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Chapter 66: A Pact in Shadows

Vecna returned to the Mudfoot Tribe after the fires had been extinguished, and the survivors had managed to regroup. As he approached the camp, he couldn't help but notice that Rax had become the center of attention. The Mudfoot Goblins surrounded their new hero, their praises and gratitude flowing freely.

"Rax! You came to our rescue when we needed it the most," one of the Goblins exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration. "You've shown us true courage and strength."

Another added, "Our Chieftain is gone, but we have you now. You're our savior, Rax!"

Rax, basking in the adoration of his fellow Goblins, stood tall and proud. He had become their beacon of hope in their darkest hour, and it was a role he embraced with pride.

'Good, this brat does have some traits of a narcissist.'

Vecna's return to the Mudfoot Tribe was a haunting spectacle. The goblins had barely managed to extinguish the fires that had ravaged their camp, and now they were faced with a new nightmare. 

As the Vampire approached, the goblins could feel the air grow heavy, and a shiver of fear ran down their spines.

With an air of arrogance and a lack of empathy, as was fitting of a Vampire, Vecna spoke down to the cowering goblins, his voice cold and devoid of compassion. He savored their fearful reactions as he reveled in the power he held over them.

"You thought you were safe, didn't you?" remarked Vecna coldly, his crimson eyes scanning the terrified faces of the Mudfoot Goblins. "You thought I was gone, that the nightmare was over. But nightmares have a way of returning when you least expect them."

The goblins whimpered and cowered as Vecna's words washed over them. They knew all too well the horror he could unleash upon them.

As the chaos and fear reached its peak, Rax, the goblin who had stepped forward to protect his fiefdom confronted Vecna. With determination in his eyes, he warned the Vampire to step no further.

"Step no further, Vampire," Rax declared, his voice trembling but resolute. "I swear on my life, that I, Rax Darkclaw, will vanquish you if you so choose to continue hurting the innocent."

Vecna's response was laced with arrogance and a chilling indifference. He regarded Rax with predatory eyes, devoid of any warmth or compassion.

"You're overestimating yourself, young goblin," Vecna sneered. "You're foolish to think you can defeat me, just as what remains of Ruk Dirtmud, a brave but stupid goblin who thought of himself as if he was a ruler."

With a calculated move, Vecna tossed the Chieftain's Robe, a symbol of authority and leadership, down to Rax's feet. The emotionless expression on Vecna's face only enhanced the predatory nature of his gaze. The message was clear—Rax was to be the new leader, but he would forever be under Vecna's shadow.

"Take it, if you think you can protect those ants."

The Chieftain's Robe landed in Rax's hands, and he gripped it tightly, the fabric coarse and rough under his fingers. As he turned to look back at Vecna, the flames of anger danced in his eyes, and he bared his sharp canines.

The Mudfoot Goblins watched in silence, their fear intensifying as they witnessed the cold and unfeeling Vampire.

Vecna's words seemed to hang heavily in the air, and Rax couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The mantle of Goblin Chieftain suddenly felt like a curse, and he had the unsettling feeling that he might soon find himself on Vecna's hunt list.

But Rax was determined not to show his fear. Instead, he allowed the anger to surge within him, fueling his resolve. His role as a protector was now undeniable, and he had to be prepared to face any challenge that came his way.

As the faked tension between Vecna and Rax continued to escalate, Rax displayed a burst of magical prowess that even managed to take Vecna by surprise inwardly. He conjured a Fireball with a skillful incantation, unleashing it with precision and determination.

Vecna couldn't help but be impressed by the sudden display of magical talent. He couldn't help but think, 'It seems this is your plan for showing off to those idiots. Not a bad choice, but since when can you wield magic? And the Fireball? Has Elysia taught you while I was offline?'

"Unexpectedly… For you to wield the Fire Elements. Don't get proud, goblin. I will not forget this insult."

Pretending to be overwhelmed by the Fireball, Vecna activated his Shadowstep ability and disappeared from the center of the Mudfoot Tribe in a swirl of shadows. The goblins, still trembling with fear and awe, were left to question if Rax had indeed managed to fend off the fearsome Vampire.

Rax, seizing the opportunity to reassure his fellow goblins, stepped forward and declared, "I managed to scare him off, but I'm sure he will return again in the future. Brothers and sisters, don't lower your guard. Such monsters that we thought to exist only in legends and myths passed down by our ancestors have woken up."

The Mudfoot Goblins breathed out sighs of relief, their trembling hearts slowly steadying. They channeled their fear and relief into adoration for their newly proclaimed hero, Rax Darkclaw.

With the Chieftain's Robe in hand, Rax knew he had to wear it to be accepted by the goblins who had just lost their leader. As he donned the robe, a sense of responsibility and authority settled upon his shoulders.

Vecna and Rax's plan had worked perfectly. The Mudfoot Goblins celebrated the arrival of their hero, Rax, and they didn't doubt for a moment that he was in league with the same monster who had taken so much from them.

Rax, however, felt no remorse for the suffering of his fellow goblins. Instead, he was becoming intoxicated by the newfound power and status. He was already leading two tribes under his name, Rax Darkclaw, and the taste of leadership was sweet.

In the obscure, shadowy location where Vecna had materialized after his Shadowstep, he took a moment to savor the situation that had just unfolded.

Vecna, concealed in the darkness, couldn't help but feel a malicious satisfaction in witnessing Rax's rapid ascent to power. 

This was precisely the kind of reaction he had anticipated, and it was a quality that Goblins excelled at—unabashed greed and ambition. Rax's rise was a testament to the goblins' inherent nature, and Vecna saw it as a valuable resource he could exploit in the future.

'Enjoy it, little goblin. Your success is my success. Just thinking about the monopoly I would have over the rare crafting materials from the Caves and Caverns of the Travian Sierra, makes the money flaunt all over my face.'

With a final, wicked grin, Vecna silently disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind the Mudfoot Tribe and their new hero, Rax Darkclaw, to bask in their newfound peace.

Vecna's journey back to Summit's Crest was swift, aided by his Vampiric Movement Speed, which received a significant boost during the night. The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the mountainous terrain as he moved with an almost supernatural grace.

Upon his return to Summit's Crest, Vecna was met with an unusual sight. The town was teeming with strangers, a substantial number of players who had recently arrived. The influx of newcomers was a puzzle to him, as it wasn't the reinforcements that Captain Eldric Vinespine had requested through the Mayor in Valoria or Como.

Approaching the Militia Guards stationed at the town gates, Vecna was immediately recognized as someone important to the town's defense. One of the guards, a burly man with a well-maintained beard, spoke up, acknowledging Vecna's presence. "Ah, Lord Vecna, you've returned. These newcomers have arrived suddenly, and it's been quite a stir in the town."

Vecna raised an inquisitive eyebrow, acknowledging the guard's words. "Indeed, it is rather unexpected. Have you gathered any information on these newcomers? Are they here for the orc situation?"

The guard scratched his head, his steel helmet glinting in the moonlight, before nodding in a proud manner for doing his job in front of his 'Commander'.

"Indeed. They say they represent the Guild 'White Wolf' hailing from the territories of Earl Zebra, and their leader introduced himself as Veradin. They got word that we of Summit Crest are suffering under the onslaught of the Orcs."

"Heh, what they don't know is that Lord Vecna along with Lord Eldric put those Orcs on their backstool, afraid of us with the improved defenses of the Town."

Vecna nodded and dismissed the guards, deciding to conduct his own investigation. Utilizing a simple method, he accessed the Ranking Ledger within the Satisfy game. 

Soon, information about the new players started to unravel before him. They were mid-rankers, which meant they were above the average skill level of players in Satisfy.

After a bit of digging which took him a couple of minutes while walking the streets of Summit's Crest, he put all the information together in his calculative quirk.

'There's two 'Supernovas' interested in the Orcs. It's as the Guard told me, Veradin is the leader of White Wolf Gang, a Necromancer with exceptional talent and control, who is level 147, while his second-in-command, Kiki is the Top 10 Marksman in the whole of Satisfy, level 150.'

'The rest of their members, if it's the whole guild, should be in the range of 130-150.'

'Cannon Fodder if we consider how dangerous Gorruk Bloodmaw is based on the past videos released by the fuckers who stirred the honeypot.'

'Tsk, now I'm looking more and more forward to Arthur's letters. I wonder what he is up to. Better not trigger the Orc, and play it nicely since he didn't show signs of madness. He can be reasoned with.'

Vecna decided to pay little heed to the White Wolf Guild, but in the passing he saw the group of 8 players around the entrance of the Town's Inn, their nameplates matching with the players he just investigated.

[Veradin - LV. 147]

As a necromancer, his appearance reflected his class, creating a haunting and mysterious persona that fascinated and unnerved those who encountered him.

With his long silver-dyed hair cascading down his back, Veradin seemed almost ethereal, like a specter from a forgotten tale. His attire was a blend of dark, flowing robes adorned with intricate designs that seemed to writhe and dance in response to his movements. A black staff, crowned with a sinister, gleaming black jewel, was his constant companion.

As Vecna's eyes locked onto Veradin's, the chill that ran down Veradin's spine was unmistakable. 

It was as if his own aura, which usually emanated an eerie presence, had been met by something even more potent and unsettling. The necromancer's instincts, honed by countless hours in Satisfy and his own personal experience as a psychologist recognized the unspoken danger that emanated from Vecna.

Veradin's heart quickened, his breath hitching for a moment, and he couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine. As Vecna continued on his way, disappearing into the town, Veradin's gaze remained fixed on the spot where the enigmatic player had stood. He exchanged a knowing look with Kiki, who mirrored his sense of curiosity and unease.

Turning to his colleague, a young woman with shoulder-length red hair and piercing blue eyes, Veradin inquired about Vecna, whom he had just seen walking past. He asked her if she had any knowledge of a player with the name 'Vecna' listed in the game's rankings.

"That was strange, for some reason I was reminded of a case where my professor has let me work while in the penitentiary."

"Kiki, do you have any idea who this guy 'Vecna' is? He seems to have turned off his public information to other players."

Kiki, the red-haired woman, pondered the question for a moment. Her striking blue eyes darted as she retrieved information from her own observations. It was clear that Vecna had made a memorable impression on both of them, and they were keen to learn more about this intriguing player in their midst.

While Kiki wasn't sure about Vecna's identity, she couldn't help but admire the enigmatic aura he exuded. In response to Veradin's inquiry, she spoke, her voice filled with curiosity.

"I can't say I've heard of a player named Vecna before. But there's something about him, isn't there? That stare of his... he's not your ordinary player, that's for sure."

Veradin nodded, still intrigued by the man who had walked past them. His gaze remained fixed on the direction Vecna had gone.

#Veradin: No, he's not. We should keep an eye out for him, especially in this Orc Subjugation. Maybe, we can recruit him in our guild. Players like that tend to have interesting stories.

As the two of them continued to discuss Vecna's mysterious presence, Vecna himself delved deeper into the town, he headed toward Davian's mansion in Summit's Crest. The town was bustling with activity as players milled about, preparing for the impending war against the Orc Leader, Gorruk Bloodmaw.

The Vampire reached Davian's mansion, a grand structure that stood out in Summit's Crest. The butler, a dignified older man, greeted Vecna with respect and led him to Davian's office. 

"Lord Vecna, welcome back. Just so you know, there is a guest inside Davian's office that should be a great help to Summit's Crest effort in defeating the Orcs."

"Don't you say Alfred? This makes it interesting, he didn't tell me his intention of contacting any strong individual."

"Well, Davian has this problem where he forgets certain things, and acts upon them when he is reminded."

"Nothing to worry, everyone has those episodes of blank-out. The older you are, the higher the occurrence."

Vecna's arrival had been anticipated, and he had little doubt that Davian had matters to discuss with him.

Inside the luxurious office, Davian, the wealthy and influential merchant, sat in his ornate chair. 

The room exudes opulence, adorned with rare artifacts and luxurious furnishings that were befitting of a man of his status. On the guest couch was another figure, a familiar one that Vecna had encountered in the past.

As Vecna entered the room, Davian rose from his luxurious chair to greet him. His warm welcome contrasted with the apprehensive anticipation in his eyes.

"Ah, Vecna, you have returned faster than I expected." greeted Davian who was in his luxurious chair, while on the guest couch was a familiar person, one might say they were acquaintances.

There he was, a man who has haunted him a lot since getting involved with the Black Fangs of the notorious PKer Bloodhound. However, for a strange reason, this exact man didn't bother to One-Shot him even when he had a huge advantage in level and skills.

What's more, this man's class was something that should allow him to catch up to him in an instant charge of his skills, since he was an Assassin Class.

Vecna's crimson gaze shifted to the guest couch, where a familiar figure sat. The man had been a constant presence in Vecna's recent dealings, an enigma who had refrained from attacking despite the opportunities to do so.

"Viper… This is unexpected."

Davian, always the gracious host, attempted to bridge the gap with an introduction.

"Sir Vecna, you know Viper? I was thinking about introducing him to you, since our previous corroboration was decent. He acts swift and kills the targets I want without complaining, his success rate is … how did you word it? Yeah, 99.98% success because you left the rest of 0.02% to human error."

Viper ignored Davian's made-up introduction, instead focusing his attention on the blonde man wearing a Saharan Nobleman black suit, fitting it nicely with his aesthetics. Both men ignored the owner of this Mansion and instead gauged each other.

Vecna analyzed the man who had long onyx hair tied in a loose man-bun while his skin color was of a dark tan, reminiscent of a Middle-Eastern, wearing his Assassin Leather Clothes, while a black leather jacket was opened revealing all sorts of poisons and rapid-action potions. Standing out was a long silver earring on his right ear that contrasted with his attire and black hair. 

[Viper - LV. 179]

Seeing his level, Vecna agreed with his growth inwardly, not expecting less from the Top 10 Rogue/Assassin in the whole Satisfy.

Similar to Vecna's analyzing process, Viper too watched the white nameplate above Vecna's head that only players could notice, and he could barely mask his surprise when seeing the insane leveling from Vecna, reaching level 124 in close to two months was insane, only achievable if getting power-leveled.

'I heard from the boys in Black Fang that Vecna actually got his hands on a Hidden Class that is more powerful than an Epic or a Unique Class. But they could only speculate.'

'There were also the feeds I got regarding Bloodhound moves in Valoria, and he faced someone who looked just like him… Vecna was his name… I do remember you.'

'I did appreciate you fucking around with Bloodhound, that insufferable asshole.'

"It's been a while. Seems that times have been better for you, and to think you're the Key figure leading this war against the Orcs."

"Hmm, it's good to see you too. From all the members of the Black Fang, you were the only one who didn't carry hostility."

"And, sorry for the disappointment, but it's only a low-ranker leading this Campaign."

"Don't get me wrong, I wasn't looking down on you, Vecna. In fact, I expected to find an entitled high-ranker, someone like Seuron, the Soul Predator who is backed by his whole guild that funnels their loot into him."

"You're talking about the Golden Guild?"

"Yeah, those idiots actually signed some contract with Seuron who has an interesting ability that gives huge penalties to those breaking his Contracts. Think of it as a power the Demon from the stories of our world have."

"Heh, that's karma. But, why bother telling me this, not that I'm curious about this Seuron."

"Well, you're right. Those roaches don't amount to much when they are solo, only when they bunch on you and gank you does it become annoying."

Vecna who was still on his feet as he talked to Viper, moved to have a sit on another available couch, stretching his body while keeping his silence for a bit, thinking a bit before opening up to Viper.

"What brings you to Summit's Crest? Has by chance Davian roped you into assisting us to fight the Orc Leader?"

"Mhmm, that's right. I got contacted by Mr. Davian. Quite the generous contract."

"Is that so?" inquired Vecna with a tint of sarcasm in his voice as he shifted his crimson gaze unto Davian who rubbed his chin nervously.

"Many groups of players tried to clear those quests, but they got wiped by the Orc Leader. That Gorruk Bloodmaw should be an SS-rated NPC Boss, which is why his growth out-scaled the players trying to raid him."

"My first thought was to refuse, but then I got reminded of some gossip circling around the Skyweb, saying that someone with a Diamond Ranking is attempting to clear those S-tier Quests from the Guild Hall."

"I'll give you that, I didn't expect to see you here. But, I'm sure you're a player capable of tackling this quest. Think of me as a supporting actor."

"So, to understand the current situation. You want to join me in the Orc Quest?"

"If you want, I don't mind joining hands with you. I don't know if you are aware, but Gorruk Bloodmaw's level is 235… Consider it carefully because wiping on that Boss wouldn't feel nice." 

'... Of course I'm aware. Everything you know about Gorruk Bloodmaw, I already know. In fact I might know more about the situation of this Raid than you do.'

"Sure. Any genuine intention for help is well received. It would be foolish to reject your help considering that sir Davian worked so much into getting you to this troubled town."

"Hehe, that's right L… sir Vecna."

[You have shared the following quests with User 'Viper' …]

Viper wasn't sure Vecna would accept the part of sharing quests, but here he was, surprising him once again in his willingness to share the rewards from the Raid. 

[User 'Vecna' is sharing the quest 'Valley of Death. Orcs at our doorstep (S)']

[User 'Vecna' is sharing the quest 'Goblin Tribes Nuisance on the Mountain Border (S']

Skimping along the contents, they were the real deal, and not lingering too much on this subject, he accepted the quest, later on receiving a party invitation from Vecna.

[You have received an invitation to 'Vecna's Raid Group']


The moment he accepted a new interface opened up revealing the fact that Vecna had already two members in his party, mainly two women nametags 'Elysia' and 'Maribel'.

#Viper: It seems you're not alone in this quest, but isn't the level disparity too great? One … low, quite pitifully low, while the second …

#Viper: How can a player be at level 300?

#Vecna: They are my NPC partners, treat them no differently than humans if you want to get on their good books.'

#Vecna: Since we agreed to collaborate, let's move to what is of interest. The Orcs and the Goblins. There are 3 more Goblin Tribes alive that I intend on hunting in the following days. However, my schedule doesn't allow me to stay inside Satisfy for too long.

#Viper: What are you suggesting?

#Vecna: Nothing much, I can handle the rest of the goblins, but I think… the other players gathered would interfere, and will destroy my plans.

#Viper: Are your plans capable of weakening the Orcs?

#Vecna: Weaken them? No. The Goblins are only the Cannon Fodder of the Orcs, but this will force the Orcs to be the first line of attack if they so choose to attack.

While Vecna and Viper were using the Messenger interface to talk, giving the impression to Davian they were in a tense moment, it was when the vampire brought out his Divine Artifact that he reacted.

Viper, witnessing the book's power, couldn't help but react, his curiosity piqued. That was the catalyst to the murdering of the Black Fang Guild Elite in the Caverns of Travian Sierra.

As the pages turned ceaselessly, Vecna stopped at a particular section. His eyes seemed to pierce the pages as he activated the telepathic connection with Rax, transmitting his instructions.

He activates an ability of the Book of Night and enters into a telepathic connection with Rax

"Return to the Travian's Bone Forest, we'll meet there to begin our attack on the Venomtongue Tribe."

"In three days, we will clean out the Goblins."

The message sent, Vecna withdrew from the telepathic connection and turned his predatory gaze on Viper, a sly glint in his eyes. He extended an invitation to the assassin, before rethinking again about his situation and including another member in the hunt.

"It wouldn't hurt my plans if we complete it faster. This will put the Orcs on their guard further. What do you say, Viper, do you have some time for a Side-Quest? Similarly, for you Davian, it wouldn't hurt if you check out how your rejuvenated body holds up in battle."

Viper took a moment to weigh the potential risks and rewards. But after considering the benefits and the opportunity to collect valuable loot, Viper agreed with a subtle nod, acknowledging the merit in joining forces.

'He did share the quest with me, and we're in a party. It would hurt me to take down the Goblins first before proceeding with the Orcs.'

'Whatsmore, I can also gauge Vecna's new Class.'

"Agreed. I have no qualms with such an arrangement. Besides, a change of pace can be quite refreshing."

Davian, the affluent and influential figure, was quick to accept Vecna's invitation. The prospect of fighting again like a Knight as he did when being a lad was appealing. This venture could also serve as an opportunity to forge stronger connections with Vecna and further his influence in the Blood Lord's eyes.

 "A chance to hunt goblins and stretch my old bones? How could I refuse such an enticing offer, Vecna? I'll bring my finest equipment. Let's see what treasures these goblins have been hoarding."

With the agreement in place, the trio was set to embark on a mission to quell the remaining goblin tribes.

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