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Chapter 10: The Meeting

Takeo was feeling slightly tired as he typed on his laptop, he looked up at Mio who was driving with a bright smile on her face, somehow she was looking even more beautiful today. Takeo cursed a bit in his head at the unfairness of the world, women seem to just recover like nothing ever happened after a nights sleep. While felt like he got hit by a truck going a hundred miles per hour, shaking those thoughts out of his head he went back to typing away on his laptop. He decided to take Kimiko's advice and was planing on looking for a specialist and a Spirit magic user with knowledge extensive in sequences, so far he decided to write a few with his limited ability.

On another note Takeo had noticed awhile back that he could use magic without a CAD, but after a weighing the pros and cons he decided that will not display it or let anybody know about if he could help it. His research narrowed down the cause to be the parasite that subject A-001 had absorbed, so before leaving this morning he asked Kana to scourer the black market and purchase as many as possible for further studies. The car pulled up to the gate of First and Takeo told Mio it was not necessary to open the door for him today, after getting out he put his laptop in his bag and made his way inside the campus.

When he got in class, he noticed how some of the students were looking at him. In the corner of his eyes he noticed Morisaki who was looking at him with a look of pure hatred in his eyes, but when he locked eyes with him his body tensed up and fear was visible in his eyes. He shivered before looking away in a hurried manner, even after looking away he could clearly be seen that he was still shivering. Ignoring him Takeo made his way to his desk, taking out his laptop he continued typing some sequences.

He was trying to recreate some of the magics in the black files he downloaded from the terrorist organization in his past life, he chose five magics from an anime/light novel called Overlord and five from anime/manga called naruto. He had heard of naruto as a teenager and he watched the first season, but kinda fell out of love with it later on. He managed to create a magic this morning which he named 'Rampaging Wave' and inspiration for this one came from a file he had about another anime called one piece.

The only reason he decided to recreate it was after reading the information the G&G Group had on the thirteen apostles, they were a group of Strategic-Class Magicians wide recognized around the world. Japan only had one publicly recognized Strategic-Class Magician, her name was Itsuwa Mio and she was a member of the the ten master clans. But rumors had it that they another who was much more dangerous than her, Her magic was named Abyss it was a Movement Type that creates a spherical depression in water with a diameter up to several kilometers and a depth of up to a kilometer. Ships caught in the zone would be pulled down the walls of the water, then upon cancellation of the magic,the water would be swallowed up by the massive waves as the water returned to a horizontal plane. The depth of the sphere also allowed for the destruction of submarines as well.

While Rampaging waves on the other hand is both a Oscillation/Vibration-Type and a Movement Type that first creates devastating earthquake which generates a high tsunami, anything caught inside would be destroyed by high pressure waves that is powerful enough to cut cleanly through metal, and upon cancellation of the magic, the water would streams down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge wave, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilisation is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster.

Takeo was elated to have those files in his DNI, they gave him many new ideas and descriptions that allowed him to recreate them in this world. The only problem was having the technical know how to full do so, through the memories of the scientists he was able to recreate the less complicated ones. But the others were proving to be very difficult for him. Sighing he continued typing hoping that some spark of brilliance would allow him to complete his task, he only put his laptop away after the teacher walked in.

When class ended Takeo walked to the cafeteria deep in thoughts, he was debating if he should stay after school and visit the library in order to gain further insights on ancient magics. Or should he visit Mr. Tsuzura for some help, after all he was famous for developing some magics at the very least give out some good pointers. After picking up his tray he walked towards and empty table scowling, before a voice interrupted him out of conundrum. "Yo Takeo it's been awhile hasn't, dude why the long face?." Looking up he saw Leo holding what could be considered a massive amount of food that would make a whale proud.

Taking a second look at his tray, Takeo started laughing and pointing at his tray before saying. "Dude i didn't know you wanted to be a sumo wrestler, heck i didn't even know they still existed for that matter" Leo went red with embarrassment at his friends light jab, before mumbling some curses under his breath and said. "Ain't that much dude, give me a break will ya i'm still growing you know." That caused Takeo to laugh even more, they exchange a few light jabs before Leo invited him to seat with him and his friends. Takeo didn't mind and agreed with his invitation, as they approached he noticed it was the same group he saw yesterday. The same two girls he meet on the line the first day and the other two he met when he walked past the president after registering

The one had short bright red-orange hair with a slim and fit physique stood up and spoke to Leo. "Hey you big oaf, what took you so long did you get lost and forget where you sat?" Before Leo could blow up on her the one with the glasses stepped in to pacify them. "Erika please be nice to Saijou-kun and besides we have company." The said red head finally calmed down and noticed that there was somebody else her, she looked at Takeo up and down before saying "Who are you?" Leo took this opportunity to giver a piece of his mind. "And who is being rude now huh?" And that started another round of back and forth arguing, seeing how this wasn't going to stop any time soon Takeo sat down and began eating his food. He looked up after a few bites and noticed that they were still going at each other, while the one with the glasses was trying to break them up again sighing he looked at the other two and asked "Are they always like that?"

This time both girls nodded at his question, smiling he turned to the two arguing beasts and said "I don't know about you two but i kinda feel uncomfortable with everybody staring me while eating, and beside at this rate you guys won't have time to eat anything before break is over" his words caused the two to look around before sitting down in embarrassment after noticing so many eyes on them, sighing Takeo continued and introduced himself "Hello my name is Takeo Ichinose nice to meet you" which prompted the girls to start introducing themselves, the loud firecracker's name was Erika Chiba, the one with the glasses was was Mizuki Shibata and the twin tailed girl was named Mitsui Honoka and stoned face one was named Kitayama Shizuku, being from my class they already knew who i was and we only nodded to each other.

Erika on the other hand started drilling me with questions, it started with how i knew Leo and how could i be friends with this uncouth guy. At the end of the break we separated Honoka, Shizuku and i walked to our class while Leo and the others went to theirs. We promised to meet them at the end of class again.

breaker13 breaker13

I have plans for the group, and some of you may already know where it is going. Anyways not my best chapter but it was necessary, worry not if you are familiar with the novel/manga/anime then you know ish gunna hit the fan soon. Also i had promise to add some new ideas i here is a few, and for those Overlord fans there will be more in the future just wait a bit

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