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Chapter 16: cub

"Guild master?!"


The guild master broke up the dual. Igvarge was mad but he quickly shushed when he saw the warrior captain at Akabaru's side.

Gazef informed him that they would be leaving as the horses would be ready, saying that he could register in the capital.

Pluton had some final words Gazef before they left and handed Akabaru a small parchment, saying that it would help him when he registered at the capital

Akabaru doubted Gazef need to leave but didn't bother asking as he didn't mind registering somewhere else.


Leaving the guild hall with Gazef.

While walking away from the adventurers guild Akabaru asked Gazef:

"Is getting a adventurers plate really worth it, because you don't seem to need one but still get respect?"

While still walking Gazef replied

"That's because I am a soldier of this kingdom, to be precise the warrior captain… my strength is revered.. if you would like you can become a commander or something along those lines… but hearing you say that you are a wanderer I thought you would be more inclined to be a adventurer.."

"I don't see purpose in serving someone else… I don't mean that your job has no purpose I just don't see myself bowing down to a lord…. Although I am technically below someone in rank I and he know that we are equal in each others eyes."

"My king sees me as a companion.. yet the nobles of this land see me as a obstacle… my duty is my purpose but I understand that with your might, bowing down to someone would be…."

"Shameful to my honour and damage my pride…. Respect in all cases should be earned.. do you agree?"

"In most cases, yes, but at the same time respecting someone because you respect their father is not earned but out of respect for their family you respect them…"

"Mhhh interesting… but to answer your question, I do not intend to serve a kingdom like yourself.. I much rather help the population as those without power can not be corrupted by it only by the system they reside in…"

Gazef fell silent with Akabaru's final answer but once they were almost to the guard tower were their horses would be he responded.

"You and the golden princess have much in common, even if you two are worlds apart."

"Well if I were to meet her than we would surly get along.. now Gazef-dono if you would."

Akabaru pointed to the waiting group of soldiers that had two empty horses beside them ready to ride any moment.


Akabaru looked around.

They had stopped near a river with some woods to the south preparing to take a break in the area to let the horses rest. They were around an hour away from E-Pespel and would spend the night there but just as they were relaxing a pack of wolves ran towards them as a growl could be heard from behind them.


Gazef screamed to get the soldiers on there feet, they weren't really meant to fight against a pack of wolves but the pack ignored them and ran past them.


"Were they scared?"

The soldiers questioned but just as they felt relieved a Giant black bear cut through the treeline, reigniting the fear that was diminishing.

"I will deal with the bear, the rest should look out for the wolfs, they might return unexpectedly."

Akabaru signalled the soldiers to keep a eye on the wolf pack while he dealt with the black bear.

Standing before the bear it stood up on its hind legs making itself look bigger as to scare Akabaru and make him an easier kill.

But instead of fleeing Akabaru took a small sprint, sliding under the attack the bear and jabbing into the bears stomach making the bear cough up blood, but still trying to slice you with its claws.

Akabaru rolled to the side and decided to end the fight with a enhanced punch. Jumping over the bears arms and using them as spring boards to vault over the bear, and turning with a devastating punch right to the spine breaking it in two, and immobilising the bear.

Just as Akabaru was about to head back to Gazef he heard a even smaller roar inside of the forest. Deciding it was best to check it out he found a albino baby bear looking around while exploring the surrounding.

Seeing that it was no threat to himself Akabaru picked it up. Realising that the animal was probably the child of the bear he had just killed

Akabaru knew that he couldn't care for a baby bear but he didn't want to kill the animal in cold blood so he decided to message Albedo to request a gate and send Aura to him to pick up a new animal that je had found.

Her response was to let Akabaru wait for a while and after a couple of minutes a gate opened and Aura came out of it.

"Aura, how have you been?"

"I have been great lord Akabaru… I was informed that you had a gift for me?"

"Yes… well it is not so much of a gift as it is a task… this rare albino bear cub.. I want you to train it.. if you do than I will grant you any wish that I can grant."

Akabaru decided to keep the little bear as it was just to cute to let Aura have it on its own.

"A wish from you lord Akabaru, then of course I will do it… do you have something specific you want him to be trained at."

"No not really I just want him to listen well to commands, more than that is not needed."

"Have you named in yet my lord?"

Akabaru fell silent at the question Aura asked…. A good name he thought…

"Blake… because of his white fur and… dark past.."

Akabaru really struggled with naming the creature as he wasn't to sure if a simple name would suit it but Blake was the first thing that came to mind so Blake it was.

"Dark past?"

"I killed his mother…"

"Ohhh.. well I am sure she deserved it."



Akabaru got back to camp apparently the wolves didn't return but it wouldn't be save to camp here for to long as the smell of blood would attract monsters or other creatures.

Arriving to E-Pespel Akabaru looked around seeing that there were several shops open for business near the gate, their customers filing in and out of them. On the side of the street were several people in work aprons, carrying goods.

It was a densely populated commercial street, Akabaru followed Gazef to the nearest guard post where they would sleep. He wasn't going to a inn as that would cost money and he didn't know how to find one on his own.

Before long, Gazef arrived to the guard barracks where they would sleep

Opening the heavy wooden doors, you spot the dark interior.. because it was a guard barracks the walls were made of stone and there weren't many holes where light could travel through.

Looking around the barracks seemed to be organised into dining area with small kitchen at the side and a large room with beds laid out a couple of feet from each other. There were stairs probably leading up to the office of the commander in charge nothing really else of note that stood out.

The smell didn't stand out but it breathed right into Akabaru's face, having better smell and hearing was good most of the time but being confronted with the smell of dozens of soldiers that sweated all day wasn't fun.

"This is it Gazef-dono?"

"The barracks in the royal capital are better… this one only has the basics.."

Gazef tried explaining that it wasn't to bad but one of the soldiers at his side ratted him out

"The warrior captain doesn't normally sleep in the barracks.. he goes home to his house."

"So Gazef-dono what did you say about the royal capital having better barracks?"

"It is not a lie, I just prefer to sleep in my own bed… nothing against the barracks."

"Well I also prefer to sleep in my own bed so I will be sleeping on the roof."

"You sure the clouds hanging overhead suggest that it is going to rain."

"I don't mind.. now."

Akabaru exited the barracks and parkoured his way from building to building until he was on the top of it looking down he took his supplies of his back and laid them out, readying himself to sleep in the open air and just as he closed his eyes a drop of water fell on his bald head

"Best worse decision yet…"

Akabaru mumbled as sleeping in the rain felt better than sleeping inside a swine stall of a barrack.


Akabaru wasn't tired anymore the drain had drained it out oh him so he decided to go to one of the only open places at the moment, a bar

The windows were closed, and so the interior was somewhat dark. The inside of the building was quite spacious. The first floor was a dining area, with a counter further within. That counter was backed by shelves that contained dozens of bottles of alcohol. The door beside the counter most likely led to a kitchen.

One could see the scattered customers within seated around several round tables. Almost all of them were men, and the promise of violence hung heavily over them as most of them were drunk.

Most of them where paying attention to their drink, but seeing a new person entering his bar the barman said.

"Welcome how can I help you."

"Just a glass of something strong but not expansive."

The barman nodded and poured a cub with something that seemed to be moonshine

"well then…" Looking around you spot the filth that is present on the floor and every corner.

"..barman, heard any rumours lately?"

He gives Akabaru his drink and looks at him for a second and the shows you an open palm, gesturing for you to give him some money.

Giving a couple copper coin Akabaru got from Gazef to the barman

"A village in the area was recently set ablaze by someone, killed most of the people there and the survivors refuse to talk about it."

"Those aren't rumours that is just something that happened in the area!"

"Fine you want some rumours…" the barman gets closer to Akabaru and whispers

"Eight fingers has been kidnaping young woman again.. to make up for the losses from the village that burned.. So you better watch out for someone you like.. otherwise."

The barman makes a slicing motion with his hand, insinuating someone's possible demise

"This eight fingers.. I do not know them why don't you tell me about them?"

"Are you stupid! Sorry, you must be new in the kingdom.. let me give you something for free… there are only Three rules around here… ok.. first one don't get involved with the nobles second don't get involved with eight fingers.. if they get involved with you just let it happened.. both cases.. third be carful were you talk about them… you understand?"

"Yes but you didn't say the crown, do the rules apply the same for them both?"

Akabaru tried to act ignorant to get some more information for free.

"While it isn't wise to get involved with the crown they are the least likely to kill you or torture you… the only good one if you ask me is the golden princess as she is the only one that cares for the people."

"Thank you barman, I will hold this advise close to hart."

Akabaru got up from his stool at the bar and made himself ready to leave.

"You deserve it."

Akabaru handed a couple of silver coins over to the barman as thanks for his information and left to get back to the barracks at wait for daybreak, when he and Gazef would leave.

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