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Chapter 254: Chapter no.251 An Underwater Tree

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[ POV Change ]

Pikachu rubbed his eyes in frustration at the actions of his trainer.

Flexing his nonexistent muscles, Pikachu waved the giant leaf he found to cool off Yellow who had passed out after seeing his trainer undress.

A bright blush covered her unconscious face.

Human love is so complicated.

Pikachu thought as he glanced at the lake that his trainer and Lucario were standing beside.

Austin was dipping his toes into the cold water and contemplating his decision to go any further.

My human is so weird.

Pikachu thought as he continued.

The travel to Rota, the time flower, the Legendary Titans, Lucario, Dratini, etc. How did my human know all of these things?

" Hey !" Austin called out as Haunter picked him up and threw him into the water.

" Kekeke."

Pikachu sighed in relief since no water had splashed on his fur.

But Pikachu might have spoken too soon as Lucario did a Canon ball splashing water everywhere and drenching poor Pikachu who was contemplating if he should shoot a thunderbolt on the lake or not.


Once Austin had gotten a little further from the shallower part of the lake, he placed the snorkel on his mouth.

The snorkel he had purchased was unlike the snorkels of Earth, the snorkel of this world could diffuse oxygen from the water itself so he didn't need any giant equipment to dive into the waters.

Austin closed his eyes as he submerged himself in the water.

" Damn it!'

Austin couldn't help but curse as soon as he dived in. A chill penetrated all of his body.

Taking a cold shower with ice water in plain winter while being naked and then rubbing ice on your skin would probably feel like this.

In time, Austin found himself getting used to the cold waters.

The setting sun casts a glare of orange onto the water creating an ambiance that reminded Austin of Hogwart's lake as he along with Lucario and Haunter dove deeper into the murky depths of the lake. The occasional Magikarp would flitter past them - flashing bright orange in the light of the Sun. Austin floated above a thick forest of seaweed as he continued to swim further. The silence pressed hard upon his eardrums as he soared over a black abyss where the lake bed seemed to suddenly drop drastically deeper. Under Lucario's guidance, the trio went deeper. It felt as if the dark was swallowing him whole. It was harder and harder to see the forest of seaweed in front of him.

Haunter raised her claws as the ghostly flames of Will-o'-wisp gave everyone a much-needed light source.

Austin could only see a couple of feet around him. New scenery slinked out of the shadows - twisted rock formations, towering black seaweed, and overgrown caves stained in algae. A couple of times, he could have sworn he saw a dark figure prowl in the corner of his eye- but it always seemed to disappear into the darkness. It was probably just a trick of the mind...right?

Lucario pointed at a cave as Haunter and Austin nodded.


Water bubbles appeared on the surface.

The silent surface started to boil suddenly and then a black shadow arose on top of it.


Austin took in a deep breath as soon as he got out to the surface. He would have drunk in some water if it wasn't for the snorkel.

"Cough, cough!"

Austin took in fresh air deep in his lungs and exhaled it.

Tak tak task!

It was the sound Austin made with his teeth hitting each other.

"I, I, I, am, almost f**ked up."

Austin couldn't speak properly and stuttered as Lucario and Haunter emerged from the water in the underwater cave

The trio ran out of the water and lay down on the ground without even checking their surroundings.

Haunter raised her claw that lit up with Will-o'-wisp providing a comforting heat for both Austin and Lucario.

" So, S, So here ?" Austin asked while stuttering.

Lucario answered with a nod as the duo rested there for a few minutes enjoying the warmth of the flames.

After a few minutes, Lucario began to lead them through the cave.

( ~ Step~ )

( ~ Step ~ )

The silent cave started to get filled with the echoes of Austin's steps.

' Just what is this moss ?'

Austin thought as he was immediately struck by the glowing patches of luminous moss that lined the walls and ceiling. The cave was dark and shadowy, but the glowing moss cast a soft, greenish-blue light throughout the space, creating a surreal and almost otherworldly atmosphere.

Austin moved slowly through the cave, taking in the ethereal beauty of my surroundings. The glowing patches of moss seem to dance and shimmer in the water, creating a mesmerizing and hypnotic effect. The cave itself is full of twists and turns, with stalactites and stalagmites jutting out from the ceiling and floor. These rocky formations are partially illuminated by the glowing moss, adding to the dramatic and otherworldly landscape.

Austin couldn't help but smile at the surreal beauty that had formed all around him.

The passage that only two people could pass through started to get wider and when the path reached an open space that could hold a hundred people appeared.

The space was also filled with moss and when the faint light gathered together they boasted a considerable brightness.

The moss, the trio saw at the beginning shone brightly with a green light and filled the entire cave.

What they saw after that was a huge tree with countless branches that grew and extended in a complicated manner filling the ceiling and the walls along the moss.

The peculiarity of the leaves was that they were cyan instead of green.

The tree boasted great thickness that made you wonder if it were a thousand years old.

Lastly, the roots that supported the tree covered the entire floor.

'An underwater tree?!'

Austin thought in shock while wondering how this tree grew without any sunlight.

The Azure leaves of the underwater tree shook as a long, serpentine reptilian Pokémon with sky-blue scales and a white underside slithered down.

It had a rounded snout, oval purple eyes, and a small, white horn on its forehead. On each side of its head is a small, stylized wing, which is white and curves into a swirl at the base. Three blue, crystal orbs adorn its body: one on its neck and two on its tail.

The trio couldn't help but stare at the majesty beauty of Pseudo legendary Pokémon, Dragonair.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is a commonly-held belief that Slowpoke has reflexes so dull that one could see off their tails (a prized delicacy) before they even notice. This is an exaggeration: such a pokemon would surely be extinct in the wild (if even more beloved by Trick Room trainers than they already are) while real Slowpokes are quite numerous in the Seafoam Islands, the "Slowpoke Well" of Azalea Town, and even occasionally in Sinnoh in the area south and east of Eterna Forest. Furthermore, despite the name, they are not the slowest of pokemon: that title goes to Munchlax and Shuckle.

This is not, however, to say that Slowpoke is quick by any means. They are a pokemon that take five seconds to feel pain, a pokemon whose sluggish movements have cost them many a battle – for had they decent speed, their tough defenses would make them a formidable foe. But this lack of speed is not solely a weakness. It has developed to allow them to evolve, for what pokemon would willingly allow a Shellder to clamp onto its head or tail long enough for evolution to take place? By delaying the pain until after it is too late to shake the pokemon off, Slowpoke manages to endure a painful evolution process and become the powerful (if not much faster) Slowbro.

Trainers have often remarked (and nurses have often reprimanded them) on the courage of their Slowpoke in battle. In reality, of course, they will battle beyond their limits because they are too slow to realize they have been knocked out, and can often be seriously injured. Slowpoke trainers should be advised to pay close attention to their pokemon's health because the Slowpoke themselves are too slow to notice.

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