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Chapter 12: Chapter 11

Adams residence, A week later

"Ahn, ahnn, mmmm..." Sounds of moans and flesh slapping could be heard originating from behind Adam's residence.

He was currently laying on an outdoor lounge chair, enjoying the sun and reading a book about a magi's experience during his different world excursions while the cat-lady maid is riding him, reverse cowgirl style.

A few minutes later, he lays the book down to grab the cat lady's hips and slams up with a grunt. Once he's done filling her up, he releases his tight grip from her hips.

"Go clean yourself and take a break, I'll call for you if I need you." He tells the maid and then ignores her to shoot a glance at his attendant, Elena, who was currently naked trying to tan. Even if it was almost impossible for someone of her power to be affected by regular sun rays, disregarding the fact that she had a natural tan as well. She was about as tall as Adam's current height, above 8ft. (He had to resize after arriving on Aurora. People here a larger in general. His current height is on the tall side on Aurora. Not abnormal, just tall.)

She would be right at home with the order of Amazons from the Greek empire, back on his planet. Although the Gods were gone, many of their respective religious and martial orders still persisted out of fear, and some hope, of their return.

She had black wavy curls that reached just past her shoulders along with a clear and defined musculature. This presents you with the picture of a perfect, and to some, sensual warrior. Her bust, on a shorter lady, would be large, while on her seemed appropriate, and while he can't currently see it, the same goes for her backside.

He can appreciate the beauty she represents. To him, beauty is not a collection of perfect features stuck on one person, no, it is how a person's features match with how they present themselves. While he can appreciate a person's physical features, that is merely attractiveness, not beauty he could genuinely praise. Of course, in the end, beauty belongs to the eyes of the beholder. Everyone has their own opinion.

"Elena, when will my libido go back to normal? While enjoyable at times, I don't want it to intrude on my day-to-day activities. It is getting ridiculous; having to relieve myself daily is not acceptable for only this amount of power."

Elena, without turning or opening her eyes, responds "I don't know."

Adam momentarily frowns, "What do you mean you don't know?".

Elena continues "I mean every person is different. How their body responds to an increase in strength varies from person to person. The only commonalities we have seen are an increase in appetite and libido. The magi theorize that, the same way our bodies get stronger, so do our natural instincts. In the case of humans, or mammals in general, it's eating and f*cking. It is temporary though until your civilized mind rids itself of the body's animalistic tendencies... Some people don't adapt and accept the change as is, but we suspect those people to originally be susceptible to pleasure and vices in the first place." She pauses to reach over and shove some grapes in her mouth. Spitting the seeds, she continues.

"It should be faster in your case. You don't seem like someone who will accept his body being in control. How fast? I don't know. Your body, according to what you told me, represents peak human capabilities before even refining it. How does that reflect in this case, if it even does? I'm unsure. I've already told you, meditation helps. In any case, it can be anywhere from a month to a year, there's no set pattern." She opens one green eye to glance at him "Consider the phase passed when you don't wake up hard" She goes back to her so-called tanning while snickering to herself.

Adam doesn't bother responding and goes back to reading. As for her advice of meditating? He doesn't even consider it. The concept of clearing one's mind is alien to him. His mind's capacity for thinking is one of his strong and weak points. A weak point in the case of him constantly overthinking things. While his inability for meditation may detract from possible avenues of power in the future, he believes he can overcome such requirements.

'Hm? Maybe I am looking at it the wrong way. What if instead of clearing my thoughts, I lose myself in them. Induce a trance-like state. Could that count as meditation? If I recall correctly, some cultures call this enlightenment? Meditation was known to restore someone's mental faculties, would that cause the opposite effect? I'll have to research it. Zero, add this to my to-do list.' 'Yes sir'.

He could try to regulate his body's hormonal secretions, but even then, all that will do is lower his libido, which he has already done. He's unwilling to do more as all this is new territory for him. Experimenting on himself is only acceptable if he knows what to expect, unlike this case.

As for his increased appetite, his body has always been efficient with how it handles ingested nutrients. It has only increased from one daily nutricapsule to three every two days, spiking at random times. Something that's been annoying him. He does not like having unpredictable things happen to him, especially if it relates to his body.

As he's about to go back to his book, a short human maid runs over from the manor. "Sir, your guest has arrived. We currently have him waiting in the drawing-room." Nodding at the maid, he instructs her "Thank you. Accompany me with your colleague until your previous coworker comes back." The maid, with no change in expression, bows "Yes sir."

Standing up, he adjusts his silk robe. He looks over his current attire, a black silk robe with silver borders at the collar, sleeves, and bottom. The silk itself originated from some magical arachnoid species, treated with a mixture made from water elemental slime secretions, amongst other things, to make it stain-proof. Along with soft black suede slippers, the whole ensemble screams comfort.

While it does not offer protection, he does not care about that. He's currently in an area considered a safe zone, along with the presence of his tier 9 knight attendant. Anything that can bypass her, will be able to kill him easily, armor or not.

Satisfied with how he looks, he heads over to the manor, followed by his wolf-lady maid and the newly added shortstack human maid. If he recalls correctly, the human is one of two twins. They look identical except that one wears black gloves while the other wears white ones. Glancing over, he spots white gloves.

He's never bothered remembering any of the maid's names because they did not work for him, they worked for the Council. He was allowed to choose how many he wanted within reason. He chose six. Two to follow him at all times with four to take care of the manor. He made sure they all had prior experience working in brothels, after finding out from Elena the potential side-effects of body refining. This ensured that with additional remuneration, none would mind relieving him of his pesky problem when the need arises.

As for the maids themselves, two were beastmen, one was an elf, one a dwarf, and the last two were the human twins. The twins took care of cleaning, the dwarf took care of cooking if he ever decided to eat food instead of nutricapsules, the elf took care of the greenery and whatever additional jobs are leftover, along with the dwarf woman, while the two beastmen accompanied him wherever he went. The attendants, Elena and David, were there to protect him from anyone seeking him harm. For his current situation, Adam was satisfied. He would like to hire a potential lab assistant, but that would need to be someone under him, not the council.

Reaching the manor, the wolf maid steps past him to open the door. Entering, he calls over the map from Zero, and heads over to the drawing-room to meet his guest.

Reaching the room, the maids open the doors as he steps inside the room. He spots his guest, a portly middle-aged man dressed in a blue magus robe, sitting on a couch drinking coffee. The color of the robe indicates his chosen focus for his element. In this case, it is water. If he had differently colored trimmings or any other kind of colored add-on, that would indicate minor or additional mastery of more elements depending on the color.

Earthy brown or emerald green for the earth element; white or light grey for wind; and any kind of red for fire. Water is typically represented by topaz blue or any other shade of blue.

Psychics on the other hand wear shades of purple or black. Why? Adam couldn't answer, nor does he care for the aesthetics. They are not forced to wear colored robes, so he won't, that's all that matters to him. Showing their chosen element in such a way is tantamount to alerting potential enemies what to expect. Unless the magus wears random colors to confuse others, Adam will internally disdain them if they go out proudly waving their colors.

His guest, hearing the door open, gets up to greet Adam with a short bow and smile "Sir Adam, a pleasure to finally meet you. Many of the special students are curious to meet the newest addition to their circle" Finished with his greeting, the man passes a hand over his short greying brown hair.

Adam hearing what the man said cocks an eyebrow. He's unsure why he mentioned the other special students. Is there some sort of hidden meaning? He will play it by ear. He asked for an information broker not, whatever this is.

He approaches the couch opposite him and sits, with legs crossed, inadvertently flashing his junk. Not that he cares. Without greeting back, he stretches his hand towards the wolf maid "My smoking case, if you would."

The maid takes the golden case out of one of the many pockets from her maid uniform and hands it over to her current employer. Adam receiving the case opens it to take out a joint along with a match. Still, without greeting his guest, only watching them stand, he lights his joint and inhales.

He waves towards the other couch "Please, have a seat." Once the man finds himself a seat, Adam starts "Am I right to assume you work for one of those special students?" Spotting the five stars in a circle on the man's chest, he continues "A tier 5 magus at that. Your employer must be someone with a lot of resources. Considering I asked my attendant to look for an information broker, along with your strength, you don't seem like someone who needs to hire themselves to another.'' Pausing to get rid of the amassing ash from his joint, he proceeds to take a long pull of smoke and continues "I am curious, what would it cost me to have you under my employment. While still new to these parts, I consider myself a generous employer to the talented and resourceful."

He spoke without allowing his guest the time to process his words, only now giving them a chance to speak. "Uh yes, sir Adam is indeed astute. I do work for one of them. As for my salary, it is reasonab-"

Stopping himself, wide-eyed and mid-sentence, he coughs in his hand to gather his composure. "Uhm, sir Adam must be joking. As someone who joined the list of special talents without even being a magus, your prospects must be shocking. How can little old me deserve the honor of working under you?" Getting back in his comfort zone, he continues "My employer is very interested in meeting you, at your discretion of course. If you agree, they would be willing to meet you at a place of your choosing."

Adam, curious as to why someone wants to meet him so badly that they would give him such favorable conditions, refrains from directly asking. He instead directs his question at the guest himself "Of course, I'd be happy to meet another talented magus. I would have to check my schedule first and then get back to you."

He pauses to smoke some more, then waves towards his guest "Let's get back to why I called you here Mr?"

The middle-aged magus answers " Porter, Robert Porter.".

Adam nods "Right, Robert." Ignoring the twitch of the eye from his guest, he continues "Robert, what do you consider yourself as? At this moment I mean, in this current meeting. An information broker or an employee under a fellow talented magus?" Pausing to let Robert process the question, he then cuts him off just as he's about to answer,

"Robert, before you answer, I would like you to keep in mind that an information broker is only useful when they are trusted. Who would buy information from someone with an untrustworthy reputation after all? While I am new here, my status does afford me certain privileges, some of which I am not above using to destroy or hamper whatever small business you have." This time, Adam does not continue, letting his guest process the whiplash caused by his threat and the abrupt change in direction the conversation took.

Smoking, while watching his guest's face go through a myriad of nearly imperceptible changes, he internally goes over his current plan 'My original plan was to hire an information broker. Meeting one already working for someone else could be either good or bad. Although I may not be able to completely poach him, having him work for me as well as the other student would be just as good. I don't need loyalty, for now, only obedience.'

Exhaling smoke, he continues his current train of thought 'I asked David to find me someone small-time but well connected. That this Robert was sent over either means David is bad at understanding orders or Robert hid himself well. Why would he expose himself then? Maybe he's using his current employer for benefits and wants to switch over or his employer sent him over to test the waters?'

Pausing to inhale, 'That wouldn't make sense, how could they predict that David would pick him. Do all information dealers work for someone and it just happened to be him instead of someone else? This is why I need an information broker. I'll have to see if I can't tempt him with benefits and have him switch sides. Even if I lie to him now, it won't matter much in the future.'

Adam started chuckling all of a sudden, further confusing the already befuddled merchant "Please, I was merely joking, don't take my words too seriously. You should rethink my offer. While I believe your employer is generous, gaining one more generous employer can only bring you benefits. Is your patron stopping you from seeking benefits outside their employ?" Seeing Robert hesitantly shake his head, Adam continues,

"Of course, they won't, do you know why?" Seeing him about to answer, he stops him with a wave of his hand " It's a rhetoric question, don't answer. The reason is that its human nature to seek benefits where we can. They probably expected you to seek benefits for yourself, why would they otherwise let you continue your business? To sell information? No, it is because, in their eyes, rather than let you earn behind their backs, creating a sense of mistrust, they'd rather let you continue doing your job, earning yourself some more riches, on top of what they pay you. Believe me, they might even congratulate you for gaining a new patron, although I would wait before announcing it. It would seem crass if you went to arrange a meeting and come back with an additional boss. I don't want to seem like someone who wishes to poach talents from others, because Robert, my friend" He pauses to stare at his guest in the eyes "that's what you are, a talent."

Getting up, causing Robert to stand, Adam, approaches him, arms wide with a warm smile. Without allowing him to speak, he flicks the joint away and places a hand on Robert's shoulder "I look forward to our future cooperation Robert. I am relieved to have someone of your talents and skills working for me"

Robert, who at this point does not understand what's happening, tries to speak. "Uhm sir Adam you seem to be misunderstan-" But before he can finish, Adam cuts him off once again, waving over the human maid, he gently pushes Robert towards the door with a hand on his back "Accompany our friend Mr. Porter here. Make sure he reaches the front door in one piece. Also, if Mr. Porter ever comes to visit, don't let him wait, bring him to me directly, even if I'm busy. He is someone I view highly after all."

He turns back to Robert, who's still confused, but also flattered, and points to a bag held in his hand "I assume you have the information I was going to purchase from you in there? Great, just leave the whole bag with the maid before you leave. Thank you for coming my dear friend." Patting him on the shoulder, he ends it with a "Great conversation" And walks out followed by the stoic wolf maid. Leaving the befuddled Robert following the maid out.

Back out in the yard, he spots David back from his errand. "David, I need you to go find me another broker." Pausing for a second, he adds "Make that two. Also, make sure they are competitors, ask around if you're unsure. Take your time, I want it done properly."

He pauses and thinks to himself 'We will have all three spy on each other. It will keep their skills adequate and give me a heads up in case of betrayals. I also have to confirm if they also work for other special students or anyone in power for that matter.' He adds before sitting down "Make sure to choose somewhere discreet to meet them. A different place for each." David nods and heads back outside to complete his assignment.

Thinking again, he sends the wolfmaid to call David back. 'I should find a new broker as well. Helping them build a network from scratch could earn me their loyalty if I choose the right person. I'll have to make sure they're young. A lot more impressionable and gullible. I'll use the other ones to help them. Feeding them information from the other agencies will quickly gain them credibility. Just a matter of finding the right person. Maybe a female will be better, affection breeds loyalty after all. I also need to find an assistant to handle all this nonsense.' He sighs to himself picturing all the future socializing he will have to deal with.

While he's fine dealing with social matters, it is not something he enjoys. He likes to keep his circle small and have someone competent represent him in the outside world if need be. He spots David walking back, following behind the wolf maid, and the human maid he sent with Robert.

"Was there any problems with Robert? Did he leave behind what I asked of him?" He asks the shortstack. She shakes her head "No problems sir, as for the bag Mr.Porter left behind, I've placed it in your study." Satisfied, he tells her "Disregard my previous order concerning Mr.Porter. Next time he comes, take him the long way around the manor, then bring him to my study. Don't offer him any refreshments either. Later I will install a special chair in my study. To any future guest I point out, you will have them seated on that chair. Pass this along to the other maids, understood?" Confirming she got the message, he then turns David.

"David have you ever picked a disciple?". Elena, who, for some reason was still naked and tanning, props herself on an elbow to watch what's happening. David, although curious, still answers "Yes sir, many. The council encourages it."

Nodding Adam continues "I want you to find someone for me. A new information broker, or someone with the intention of starting such a venture. Preferably female. I want them young. Talent and strength don't matter. This business works on experience, talent is only an aspect, not the whole. Search the cities from tier 6 and up. Act as if you're picking yourself a disciple. While you may typically focus on talent, I want someone who will listen. Pick as if you're looking for an obedient disciple, not a talented one. If you see someone talented on top of that, great, if not, don't worry. This assignment may take longer, so focus on finishing the previous one first, finding the two information brokers, then finish this one. Focus on the outcasts and their ilk. While it is hard to find such people among magi, you can probably find a few such people here and there. And here, take my badge, it should allow you access to the various elemental spires available in the cities. It should also help you avoid trouble."

He hands him a shining silver badge with an image of a single star floating above a mountain. It represents his status as a special talent in the eyes of the council. Every student can choose the material, but the image can't be changed. The majority of magi will recognize the token.

David, processing his new assignment, understands his employer's orders. He responds"Yes sir. I will return once I am done with the first assignment and then will start the second." then walks back out of the manor.

Elena, while munching on various fruits, asks Adam, with amusement in her gaze "Why did you tell him to act like he's picking a disciple? And young and female? If someone heard you, they might think you a pervert with ulterior motives"

Adam sits back down and picks his unfinished book. Ignoring her last remark, he answers her "If he acts like a master picking a disciple, he won't focus on 'what ifs' too much. What if the person I pick doesn't fit what my boss wants? What if the person I pick is troublesome? What if the person I pick won't agree to work for my boss? If he's acting like he's picking for himself, while narrowing the list of possibilities, it will ensure a somewhat satisfactory result. He won't pick a problematic disciple for himself after all. As for young and female, as long as you're not too ugly or dislikeable, with time gaining her loyalty through affection is almost guaranteed. Whether the affection is for a lover, father figure or master isn't an issue, as long as it's there. I won't train a spymaster only for them to betray me down the line, wasting my time and resources."


Whistling, Elena looks at Adam "Wow, you intellectual types always like to overthink things. Just pick a random orphan and you'll gain loyalty. Why go through all this nonsense."

Adam gives her a sideways glance "Orphan? And who will raise them? you? I want someone somewhat established and grown already. I'm not trying to brainwash someone. That never works well. Picking someone with their own circle of acquaintances and a certain level of independence ensures that they won't be useless if I need them to accomplish certain things. I need people now, not in the future. Once I am stronger, with a base of operations outside, I may try to pick a few orphans here and there, until then, I need people now."

He pauses to pick an apple and hands it over to either one of the maids without looking "If David properly finishes both assignments, I will have a way to quickly grow my personal spymaster. I will sacrifice either one of the two future information brokers, to build up my own's network. There may be issues here and there, but nothing that benefits and blackmail can't solve."

Elena also picks an apple and proceeds to eat it in two bites. Spitting the seeds at a nearby tree, she remarks "Quite ambitious. Why tell me though? aren't those kinds of plans best kept to yourself? Are you perhaps trying to poach me from the council, like you tried with that Robert? Hilarious by the way, but it probably won't work."

Adam nods without looking at her and continues to read through his book. A few minutes later, after he's done with his current page, he grabs a bookmark, closes his book, and turns to Elena. Before he can speak, the wolf-maid calls out to him "Sir". He looks at her, holding the plate with neatly cut pieces of apple. He nods at her "Thank you." Taking the plate from her, along with a fork, he focuses back on Elena, who also turned around to face him.

"I know it won't work. That wasn't my goal. I just wanted to plant the seed of thought without giving him a chance to refuse. Had he refused me on the spot, he probably would've dismissed the offer until whenever he might be out of employment or in trouble and seeking refuge. Now, without direct refusal, the supposed employment will be at the forefront of his mind. He will ask himself, how to get out of the situation without offending me, or can he possibly work for me and his employer without offending us both. Regardless of his thoughts, as long as the situation is at the forefront of his mind, I can take advantage of it."

Picking a piece of apple, he waves it around "Even if he's the loyal type and reveals everything to his boss, it still won't be a problem. His employer will not start problems for something so small. Actually, if they're smart they will probably tell him to follow along with the play and work for the both of us, like I suggested, to feed them any information they gain about me. It is after all easier to gain information when you're openly working for the target, which in this case is me."

Biting the apple, he swallows then continues "To appear like a faithful employee, he will probably feed me semi-truthful information about his employer, which I can still use, amongst other things. And the more time he spends with me, the more chances I gain to get him to my side, while slowly growing my own information network. Once I don't need him, and if he still isn't on my side, I'll just fire him. Although it may seem like a lot of work, I feel somewhat lucky or maybe someone is scheming? Regardless, getting an information broker, at tier 5 and considered competent enough to be hired by a special talent? No matter the situation, there are only potential gains and no losses, whether it works or not."

Elena's mouth was slightly open in shock. She was expecting him to simply shrug at his failure to gain a lackey. Instead, she found him already predicting multiple scenarios, that according to his thoughts, might still benefit him in the end.

Shaking her head, she watches him with a slightly warier gaze "And what about me, are you really thinking of poaching me? You must know that tier 9 knights are an important asset to the council. Although it is possible given your status, I am paid quite well already. Why would I want to leave them only to join you, who is not even a magus yet? Even if you're considered a special talent, that's only potential, nothing tangible."

Adam looks at her silently for a few seconds. And shakes his head in disdain "I won't ask you to leave the council's employment. It would be stupid for you to leave them only to remain by my side, on their territory. Might as well get paid by them while you're still around."

She thought about it for a few seconds and realized that it would indeed be stupid to leave them now, even if she decides to join Adam. Unsure of where this is going, she asks him "Then what do you want?"

He responds "First, I want you to tell the council that you don't wish to be reassigned if it ever comes up. I will ask them the same. I know it rarely happens, but better be safe than sorry. It shouldn't be an issue. Wouldn't want you to be reassigned somewhere else after we spent these last few months together. It would be a shame."

The reason the council assigns attendants, powerful ones, to their special talents, is to protect them. While the magi are overall stronger, the goal is not only for protection in-world but also out-of-world. Also, a tier 9 knight is equivalent in potential power to a tier 6 or weak tier 7 magi, quite powerful already. Not all special students exceed or are tier 6. On top of that, having a physical powerhouse around is useful for many situations.

The other reason they assign them even without an excursion is for the knight and magi to build a certain understanding of each other that will help them in whatever situation they may encounter on out-of-world missions. It is harder for strangers to trust and cooperate after all.

"What I want from you is to follow me if I ever decide to leave. While it may happen in the far future, I'd rather confirm such things as soon as possible to avoid wasting my time building a rapport with you. Of course, it would be ridiculous of you to give me an answer now. I would actually look down on you if you gave me an answer now. The reason I brought it up now, and to you specifically, is twofold. Number one is I like what you offer. You're strong, competent and a master of multiple weapons. Although you're not the youngest of tier 9s"

He ignores her glare and continues "That only plays in your favor. More than future potential, I value current experience. If I do find someone talented, I may place them under you to teach. The second reason, is you come with a harem of men, willing to stay subservient to you. You are a one-woman group. Of course, I won't treat your lovers as disposable pieces. It is simply a matter of numbers. Having more subordinates, loyal to you who works for me is something hard to ignore. I won't have to bother looking for more people. While lovers may come and go, the fact that you can keep a harem successfully is already impressive. I can expect you to continue filling your harem, providing me with more subordinates that you can manage."

He then proceeds to finish off his plate of fruit while Elena process what he just told her. She asks him "Why now? I mean, you could've, or should've waited longer, to build some trust before asking this of me. You're asking to use my lovers as your lackeys. While I may be stern with them, that doesn't make me love them any less. Don't you think you should've waited for our trust to develop further?"

He shrugs "I told you, I don't want to waste my time. Trust is not a magical thing that will make anyone follow me willy-nilly. Funnily enough, I don't trust people who follow others out of sentimentality. I trust those who'd follow me for benefits and better prospects. And let's face it, you won't find much of a future staying here. The magi will never allow the knights to find a way to break past tier 9 and overpower them, it just won't make sense. While the council heads may not care, the magi will try to sabotage you, even if they fail." He pauses to let her understand what he means.

"And even if knights do find a way forward, which may potentially cause a civil war, even if said war is short-lived, would you want to be a part of such nonsense? You need to understand that the one who cares for your benefits and future the most is not the council, nor is it your lovers, it is you. And don't take this conversation as an ultimatum. Who knows what the future holds. All I want is, if I ever do consider leaving, I will have someone taking care of things for me. I might not even leave, or if I do, I might not even need you and just kick you to the curb with a farewell gift. Regardless, this is just me preparing for something that may or may not happen."

Elena, understanding his meaning, nods "You're right, it doesn't matter, for now at least. Ask me again in the future, who knows, I might take you up on your offer, you don't seem like someone who accepts taking losses. If I ever need a new employer, someone like you would be at the top of my list." Then lays back to nap in the sun.

Internally shrugging, Adam picks his book back up and lays back down on the lounge chair. "We will have errands to run tomorrow. You will need to get ready to accompany me.''

Elena responds with a grunt. Then starts snoring.


Author's note: Lazy is feeling lazy today (HA!). A lot of talking. And speaking of talking (lol), Elena, while not the intellectual type, is not stupid. You don't get to her position and strength by being stupid. Not any knight will get assigned to a special talent. Those special talents aren't necessarily the strongest or smartest. They are people with some skills that separates them from the common chafe. The ascendants are not seeking strength when choosing them. They seek innovation, something that can help empower their lackeys. Whether that innovation comes in the form of finding new ways to break past tier 7, innovating stronger weapons, or anything else, as long as it's useful they'll be satisfied. Even a gardening prodigy can have his uses, as long as he's pointed in the right direction. No such things as useless talents, only useless bosses! As for whether Adam will take followers alongside his future exploration of the omniverse? I'm still undecided. On one hand, with the way the Ascended, and probably Adam in the future, can create an innumerable amount of avatars, having subordinates makes no sense. You can just do whatever you want with x number of avatars. On the other hand, I don't plan on having Adam gender-bend himself, so having female subordinates around could be useful in certain situations. Either way, I am still undecided and will see where the story goes.

Next chapter: A small pov shift over to our dear friend Robert, and Adam goes pet shopping! MC luck will probably trigger. Finding a nine-tailed fox laying in the middle of the road or a phoenix chilling with some parrots. who knows.

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Lazy, out!

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