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Author: Crypnix_Blaenix

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: My CEO has Improved

On a fateful and bright morning, I decided to have breakfast outside so I took a walk to the coffee bay near me. I must say, it was a good thing I choose to take breakfast outside. Fate really chose this day for me to let another god, another man to make me die for sex. My new sex god.

The coffee shop was a few metres from my house. When I got there, I chose the seat near the window to have a a better view of the outside as I take my breakfast. The waiter came and asked for my order and I requested for a hot cup of coffee only. He asked if I needed anything else but I told him that alone will do.

As I waited patiently, a hot gentle guy came to sit opposite me on the same table. "Hi" he greeted me with a cute smile. "Hi" I replied, with my normal sense of respect. "Ahm," he continued "all the seats are occupied except this one so I asked those guys" pointing to the waiters "and they told me you came alone so I hope you don't mind if I sit here with you" he said. "Not at all" I replied with a smile. It was around 7:00am when I was at the coffee shop.

In less than a minutes time, the waiter brought my order for me. "Thank you" I appreciated him as he served me. "What would you love Sir?" the waiter asked him. "Same order" he replied. His order didn't take longer than mine to come.

While we ate, he was quite chatty and engaged me. All along, I thought I fell for his openness but instead, I fell for his face. He was too handsome to eat from such a cheap coffee bay. I'm still wondering who told me handsome guys can't eat from cheap places. "So what's your name?" he asked me. "Mia" I replied, "And yours?" I also asked him. Before he could utter a word, his phone rang. "Just a second" he said as he removed his phone from his pocket to answer the call. He talked over the phone for less than two minutes and "I'm really sorry Mia but I have to go" he said as he hurriedly left the place. "Bye, we'll meet later" I replied as he turned to leave, then I realized I didn't get his name but I was cool with that since he knew mine. Just before he opened the door to leave, he turned and looked at me and smiled. My heart's beat slowed down a bit.

When I was done with my coffee, I realized that he hadn't paid and so I opted to pay for him. It wasn't that much since I earned quite enough working as a secretary. I took a glimpse at my watch and noticed it was 8:30. My heart almost stopped working because I'm extremely late for work but then I realized I had the day off. My boss wasn't around and so gave me the day off. As I left the coffee bay, I felt someone's hands soothe my body softly so I turned, just to realize my husband was waking me up from bed.

"Whaaaat!!!!" I exclaimed loudly in my head. "Was it a dream?" I asked my self but then ignored the question again. As I laid on my back, Michael started to mount himself on me. I took a glance at the clock and realized it was just 5:30am. "C'mon hooney" I spoke to him,"We gotta prepare for work" I said. "At 5:30?" he asked me. That wasn't enough to turn him down. He was ready for action because his baby had gotten up.

He started kissing me on my lips, then my neck, touching me romantically and making in between my thighs feel his boner.

Slowly, I started getting turned on. I really didn't plan for this but Michael just knows how to turn me on. He continued for sometime and started to undress me. When he was done, he loosened his robe and we got into action. It took about half an hour before we were done. I slept a little after the action.

"Good morning sweetheart" he greeted me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. It was 7:00 already. He was in his bathing robe. I got up and sat on the bed as I watched him head to the bathroom. He stopped and turned to me "You know what," he said, "you really are great and sweet baby". He started loosening his bathroom robe "If we could just do it..." Before he finished, I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. He dodged it and ran inside the bathroom.

I thought we were done, but no. He came back to the bedroom naked, in no pants. As he was drawing closer, I wanted to run but something was preventing me. I just sat on the bed, staring at him, trying to grab another pillow. He saw what I was trying to do but he still came forward. "Honey, we really gotta go to work" I told him. "Work can wait" he replied softly. "What!??" I exclaimed. He got terrified "I mean, we won't be late" he replied.

He finally climbed on the bed "I know you want to come to papa" he said and pinned me to the bed. "Micheal" I called him. "Uh ha" he replied. "Please go soft on me" I jokingly begged him. "Okay sweetheart, I'll make it rock hard" he said smiling. I knew he was serious. He was really gonna make it hard, though I loved it the hard way. It was successful and more lovely than earlier.

At around 8:45, I arrived at my workplace. Upon reaching the entrance, I met my boss. "Coming late again huh?" He said. "I'm sorry Sir" I apologized. He dragged me to a corner "Listen Mia, the fact that you make my day doesn't mean you can flout the rules here" he said. "I'm sorry Sir, I won't repeat it again" I told him. "Was it Michael again?" he asked. I nodded in reply. "Was it that hard?" he asked again. "Kind of" I answered him. He pondered for a second. "What time will it be today?" He asked again. "Let me see, after work. We'll meet straight at your place. And oh! don't worry" I continued "you've almost reached Michael's level". He beamed with smiles and kissed me.

After work, Henry came and picked me up to his house. I had already given Michael an excuse to come home late so it didn't matter if I took an hour or two. Henry was a long time fucker and he also rocked hard. Michael on the other hand was not that long a fucker but rocked damn mad. Best of them all is Justin. He had a very big cock, extremely hard and he knew exactly how to make me reach my peak. Still, I was fateful to my husband. I never denied him sex and he loved it. What made our marriage more lovely was that, Michael was well aware I had sex with other men and I equally knew that he had sex with other women. We were both pretending to pretend to each other.

When we got to his bedroom, it was elegantly decorated. I threw my back on the table and went in for a shower. Henry prepared his bedroom as if he were married. He had a bathroom robe and night wear for me. He prepared everything for me so whenever I'm coming to his house I come with nothing.

After bathing, I still put on the bathroom room and came back to the bedroom. I saw him lying on the bed, wearing only a trouser. I went over to the other side and laid down, giving him my back. He rolled over to my side held me and started untying my bathroom robe. He naked me, pull down his shorts and we started the game.

For the first time, Henry made me extremely hotter than he had ever. Plus, he rocked very hard and pushed it with accuracy. I enjoyed it through out and in almost an hour since we started, he cummed in my mouth. To avoid getting pregnant, I usually made my men cum in my mouth by giving them fellatio just before they cum. His cum tasted very good and for the first time with Henry, I didn't want him to stop. As I sucked his dick, I realized he improved a lot.

When we were done, I went in and took another shower. While bathing, he came inside with another boner. He wanted us to do it again but I promised Daniel to succumb only to his shower bait and no one else so I just sucked his boner, massaged it and sucked it again until I forced him to cum.

I always loved how Henry moaned every time he cummed. It always just gets me. After taking in his cum, we bathed together and dressed up. Henry didn't want me to go but I had to. However, I promised him I'll come back tomorrow. This new sex god in Henry was too sweet to let go. When I was leaving, Henry had another boner. This time, I had to run cause I didn't want to spend too much time there. Plus, it was time to get home. Michael will probably be waiting for me. My well beloved husband. Why I couldn't leave Michael was that, he knew the meaning of sex and how exactly to make one love it. That's why I never denied him sex no matter what and he loved me for that.

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