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Chapter 4: Make out session (slightly r18), back to the village. Mutt meat?


After hugging for a couple of seconds, he proceeded with what he thought was logical considering their previous conversation.

He did not feel anything for Enri yet, but he was not going to be a goody two shoes. And once you are in this sort of situation what are you supposed to do? Back away? Self-righteousness will only carry you so far.

So Merek just "grabbed the bull by the horns" (although in this case, maybe it is better to say by the butt). Lowering one hand towards her bottom, and the other to her chin he decided to take what was presented.

Enri was thinking about what she just did, reluctant to release the hug so that he doesn't see her red face. When the hug extended so far her thoughts were drawn towards other thing.

'Wow, he is so tall, and feels so strong.' When suddenly her mind went blank. It took a couple of seconds to restart her brain, and the thoughts that began to form…

'Did he just grab my butt? Wait now he is… does he wants to…'

Brain meltdown seemed to be the order of the day for Enri as, just when coherent thought were starting to go across her mind, Merek pecked her lips a couple of times.

Her heartbeat rose, her brain stopped, and her breathing turned ragged. She just stood there on the receiving end of a session of lips pecking and butt grabbing.

Her legs were turning to jelly, and when they were about to give up, Merek took the hand that was holding her chin and decided to inspect some other goods.

'From the hug I could clearly feel there is more to this girl than what is visible through her clothes. A more throughout inspection must be performed later but for now I guess this will suffice' were Merek's thoughts at the moment.

Fondling her breasts through her clothes was enough to jumpstart Enri's yielding legs. Something like an electric shock spread across her body, Enri was now rigid as a steel bar.

This emotional train-wreck had to end or she would just collapse here and there.

Merek was not the best at making out, but having all the job classes and racial classes buff of Yggdrasil was not for naught.

He did toggled off the auras and touch skills but things like [Erogelic physiology] and [Incubus physiology] were there, ready to bombard anyone at the mercy of his administrations.

Mere touches here and there, a couple of kisses and fondling some of her sensitive areas was enough to overload the inexperienced girl with pleasure. At this moment, a small dam was opened in her nether regions.

As fluid began to flow from her lower parts she just dropped on his arms. He had strong suspicions of what was happening to Enri, but considering he was most probably the culprit of her situation, he stood there holding her until necessary.

Almost a minute of rest were enough for Enri to gain her physical autonomy back. Once he felt her weight leaving his arms, he softly let go of her and asked her if she was alright.

She replied by nodding her head and saying a soft yes while looking downwards. Her bashful answer made him decide to take care of the girl.

He was not her father nor her husband so he wouldn't pamper her too much, but ensuring her physical well-being and making sure she didn't have to go through any excessive hardships was a must.

Considering the position she decided to put herself in, probably providing with a good education and maybe an easy job so that she finds herself useful may be the best course of action.

He asked her if she was really alright with the arrangement that would happen (him taking her as his mistress/follower) and she working for him

Again she replied with a meek "yes" and nodding her head, but this time she looked at his eyes straight with determination showing on her face.

This was good enough for him. Merek was not very demanding but he wouldn't just take anyone that was not even sure if she wanted to be with him. He was ok with people who tested the waters but some thing you either in or not.

"Very well, let's go back, we already spent more than enough time here" said Merek patting Enri's shoulder.

She was a little bit distracted by the whole situation so she just nodded and followed him.

On the way back he was picking some berries and fruits they came across when walking back and speaking to Enri.

He said things like she could speak her mind anytime without fearing he would get mad or anything. He also said that, even if she considered their relationship was that of a "master/servant" he expected her to retain her free will and to have her own thoughts.

Later he spoke about her retaining her freedom and that while she would be his mistress, if she wanted to leave, she could do so at any given moment; but if she did so, he would not take her again. (He respected her freedom, but he was not going to wear a green hat).

He could create and cast some sort of servant seal on Enri to ensure her loyalty, but for someone that has decided to take him as her master out of free will, those practices were basically a slap on her face.

Also, he did not have trust issues, and while she could spread information about him if she betrayed him, he did not hold any political, economic or military power on the eyes of the new-worlders as of now. He was pretty much an unknown merchant from god knows where.

This time, it was Merek speaking the most with Enri only replying when needed.

It was not that she had a sudden change of personality. However, assimilating what just happened was taking most of her brainpower. Additionally, there was a crisis on her undergarments; saying wet, is an understatement, they were soaked.

Her dress was doing a decent job hiding it, but the feeling was almost unbearable. When returning to the village she would need a change of clothes… a bath as well.

After going out of the Forest of Tob, when walking to the village Enri started to get curious about the changes she will experience and as such asked Merek a couple of questions.

"Say Merek, what you think I should say after we are back?"

To which Merek replied "I think that, before we leave the village, maybe is better to keep our relationship private… maybe we can say that I saw potential in you and decided to take you in as a student?"

"That way it would not be strange to have you coming to my house during your education period. I can cover your needs and maybe the village chief can assign someone else to tend the animals".

Enri was overjoyed when she heard that she would not have to tend to the farm animals anymore… that was such a boring task. Spending time with Merek would be good, as she would get to know him better.

However, when her mind wandered to the part of "education period" she felt a little bit anxious. What was that supposed to mean? Will she be able to learn what he wanted to teach her? What would he teach her…?

When she started to redden thinking of their little make out session in the woods Merek spoke "We already here, maybe you should do your tasks in the village for today. I will speak with the village chief to change your arrangement."

That brought Enri out of her line of thought "Oh right, I kind of said yesterday to the chief I might be late for my tasks today but didn't said I was leaving to the forest" said Enri in a somewhat apologizing and not at the same time.

Merek just took things at face value. What can he say… I mean yeah, it was strange that a man and a woman were heading alone to the forest before dawn but it was for a valid trade.

And yeah things turned different from what he imagined but he wouldn't go to much details when explaining things to the chief.

Also, while the chief took care of Enri after her father's decease, she was pretty much an adult. And therefore could decide what to do by herself.

After saying their goodbye, Enri went to tend the farm animals and Merek went to the village chief house.

He would tell him what Enri and he agreed. Also he would tell him that since taking Enri as a student he would stay in the village for a couple of weeks, maybe a month or two if it extended.

In the meantime, since he was lodging for free in the village, in order to not be a freeloader, he would hunt some game and provide meat and pelts maybe.

Technically he could just give them magical items but he was not Santa Claus. And he could also create food or summon creatures to kill them for food but the first felt to lazy, and the second felt too cruel.

Besides, he needed something to do during Enri's first education stage and exploring the forest and surroundings sounded like a good idea.

The only negative outcome of this was that during that time progress his knowledge of the surrounding countries would be stuck. And his reputation as a merchant would stuck as well, since he couldn't sell much to the villagers.

Well, while he did like to get things done, he did not feel delaying those would be a big deal, and it was better to have a better footing on the world once he stepped out of Carne.

Going to any city with Enri not knowing to read, write or do basic math was not a good idea… maybe he could implant the knowledge directly on her brain, but that seemed like the first step towards creating a totally dependent person. So avoiding that right now might be better.

Merek went to the knock on the village chief door and soon the chief answered the door.

"Good morning sir Merek, how may I help you?" greeted the village chief in a common way.

"Well you see chief…"

Merek spoke with the village chief. The chief was somewhat suspicious of him first when he spoke about their trade of information but the benefits to Enri were not specified.

But when he told the chief he would take Enri as a student and that she decided to follow him when he leaves the village he had mixed feelings.

Happy for Enri, since she would be able to accomplish greater things than if she remains in the village. But sad at the prospect of she leaving. Deep inside he hoped for Merek to stay on the village, but knew that was impossible.

Merek said he would hunt some animals which was good for the general population of the village so that was good. But he insisted on warning Merek of the creatures on the Forest of Tob.

Merek took the warning as the way of the chief expressing his care for him and decided to leave after the chief told him he would arrange for Enri to have her time free from the next day on.

On the way back to his village house, Merek saw Enri working with the animals but she seemed a lot more irritated than the other time he saw her doing the same.

Approaching her to tell her what he agreed with the chief about her task arrangement, he asked her if she was alright as well.

"That stupid Billy seems to have nothing to do other than harass me. He was waiting in the front ot the barn to ask me where was I and what was I doing. Like that is of any of his interest."

"Good thing I cleaned myself before coming here, otherwise I'd at least hit him with a stick." Said Enri fuming

Merek apologized "oh that… I'm sorry, maybe I should have cleaned you up a little bit with a spell but I thought maybe you'd be embarrassed if I spoke about that at the time."

"That… well for embarrassing as it may have been, it was probably better to be embarrassed with you than almost exposed so…"

"Noted, I'll keep that in mind…"

Merek was thinking about Billy's actions and even if he was a "kid" they also make stupid mistakes.

'I doubt he'll do anything stupid right… still its probably better safe than sorry, I won't make a preemptive strike, but I guess this will suffice"

Merek took out a necklace with a small pendant from his "pocket" (one of the pile of items in his seemingly infinite [Inventory]). Yes, he said he'd try to not flood the new world his Yggdrasil items. But this was not a sale on his store so he convinced himself it was not breaking the rules.

And if rules kept him from protecting someone he have taken under him protected then honestly…f**k the rules.

The pendant was a trash item in Yggdrasil where everyone could just learn the [Message] spell. In here it had a little more value. Casting a [Message] spell up to three times not restricted by any form of anti-divination spell.

[Hermes' necklace], it was a thin golden chain with a green small bead for the pendant. Merek explained Enri what it was and what it does.

Enri was ecstatic about receiving a present from Merek but thought it was too valuable and that she has not done anything to earn it.

Merek convinced Enri saying "Just take it, you do not need to think much about it. Consider it a good luck charm and a way to call for me if you find yourself in trouble."

This reassured her a little bit and she accepted the necklace. She wanted him to put it for her and he did after looking around and not finding any prying eyes.

"There…" spoke Merek

"Thanks, it's so beautiful", she said holding the pendant. "I promise I will cherish it". Said Enri, hiding it under her dress.

Changing the topic of conversation Merek spoke to Enri of their schedule for the next day

Basically for her she would have to come to his house instead of the barn, and he would take care of the that day's activities.

Merek said goodbye and finally went to his house

For the rest of the day he had two things he wanted to make. Dismantling the [Barghest] and things his luck brewing some potions.

The [Bargest] dismantling was done manually on the back-side of the house where he manually drained its blood in a bottle, took out the chain,, peeled its skin, took out the meat from the bone and disposed of the organs.

He could do this with magic but he didn' feel the need to, he had to spend the day doing something and magic would be too fast.

Almost at the end he was considering doing it though, it took him almost 2 hours and that is considering all the [cook], [hunter] and [ranger] buffs had.

However, the condition of the pelt was pristine. Inspecting the materials using the [God sight] skill he got a small description of each.

[Barghest pelt]: the pelt of a magical beast, resistant to corrosion and poison, tougher than common beasts pelt but can be easily pierced using a silver knife.

[Bargest chain]: a chain that comes after the spectre of a Barghest possess a dog becoming the [Barghest]. It forms from the iron in the blood of its victims, when the Barghest is alive it is able to use it as an extra limb. After it's death it becomes nothing more than a normal iron chain.

[Barghest bones]: They still posses a small amount of nether energy. Could be used to perform a ritual or to fuel a necromancy spell.

[Mutt meat]: after the dead of a [Barghest] most of its nether energy remain in the skin and bones. It's probably safe for consumption.

"Probably safe for consumption? Hmm probably will give an indigestion to anyone eating it… maybe I can use a [clean] and [purify] spell before cooking it. Or I can just throw it away… nahhhh"

Spoke Merek to himself as he started storing the materials in his [Inventory].

***author's note***

sorry it took some time to write this chapter, insert valid excuse here ______

If there is any issue or writing mistake don't be afraid to leave a comment... you know It's the first time I write anything longer than 3k so I'm basically a noob.

***en of note***

Master_Vaders Master_Vaders

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