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Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Edmund was a little hesitant about entering the cafe.

The large, light brown tinted windows that interacted with the streets were just as he'd remember. Through it, Edmund could see that the cafe never changed; still retaining that cheerful and modern style. Hanging light bulbs hung from above the seats. Wrapping around one wall and stretching to the counter was a black chalkboard with scribbles. Edmund wasn't familiar with the handwriting, but he recognized that it was the menu and some great doodles. Pillows lay bare on the sofas whilst shelves filled with coffee mugs and books decorated the walls. Jumping in with piping hot coffee and a quick nap didn't seem like such a bad idea.

The vibe and warmth was cozy and nostalgic, so much so, it was only until someone cleared his throat from behind him that Edmund realized he had been standing in front of the doorway all along. He stuttered a word of apology and moved aside. The door chime jingled. Edmund hesitated, before he followed the man with a briefcase inside.

Though he was very clear with the cafe's wait-to-be-seated policy, Edmund still found a seat the farthest away from the counter and made himself comfortable. He didn't want any interaction with the waiters or waitresses or the store manager. Yet.

Much to his surprise, the atmosphere was rather... tame and peaceful. Soothing rather, like a lullaby. Although cozy, back when he'd worked here, it was opposite from the usual loud chatter and liveliness he was familiar with.

However, Abriel seemed to like it. She flowed right into the mood. Her gaze wandered around the cafe, from the hanging bulbs to the spotted pillows. It was only then did she make a sound. Edmund thought she wanted the pillow to snuggle with, but he wasn't sure about its cleanliness. Who knew how many germs the previous customers may have left? Instead, he wrapped the cradle cover into a ball and handed that to her, to which she giggled and fumbled around.

Edmund raised the menu and hid himself behind, feeling the warning glances and hearing the sudden murmurs that arose from behind. While he knew that bringing a baby into a cafe was a bad idea, and would probably draw a lot of raised heads and attention (he was right), he didn't have a choice.

Edmund peeked from under the menu, and slid away the cover from her. Anything to calm her Abriel down. He pulled the cradle closer to himself but left his hand hanging in the air. Edmund made sure to wipe his fingers clean before massaging her forehead and poking at her mouth. He even made a shush gesture. Much to his surprise, Abriel seemed to have understood. She gave him two drowsy blinks, sobered up, and then turned her attention to the pedestrians outside on the streets.

The red light flicked green, and the roar of traffic sounded again. Edmund felt his heart beam seeing his affinity with her. For a moment, he could relax. The gentle, light jazz with piano instrumentals along with the bask in the rays of light was the de-stresssor Edmund never knew he needed.

The sudden ringing of the door chimes snapped him out of his daze. A wave of people flooded into the cafe, and now, the footsteps and orders trampled all over the cafe's mood. Lost in his thoughts again, Edmund pulled Abriel's cradle closer to him. He left his chin resting on a hand, and between the hair that covered his eyes, Edmund stared at the direction of the counter. 'Things in the cafe hadn't changed after all... but I have.'

. . .

The cafe returned to it's previous ambience as the lunch-time rush hour toned down. The barista at the head of the counter heaved a sigh of relief. She cranked the cafe's music up a notch, before stretching her arms and shoulders.

"Store manager," the barista girl called out as she entered the break room.

There was barely any difference between the break room and outside. Apart from some minor decorations between the cushions and chairs, and the lack of the glass counter, the black chalkboard and glass food displays, the break room still retained the same coziness. Shelves of all sorts of coffee blends decorated the walls instead, along with some books and mugs and a mini espresso bar. At its sides hung a green beanie bag chair, cloth hangers and a high-rise table with backpacks and laptops scattered atop.

The name tag on the barista's uniform read Jocelyn, and she stumbled about before she grabbed a glass of iced water for herself and chugged it down.

"There's a homeless-looking guy that's been staring at us for quite some time. More specifically, you, I think. He wandered in and hasn't called for anything. Cali is out keeping an eye on him but too afraid to ask him anything. He sat himself down and even brought a baby along with him. Made quite the ruckus among the customers."

The sound of running water and the ventilator stopped. The store manager walked out of the bathroom with her personal clothes draped over an arm. She frowned. "He wandered in? And you sure he's looking for me?"

"Yeah. His eyes kept lingering onto the break room, and they never left you when you were helping out at the cash earlier. You didn't notice him?" Jocelyn stood up in realization. Her hands flew to the side of her cheeks. "Omigosh, could he be that ex of yours all those years ago? And you're... you're avoiding him! And your child!"

The store manager crossed her hands. "Don't point your finger accusingly like that at me. Where you get that thought this time, the same werewolf romances you've been reading during your shifts?"

"My recommendations have finally payed off?" Jocelyn's eyes lit up.

"If I catch you reading or talking nonsense one more time, you'll know what will happen to this month's bonus. Now, go get ready for the next shift," the store manager snorted. "Your novel subscriptions aren't going to buy themselves."

"Yes ma'am, store manager Ava! Your loyal and humble barista shall get to work! Before that, she reports, the homeless guy is at table c-7 if you're going to kick him out!"

Ava rubbed her temples. 'She sure hasn't changed at all since the nine months of his absence... Edmund, you brat. Leaving the cafe behind for another to replace. Where the hell are you?'

Bookish_Cat Bookish_Cat

I haven't written at all these 2 months lol... apart from my finals and essays so apologies if it's a little clunky! (Always have been terrible at dialogue) Either way, my checkups have been okay and school's almost over. It's great to be back writing! I'm still unsure of an update schedule at the moment, it could be thrice a week or once every two weeks for all I know. But anyhow if you've made it thus far and reading this, I thank you for your support, even during my mini-hiatus!

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