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Chapter 22: A joint dream

Only a fraction of the population of seventh years at Hogwarts had signed on to take the Hogwarts Express back to King's Cross. Most we're not Gryffindors, as all could quite easily see tonight. It was Christmas Eve, four more hours until they could open their presents, and each and every one of them were determined to outlast the other.

It was a game between themselves and themselves only, a few bottles of firewhiskey were being passed around and two boys stood out amongst all the rest. With the N.E.W.T's coming around, even the golden thrio had calmed themselves down and we're consistently in the library, though it might have been the work of a certain redhead Ronald Weasely she had an eye on that made her relax tonight. That December, they had agreed not to go all out during Christmas. Their party was held two days before, once all the little ones had gone to bed. Tonight, only the seventh years were up, each leant against different pieces of furniture, which were pushed and shuffled around to form a circle around the Christmas tree.

"What a Christmas miracle!" Hermione thought when she seen Harry Potter ended up beside Ginny Weasley, His hair stood up at odd angles around his face and his glasses crooked as he chugged down Hagrid's eggnog. He had started the night by playing twenty questions with Ginny, in an attempt to innocently "get to know her". "It's almost Christmas," She heard Ron whispered to her, like it was their secret. Hermione, who had grown fond of her fellow red headed Boy, smiled.

"Is it?" she whispered back, feigning surprise. "I didn't know."

Ron grinned, a bright thing that she could grow to like. On Ron's other side, Harry was singing a muggle Christmas song, his breath catching whenever the notes were too high. Ginny giggling as he wiggled his eye brows at her towards the end.

"What time is it, Mione?" Ron asked, smiling stupidly to himself. He had something planned specially for tonight, with the help of his fellow Gryffindors. "We should start decorating the tree."

"The tree is already decorated, Ron," Hermione said gently, gesturing to the ornaments that crowded pine branches. For a second, she wondered if Slytherins decorated their tree with green baubles. It wouldn't have been a very pretty tree with green baubles.

"Not my style," Ron said grinning, stumbling as he stood up. "Harry! Get up here and explain to Mione what we've done!"

Harry rolled his eyes, too sensible to be intoxicated tonight. No, tonight, he wanted full memory of what would happen; it was bound to be something great.

"EVERYBODY AWAKE?" Harry yelled, earning a collection of groans and cheers from his classmates. Some lolled their heads, some sat up a bit straighter. Harry decidedly thought that this was the appropriate response. He pointed his wand against his throat, pulling Ron off the floor. "WE HAVE SOMETHING FUN FOR YOU ALL TO DO TONIGHT."

"Aside from getting drunk?" Longbottom called out, his face pink as he curled an arm around Luna's waist. They were quite the pair.

"YES, ASIDE FROM GETTING DRUNK. Harry, if you please," Ron said, his eyes on Hermione's as Nevell gave a half-hearted smile at Seamus. Harry took a step to the side of the tree, making sure everyone could see what would happen. With a calm swish of Harry's' wand, all the baubles and ornaments on the tree fell to the floor, a tumultuous cacophony of bells and shattering glass sounding through the common room.

"Oi, what the hell, mate?" Nevell shouted, but Ron held his hand up.

"This is our last Christmas together, right?" Harry said, a funny look on his face. "And I don't want to get sappy, but these have been the best seven years of my life, with my mates and all."

"We love you too Harry," Shamus called out, and the rest of the seventh years did the same.

"Don't get too sappy, Ronnikans," Shamus alone barked, taking a swig of firewhiskey. "I haven't given you your lingerie yet!"

"Did you just spoil my Christmas present?" Nevell said sounding hurt.

"Oh, I suppose I did." Shamus said as he swayed where he stood, glaring.

"I can't believe you did that!" Nevell said with a smile on his face.

"What did I do?" Shamus asked, shaking his head when Ron punched his shoulder. "Never mind. We're going to decorate the tree ourselves! Hermione?"

"Now you want me to do stuff for you," Hermione murmured, rubbing her temples. "What a big baby." Nevertheless, Hermione mumbled an inaudible "Accio", and a year's worth of Christmas baubles appeared in three trash bags, each as clear as diamonds.

"You're just going to make us work for Christmas?..."

The dream seemed to fade as the happy memory died suddenly. The scene turned dark as the images warped into something Hermione had never seen before.


Percy had a fitful dream that night he awoke in what appeared to be a dank cavern of some kind. But he felt an ancient power pulse in the air, he had met Hecate before and felt the push of her godly powers but this was on a much grander scale than he had ever felt before. Inside the largest area the it was partially illuminated with torch light stood a tall paisty man in dark grey robes, his head completely bald and had features resembling a snake's.

"Lord the ritual is nearly complete" A man said appearing in the room with a snap in the air. The pail snake man nodded in affirmation sparing little more than a passing glance to the bowing man. "Did you hear that Mother? Soon, very soon I will take what is rightfully mine." His gaze lingered in a dark corner for a moment.

Without saying the man who appeared before disappeared again with a loud snap.

At first Percy didn't see who he was speaking to. Confused he tried to walk forward to get a better look, but when he spotted the person huddled in the corner with what appeared to be shackles binding her wrist he froze in place.

"Hecate!" He said aloud causing her to sharply look up at Percy. She stared at him for a few seconds but said nothing at her observation.

"Yes, you abandoned me centurys ago, much like you have done with most of your children." His face scrunched up in what might have been a smile but froze as he realized something.

"I know you are here..." My body shook as his words echoed in the room, But after a few moments it seemed like he wasn't speaking to me.

His snake like eyes focused on something to his left and he laughed an eerie sound like hiss. It was honestly terrifying and brought goosebumps running down my spine. "Harry... it has been a while hasn't it..."

hasn't it..."

To their right they saw a shadow figure with spectacles come into view when the snake like man waved his wand and murmured an incantation. "Harry!" Percy heard Hermione's voice beside him. Percy wasn't sure of he was hearing things but it was possible she might be here as well.

"Voldermort... What are you planning!" Harry demanded venom seeping into his voice. "Tut, Tut, Tut... Do you really believe I will just tell you? I never thought of you as an imbecile, why do you believe I am one Harry?" He then smiled like he was playing a game. It was disgusted to me like a snake trying to an make an unnatural action of stretching it's lips, I shuttered in repulsion.

With those words lingering in the air Voldermort mad another wave of his wand and Harry cried out in pain and suddenly the dream ended once more.

Editor's note

Hey everyone hope you liked it. I don't think I'll be giving out any more bonus chapters this week... so enjoy!

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