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Chapter 7: Chapter 7

We stood there observing the other, trying to see who would start their move first. I was the first to move.

"Riolu, use agility as many times as you can before he moves into range." I ordered and a pinkish aura surrounded riolu. Brock wasnt far behind.

"Geodude, use rollout."

Geodude pulled his arms in and emulated a boulder and started to spin as he neared riolu.

"Now riolu, jump up and use cross chop." I commanded.

Riolu jumped into the air as geodude appeared where riolu previously stood before stopping to look for his opponent. While in the air, riolu put his arms in an X-shape before a brown aura engulfed them. He then positioned himself as to fall head first with his arms in front of him before starting to fall back down. Brock saw this and made his move.

"Geodude. Curl up and roll away from that position."

Geodude quickly followed his orders and rolled away behind one of the boulders that made up the field. Soon after riolu was about to impact the ground but seeing that geodude had left that spot, shifted his body so that he landed on his feet again.

"Riolu, jump to the high ground and wait for geodude to show himself." I ordered and riolu immediatly jumped on top of one of the rocks. Not long after Brock gave another command.

"Geodude now! Use rock smash."

Geodude came nearly flying from behind the rock and quickly approached the boulder that riolu was situated on before his fists started glowing and he impacted the stone. Riolu managed to jump up before impact at the last second.

"Riolu, now. Use metal claw."

Before Brock was able to issue a command, geodude was hit point-blank range with metal claw causing major damage to the rock pokemon. Riolu quickly jumped back to stand in front of me again. Brock looked concerned for his pokemon and asked.

"Geodude, are you able to continue?"

"Geo, geo, Geodude!" He struggled to get up, but managing he cried out with vigor. This action caused Brock to sigh with relief.

"You got a stubborn one there Brock." I told him, to which he just laughed a bit.

"You have no idea how resilient rock pokemon can be."

"Maybe not, but I can recognise a fighter when I see one. Lets continue this, riolu use quick attack followed by metal claw."

Riplu was enveloped by a white energy as he started to sprint around the stationary rock pokemon before he dashed straight towards it with a metallic glow around his hands, extending to form a pair of shining claws. He arrived in front of geodude at high speeds only possible by stacking agility and quick attack. While extending the claws to hit the geodude, a command came from the opponent.

"Geodude, use defence curl and endure the attack as best you can."

Geodude, hearing this rolled up while an illusionary blue ball was shown around it, indicating that he had used defence curl successfully. Rioly finally arrived and struck out with his attack, hitting geodude with every ounce of energy that he could spare. The attack connected creating a small shockwave that pushed up a small dustcloud covering the two pokemon.



Both Brock and I exclaimed at the same time. We stood there waiting for a few seconds before the dustcloud started to disperse revealing riolu standing over a fallen geodude. Brock sighed at this and pulled out a pokeball before returning his pokemon.

"You did good my friend." He said as he held the pokeball up to his face.

"Good job riolu. You got enough energy for another one, or do you want a small break?" I asked the victorious pokemon.

"Riolu." Riolu said as he walked back to my side indicating that he wanted to give a chance to another one on our team.

"Okay then riolu." I said as I pulled out a pokeball from the small belt that hung around my waist.

"You ready for round two?" I asked Brock.

"Sure am, but are you?" We grinned at eachother before we both threw out our pokeballs, both releasing the light that soon formed into our respective pokemon.

On my side appeared a yellow lizard pokemon with a flaming tail, charmander cried out.


While on the opponents side appeared a long snake made of rocks with a horn on its head.

"Awooooo!" It cried out.

"A yellow charmander? Thats a first." Brock commented.

"An Onix huh? This will be interesting."

Both pokemon stared down eachother, onix with a bit more arrogance seeing as charmander was so much smaller than itself.

"Well then charmander. It seems that the onix is looking down on us, what do we say to that?" I asked with a grin. I knew that charmanders evolution line had the pride of a dragon, even though they werent actually from the dragon types, but seeing someone look down on them is enough to rile them up.

"Chaaarrr!!" Charmander called out in enough anger to make his flaming tail go from a small fire into what some would consider a bonfire.

Brock seeing the actions of his onix couldnt help but facepalm.

"Onix, we talked about this. We dont look down on our opponents." He said in exhaustion.

Onix just looked offended at his trainers words and looked back at Brock. I took this opportunity to initiate an attack.

"Charmander, now, while he is distracted. Run to it and climb it." I called out.

Charmander ran forward while the onix was distracted with Brock. When onix finally looked back at where he last saw charmander, he was stumped seeing nothing there. He soon noticed charmander climbing along his back, but a bit too late.

"Charmander, use our combo move, draconic iron tail."

Draconic iron tail is a move that combines dragon and iron tail, enveloping the tail in both steel and dragon type energy. We started working on it when we enetered viridian forest after a training session when I noticed that charmander had an inherently easy time learning to control his different energies.

Hearing my command, charmander quickly enveloped his tail in the energies that would allow for him to perform the move. He jumped up, arriving at onix` head and spun in the air. After spinning, gaining enough momentum, he slammed his tail onto the head of the rocky behemoth causing it to shriek in pain and falling down. Charmander easily landed and jumped back in case onix got back up, which he soon did, though now with visible injuries.

"Onix, you good?"

"Awooo!" was the only answer Brock recieved as onix looked at charmander with an angered expression.

Charmander just stared back defiantly, not moving an inch. Brock took this moment to initiate an attack.

"Onix, use bind."

Onix rushed forward attempting to coil himself around the smalle pokemon, but charmander jumped up, arriving in front of onix` face.

"Now, iron tail to finish this." I called.

"No onix!"

Brock exclaimed when he saw charmanders tail light up with a metallic glow and spun around, hitting onix in the face while spinning, and landing on the ground while panting a bit. Onix soon landed on the ground creating a cloud of dust. When the cloud finally dispersed, onix could be seen with his head down, unconcious. Brock sighed at this, considering that he didnt make my pokemon take any damage.

"Sigh. I guess you won there." He chuckled a bit to himself.

"Guess so." I said as I knelt down to my two pokemon and started patting them on the head. However, as I was patting them riolu started to glow. I stepped back and watched with charmander as riolus figure started to grow. Once the glowing started to fade a new pokemon could be seen standing there, riolu had turned into Lucario.

It is similar in appearance to Riolu, Lucario has some notable differences, such as having redder eyes. Its fore-paws are black and it has large pointed spikes in place of the oval shaped bumps on Riolu. There is also a third spike protruding in the middle of its chest. Lucario's ears and muzzle are longer in comparison to Riolu but it retains the black "mask" and red eyes. The "mask" also has an added upper stripe. It also has four black sensory bundles on the back of its head opposed to Riolu, who only had two and were previously located on the side of its head. Additionally, Lucario's torso is covered in yellow fur with thicker patches on the collar. When its mouth is open, four large canine teeth, two on the top and two on the bottom, can be seen.

"Lucario, you evolved. Congratulations." I said with happiness visible on my face.

Carmander too seemed extatic about the prospect of evolution. Lucario took a look at himself, turning around and flexing his arms to get a feel for them.

"Grawooo." Lucario cried out.

Brock came walking towards us with a smile of his own.

"Well congratulations to you guys, both for winning and for the evolution." Brock said as he held out his hand for a handshake, which I accepted.

"Thanks Brock."

"No worries, though now I think you will be mad at me." He said sheepishly.

"Huh, why?" I asked with a tilted head.

"Well, it was in a battle against me that your riolu evolved....."

"And whats wrong with that?" Before Brock could answer, Lucario patted me on the shoulder to which I responded by looking at him, only to see him snicker at something. It wasnt until he measured my height and his that I got it.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" To which both Brock and my pokemon burst out laughing.

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