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Chapter 14: Chapter Thirteen: New Friend

"Your mean." Magnus said as he scowls, heh, should've seen his face when I navigated the Labyrinth like a boss. He was scared and very close to pissing himself, and despite the fear I could see he's glad to escape from recent events.

I had went back to the agency and got my compensation before heading to the hotel I got a room for. I didn't want to go back in the Labyrinth with Magnus unless needed as Pantheons don't mix well, according to some people world war two was a civil war between Greek and Roman Demi-Gods.

I took out two plates of pancakes from my inventory as we eat and talk about whats to come. When I told him about his situation as a Demi-God he decided he wants to get strong as to not lose anyone again, and not deal with the monster attacks.

When I was in the agency he had apparently decided to join me in the monster hunting career which got me thinking. I don't want Daedalus to leave the Labyrinth as I don't want a God to run into him and read his mind for any reason.

He's a loose end, someone I can't handle at the moment and nor do I have any idea on how to get rid of him thanks to the oath. After my rushed decision in the maze I decided the only reason I'd tell someone about the game would be if they were 100% on my side, can't be mind read, and is under oath.

If past gamers existed and died that means I can just as easy, I had also noticed that the system protects everything except the soul, which is frightening. My weakness is my soul and I can't do anything about it yet.

'Back to the point, Nate.' I shake my head, as if to clear it. Magnus is naive, trusts me, and can be molded to a powerful warrior. It's like god gave me a real partner, a brother in arms so to speak. All I need to do is help him along the way.

I turn my head to see the other bed next to me, on it was Magnus sleeping peacefully as I look away. 'It seems I won't be getting sleep tonight.' I thought as I summoned my elemental book. No time like the present.

<9 hours later>

"Rise and shine Maggie, it's 6'O clock and if you plan to be a monster hunter ya gotta get up early to train." I say as I casually kick him off the bed. Daedalus had gave me my workout equipment and I had put it in my inventory as to always have it.

I pull out the equipment in the empty living room, which I had cleared for the equipment which was already assembled, and placed them accordingly. While doing so I asked (Ordered) Magnus to get ready by brushing his teeth and other morning things.

I also pulled up his status to get a better understanding of where he stands at the moment.


Name: Magnus Chase

Race: Demi-God

Age: 11

Title: Son of ?

Tier: Demi-God

Level: 13 (1276/1300)

Health: 1400/1400 (Regen: 23.3 per minute)

Stamina: 700/700 (Regen: 11.6 per minute)

Mana: 800/800 (Regen: 13.3 per minute)

Str: 11 (22)

Vit: 13 (26)

Dex: 11 (22)

Int: 13 (26)

Wis: 15 (30)

Mag:34 (68)

Luc: 13 (26)

Cha: 9 (18)

Remaining Stat points: 65]

He clearly has a 2 times multiplier but unlike percy I don't know what powers he has nor how Norse Major and Minor Gods work. Hel is the daughter of Loki but controls over the realm of dead. I'll have to get more info.

'System, is there a party feature?' I ask, curious at what I can do here.

[No, there never will be either. Theres only one person who can and will see the system, and thats the gamer.]

'Expected but still disappointing.' I thought, oh well I guess I'll have to train him to the best of my ability. I still here the shower going so I start to work out. While doing a bench press I hear the bathroom door open with Magnus coming out in fresh clothes I got him last night.

I finish the set and get off before showing him how to use each machine and why, after a good 20 minutes he understands and I watch over him to make sure he's right. By the end of the hour we had got him to use every machine and workout effectively.

After that I bring out my mythology books for him to study, if I'm gonna have a real partner he'll need to be knowledgable in the monsters we hunt. It was long for him at first as he didn't care for school much but he understood why we're doing this.

While he was reading I thought about contacting Daedalus about food plans for Magnus but decided against it, I only acted friendly so I can get to where I am now but I don't need him figuring out I'm replacing him.

He's to dangerous, unpredictable, especially so since he knows about the system. All it takes is for anyone that can read souls or minds and I'm compromised, and I still don't have what I need to get rid of him.

I had figured out a loop hole but I can't use it without getting either getting someone to do it, no thank you, or getting better control of my magic to do it myself. I got the idea when brushing up on Norse mythology and read about Hel.

She is the goddess of Helheim, which is the norse afterlife. As a goddess of the dead she can manipulate souls and do whatever she wants to them, be it putting the soul in a object, place, or even eating it, she can and most likely has.

What got me interested was the soul infusion onto items and soul eating. If I can infuse souls to weapons or clothing and other accessories it'd be like Skyrim where they use it as a power source.

Eating one though is different, no one knows but the Gods of dead and death on how it works, at least thats what the myths say. If I were to use Daedalus soul on a item it would be putting it to better use, at least in my opinion.

And since he's still technically alive, and not betrayed as I'm taking our partner ship to another level, taking his soul and putting in something I'll use level. I had checked and once a soul is in an item it loses it's ability to think and anything really.

I can literally make a iron man suit like in the comics by using souls as power, dark but very useful. The only problem is that I'm not in-tuned with soul magic, this doesn't mean I can't use it but if I have a affinity to fire magic and can only light a cigarette then It'd take to long before he does something stupid.

Theres very few short cuts I can do, one being going to a place where time is slowed more than the Labyrinth's core or workshop, only focus on time magic and make it myself, or get blessed or adopted by a god who has control over souls.

The easiest to convince at the moment would be Hecate as Lou can help me, but even then I'd give me a 10% chance. Anyone else is 0% because I don't know them and I'm not telling them about the system, it's the entire reason I'm getting rid of Daedalus!

I pause and take a deep breath, focus on Magnus right now, he needs to get stronger to join me on my hunts and to make him stronger I need to give him every advantage I can get my hands on.

Since I have gamers body I don't need specific meal plans or things like that to make me get stronger, but Magnus will so thats what I'm doing right now. Theres also the fact he can learn magic since he has mana.

Being the paranoid ass I am I noticed that when we were in the cold forest he wasn't cold and he was wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorts. Also when we went through the Labyrinth we went under a mountain and I was hot as hell but he was as cool as a cucumber.

My theory is that he's the son of Frey, the god of summer, peace, and wealth. Now here me out, being the son of Frey who like I said earlier is the god of summer would make him resistant to both the cold and hot weather.

If I'm right then he can also be talented in healing magic, which is very helpful when fighting monsters and you can't take break. I can imagine me being near death just to be full health all over again.

Wait if he can heal can he regen stamina as well? Maybe mana? I could train so much faster it's crazy, and he'd be training too as it increases his control and power over healing. Wait, can he calm enemies like the calm spell in Skyrim since his dad is the god of peace?

I have hit the jackpot of jackpots, Luc I thank you for your service. May you continue to impress me and my future self. And done, a decent meal plan fitted to Magnus build, at least I hope so.

"Okay then, Magnus catch." I say as I bring out a celestial blade I had, "That will defend you until we get you a better blade, I'm heading out so don't break anything. And follow the schedule I made you!"

As I exit I hear him grumble before I hear a boom open, good job. Now to the agency, I may be a monster hunter but that shouldn't stop me from getting cool artifacts via treasure hunting.

'Luc, don't let me down.'


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Now, Nate's status,


Name: Nathan Parker

Race: Human (Clear Sighted)

Age: 14

Title: Monster Hunter (+5% damage to Monsters)

Tier: Mortal

Level: 51 (Xp: 240/5100)

Health: 3250/3250 (Regen: 54.1 every minute)

Stamina: 1450/1450 (Regen: 24.1 every minute)

Mana: 1500/1500 (Regen: 25 every minute)

Mana Control: 90%

Str: 95

Vit: 96

Dex: 95

Int: 132

Wis: 132

Mag: 102 (128.78)

Luc: 118

Cha: 113

Remaining stat points: 10]

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