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Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Rollout attack?

After the whole ordeal had gone down with Butch and then Ethan, the hour had grown so late that Ethan had convinced Kai to stay at the Pokemon Centre overnight.

Thankfully, Ethan had also treated Kai to some food, meaning he was able to not only save some money but make some money after having won 1000PK$ from Butch.

Kai had bought his Pokemon more food for their journey and had been given his own room, being allowed to stay up to two nights free of charge thanks to his trainer ID, not that he planned on staying any longer than he had to.

Ethan had been given a separate room but told Kai that he would see him in the morning before they headed off on their adventure together. Something Ethan had also suggested since they were heading the same way toward Cherrygrove City.

Kai had kind of wanted to go solo in his adventure at the start, but he guessed it wouldn't hurt to have Ethan help him out along the way, after all, it would only be a few more days until they reached Cherrygrove, after that he would be alone again.

The next day arrived quickly once Kai shut his eyes, seeming to hit the pillow harder than he thought, now being sat at the table for breakfast in the dining area of the Pokemon centre.

"How did you sleep, Kai?" Ethan asked, having already finished his breakfast.

"Good thanks, and you?" Kai asked, watching as Ethan fed his Cyndaquil and Weedle, paying them extra attention this morning.

Kai had already fed his Pokemon and Sandshrew seemed rather tired so he had let it rest inside of its Pokeball for the time being.

"Yeah, I slept great. And now I'm ready to hit the road!" Ethan said as he flexed his arm.

"Good, me too." Kai also said, feeling keen to get on the move, having already wasted more time here than he would have liked.

With breakfast finally over the two of them set out, making sure they had everything they might need for the road ahead, being well prepared for the journey.

It was still early in the morning and the sun was beginning to shine bright through the tree line as Kai and Ethan made their way to a wooded area finally taking them to an opening that overlooked a large yet beautiful valley, filled with forest and mountains in the background.

"Wow just look at this place," Ethan said, taking in the sight as they stopped to rest for the first time in over an hour.

Kai also had to admit it looked beautiful, nothing but wild landscape for as far as the eye could see.

"Hey, I think I see a clearing down this way," Ethan said after a moment, climbing down a small rocky path that took them lower down the cliff.

"Hey look, I can see a waterfall from here!" Ethan said, pointing into the distance.

"That would be a great place to rest for a while," Ethan said, taking another step down.

Kai looked to where he was pointing before the sudden crack of the ground below caught his ear.

The footing under Ethan had given way, causing him to lose his footing and fall, being saved by the quick reaction speed of Kai as he grabbed his wrist with both hands.

"I've got you!" Kai yelled, using all of his strength to stop him from falling as Ethan dangled there for a moment.

Damn, this is so much harder than it looks in the movies! Kai thought, slowly pulling Ethan back onto the ledge.

"Woah... I thought that was game over there for a second." Ethan said as he wiped the sweat off of his head, taking a big breath as he leaned back against the wall to feel safe away from the edge.

"Me too," Kai said, trying to catch his breath too, having used a lot of energy to pull Ethan back up.

"Man, you saved my life, Kai," Ethan said, grabbing him by the shoulders as he looked him in the eye.

"Don't thank me yet, we still need to make it down without..."


"ARGHH!" Both Kai and Ethan yelled as the ledge they had been standing on suddenly gave way under the both of them, causing both of them to fall through the air.



Both Kai and Ethan seemed to fall through the trees, hitting a branch full of leaves that helped to soften their fall before finally landing on something soft and bouncing off onto the ground.

"Arghhhh... My head..." Ethan moaned, lying on his stomach with his legs over his head, feeling like he had been hit by a bus and had his spine twisted.

Kai had landed on his back and was also feeling rather dizzy as he slowly sat up to look around.

"Are we alive?" He asked, wondering how that fall hadn't killed them before he looked up.

"Yep... But not for long." Ethan suddenly said, pointing to the angry Donphan that was standing in front of them, scuffing its hoofs across the ground as it got ready to charge.

"Wait a second... Don't tell me we landed on that thing while it was sleeping?" Ethan said, seeming to remember landing on its belly while it was sleeping, saving their lives if only for another moment or two.

Kai slapped himself in the face, feeling lucky but at the same time cursing his luck too.

"Oh, crap... It's going to use rollout." Ethan said, looking worried.

"I guess we have no choice, go Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, throwing his Pokeball onto the ground.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew yelled as it was released, seeing the Donphan and taking a battle-ready position.

"Phan!" The Donphan roared, jumping into a ball before it rolled toward them at speed.

"Here it comes!" Ethan shouted.

"Donphan have powerful attack and defence, especially when they use rollout!" Ethan also shouted, giving Kai the heads up.

"Sandshrew, counter it with your own rollout!" Kai shouted, watching as Sandshrew tucked up into a ball and rolled toward the Donphan, clashing with it on the ground.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew yelled as it was knocked out of its attack by the Donphan, which blasted right through it with ease heading toward Kai and Ethan, seeming to make light work of Sandshrew.

"Look out!" Ethan yelled jumping out of the way, with Kai following suit, diving onto the ground as the Donphan rolled passed them before it started making its way around for another go.

We need to stop it from being able to roll at us... Kai thought, picking himself up and running toward one of the trees in front of him.

"Come and hit me if you can, you stupid Pokemon!" Kai yelled, getting Donphan's attention as it headed toward him, picking up more and more speed as it did to chase him.

"Kai, what the hell are you doing, get out of the way!" Ethan yelled, terrified he was going to be killed.

Just a little more... Kai said to himself, as he ran and skidded to a halt waiting until the absolute last second before he divided out of the way.

"Now!" He yelled, getting his Sandshrew's attention who had also been worried for him.

"Sandshrew use sandattack!" Kai yelled as he hit the ground.

Donphan had rolled right into the tree trunk, hitting it hard as it crashed, hurting itself in the process getting stunned from the hit thanks to the solid tree trunk taking the attack.

Sandshrew was then able to take advantage of the Donphan not being curled up any longer and tossed a sand attack right into its face, blinding it.

"Time to go for the attack, Sandshrew use rapid spin!" Kai yelled getting Sandshrew to hit the Donphan in the face with its hard shell, knocking it back as it tried to clear the dirt that was in its eyes.

"This is my chance, you're mine Donphan!" Kai yelled, throwing a Pokeball at it in hopes he could catch it.

However, Donphan was having none of it and used its trunk to bat the Pokeball away, knocking it to the ground.

"No way, this Donphan is strong!" Ethan yelled, watching from the sidelines before he picked the Pokeball back up for Kai.

"Lookout, it's using rollout again!" He then shouted, climbing to a safe vantage point up a small cliff.

"I can see that!" Kai yelled, jumping and rolling out of the way of another attack.

"Sandshrew we need to do something to stop this thing in its track," Kai said, hoping that maybe Sandshrew had an idea.

Sandshrew looked at Kai and then back to the Donphan, forming a hardy expression before it charged in at the Donphan, only to get blasted out of the way again by the juggernaut like Pokemon.

"Sandshrew no!" Kai yelled, watching as Sandshrew flew into the air from the attack.

However, Sandshrew flipped around mid-air before it started twirling in the air, seeming to free fall with grace.

"What's it doing?" Kai said, not having seen this before.

Ethan pulled out his Pokedex, scanning Sandshrew while it fell in the air trying to get a read on what was happening.

"Magnitude... A ground-shaking quake affecting every Pokemon in battle. Its power varies depending on the user." The Pokedex said, analyzing the move that Sandshrew was using.

"No way, it learned a new move in the middle of battle!" Ethan yelled.

Kai and Ethan watched as Sandshrew forced its paw into the ground, using its arm to stand upright before the very ground it touched started to shake, uprooting the earth and causing what seemed like a mini earthquake.

"Wow!" Kai yelled, losing his balance and falling over as rocks burst up from the ground trapping the Donphan and doing massive damage, putting a stop to its rollout attack.

"Sandshrew, you did it!" Kai yelled, seeing that it had been able to change the very terrain around them, trapping the Donphan.

"Phan!" Donphan roared, trying to get free from two chunks of earth that it had been wedged in between, kicking its front legs around and using its trunk to try to free itself.

"Time for us to finish this, Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, getting pumped that he and Sandshrew were about to take the victory with one final attack.

"Hey, stop what you are doing right now!" A voice yelled, coming from behind Kai and Ethan, grabbing their attention away from the battle.

Kai turned around to see a girl with green hair with an orange headband on.

"Stop attacking my Donphan!" She yelled again, rushing over toward it as she extended her arms standing in front of it, stopping Kai's Sandshrew from attacking.

"Wait this is your Pokemon?" Kai asked, feeling confused.

"That's right, why are you attacking it, are you Pokemon thieves!" She shouted, clearly on edge.

"Hey calm down will ya, this is all just a big misunderstanding," Ethan said, slowly climbing down from where he had been hiding.

The girl looked at Ethan and then back to Kai, not so keen to believe them right away.

"That's right, we actually fell off that cliff there and disturbed your Donphan before it attacked us, so this is actually kind of our fault," Ethan said, waving his hands in surrender.

The girl lowered her guard a little before she turned around to check on her Pokemon, seeing if it was alright.

"Is that true Donphan?

"Phan phan!" It said, blowing its trunk as she helped it free of the rocks.

"Hey let us help you out, after all this is all just a misunderstanding," Ethan said again, helping to shift some of the rocks that had trapped the Donphan.

Kai also walked over to the girl watching as they freed the Pokemon.

"Yeah, sorry about all this," Kai said, flashing a small smile her way, trying to ease the situation.

"It's ok... I can see you two are just Pokemon trainers simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." She said, feeling more at ease now this had been sorted out.

"Why did you think we were Pokemon thieves?" Ethan asked out of the blue, not being able to help wonder.

The girl looked at them and then back to her Donphan before she sighed and placed her hand on its head.

"The truth is, is that my Donphan here in the valley can sniff out a rare and expensive gemstone called amber. Some Pokemon poachers got word of this and have been snooping around the area." She said, looking at the ground with a worried expression.

"No way!" Ethan said, getting mad at the sound of it.

"I'm afraid so. Because of this, I have had to be extra careful while digging to make sure that none of these thieves try to steal one of my Pokemon.

"Have you reported this to the police?" Ethan asked.

"Yes... I spoke to Officer Jenny not two days ago, but it turns out they are dealing with something else at the moment and told me to ring back if anything else happens."

"No way..." Ethan said, not liking what he was hearing.

"There she is!" Another voice suddenly yelled, getting all of the group's attention.

"Who's there!" The girl yelled, looking up to see who it was.

"Don't do anything stupid and hand over the Donphan!" The voice yelled, revealing themselves as they stepped into the light.

"Oh no, it's one of the poachers!" The girl yelled.

Kai looked at the man seeing that he was dressed in black clothing, looking familiar to him before it clicked who it was.

"Butch!" Kai yelled, remembering him from their battle the other day.

"No way, it's that guy!" Ethan also yelled.

Suddenly his two friends stepped out of the trees below the cliff he was standing on, each of them holding a Pokeball in their hand as they were trying to intimidate Kai and the others by surrounding them.

"This isn't good, we are surrounded..." Kai said, seeing no way out of this other than to battle.

"We won't let you steal these Pokemon!" Ethan also yelled, taking his Pokeball to hand, getting ready for a battle too.

"Stay back, we will handle this," Kai said, getting ready with his Sandshrew in hand.

"You ready for another round Sandshrew?"


"Good, let's teach this guy another lesson!"


That's the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and please drop a review if you are enjoying the story!

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