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Chapter 10: A Display of Strength


The battle with one of the skeletal dragons has finally ended, but there were no signs of another one. Gazef was checking on the soldiers, sending the severely injured ones back to the camp. Lakyus was commanding the adventures as guild master had left for the capital. Evileye was recovering after drinking blue healing potion.

"You've done well for surviving this long."

Khajiit appeared along with a few dark wizards. He was carrying a crystal with dark energy stored. A surge of dark energy floated in the air before dispersing then the defeated undead army arose again.

Soldiers began to cry in shock and readied their weapons.

"Wh.. What's going on?"

"Stay away. Clank.."

"Why ar..e they regenerating again?

Then, the next thing froze them on their feet. A massive skeletal dragon of over 50 meters in height emerged from the ground, destroying the walls.

"Th.. This was the second skeletal dragon?" Azuth said with his eyes wide open.

"How can it be this massive?" Gazef asked, bewildering.

"This will be impossible with our current situation. We have to retreat." Evileye said, looking towards Gazef in an uneasy tone.

She has lived for hundred of years and fought many battles. So, she could naturally estimate the danger level of her enemies. In her view, this skeletal dragon was at least ten times stronger than previously defeated skeletal dragon.

The previous skeletal dragon was already beyond her level, that she had to use the magic scroll of the extinct 7th-Tier. Now the skeletal dragon of this level was surely impossible to defeat. So, the final solution was to retreat safely. In the passing time, they could get some help from Theocracy or Council States.

"Some of you attack that creepy man, while others assist us." Lakyus commanded the high-ranking adventurers.

"That seems to be the logical choice for now. We will keep it busy. Soldiers, pullover."

All the soldiers started to head towards the gate of the town, but the undead skeletons had already surrounded them. Many died due to the surprise attack, while some perished because of their damaged weapons. The whole ground was dyed in blood and crumbs of shattered bones could be seen everywhere.

Compared to the shattered bones, the numbers of human legs, arms and heads were greater. The previously deceased tens of thousands of soldiers' body parts were already gruesome. But now thousands of soldiers were joining in the pile. And the bodies weren't in complete shape, either they were smashed to pulp, burned to ashes or sliced into pieces.

"We can't make the.. Thackk.."

One of the adventurers of Red Corps was saying something, but he stopped as he saw a large cluster of bricks that flew out of nowhere, crushing the undead skeletons in front of him.

A man with black hair and red eye walked, not paying any attention to the surrounding undead. A staff was floating on his hand, and the erupting golden aura from it thrashed the nearby undead to crisps.

He was walking like the undead skeletons were mere bugs. Witnessing this unbelievable scene, all the soldiers had their eyes wide open while their mouths shut tight.

"We meet again, Warrior-captain Gazef."

The man, or to be precise, Ainz, was walking towards Gazef without paying any notice to the dispersing undead skeletons. After realizing the reality in front of him, Gazef bowed his head to greet him.

"It seems so, lord Gown."

"Is he the same lord Gown?" Azuth questioned Gazef, unable to control his eagerness, clearly showing shock on his face, to which Gazef nodded.

"Ho.. It seems I had been quite the topic of the talk."

"Yeah. We were talking if you would join this battle or not."

"Oh! I was busy with some things."

He was busy organizing this battle, giving new orders to the guardians and most importantly, flirting with Albedo. He also wanted to have a sweet time with Shalltear, but she was on the mission to collect information with Demiurge. He continued.

"I see. You have got quite the nice sword. Hm.. Wait for a moment. [Repel Undeath]"

A barrier of golden light expanded from his body, repelling the undead soldiers within its range. It covered the whole area where soldiers were standing.

"Now, little bones. Don't annoy me, okay? [Widen Magic: Wave of Fire Storm]"

A wave of firestorms appeared surrounding the barrier, descending on the top of the skeletons. Hot air started to flow in the surrounding, burning all the low-level undead to ashes. The magic armour of the skeletal dragon had holes in them, and it was regenerating quite quickly.

"Holy shit! What was that spell?"

Gagaran opened her mouth and uttered such words in confusion. Not only she, but no one could believe that a storm of flames descended in front of them, on such a large scale burning the undead army to ashes.

"A 7th Tier, area-effect divine attack spell infused with [Widen Magic]."

Evileye said such words as she looked towards Ainz, disbelief shown in her masked face. She was part of the thirteen heroes more than 200 years ago. She had been in battle with beings capable of using magic above 6th Tier so, she could tell by the look of it.

'Such powerful attack and that golden aura. He doesn't appear to be only strong. Not even the thirteen heroes had such demeanour. He walks like a King, and his gaze feels like a god watching.'

She was a long-lived vampire princess and has gone through her own hardships over time. But, standing before him, she felt sizzling as her cheeks rose.

'Looking at his golden-red eyes, my feelings matured from respect to affection and a teeny tiny amount of lust. From when did I have such sentiments? Is this what you feel like when you meet your destined ones?'

"Ho.. You know about divine AoE. You must be quite knowledgeable in magic."

"Ye.. yes." Evileye replied with a flushed face under her mask.

"Hm.. Transformed True Vampire? Interesting." said Ainz, creasing his brow.

"Thud.. Thud.. Thud.."

A loud sound of walking something heavy interrupted their talk. The skeletal dragon had regenerated completely and was walking towards ainz while a magic circle was forming on its head.


Khajiit, who was standing aside, was laughing loudly. The forming magic circle was near its completion. Evileye, who noticed this, yelled.

"Be careful."

"[Greater Cancellation]"

Ainz said calmly while the magic circle on the skeletal dragon's head cracked before dispersing. Seeing this, Khajiit stopped laughing. Evileye, who heard him, had her eyes wide open and muttered.

"9.. 9th Tier?"

People believed that the 6th Tier magic was of the highest level. But Evileye knew existence up to the 10th Tier magic. Many of those spells she heard were from the rumors of [Nameless Book of Spells]. [Nameless Book of Spells] is a powerful World Item grimoire from the age of the Eight Greed Kings.

Legends has it that the Eight Greed Kings possessed numerous objects of power that allowed them to rule the New World. The greatest in their magical arsenal was said to be the [Nameless Book of Spells], which records every magic of New World along with some unknown magic up to 10th-Tier.

She wouldn't fully trust the rumors about some spell, but she didn't hear about this spell from rumors. She remembered clearly, the day where they were fighting demon gods. One of her former comrades of thirteen heroes had said.

'There is a 9th Tier magic [Greater Cancellation] which can cancel all the elemental magic below 8th Tier. If only I could cast the spell of that level, they wouldn't have to die.'

Her former comrades were only able to cast up to 7th Tier, so she didn't have the chance to witness it and only heard the tales. But now she was in front of such a person, who can cast 9th Tier magic with ease.

"Hm.. You are indeed knowledgeable. You see, I want to discuss something with you. But first, Captain Gazef, would you mind ordering the soldiers to retreat? The battle will be over shortly."

Ainz asked while smiling towards Gazef, who didn't know if it was just a dream or reality. Not only Gazef all others were at a loss for words. This level of power was beyond their imagination. They didn't even have the slightest idea that one day they would witness the legendary 9th-Tier spell.

"O.. Okay!"

Gazef said, unable to comprehend the events that happened just a few seconds ago. But still, he followed his words and ordered the soldiers to retreat.

"[Triple Maximize Magic: Call Greater Thunder]"

[Call Greater Thunder] is a 9th-Tier most advanced single-target lightning spell. But when used with [Triple Maximize Magic], three such lightning are formed and fused to create an even more powerful thunderstorm.

Three enormous thunderbolt is created and fused from multiple strands of lightning that pierced through the skeletal dragon. The thunder completely shattered the magic armour, and the skeletal dragon turned to crisps.

All the audience watching this couldn't take it anymore and decided to head to their camp, questioning each other about the events that had transpired in front of them.

"You are strong. I'll visit again." Kajhiit said as a black liquid enveloped him, and he disappeared.

"Hm.. Demons?"

"Was he a demon?"

Evileye asked Ainz as she thought, why would a demon summon undead instead of daemons.

"No. He was just a necromancer. The person who teleported him was a demon."

All of them quieted down. Demons were the creatures who resided in the Astral plane and had terrifying powers. And those demons are targeting their country. It was grave danger, and they had just recently suffered a huge loss in their first attack.

The members calmed down and headed to their camp to think of the future. Now there were only Ainz, Gazef, Lakyus, and Evileye left. Gazef asked politely,

"Would you like to come with us, Lord Gown?"

"Ye.. Yeah. Will you? Please."

Evileye said while gleaming in stars. She had already seen the destruction of multiple cities and lost many of her comrades in her past. So, she wasn't much concerned about the loses they had just suffered. On the other hand, Lakyus was silently standing there.

Ainz pondered for a moment, then replied.

"Hm.. Sure. Can I bring my subordinate too? I think by this time, she has finished her work."

"Of course, Lord Gown."

"[Message]- Shalltear, Have you done the tasked work?" 'Perfectly done, lord Ainz' "Hm.. Good job. And would you mind coming here?" 'How could I mind such a generous offer? I'll be there in a second [Gate].'


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