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Chapter 7: Chapter Five: Kahuna clash

I make my way through town to locate Hala. I hope deep down that he will be a worthy challenger. I've one hit KOed every opponent I've faced for the last few years. I'm not boasting, just stating facts.

A small hut comes into view and the mailbox reads "Hala."

I assume this is it and knock four times, stepping back onto the garden stones. I wait a moment, then another before the door opens. I'm washed with the smells of Pokémon food and spices.

"Oh ho! It's the young trainer from this morning!" A glint hardens across Hala's eyes. "Did you catch the Pokémon you were looking for?"

"I did. The Grubbin I caught seems like a fine specimen." I smile shyly at him, his presence is intimidating yet calming. "Sir, I would love it if you would battle with me!" the sentence comes out quickly and I bow my head, blush creeping up my face again. I'm normally pretty calm to challenge people. I've never challenged someone that I truly respect until now.

"Oh ho! You'll have to join us for lunch first if that's okay! This old man can't battle on empty!" Hala laughs and smacks a hand against his rotund belly.

I smile and follow him inside the hut. A young boy is seated at the table with a Rowlet in his lap, looking hungry.

The boy sits up rigidly when he sees me, "hello! My name is Hau, I'm Hala's grandson. It's nice to meet you miss!"

"I'm Jun, it's my pleasure to join you guys for lunch." I sit at an empty space at the table, running my fingers over the Pokéballs on my belt.

Hau eyes me, "are you here to fight with my grandpa?" His gaze shifts over to Hala, who's serving stew into wooden bowls.

"I am," I take a sip out of a cup of water Hau pours for me. "I'm excited for the challenge that he's sure to bring me."

Hau looks excited at this, "so you must be really strong then!"

I laugh, "I guess we'll see if I am or not here soon."

Hala sits down across from me with a sigh, a platter of stew-filled bowls balanced on one hand. He slides us each a bowl.

"Thank you to the Island Guardians for providing us with the Lush country to grow this food!" He exclaims before grabbing a spoon and digging into a bowl.

I tear a chunk of bread and dip it into mine, admiring the walls around me. Hala with a large belt holding up his Hariyama's hand at a Martial Arts contest. A photo of a younger, less round Hala accepting a certificate to be a Trial Master. Trophies glitter on a shelf above the mantle.

"It looks like you've traveled quite a lot!" I say, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

"Oh I have! I have! Not for years lately though. My old bones don't get around like they used to!" Another deafening blast of laughter from him. "Why, these days it's hard to get me off Melemele Island!" Hala breaks into a chuckle.

"If you don't mind, where do you plan on battling at?" I inquire, praying he wants to battle somewhere discreet.

"I made the announcement this morning in town! The folks are real stirred up over it, itching to see it. So we're gonna battle right in the middle of town! So all the old and the young can let the heat from the battle burn their veins!" Hala looks pleased with himself, having set all this up.

This time it's my turn to laugh, "what if you just wipe the floor with me? Then you've gathered up the whole town for nothing!"

Hala's face gets serious, "I can tell just looking at you that won't be the case." He slurps the remainder of his bowl, wiping his mustache with a cloth napkin after. "I'll meet you in the center square! Hau can chaperone you there!"

Hau looks over at me meekly and I smile in recognition.

"How many Pokémon?" I call to Hala as he walks towards the door.

"Let's do a one on one battle. If we have fun you could come back and visit the island again if you'd like." Hala beams and walks out of the door, shutting it quietly behind him.

"Let's get moving!" Hau jumps up suddenly, as if bitten by something. "We don't want to leave grandpa and the townspeople waiting!"

I help clear the table and we trek off down the path, towards the center of town. I can tell when we arrive because there are so many people. It literally looks as if the whole town came to watch us battle. I shake my head. Not what I was hoping for. So much for flying under the radar.

"Young Jun!" Hala greets me as if we didn't just part ways less than an hour ago. "At last you've arrived! Are you ready?"

I'm nervous, slightly second guessing the Pokémon I've decided on. No, I can not have doubt. That's how you lose. Always trust yourself and your Pokémon.

"Yes, I'm ready!" I hold my shoulders up, I can't let Hala's reputation shake me.

We face off towards each other, the crowd cheering wildly with excitement.

A man walks into the center of the battlefield. "Each trainer will be battling using one Pokémon! When one sides' Pokémon faints or becomes unable to battle the winner will be decided!" The crowd screams and I become lost in it. Finally, a real battle.

"Go Hariyama!" Hala releases his Pokémon and a roar bellows through the stadium.

'Please be the right choice….' In my mind I'm pushing away doubt at a mile a minute. "Arrow! I choose you!" My Aerodactyl unfurled his wings, opening his maw and letting out a piercing battle cry. A rock typing isn't a great choice against a fighting Pokémon, I'm banking on Arrow's awesome flying abilities to get us through.

"Hariyama use Belly Drum!" Hala shouts, thrusting an open palm towards his partner.

"Yaaamaaaa!" The massive Pokémon cries, thwacking it's stomach with outstretched hands.

Hariyama just cut it's own hit points to maximize it's attack. A bold and effective strategy.

Let's match power with speed, "Arrow use Rock Polish!" Punching towards the battle with a closed first, Arrow starts to glow and his body gets shinier. I let out another command, "use Rock Slide and climb into the air!"

Hariyama is ready, poised at his end of the battle area.

"Use Brick Break on the falling rocks!" Hala commands; squatting down on each thigh, one at a time.

"Yaamaaa!" The powerful Pokémon let out a barrage of Brick Breaks, sending the Rock Slide spinning into dust.

Arrow beat his wings, glaring down at his foe on the ground.

"Rock polish, again!" I command, my finger jutting into the sky. Arrow glowed again, his cool gray skin becoming more silver now. "Nothing can catch you now! Rock slide, once more!" Rocks begin sliding from a dimension within the sky and crashing to the ground.

"Counter with Brick Break, again!" A bead of sweat has formed on the side of Hala's face. Was this from the heat or was it from the battle?

Hariyama let out a bombardment of Brick Breaks, demolishing the stones yet again.

"Use Aerial Ace!" I'm having to shout above the shrieking crowd of people. "Don't let him deflect it!"

"Rrrooowwww!" Arrow broke his flight to plummet towards the ground, flying-type energy wrapping around him. His eyes locked onto Hariyama and he pelted forwards.

"Meet it with Reversal!" Hala shouts as Arrow barrels forwards.

The Pokémon collide and I grasp the brim of my hat, squinting through the dust. A shockwave pulses out as the two powerful moves connect. Arrow climbed into the air, putting distance between himself and Hariyama. Waves of static-like energy flick off of Arrow as the Reversal damage registers.

Hariyama has briefly taken a knee, one eye closed but the other one fixated on Aerodactyl.

"Oh ho!" Hala shouts. "Now this is a battle Miss Jun!" Sweat sparkles his brown, creased face. Then a wicked smile. "Now use Brine and end it!" Boyish pleasure quickly transitioned into seriousness.

"Rock Polish, again! Dodge it!" I yell, chest burning with adrenaline. Arrow glints again, hitting his maximum speed he's now completely silver. Light ricocheting from every inch of his body.

"Aarrrroooww!" He roars, spinning into a dive as Brine bubbles from Hariyamas fists. Steam swirling through the air as the jet launches towards Arrow.

Narrowly it misses, grazing Arrow's tail tip as he plunged towards Hariyama.

"Rock Slide, let's go!" Massive stones slip from the sky again and I follow the command, "go! Aerial Ace!" Arrow rushes forwards and Hariyama braces for the impact.

"Brine, again!" Hala stomps his left foot and shakes a fist in the air.

"Protect!" I've never had to use all four moves during a battle before…. Arrow's body becomes shrouded in a sphere of solid, opaque energy. Brine smashes against it to no avail. The sphere from protect shatters, exposing a full force Aerial Ace.

I clench my teeth in a grin as it connects.

"Reversal! Now!" Bellows Hala, his eyes wide.

"Hariyama is unable to battle!" The unnamed referee steps onto the field and squats to observe Hariyama's whirling eyes. "The victory goes to Jun!"

The people around me erupt. My neck, soaked with sweat tingles with pride.

"Rrroooowwww!" Arrow lands and stretches out his battered body in a cry of victory.

"We did it, boy!" I yell and dangle from his jovial neck, pecking him on his nose with my lips.

"Rrroowww." He mumbles, burying his face in my hair in delight.

Hala steps towards me, his mustache is trembling but he looks electric. "Jun, that was a fantastic battle. Oh ho! I dare say I bit off more than I could chew, when I challenged you!" For a moment he almost looked despairingly into the distance.

"No thank you, Hala. That was the best battle I've ever been a part of." I said, humbled by his strength.

"Off to the Pokémon Center for me," he chuffs. "If you planned on going back to your island tonight the Ferry just left. So I'm afraid you'll have to stay at the Pokémon Center tonight."

Realization struck me that I'd never actually lodged at a Pokémon Center before, thus making the idea more enticing.

"Thank you, I'd have stood on the dock all night. I'll walk with you to the Pokémon Center."

We arrive at the Center and place our pokéballs on a tray to be healed. As we wait I sign up for a room for the night and order some food for Hala and myself.

We sit at a small table, chewing in silence.

Finally he says, "where do you come from, really?"

I wasn't sure if it was his status or the heat from the battle that made me trust him, but I did. "I can't say exactly. I can tell you that people are looking for me and I really need to stay hidden." I stare at my reflection on the stainless steel table. My green eyes brimming with tears.

"You don't have to say more," Hala says. He ponders into the distance silently after that. Finally, "if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call on any Kahuna."

"Hala your Pokémon are done!" A kind Nurse Joy calls from behind the counter. "Yours as well," she smiles sweetly at me as I approach. "You're in room 893, Miss Jun." She slides me the key card and I take it gingerly.

Turning to face Hala I bid him a good evening and watch as he leaves. Hau was lucky to have such a kind man as his family.

I collect my Pokémon and head to the elevator, which will take me to the floor my room is on. I punch 3 onto the pad and feel my stomach shift as I shoot up towards my destination.

Once I arrive I find room 893; slide the key card down the reader by the knob and let myself in. The room is somewhat sprawling for a free stay. Large enough a team of 6 large Pokémon could be let out, still giving the trainer room to move and sleep.

At this note I click all of my Pokémon out of their balls and introduce them to Grubbin.

"This is our new partner, let's treat it well."

I pop open my Pokédex and give Grubbin a scan, "Grubbin the charge bug Pokémon; If you find its nest, you shouldn't stick your hand inside. You'll get bitten by an irritated Grubbin." Dexter pauses for a moment, "level 35, gender female, ability Swarm."

"So you're a girl! I croon, leaning in and snuggling her with my finger.

"Rrrub," she squeals, crawling up my arm and onto my shoulder.

I head to the shower and wash the filth of the Ferry ride, Tauros scramblings and the battle off of my tired skin. Too tired to wait for my hair to dry I braid it, letting out deep yawns the entire time.

When at last I was finished I lay in bed, staring up at the blinking light in the corner, indicating that the door was locked. I drifted into a deep sleep.

Shatterstream Shatterstream

I’m working to crank out at least a chapter a day. Comment and let me know what you like or don’t like. I enjoyed writing the battle scene for this one!

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