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Chapter 37: 13. Privileged trainers

Robert was currently staring slack-jawed in a daze at the boy who just walked out of the elevator. The only thing going through Robert's head right now was, 'holy crap, holy crap, holy crap'. Joel was staring at his new friend weirdly. They were just sitting here talking when he seemed to just suddenly freeze up. Joel had even waved his hands in front of him with no response. It wasn't until Joel shook Robert's shoulder and called out to him that he snapped out of his daze.

"whoa, hey what are you shaking me around for." Joel continued to give Robert an odd stare. "well I was starting to think you were having a stroke or something. You kind of just froze up as soon as that Ethan kid got here."

"Yea sorry he just looks way too similar to-, wait he's name really is Ethan, and you know him." Halfway through Robert stopped mid-sentence and stared at Joel in shock.

"I wouldn't say I know him, more know of him. Isn't that why you were so shocked." Robert made an awkward face. There was no way he could explain he knew Ethen because he played the game as him right. "Errr, sort of. He just kind of looks like someone I knew a long time ago, who was also named Ethan." Robert had a bit of a nervous smile as he said this. Even he didn't believe what he was saying, what could he do, he was just really bad at making up stuff like this.

"Hmmm, I guess I'll buy that for now." Joel said as he gave Robert a suspicious stare. Robert who barely dodged a bullet quickly tried to move the conversation along. "So how do you know him, is he famous or something." Joel could tell what his friend was doing, he was doing a terrible job of hiding it after all. It didn't bother him though, it was only Roberts exaggerated reaction that made him curious but he knew better than to pry.

"Well, I guess he is in a way. You probably don't know this but there are sometimes trainers who are entered into the Junior League without the need to undergo an inspectors test."

"eh, but wouldn't you get some crappy trainer cheating their way in like that. Wait, is that how that idi-, guy from yesterday got in."

"No. he did meet the standards for joining, you're just so much above them you made him look terrible. Besides this is an exceedingly rare privilege and not many people can use it. In fact, there are only three, the Junsar family, the Joi family and a regions head professor." Robert looked at Joel in surprise. "you are from the Junsar family right, is that how you got in." Joel snorted when he heard that. "humph, like I would need a back door. I insisted on having an instructor test me. I was more than confident that I would get in without relying on my family name."

Robert looked at Joel a little surprised. This was the first time he heard his new friend sound so openly self-confident. It would seem that he was more prideful than he let on. He also seemed to not like throwing around the wight that his family name carried. Robert was starting to like this guy the more time they spent together. He was proving more and more to be a friend worth having.

"Anyway, the reason I'm bringing all this up is that he is someone recommended by prof. Elm. He isn't the only one either, there is also a girl named Kris recommended by him. It caused quite a stir because while these special privileges exist, they are very rarely used. The Joi family specialise in medicine and research and use theirs the least. The regional professors aren't much better. Only my Junsar family uses ours more often but even then it's not used every year, perhaps every two or three years at best. This year however caused a rather large stir."

"So this year there is you from the Junsar family. The girl Nurse Joy mentioned yesterday and now two people recommended by the professor. All in the same year."

"Exactly. These trainers who are recommended this way are usually pretty amazing and stand at the top of the grades they are in, sometimes even surpassing the grade above them." Joel then looked at Robert with an amused face. "And now there is one more person who is just as impressive thrown into the mix that no one knows about. This year at the Junior League does seem like it's going to be rather chaotic."

Robert was boiling with excitement after hearing all this. So many impressive people were going to be there. What's more, both Ethan and Kris are going. Robert couldn't help but hope that perhaps Prof. Oak had recommended two trainers of his own. Robert quickly turned to Joel to ask. Before he could get his words out however a loud voice interrupted him.

"Joel! There you are. I've been looking for you. You should have let me know if you were already down here." It was an old man with a big, long white beard. It looked well maintained with not a hair out of place. His head however was shiny and bald. Although he looked old he still stood straight and seemed quite lively. "Sorry, Mr Grotto. I was up early anyway and didn't feel like just waiting in my room, so I came down and bumped into Robert."

Mr Grotto then turned his attention to Robert, "So you are Robert Leone, the little one I have been hearing so much about. My name is Samuel Grotto. Mrs Chromium has charged me with looking after you. From what I've heard however you are quite capable of looking after yourself." As Mr Grotto finished, he chuckled a little while Robert showed an embarrassed smile. "Alright kids, I just got news the boat is ready so we can start making our way over."

Robert and Joel both excitedly got up and followed after Mr Grotto out. Robert was so excited that he forgot to ask Joel if Prof Oak had also recommended anyone.

DoctorDraco DoctorDraco

Sorry, this one is a bit late. I mucked at the Release timer and accidentally set it for tomorrow.

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