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Chapter 22: Family

You always have a choice. It's called free will. Just don't abuse it with foolish decisions.

- Lucifer Morningstar.


Apollo raised his hand, gesturing towards the brightening sky. With a wave, he forged an invisible yet palpable pathway across the heavens, leading directly to Mount Olympus. This was just one of the powers granted by his Crossroad divinity, enabling him to open and create pathways to any destination, be it different realms, dreams, dimensions, or planes.

Obtaining this divinity had required Apollo to sacrifice much effort and time—a journey he embarked upon after discovering its remarkable potential from Hecate. It essentially allowed him to somewhat circumvent one of the most stringent ancient laws: trespassing into another realm without the invitation of its ruling lord or lady. While there were exceptions to this law, it remained an unwavering code upheld by divine pantheons and all other immortal beings throughout the cosmos, safeguarding the sacred principles of Hospitality.

Phoebus flashed a warm smile and offered his hand to his aunt. "Ladies first," They stood on the highest floor of his tower, one of his many homes. The night had come to an end, and they were about to leave for Olympus after sharing a delightful dinner with Maia and her son, Hermes. Both of them had been graciously invited to stay temporarily in the Celestial Sanctum.

Apollo couldn't shake off his worries, even though there were no myths about Hera chasing after Hermes or his mother. Just to be on the safe side, he invited them to his tower and even asked his aunt to join them for dinner. They had a pleasant time together; Hermes instantly took a liking to Hestia, and really, who wouldn't?

Afterward, he instructed Desponia to show them to the guest quarters and ensure they had a comfortable stay while he and his aunt made their way back to Olympus.

Hestia mirrored his smile, taking his hand as she stepped onto the pathway from the balcony. Apollo soon joined her but left behind an avatar to handle his religious duties. Mornings were always chaotic, with people flocking not only to his tower but also to his temples scattered throughout the Olympus lands.

They took their first steps, traversing the sky above a vast expanse of clouds. The soft glow of the rising sun cast its warm light upon their figures, transforming the remnants of the night into radiant embers. They moved gracefully along the invisible path, their eyes fixed on the breathtaking sunrise painted by Helios.

After a while, Apollo broke the tranquil silence that enveloped them. "Aunty, I've been hearing whispers lately," he began, his voice cutting through the serene atmosphere. "Whispers about you and Poseidon."

Hestia responded calmly, "Those whispers hold truth, nephew. Poseidon is indeed pursuing me."

Apollo fell silent, his gaze fixed on the majestic sunrise. After a brief pause, he finally spoke, his words carrying a sombre reminder. "Aunty, he's relentless. He won't take 'no' for an answer."

"I know." Hestia's response was heavy with sorrow, her voice barely audible. "Demeter endured so much because of him, just like many others under his hands."

Her words triggered something in Apollo, and he went silent, lost in his thoughts. His mind wandered back to the past, to that moment when he had finally acquired the divinity of Justice and Order. Memories flooded his consciousness, taking him back to the time when his teacher had set him free to navigate the depths of his newfound abilities. In those early days, he had been overflowing with ambition, bursting with the desire to make a profound impact and revolutionise everything. However, reality had swiftly drenched his excitement with its icy, merciless waters, quenching his fervour.

"When I acquired the divinity of Justice and Order, I had a strong inclination to establish numerous laws, including one specifically targeting rape. But in the end, I didn't follow through," the God of Order chose to voice his thoughts, tilting his head towards Hestia. "Do you know why, aunty?"

Hestia fixed her gaze on him, providing the attentive ear he sought as they strolled through the skies at dawn.

"Because the world didn't desire it." Apollo's voice resounded with a mix of frustration and disappointment, his shimmering golden locks swaying in the biting yet gentle cold breeze. "They don't perceive anything awry with the current state of things—nothing wrong with forcefully imposing their desires on others, nothing wrong with enslaving their fellow beings, nothing wrong with needlessly taking lives. It's as if they genuinely believe this is the norm, the way the world should be. It tempted me greatly to revolt against their ignorance, to enforce my divine order and will upon them through sheer might. But... that would completely negate the purpose. I would become no different from them."

"What's the purpose?" Hestia asked, her curiosity evident in her tone.

"Well, what else but free will?" Apollo responded with a hint of weariness, a sigh escaping his lips. "It's both a blessing and a curse; it's the root of all."

"But Apollo," Hestia interjected, her voice gentle yet firm, as she presented a different perspective that had been quietly simmering within her. "Free will isn't the sole factor at play, is it? You may think you're solely the product of your own choices and desires, but in truth, you're a reflection of all the individuals who have influenced you. Your parents, siblings, teachers, and partners—all of them contribute to shaping who you are, leaving traces of their essence within you. Their influences, their guidance, their love—they become the threads that weave the intricate tapestry of your being. In this vast world, no one stands independently. It matters not whether you are mortal or god; we are all interconnected, reliant on each other to grow and change."

Truly, the Goddess of Family, Apollo thought. "You are right." He let out a heavy sigh. "I used to have that mindset too, but I have come to realise how limited my perspective was."

"Limited? Perhaps," Hestia mused, her voice carrying a soft tinge of contemplation. "There is nothing inherently wrong with valuing freedom, cherishing the ability to carve your own path. But it's crucial to acknowledge the interconnectedness that binds us all, to embrace the influences that shape who we become. True growth and change come not from isolating oneself, but from weaving our lives together, drawing strength from the collective wisdom and experiences that surround us."

"You've always had a way with words, Aunty," Apollo praised. True Growth and Change, huh? He grasped the reasons she didn't want to meddle too much and preferred to let change unfold gradually. Yet, a question lingered in his mind: Is this really the right path to follow?

"And as I've said over and over again, you're just flattering me, nephew," Hestia replied, shaking her head with a smile.

"Still, I appreciate it," Apollo insisted.

"Once again, there's no need to thank me," Hestia scolded. "You already possess the answers. Your religion is already bringing change to the world. It might be a slow process, but it's steady. It may take millennia, but eventually, your teachings will be embraced by everyone, and you'll be revered for it."

"I mean, when I talk to you," Apollo interjected, his smile radiant. "It always lifts my spirits, and that's a rare thing these days."

"I will take that compliment." Hestia finally accepted his words.

"And they have the nerve to call me modest around here," Apollo chuckled, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "But listen, aunty, about Poseidon." His expression darkened, and a raw intensity filled his voice. "If he even thinks about laying a finger on you, don't hesitate to call out to me. I may not be able to overpower him in sheer strength, but I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve to ensure he'll forever regret the day he dared to cast his gaze upon you."

"Nothing is going to happen, Apollo." Hestia's voice carried a quiet certainty. "I will swear the oath of Maidenhood, but you already know that, don't you?" She met his golden eyes. "And you don't approve of it."

"I just think," Apollo sighed, running his fingers through his luxuriant hair, "love is such a crucial aspect of life. So, completely letting go of it might not be the wisest decision. You might end up regretting it down the path. I told my sister the same thing, and I'm telling you again. Ultimately, it's your call, your choice. If you truly believe this is what you want, then I respect that, aunty."

Hestia remained silent, her gaze fixed on the path ahead. "We've arrived," she finally said, and true enough, Mount Olympus revealed itself through the sea of clouds, a breathtaking and bold symbol of divine power.

Apollo surveyed Olympus, his eyes lingering on his own palace nestled beneath the main palace, shining brilliantly in the golden light of the sun. While it was one of his homes, he didn't spend much time there. His tower held greater appeal, offering even more splendid views than Olympus itself. Speaking of views, he smiled and directed his gaze towards the rising sun. "Helios!" he called out with enthusiasm. "Thank you for the magnificent sunrise!"

Helios responded with a booming voice, filled with indignation that matched the intensifying brightness of the sun. "For the last time," he retorted, "I am not doing this for you, Apollo!"

Hestia gazed at her blissful nephew, a warm smile lighting up her face. The sun's intensifying radiance only amplified the magnificence of the sunrise, its dazzling yet tender beams embracing everything in a golden hue, including Apollo, basking in a radiant aura. A mischievous grin spread across his lips as he turned to her and said, "I couldn't help myself, you know."

"He could really be doing this for you, Apollo," Hestia suggested playfully.

"Oh, no, stop!" Apollo exclaimed, his voice filled with dramatic urgency. "You're going to make him turn back and call it a day, aunty."

Apollo and Hestia burst into hearty laughter as they made their way towards Olympus, the scorching sun glaring down at them. Eventually, they arrived at the marble gate, their feet landing on the warm floor.

"Apollo," Hestia called out, her tone firm and resolute, locking gazes with Apollo's golden eyes. "This is my choice."

"Then I hope you never come to regret it," Apollo prayed. "Just remember, aunty, I'm not just some smooth talker but a good listener too, just like you," he added, strolling alongside her as they entered the gates of Olympus. The nature spirits they passed couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of them in the blazing sun.

"I know," Hestia said, a warm smile gracing her face. "Maybe one of these days I'll share my tales with you."

"Good to know," Apollo replied, mirroring her smile. "And aunt, speaking of this," he continued, his voice lowered to evade the ears of the passing crowds, a flicker of solemnity crossing his face. "Desponia..."

Desponia, born of Demeter and Poseidon, was conceived through the act of rape. Abandoned by those directly responsible for her existence, she emerged as the Goddess of Mysteries. Her name itself was nothing more than a title, as her real name remained unutterable and unscriptable and could only be understood by a select few who could bear the weight of her true name without losing their minds.

And she served as Apollo's attendant.

"Desponia..." Hestia furrowed her brow, her voice filled with concern. "I am slowly bringing it up to Demeter; she is still..." she sighed, her voice trailing off. "Give her some time, Apollo."

Apollo didn't press the matter further, recognising the sensitivity surrounding it. Regardless, Desponia certainly wouldn't be pleased about this. "I understand," he simply replied, his gaze shifting towards the grand palace of the gods.

Hestia followed his gaze, contemplating the situation. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No," Apollo shook his head firmly. "I will handle this myself."

Hestia persisted, her worry evident. "The news has already reached them."

"Just as I expected," Apollo replied, unsurprised. "Tell me, do you believe Father will accept Hermes?"

"He will," the Goddess of Family asserted, her certainty unwavering. "But she won't."

"Obviously," Apollo responded dryly. "Well then, I'll be the one to intervene. Wish me luck."

Hestia sighed, her voice filled with caution. "Whatever you do, do not get caught in the middle of their conflict. May Destiny be with you."

Apollo's lips curled into a faint, wry smile at her parting words. He turned and soared through the sky, making his way towards the majestic palace where the King and Queen of Gods resided as a blissful, married couple.


"Nike, Bia, is Father home?" Apollo called out to the Goddess of Victory and the Goddess of Force, who were locked in a fierce sparring match in a small, empty arena within the palace. The sight was captivating; under different circumstances, he would have gladly kicked back and savored the sight of their elegant yet mighty figures entwined, brandishing their swords.

"Yes," Nike grunted, swiftly parrying a strike from Bia that sent her stumbling backward against the wall.

"The queen's there too," Bia added, raising her sword in anticipation of another attack. "I wouldn't interrupt them if I were you."

"She's furious," Nike echoed, her voice dripping with intensity as she lunged forward, aiming a piercing stab at Bia's defences.

"So it is," Apollo muttered under his breath. "Thanks for the warnings. Great battle, by the way," he replied to them, turning to make his way towards his father and stepmother's chambers.

"There he goes," Bia grunted, parrying Nike's swift stab with her sword.

"His laurel crown—it's quite striking, isn't it?" Nike remarked, with a hint of admiration in her voice.

"That's what catches your eye? Seriously?!" Bia retorted, her tone laced with incredulity, as their swords clashed once again.

Meanwhile, Apollo approached the chambers, his keen ears effortlessly catching the faint sounds emanating from within, even though the walls were heavily fortified with concealment wards. However, as soon as he heard her piercing voice, he instantly regretted it.

"Where are you hiding—Don't you dare walk away from me!" Hera screeched. "I will find her, no matter what it takes! I will annihilate the abomination she brought into the world! Do you want me to explode?! Is that what you want?! Is that—"

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