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Chapter 6: 98

Location: Monarch / Jaeger stem cell base

Time: April 10, 2015

As the children were being brought to the facility; they were each given brand new clothes. Each receiving a uniform with a different number ranging from 0-97.

And after the children had changed; they were soon escorted to the testing room. Though they started to look around with wonder, curiosity, and excitement along the way. As their eyesight fell down upon the machinery. Which was a nice distraction of what had just occurred a couple of hours ago. Not that they knew what had occurred. And of what was to come. Except for one kid; subject #73.

His eyes weren't filled with any of those emotions. No they were filled with sadness, fear, disgust, and most of all undying rage and hate. And he wasn't trying to hide it at all either.

As the guards kept on looking at him more frequently then the other's. And as for the children; well they just kept their distance from him. As his emotions were just oozing out.

"They don't deserve to live. Their all monsters. I'll kill them all." These were the words that subject #73 kept on muttering to himself. Followed up by him squeezing his hands repeatedly. Over and over again.

However they soon reached a large metal door with two card scanners at both sides. Which prompted two guards to walk up; one at each side. As they slid their cards through.

*Access granted* Said a robot voice through the medium sized intercom.

Thereupon causing the intimidating door to slide open; which was followed up by the cold air flow from the white hallway. And the all to familiar fluorescent lights were seen in the ceiling; just like throughout the whole facility.

"Proceed." - Was what one of the guards in the back of the group said. And soon the children were marching again. Only this time their eyes weren't filled with any of their previous emotions. No they were filled with doubt. In fact they were all doubtful of the guards since the beginning. They just didn't want to voice their opinion on the matter as they felt to intimidated.

Who wouldn't be doubting the people escorting them. When they had just been taken away from their family and guardians.

In a similar manner the children tried to look around the hallway to distract themselves from what was to come. They didn't know what was gonna happen to them, but they could feel it. However much to their disappointment all they could see were just doors upon doors on both sides of the white hallway. Which almost seemed endless to them.

"When are we gonna be able to go back home?" - Subject #13 asked one of the guards with a slight tone of hope. Except the only response they got back was silence.

Though soon their marching came to a halt; as a scientist was waiting for them at one of the many doors in the hallway. Followed up by a sigh of relief from the scientist.

"Good job guards, but you can leave the rest to me." - Dr.Fay said to the four guards in a deadpan voice trying to dismiss them.

"Yes ma'am." Was all they said before they walked away.

"Now follow me children. We've got much to do." - Dr.Fay told the children in a somewhat upbeat tone.

As she tried to ease the children to get them to be more compliant. Which worked overall… except for one child. Subject #73.

She then proceeded to enter a code in the keypad which caused the door to open upwards.

"Come in children we don't have much time." - Dr.Fay told them with a smile.

So children being children, they blindly trusted the only adult. Even the few teenagers there followed her orders, though with much more skepticism. And then all that remained was but one child. Subject #73.

"Come on #73. I promise I don't bite." - Dr.Fay told him in a sincere and trustworthy voice.

Though subject #73 just stayed in place for a couple of seconds before he spoke up. Lifting his head so his eyes could look directly at her's.

"I'm not subject #73. I have a name." - He told her in a heart-rending voice.

"And what's your name?"- Dr.Fay asked him.

"Leo." Was all he said before his head fell down. Looking at the ground once again.

"Well Leo. Come on and join the rest of the children. We've got a big surprise. I promise." - Dr.Fay told Leo in what was now a cracking voice. Still trying to keep her upbeat illusion.

She may have gone to a few acting classes to get her through this. But her training could only get her so far. Sprinkling the truth with a bit of lies was all she really learned, or remembered.

So Leo not having much of an option in the matter, entered the room. Which upon looking around he could see that it was just a huge living area. Set up with couches, a huge tv, two different bathrooms, and a refrigerator.

"Now children hang on tight. We'll be calling you one by one okay."- Dr.Fay told them still in the upbeat facade. Not giving them a chance to respond back she exited the door as quickly as possible. Soon collapsing behind the now closed door. Tears flowing down her eyes and onto her cheeks.

Even with all her might, she still couldn't bear to look at them. Her guilt eating her away. Causing her to take out a canteen full of vodka from her lab coat. And with her shaking hands she soon started to drink away.

"Fort-un-e fav-ors the bold." She kept on telling herself that. In a not at all convincing tone.

Not wasting anymore time she got up and walked to the control room. Swaying a bit from left to right.

One would think she would have been taken out of her position. But truth be told; she wasn't the only one with a drinking problem. Many of her other colleagues had also taken bad coping mechanisms. Some drinking away just like Dr.Fay. And other's turning to other options.

As the stress, guilt, disgust, and shame had finally gotten to them too.

Why not hire other people some may wonder. Well the project to begin with was under the book. Meaning not even all the higher ups knew about it. Though the higher up's that didn't know what was going on, would wonder where a good portion of the money was going. Vlad would always reply with "research."

"Is everything ready?" - Dr.Fay asked one of her subordinates before siting down on a chair.

"Yes." - Was all that her tired subordinate said.

"Then let's start this one more time." - Dr.Fay said in her now emotionless voice.


As the children were beginning to settle down in the room; a voice rang out through the small intercoms in the four corners of the room. Shocking everyone present in the room as they hadn't taken the time to look up. And as they did they soon saw that they were being monitored by cameras. At every angle one could imagine.

"Subject #0 please step out. You'll be escorted to a different room." - The voice said in a authoritative tone.

"Where am I going?" - A shy 4 year old asked her peers.

"We don't know." Responded one of the teenagers. Which was then followed up by silence.

Though the silence didn't last long as the door soon opened up. And in came two soldiers into the white living room.

"Follow us." Was what one soldier told her.

"I don't wanna go! I want my mommy!" - Subject #0 cried out hysterically.

Not that the guards cared. As they grabbed her by the arm dragging her away.

"Please don't let them take me!!" She screamed out loud in a blood curdling pitch, while flailing her body around trying to escape the guards grip. Though it was all in vain.

Nevertheless her action had left a deep impression on everyone. As they soon realized that they were probably gonna meet their death soon.


Leo heard that sound again.


And he knew what it meant this time. Death.

Soon hours passed and the room started to become more and more empty.

At this point some kids had accepted their fate. Others were screaming for help, help that would never arrive. While other's were having a mental break down. And then there was Leo. Who just watched everything unfold. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. But most of all he wanted revenge. Even if it meant his death.

Laughable right. What could a soon to be six year old do to a trained solider. Yet Leo didn't care. He knew he wouldn't succeed, but he at least would die trying.

"Subject #73." Was all the voice said through the intercom. Being a direct result of saying the same line over and over again. There came a point when the voice just started saying out the numbers instead.

And as the door open, Leo wasted no time.

"I'll kill you!!" - Leo screamed out loud while he rushed at one of the soldiers. His small right hand ready to punch someone to death.

Shocking everyone. Including the people in the control room.

Though as expected, he failed as he was soon restrained.

"Aaahhhhh!!" - Leo screamed out in rage. Followed up by tears running down his cheeks. Not out of fear or sadness, but pure rage. Rage at not being able to do nothing.

"I'll kill you all!!" - Leo screamed while being dragged away.

This continued for a while until they had finally made their way to the testing area.

As such Leo soon stopped resisting as he look at the new sight before his eyes.

A metallic table. Two machines with various tubes connected to it. The smell of blood and chemicals. The one way mirrors that surrounded the circular room. A glass tube full of blood. While another was empty. The fluorescent lights in the ceiling. And most of all the two scientists covered in blood.

"Come #73. We promise this won't hurt…much." One scientist said with sadistic glee.

"Once I'm free I promise I'll burn this place to the ground!" - Leo once again yelled out loud with hate clearly being heard in his voice.

"Sure kid. Sure." Was what the other scientist said before the now restrained Leo. As his back touched the cold metal table.

"Now where to begin." The first scientist said with a smile behind his mask.

At the same time Fay and Gottlieb looked at the kid with pity, and shame. Since so far out of the 72 kids, only 13 had survived the procedure.

Gottlieb however was feeling the worst out of anyone in the room. As this had all been his fault.

"What have I done." - Gottlieb uttered to himself in a disgusted tone.

"Aaaahhhhhhh!" - Leo screamed in pain as the incisions were made for the tubes.

"Ma'am." - The scientist said to Dr.Fay with a worn out face.

"Just do it." - Was all Dr.Fay said before looking down at the ground.

*to be continued*

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