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Chapter 39: Caiera the Oldstrong Part I (R-18)

Kneeling down across from her, I couldn't help but admire her beauty. Caiera certainly wasn't the most beautiful woman in the world, especially not in comparison to the many women in various comic books, but she was still beautiful. Her body was especially so, toned and athletic, yet still curvaceous and feminine.

Her hair was let loose, no longer in a ponytail, now flowing freely down her back. The armour she seemed to wear constantly was gone now, a simply corset and strangely enough, stockings. I had no idea that aliens, especially those on Sakaar.

But I guess you learn something new every day.

Between us was the only source of light, a glowing ball upon a small golden stand that emitted a blue light that spread around the room like smoke. Yet as I looked closer, I realise it was not emitting smokey light but was in fact a flame that burned.

"Will you kneel with me as I kneel with you?" She asked, despite the fact I was already kneeling down on the ground.

But I responded anyway. "I will."

She then extended one hand, I reaching out to take it as we felt our skin prickle at the heat. It was magical in nature, that much I was certain of, that was the only thing besides Kryptonite that could bypass my invulnerability.

"Will you burn with me, as I burn with you?"

"I will."

"Will you bare body and soul to me, as I bare mine to you." That made me hesitate. What did she mean and how much would she learn? Did she see anything from this magical fire or did I have to show her? So many questions that led me to being unsure of whether this marriage would actually work if I didn't tell her. "I must know you. All of you."

Just like she said that to Hulk in the comics, she said that to me. But I'm not like the Hulk, I don't have a Bruce Banner to show to her. The only thing about me was the fact that I came from somewhere outside of this universe and was reborn. I didn't really feel comfortable trusting that information with anyone. Who knows what could happen if I revealed the truth? I certainly didn't and that wasn't a feeling I enjoyed.

I had lacked any form of control in that fire that killed me. I lacked any form of control over my life on Krypton. I didn't like not being in control.

"It's a matter of trust." I eventually spoke. "I have been betrayed by people who I thought I could trust. Some I had met and forged bonds with for many years. Others, I blindly trusted without a care in the world. That's not to say that I have been loyal to everyone in my life, I have betrayed people also. Which is why I am wary of revealing the truth."

That wasn't a lie either, the plain truth and an honest depiction of how my life had led me to this moment. I'm not proud of some of the decisions I've made, but there's nothing I can do to change them.

"For this to work, there has to be trust," Caiera replied. "You would leave me in charge of Sakaar, trust me with that. Then this will be no different."

But it is.

So very different.

I sighed. "I am not Tah-Rao, nor am I Tah-Zod, or Tah-Em. I was from a planet that no longer exists." Not in this world at least, the Earth of this universe was not the Earth I was from, so not a lie, but also not the complete truth. "I died in a fire when I was a boy only to awaken as a Kryptonian."

That was it.

Not as emotionally powerful as Hulk reverting to Bruce Banner willingly, purely to reveal everything to Caiera. But that was who I was. Lacklustre I know, almost amusingly so, but I can't change my past.

-X- Line Break -X-

I wasn't a virgin, back on Krypton my number of partners was limited. Not only due to the restrictions placed upon soldiers, especially officers. But also due to the amount of free time we were provided. Our war with the Vrangs often meant that we had little time to ourselves, constantly battling against the never-ending horde of Vrang ships that invaded our borders.

When we did have time to ourselves, to relax and unwind, I had even less so. My time more often than not spent spying on General Zod and reporting back to Lor-Em. But there were moments, rare though they were where I got to enjoy my urges.

Yet most my practice was upon Sakaar, entertaining the many wives of governors as well as the few governesses. Compare that to Caiera, who had spent her life living as a guard for the Red King, repressing what sexual urges she had in favour of being a guard for the King. It would make sense for me to take the lead.

Except, that wasn't Caiera.

The knowledge of Caiera and Hulk's coupling wasn't really known, people knew they were married but what actually went on behind closed doors wasn't. I'm glad for that because the last thing I need to have burnt into my memory is the Hulk fucking his wife, who was now mine. But I would have liked to know what kind of partner she was, at least to give me some idea of what to expect and prepare for because to describe our sex is rough and violent, is putting it lightly.

This wasn't purely about sex, this was also a battle for dominance.

I should have excepted this really and I had no one to blame for myself. Caiera was never one to back down and considering the two of us had never finished any of our fights, she was not making this easy.

She caught me off-guard, luring me in with her nakedness and I fell for it. Our kiss was deep, yet she ended it abruptly by biting down on my lip. Not a nibble, but a full-on bite that drew blood and I pulled away only to be pushed. Caiera was by no means weak, she was able to actually put up a fight against me and in brief moments overpower me.

So when she pushed me, I flew back, smashing into the wall.

All the while I was left stunned and trying to wrap my head around what had happened. Only for her to be upon me once more, her hands in my hair and her lips crushing down upon mine. Both of us came to the ground, she straddling me as her hands moved down, over my chest and towards the cloth wrapped around my waist.

A traditional marriage garment upon Sakaar.

Funny that it was the woman who wore much more than the man in this arrangement. Even under her corset, she wore something bordering upon lingerie. Again, how did aliens have this sort of stuff?

It looks very human-like.

But my mind was quickly drawn back to the present when one hand wrapped around my hardness, giving it a few pumps though I don't know why; I was already hard. Perhaps she was hesitant, if so that would cost her.

I know what this was about, we had never finished a fight and therefore, there was no dominant figure between us. We would be equals in marriage, but there was a certain power within it. That much I knew from my time as a slave to the Governor and he had me entertain his guests of the female variety. There was always a little bit of power play, however subtle it might be, in this case, it was not in the least bit subtle and was far more overt and extreme.

Like I said, this wasn't purely about sex, but a battle for dominance. We had never finished our fight and we were going to finish it here and now.

And her hesitance, much like in an actual fight would be her undoing.

I was no longer caught off-guard.

Just as she started to lift up, easing the tip of my cock into her pussy, I made a move. Both hands moved around, grasping her ass and in a single movement, pulled her all the way down, sheathing myself fully into her. Caiera quickly gasped out, mouth opening as her head whipped back.

I let her go with the momentum, going up onto my knees and slamming her onto the ground with me now on top between her legs. My lips quickly latched onto one of her breasts, sucking and nipping at her nipple lightly drawing more sounds from her as I began to thrust into her. The slap sounding of my hips hitting hers filled the room, Caiera's light gasps and moans joining in a truly pleasurable symphony of sound.

But just as I expected, Caiera was not one to take this lightly.

She was a fighter and it was one of the reasons I desired her so much.

Her legs quickly wrapped around my waist, hips moving in time with my thrusts as to bring me even deeper within her. By Rao, she was a quick learner and I loved it, the speed and strength of my thrusts steadily increasing to the point it would have broken a lesser woman. But Caiera just tightened her legs to the point that even I could no longer ignore them nor could I move properly.

Despite me being on top and pinning her to the ground, she had me trapped. "What a woman," I murmured, Caiera's lips twitching up and I kissed her simply because of that reason alone.

Taking one hand from her breasts, I gripped her ass, bringing her hips off the ground as I kicked it up a notch. The sudden shift from fast to downright insane definitely caught Caiera momentarily off-guard and I used that to free myself from her traps, pulling her legs far apart.

Now from this point, my intention was to make use of her flexibility, bringing her legs up and down towards her head. However, Caiera beat me to it and going with my intentions managed to free her legs from my grip and then kicked me in the chest. A double footed kick knocked the wind out of me and flung me back into the wall, through it and into the bathhouse where I landed into the large open bath with a splash.

It's a good job no one was upon this floor of the palace, the servants having been dismissed to allow us, the newly married couple time to ourselves.

Coming out of the water I saw Caiera walking towards me, fully naked now, a smirk upon her face. I tell you what, I had no idea that this night was going to turn out like this and despite that, I was loving every second of it.

I wasn't going to surrender easily and neither was Caiera.

So the question was, what would give out first? Her spirit? Mine? My stamina? Or hers? Something had to give and when it did, the winner would be deiced. I knew it, she knew it and we had every intention of finding out who it was and no intention of losing.

"Well, I must admit, I'm enjoying the view," I said, walking up the stairs and out of the water. Caiera matched my walk, both of us coming to a stop directly in front of one another. "That all you can got?"

"Is that all you can do?" Caiera returned. "I expected better."

Oh, it's on.

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