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Chapter 15: Tribute

These girls, they're my absolute favourites. I mean, seriously, I owe so much to them. We're a band, you know, and I'm just crazy about every single one of them. Speaking of which, I've got some big news for all our fans.

Guess what? We're embarking on a freakin' world tour!

We're kicking things off in Delphi and wrapping it all up in Mumbai. We'll be announcing more dates real soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

Seriously, we can't wait to hit the road and see every single one of you out there. It's gonna be epic!

- Apollo on the Nine Muses.


They entered the banquet hall in unison, engulfed by a kaleidoscope of revelry lights that swirled around them. Immortal gazes turned towards their family, causing the crowd to part and create a path leading to the stage, where the Nine Muses were meticulously preparing their tribute. Whispers spread throughout the hall, with most eyes scrutinising their presence, but some fixated on the peculiar girl who bore a striking resemblance to Apollo.

Artemis's eyebrows twitched upon hearing speculations about Delirium's possible connection to Apollo, some were even suggesting that Delirium could be Apollo's daughter. Mixed with worry, her eyes involuntarily darted towards Delirium, who seemed unperturbed, happily walking alongside them.

Curiosity sparked within Leto as she glanced at Delirium. "By the way, what is your na—"

"Mother," Artemis interrupted. "Is the tribute meant for both of us?"

Leto shifted her attention to her daughter, speaking gently. "No, only Apollo."

Artemis nodded, her response lacking surprise. "I had a feeling."

"I'm sure they will sing hymns for you too, sis," Apollo chimed in, attempting to uplift her spirits.

"Hymns?" Delirium echoed, fiddling with her golden locks. "Hymns and hums and humdrum drums. Twinkling notes in a symphony of forgotten melodies. But the Sun and Moon, oh yes, the twins of luminous wonder! They ballet in the sky, casting shadows and whispers, Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, interwoven in celestial steps."

Artemis glanced at him, her eyes conveying a clear message. 'I highly doubt she is referring to Helios and Selene. So, are you seriously going to ask me for a ballet?'

Apollo shrugged, his eyes sceptical. 'Do you even know what a ballet is?'

Artemis smiled confidently, holding her head high. 'It's a dance, I suppose.'

Apollo shot her a sharp glance. 'Seems like I've underestimated you, sis. You actually want the Moon as your crown?'

'It would suit me perfectly, don't you think?' Artemis hummed softly. 'And as for you... well, just take a good look at yourself, Apollo. You are the Sun.'

'I can't believe you just said that.' Apollo raised an eyebrow.

Artemis closed her eyes. 'The feeling is mutual.'

As they communicated through their sibling telepathy, Leto stole a deep glance at Delirium and her children. Then, without uttering a word, she turned her attention forward, a smile gracing her face as they finally reached the stage.

All the Olympians were present, standing at the forefront of the assembled immortals surrounding the stage. They were not alone in the front; the children of Night stood between Aphrodite and Hephaestus. Even the mightiest and most influential Titans, including Helios, Selene, and Themis, were present with them.

Just as they were about to step into the vacant spot at the front of the stage, Apollo extended his hand to Mnemosyne, the Mother of Muses, while Artemis did the same with Phoebe, their grandmother. Guiding them forward, they came to a halt at the focal point of the hall, under the watchful eyes of all.

Apollo waved back to Aphrodite and Hypnos, while Nemesis stared at Delirium in confusion and incomprehension. And it wasn't just her—most of the Olympians cast curious glances at Delirium, especially Demeter.

Fortunately, as if guided by Destiny, the Nine Muses concluded their preparations before any questions could be raised.

In the centre of the hall stood a magnificent marble stage, adorned with golden laurel wreaths—a sacred symbol of Apollo. On it, the Nine Muses, the Goddesses of Music, Inspiration, Arts, and Knowledge, stood poised to perform a tribute dedicated to Apollo's triumph. Their presence exuded solemnity and grace; their ethereal forms were draped in flowing gowns of pure white.

Euterpe, the Muse of Music, stepped forward. She raised her delicate hand, and a hush fell upon the assembly. Her voice, clear and melodious, resounded through the hall, capturing the attention of all.

"Tonight, we, the Nine Muses, stand before you, Gods and Titans, to pay homage to Apollo, the Bright One," Euterpe proclaimed, her voice carrying a resolute tone that reverberated through the divine gathering. "We shall recount the tale of his epic battle against the monstrous Python, a battle that shook the very foundations of this world!"

The other Muses, standing in perfect harmony, swayed gently to an unseen rhythm. Euterpe, the Muse of Music, graced the assembly with a nod, signalling Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry, to step forward. Her voice, commanding and rich, filled the hall, painting vivid images in the minds of gods and Titans alike.

"In the sacred realm of Delphi, a fearsome Python emerged from the depths of darkness, a blight upon gods and mortals alike!"

As Calliope's voice wove the narrative, the other Muses accompanied her with harmonious gestures. Clio danced gracefully with her zither, while Terpsichore spun in elegant pirouettes. Erato chanted verses of love and adoration, and Thalia interjected with witty remarks, eliciting chuckles from the divine audience.

"And so it came to pass," proclaimed Calliope, her voice a symphonic cadence, "that Apollo, the radiant deity, descended upon Delphi with bow in hand, his countenance etched with determination. In the presence of the Python, his heart burned not only with a desire for vengeance but also with an unwavering pursuit of justice for his beloved mother. However, the elusive creature sought refuge among its own kin, evading the imminent destiny that awaited at the hands of Apollo's unyielding might."

Silence enveloped the hall as the gods collectively envisioned the defeated Python, vanquished by the mighty Apollo. Calliope's voice, gentle yet commanding, resonated through the stillness, weaving words together like threads of gold. Her poetic invocation transported the gods into a realm where they could hear the pained cries of Python echoing through the heavens.

"Behold, as the Python's mother rose from the depths, it was the Earth Mother herself, resplendent in primal grandeur, who shook the very foundation of the world with her arrival. Her earthen claws reached out toward Apollo, seeking to halt his wrath. But did the Mighty God falter? Nay! In his infinite wisdom, he beseeched the attention of Mistress Vengeance herself, and lo, Nemesis answered his call. Impartial and detached, she assumed the role of judge, weighing the scales of justice. With an impartial gaze, she found his vengeance just and compelled Gaea to acknowledge his rightful claim, relinquishing her stance."

The immortal gazes converged upon Nemesis, stirred by the raw presence of Calliope's voice. In that moment, acknowledgment and recognition danced within their eyes. The Mistress Vengeance, bearing the weight of her role, nodded solemnly, commanding the attention of all who beheld her. Her siblings stood witness, hearts swelling with a mix of admiration and familial pride.

"And thus, Apollo, with his bow aglow in golden radiance, carefully notched an arrow that took shape in the ethereal brilliance of light and retribution. It carried within it the irrefutable keenness of Vengeance, honed to perfection. Amidst the palpable silence that enveloped the world, he finally relinquished the taut string, and in a resolute arc, the arrow of Vengeance found its mark, piercing through the very core of the abhorrent Python."

The hall erupted in applause and reverberating cheers, as if the victory were being relived in that very moment. Encouraged by the adulation, the Muses reached the crescendo of their tribute. Their voices merged into one glorious harmony, each note infused with the power and passion of the gods.

"To Apollo, the slayer of the Mighty Python! To the light that banished the darkness!" the Muses sang in perfect unison, their voices soaring to the heavens, resonating with divine harmony. "May his triumph be forever remembered, and his glory resound throughout eternity!"

The Nine Muses, embodiments of grace and inspiration, gracefully inclined their heads, radiant smiles illuminating the stage as they concluded their celestial tribute. The resounding applause filled the air, showering them with thunderous accolades, yet their anticipation remained focused elsewhere. It was the Mighty God they had chosen to honour, etching his name indelibly into the annals of history.

Approaching the stage, Apollo's face glowed with pride as he stood before the Muses, enveloped by their divine presence. "Thank you!" His heartfelt words flowed forth, carrying genuine gratitude for the Nine Muses who encircled him. They responded with modesty, accepting his acknowledgment with grace. However, witnessing their humble reception, Apollo felt the inadequacy of mere words. His gaze fell upon Clio's zither, held delicately in her hands, and in that moment, an idea took hold in his mind. "May I?" he asked, extending his hand towards her.

Taken aback by the unexpected request, Clio quickly handed him the zither, exchanging glances of astonishment with her sisters. "Oh, yes," she replied, her voice laced with wonder.

Apollo's hands closed around the instrument as he settled amidst the Muses, who made space for him. Their eyes danced with surprise and anticipation as they observed the Mighty God examining the celestial instrument of the Heavenly Court. He caught glimpses of the future, witnessing the legendary artists who had mastered the zither, trying to grasp the essence of how to play this instrument.

A hush descended upon the grand hall, casting a sacred veil of silence over the expectant audience. Apollo's fingertips rested tentatively on the silver strings of the zither, his heart still twinged with hesitation. Memories of his namesake in Greek Mythology stirred within him, tugging at his emotions. That Apollo was an musical genius, there was no denying that.

But he was different, embarking on his own unique path. Uncertainty filled his heart, unsure if he possessed the musical prowess attributed to his divine namesake. Yet, he had made up his mind, and there was only one way to find out.

"You can do it," Delirium's voice chimed from the front of the audience, her eyes locked onto him with unwavering encouragement and absolute certainty. "You... you are not him, no no; he... he can never be you, Apollo! So, play a song, a song for the Muses, for us, for the world, and ascend!"

Despite the doubts and confusion swirling through the crowd, Apollo's eyes lit up as he met Delirium's gaze, his lips curving into a genuine smile. "As a gesture of gratitude," he began, his voice momentarily trailing off as he sought the perfect words, "I dedicate this piece to the dear Muses, the eternal pillars of civilization."

With a flourish, Apollo plucked the strings of the zither, unleashing a melody that reverberated through the hallowed hall of Olympus. He became completely absorbed in the moment, pouring his entire being into his performance. His sole purpose was to unleash a musical masterpiece that would exalt the boundless inspiration and creativity brought forth by the Muses. No other thoughts occupied his mind; all that mattered was his unwavering determination to craft a magnificent opus.

As he reached the final notes, Apollo was nearly breathless, looking up at the immortals, but instead of thunderous applause, he was met with a deafening silence that engulfed the vast banquet hall. Confusion furrowed his brow as he scanned the immortals, their faces etched with shock and emotion.

"Son," Leto broke the silence, her voice trembling with emotion, her gaze fixed upon Apollo with glazed eyes. "Look at yourself."

Apollo, acting swiftly, grasped the true cause of everyone's profound reaction. Chaos and wonder surged within his divine being, as if his opus had converged with his essence, in perfect harmony to the point—

Apollo's eyes widened in astonishment, for he now beheld the addition to his divine essence.

It was Music.

He had attained the divinity of Music.

"That..." Calliope struggled to find the right words amidst her tears, attempting to convey her overwhelming admiration for Apollo and his magnum opus. "That was..." Her voice faltered, and she succumbed to the flood of joyful tears.

"Calliope..." Apollo turned his gaze towards the Muse of Poetry, only to be rendered speechless by the sight of all the Muses weeping alongside her.

Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, managed to compose herself and address Apollo directly. "I believe I speak for all my sisters," she said, wiping her tears away. "That was the most exquisite piece we have ever had the privilege of hearing. We are honoured that it was dedicated to us."

Euterpe, the Muse of Music, chimed in with a radiant smile. "Your musical talent knows no equal," she exclaimed, bowing before him. "The spirit of Music acknowledges your greatness."

This revelation sent a shockwave through the assembly of immortals. It confirmed their collective suspicion: Apollo had achieved a divinity through sheer talent, completely separate from his innate nature. Such occurrences were exceedingly rare within the realms of the gods and could be counted on one hand.

Whispers and murmurs of disbelief filled the air as they tried to comprehend the magnitude of what they had witnessed. The other gods and goddesses exchanged glances; their expressions were a mix of admiration, envy, and apprehension.

However, raucous laughter roared among the immortals, abruptly silencing the hall. It was the King of Gods, gazing at his son with unabashed pride. "My son," he proclaimed, "you've exceeded even my loftiest expectations. Your talents have propelled you to unprecedented heights. May your music spread joy among mortals and deities alike."

Apollo, still overwhelmed by the profound impact his creation had on the Muses and his own talent for music, turned and nodded to his father.

The Muses exchanged glances, a wordless understanding passing between them. Without a moment's hesitation, they rose from their seats and strode towards the stage's embellishments. Each of them reached out and seized a laurel wreath, their gaze fixed upon Apollo, a mix of acknowledgment and determination in their eyes.

Apollo rose to his feet, his gaze meeting theirs. His shock resurfaced as he laid eyes on the golden laurel in their hands. "You..." he asked, his voice uncertain. "Are you really sure about this?"

Thalia, the Muse of Comedy, let out a chuckle. "Your modesty shines through even now."

Calliope locked eyes with Apollo, her expression unwavering. "We are certain..."

The Muses then lowered their heads in unison and proclaimed, "Our Musagetes."

Musagetes, the revered title bestowed upon the leader of the Muses. It was a title that carried immense responsibility because the Muses were no ordinary goddesses. They embodied the spirits of inspiration, creativity, and art. Without them, civilization wouldn't come into existence, let alone thrive.

And now they were asking him to take on the role of their leader, their Musagetes.

Apollo took a deep breath, mustering his strength, and nodded to the Muses with unfiltered sincerity. "Then, my Muses, bestow your crowns upon me."

And so they did. The Muses swarmed around him as he humbly lowered his head, allowing them to place laurel wreaths upon him in the presence of everyone. Their faces beamed with happiness and contentment as they adorned him with ten laurel wreaths—one he had worn previously and nine they now crowned him with.

Finally, Apollo stood tall and gazed at his Muses. "It's an honour, but there's still something that needs to be done. A name for my tributary pieces to the Muses." He paused, letting the anticipation build before declaring to all, "The Opus of Inspiration."

The Opus of Inspiration, the masterpiece he had crafted for the Muses. With the divine essence of music, he could sense its immense power, and it stunned him. It possessed the ability to ignite inspiration in the minds of all who heard it.

"The honour is all ours, Musagetes," Erato, the Muse of Romance, playfully winked at him. She, along with her sisters, swarmed him, showering him with praise they had held back.

Amidst it all, Apollo still found it hard to believe that this was all happening. His gaze flickered to Aphrodite, who observed with a smirk devoid of surprise. Then to Hypnos, whose eyes sparkled with stars. Next, his family—Leto and Phoebe—looked at him with pride. As for Artemis, she pouted when she noticed his gaze. Lastly, there was Delirium, dancing slightly while holding Artemis' hand and humming the tune of his opus. She looked up at him with a smile of unbridled Delight on her face.

Apollo returned the smile, not only to Delirium but to everyone. It had truly been an unforgettable Night, but like all things, it had to come to an end.

Amidst the chaos of the final moments, Apollo managed to escape with Delirium. They sat at a table in the garden outside Aunt Demeter's palace. He had already contacted Destiny, who assured him that Destruction would come and collect his little sister from Olympus.

Apollo glanced down at Delirium, who had unexpectedly fallen asleep on his thigh, her serene face illuminated by the pale glow of the moon. He still wasn't sure what to make of Delirium. There had to be a reason for her attachment to him, or maybe he should stop analysing everything so objectively.

Apollo let out a sigh and looked up at the dark sky. 'By the way, uncle really hadn't shown up. Perhaps he was angry or disappointed... I wonder what Aura is doing now.'

The stars twinkled, painting the dark canvas of the Night brilliantly.

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