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Chapter 189: Chapter no.188 Lavender Town

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[ A Year Ago ]

Marowak stood tall and proud, her body a dark brown color that blended in well with the tall green grass that surrounded her. She watched her son, a small and timid creature, as he made his way through the dense foliage. His steps were slow and cautious, his movements difficult to discern from a distance.

The sound of rustling grass filled the air as her son meandered through the field, his eyes darting around nervously. Marowak could see the uncertainty etched on his young face as he moved hesitantly, as if unsure of his surroundings.

"Come on, little one," she muttered under her breath, "you can do this."

She watched as he stopped suddenly, frozen in his tracks. His gaze swept the area frantically, searching for any signs of danger. Despite the fact that he knew his mother was watching over him, he always remained on high alert, ready to run at the slightest hint of danger.

Marowak smiled slightly as her son relaxed, a small grin spreading across his face as he realized he was safe. She knew how important it was for him to be alert, but she also wanted him to learn to let his guard down once in a while.

Her son scampered further into the grass, his tiny body disappearing into the greenery. Marowak's eyes followed him as he darted through the field, his movements now more confident and carefree.

As she watched him play, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy. Her son was just like her in many ways, from the color of his body to the signature bone he held in his hand.

Speaking of which, Marowak noticed that her son's grip on the bone had loosened slightly.

The bone her son carried may have been tiny, and he may have been young and inexperienced, but the weapon was no less deadly.

Still, she would have to keep a close watch on her son, as she still doubted he would be able to hold his own in battles.

Knowing him, he would probably run from a fight.


Marowak glanced at her son's torso, yellow color completely contrasting with his brown body. But the contrast did not hold her attention. For on her son's head was a horned skull helmet, the same bright white as the bone he held. It was another thing unique to their species, something that all members displayed proudly. As the cheerfulness still showed in her son's black eyes, she knew her son understood the value of the object that protected them.

After all, he was not too young to understand some things.

For that, he and his mother were called pokémon.

Or that his species was known as Cubone.

For a time, he thought his mother was the same, but he was quick to learn such was not the case

They had the same brown body, but most of the similarities ended there. She no longer walked on short and stubby limbs but stood tall as she traversed the world on full-length ones. Her torso was more prominent, yellow fading away to tan. Her deadly white bone stood tall and large as she gripped it in her hand. Anyone who tried to harm her son would quickly know why her species prided themselves on using bones as weapons, as she would instantly utilize hers to deliver furious blows to any opponent. Curious black eyes had been replaced by brown ones, keeping a sharp watch for any potential threats. She still wore her cherished horned skull helmet, the item as prized as what her son had despite the former's larger size.

But the most noticeable change was perhaps her name.

Her species was known as Marowak, a mature and stronger form of Cubone.

A form she hoped her son would take someday.

But someday was not now, so she simply continued watching.

She could pick up the fine movements of the rustling grass, and hear the quiet sound of the nearby river flowing. She had heard there was some sort of human settlement across there, but she didn't dare go. It wasn't like she and her son could swim well enough to get across, and it wasn't worth bothering the humans if they didn't bother them.

An imposing cave loomed to the south, swallowing all with its darkness inside. The outside of the cave towered over almost everything, with brown rock resembling a natural building.

Intimidating, to be sure.

However, she understood it wasn't completely hostile, as there were others of their kind that lived there. There were different species of Pokémon as well, so being careful was required. She planned to take her son there eventually, but he was too young and helpless now.

To the west there lay a long stretch of land, filled with ledges and another natural road. She knew many humans liked to train on that road, and once again, she did not bother them. The humans being there were no surprise. She had heard that even further west was a massive human city. But once again, she didn't dare go. Better not to bother humans and possibly put everyone in danger. Besides, if the humans wanted to train, there were plenty of other ferocious Pokémon they could fight against.

Of course, there were other species of Pokémon here too. They were far fewer in number, however, and none of them were where she and her son were.

At this point, the only thing here was familiarity and safety.

But that didn't mean she could stop watching her son.

His earlier fear and uncertainty had vanished, replaced by an even wider smile. Her son's scampering had broken into an all-out sprint, and she could hear the grass rustling loudly as her son ran even further into it.

She returned her son's smile with her own.

But there was more to think about.

Such as the future.

She wanted many things for her son.

She wanted him to be strong, brave, and fierce, as the strongest members of her kind were.

But more than that, she wanted to tell him something.

She turned to the side, using her free hand to delicately pick up something on the ground. She brought the object even closer to her, her gaze now relaxed but focused.

For in her hand was a flower.

The petals displayed a deep, dark, but brilliant pink. The petals were woven around a round, yellow center, and she could also see a bit of red staring back at her.

Yet she didn't tear her gaze away.

For this was more than just a flower.

Its name and meaning had been passed down from generation to generation.

She knew it all like her name.

Magenta zinnia is a symbol of lasting affection.

Between family, friends, and even lovers.

And now, a symbol of the lasting affection between her and her son.

A sentimental symbol, one that could guide others through dark times.

Perhaps that's why those of her and her son's kind chose to pass the knowledge of the flower down.

Which meant that she would pass the knowledge down to her son, trusting him to carry on the tradition.

She glanced back at her son, as he still frolicked in the grass without a care in the world.

Her gaze slid back to the flower, still unruffled in her free hand.

Her son was still very young, so he might not understand the symbolism or its importance. Besides, she wasn't going to interrupt him for something so serious when he was finally so carefree.

She could wait another day.

The next day, the peace and tranquility of the green grassland was shattered by the sound of heavy footsteps. Marowak's ears perked up as she heard the approaching noise, her instincts on high alert. The grass was trampled and torn as the men ran, their footsteps pounding the ground like a drumbeat. The sound of the river was drowned out by their thundering footsteps, to the point where the men didn't even seem to realize the river was there.

Marowak watched in horror as the men approached, their black outfits emblazoned with a bright red letter "R." She could hear the screams of Pokémon in the distance, the sound of suffering, sorrow, confusion, and agony echoing through the air. She knew that the men were up to no good, and her heart sank as she thought of what they might be doing to the innocent creatures.

Suddenly, Marowak heard a familiar wailing cry, the sound of her son in distress. She turned to the right and saw him, scared and helpless, surrounded by the men. Without hesitation, Marowak closed her eyes and used the move substitute to create a copy of herself, distracting the men while she made her escape with her son.

They ran towards a place Marowak had heard about from the flying Pidgeys, a tower full of ghosts. She knew that humans rarely ventured into such places, and hoped that they could find safety and solace there. But little did she know that what lurked within the tower was a malevolence and terror so unspeakable, that it had been banished from the realm of humanity for centuries. Its wickedness had festered in the darkness, waiting patiently to unleash a horror upon the world that would chill the bones of even the bravest souls.


[ Lavender Town ]

Austin stood in front of the wrought iron gates of Lavender Town, his heart racing with anticipation and apprehension. The ancient conurbation stood before him, like a lost city in time, with its stone walls, cobbled streets, and tall, pointy rooftops. The smell of desolation lingered in the air, an ever-present reminder of the town's eerie reputation.

As he walked through the town, he noticed the strange shadows that seemed to follow him, the sudden chills that ran down his spine, and the odd sensation in the air. The buildings were old, and the streets were quiet, giving the town an otherworldly feeling.

Austin wore a black jacket with a red T-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. He carried a small backpack on his back, containing his Poké Balls and a few supplies. His Pikachu, by his side, wore his red and white cap.

The centerpiece of Lavender Town was a massive stone mansion, with seven towers spiraling out of it from the periphery. Each tower had a large stone gargoyle carved out of single monoliths, and a large Haunter sculpted on the pointed top of the main roof, with its malicious eyes looking way too alive than it had any right to be. The home of the Ainsworth family, one of the oldest and most notorious families in Kanto, was also known as the Ghost Tower.

" Pika !"

" Then I leave you, young trainer to your time of mourning." The young woman said as her Alakazam looked extremely uncomfortable before the duo disappeared.

Austin sighed as he looked at Raticate's casket," Pikachu, do you think she was happy with us ?"

" Pika, Pi ." Pikachu nodded his head as he reassured his melancholic trainer who brushed the casket with his hand as if he was brushing Raticate.

Austin closed his eyes before he began his walk through the eerie lavender town with his goal as the center.

Maybe if he had turned around, then the horrors that awaited him in the tower wouldn't have come to fruition.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

In the modern era, two species have emerged from population bottlenecks to spread all across the planet. The first of these, of course, is man, which transforms everything it touches, destroying natural habitats and replacing them with farms and villages, and cities.

Far less heralded and no less common is Pidgey. Although their sand attack suggests a desert origin, perhaps nesting atop cacti, today they live in grasslands and forests, along roads, and atop skyscrapers. They do not breed especially quickly by pokemon standards, nor are they experts in resilience; many a trainer has expressed annoyance with running into them all the time, finding them to be anything but a challenge. But they possess keen eyes for hunting, strength in numbers, can digest a wide palette of food, and have the intelligence to make or find nests anywhere. And unlike Rattata, who stow away on ships and discover islands only when humans do, Pidgey can fly atop mountains and over forests to find new lands to colonize. This has wreaked havoc on ecosystems, driving out the local birds like a weed except for the nocturnal fierce Staravia; even in Kanto Spearow have become quite rare as Pidgey continue to multiply, and competition from Pidgey has at least as much to do as overhunting with the endangered status of Farfetch'd.

Today Pidgey is common all across the pokemon world, with the notable exception of Hoenn, which has preserved its remarkable biodiversity first by distance, and now by shooting wild Pidgey on sight.

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