman on its side.

Curiously, I tapped undeploy, watching as the revolver swirled in on itself, turning into a small ball of light that quickly shot into the back of the phone, presumably where the camera was.

Shrugging a bit, I redeployed it before moving on to the big earner.

This one was different, better even than the one from the game. It didn't give a speed boost on kill, but rather on anything that could be considered a wound, and the speed boost would stack. Another great change was that the speed boost would last until exiting combat, before dissipating.

Deploying the big earner, I watched as a knife appeared in a flash of light from the back of the phone.

It was a stiletto switchblade, or at least that's what the description said. The blade had a small yet noticeable chip at its tip, and three bands of blood-stained tape wrapped around the base of the blade.

Finally, I moved on to the last item, the invis watch.

This one, like the big earner, was also buffed. While it still had a limited amount of cloaking time, it recharged fully on kill. Unlike in-game, it didn't make a sound when cloaking or decloaking. I could also attack in the process of decloaking instead of waiting, however, I couldn't recloak until I was fully decloaked.

It took one second to cloak, three to decloak, and a full meter of cloak lasted fifteen seconds, and took thirty to recharge.

Deploying the watch, I unsummoned the phone, watching as it twisted in on itself till nothing was left, and turned my gaze to the items in front of me.

I inspected the newly summoned item. It was a digital watch with a wooden face and a segmented silver wristband.

I picked it up, securing it around my wrist. Glancing at the blank screen of the watch, I thought of the distant memories of that game, an idea came to mind.

Emulating the spy, I brought the watch up, as if I were checking the time. As I did so, the screen was lit up by a blue, rectangular meter of sorts. More interestingly though was the sight of my body becoming transparent. In my eyes, I could see through myself, though the other side was slightly blurry creating a vague yet distinct visage of my body. I knew, however, that to others I'd be completely invisible.

Bringing the watch down, my body became opaque again.

This time I picked up the knife in my right hand, watching as it danced between my fingers and spun rapidly in my hand with the quick and precise movements of my wrist and fingers.

I smiled, seeing as my dexterity wasn't any lesser than it was before. I wasn't athletic, or intelligent really, but I had ADHD and a hell of a lot of time on my hands. Whether it be pens, rulers, knives, or other perfectly shaped sticks, I used them all for the completely wrong purposes, fiddling, spinning, tossing, and catching.

All of that plus some other dexterity-intensive habits and hobbies of mine led to my assassin-like dexterity... Ok, maybe not assassin, but it was still higher than the normal shmuck.

I finished my flourish with a slight toss, catching the knife back in my hand with a self-satisfied smile.

Next, I picked up the ambassador, resisting the urge to spin it lest I shoot myself in the foot, or any other equally bad or worse place.

Thanking god that I was ambidextrous, I stood up, taking a deep breath as I started to step forward, gripping both of my weapons as I walked forward.

The sun was now resting partly beneath the horizon, setting a red hue over the unknown, apocalyptic world around me.

I set my sights on the still-standing house in the distance, inspecting it as I put another foot forward, trying to keep myself calm, to keep my steps stable, and to keep moving forward.

I walked and walked, taking careful steps, absently inspecting my surroundings as my mind wandered to other... Things...

I was a girl now... I had the body of a girl rather... There wasn't a difference though, right?

I mean I looked like the girl, sounded like a girl, and had the pa...


... Okay, as I was saying, I had the parts of a girl, so that was enough right? I'm a girl now...

I'm sure that's how this gender shit worked...

... I'm sure that's why I feel like a girl... Why I'm referring to myself as a girl in my mind... Why I feel better than I ever had before... Why...

As my mind spiraled out of control, I unknowingly stopped just a few meters away from the partially collapsed, yet still-standing house.

I looked up, breaking out of my thoughts with a dazed look on my face.

The house stood at two stories tall, and was rather large, probably belonging to a family that could be considered middle class, before... Before whatever happened to this world happened.

What I assumed was the garage, and half of the second story was collapsed in on itself in a pile of debris. The windows were broken, and enough of the door was gonna that one could easily slip in without opening it. Various paneling was missing from the walls of the house, the paint was dull in the places where it wasn't eroded away, and it generally looked destitute, if not vaguely livable.

I hummed, finally coming to my senses.

"A suitable... Shelter? For now?"

My statement quickly turned into a question as I heard my voice. I talked earlier... At least I think I did, but I guess I wasn't paying much at the time, especially if I missed something so strange.

My voice was somewhere between childish and mature, probably comparable to people in their younger teenage years. It was a bit awkward, both in parts thanks to the general tone and pitch, but also thanks to the reflection of my less-than-sociable personality in my voice. I sounded shy, awkward... Cute.

But that wasn't what tripped me up, it was the slight, yet very noticeable French accent that came with my voice, leaving my voice with the charm of a foreign girl to my very American ears.

It was confusing, not more so than the rest of this situation, but still.

I shrugged to myself, pinning the accent on my new... Identity.

Deciding to think about that whole thing later, I stepped through the door, leaving the darkening sky at my back.

As I stepped into the house, I heard a creak underneath my foot, courtesy of the floorboards beneath me.

Dust hung in the air, and as I took in the sight of the foyer, just as destitute as the rest of the house.

Yet despite the obviously decrepit and poor state of the building, being in an even slightly familiar place, I relaxed a bit.

I finally felt... Safe.

I wasn't.

--- --- ---

Uh oh, looks like the author is putting their author note in the chapter instead of in the dedicated section, better start crying ;-;.

Seriously though, who the hell reads the authors thoughts part? I sure as hell don't.

Anyway, I'll start listing shit to take note of before you potentially waste any more time reading this.

The protagonist is a good person, definitely a bit of a pushover, and if we're gonna use stronger terms, that I'd definitely say they're submissive.

The protagonist will get exponentially stronger, so don't bitch at me about how weak they are, it's annoying and unproductive.

As you can tell, if you read the chapter, some stuff will be nerfed, and some stuff will be buffed, that's just how it is, it's not viable to have everything the same as it is in its original, and it's boring.

There are a few things the MC won't ever get in the gacha, things like mind control are just lame and overused, people or pets or anything living really, I find that kind of stuff annoying, and along the lines of the previous thing, no summoning or taming. There's nothing cool about summoning or taming, it's just boring.

If you didn't read the synopsis, which you should have, you really should have. This may have romance, and if it does then it will be Yuri.

I'm not sure about r-18 stuff, if I do write r-18 stuff it definitely won't be vanilla, and it won't be just yuri. But again, it probably won't happen, and if it does than it's a long ways off.

Also, sorry about how descriptive this chapter is, I know most of it was spent describing the gacha, but I want to get that out of the way now so it doesn't bog up the later chapters or slip my mind.

I promise some action next time, and maybe our MC will meet some friends...? Who the hell knows, I sure don't.

Also aren't I one hell of an author? 5060 words and I still managed to end on a cliffhanger.

Anyway, other than that, feel free to recommend any powers or items you think would be cool and fitting.

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