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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Let's Go, Eevee!

Six years later

After finally getting the ok from Professor Oak, Nathan can start his travel to participate in the League. It took him only two years for perfecting his recipe but he stayed another four years because he had so much fun with the research and helping taking care of the pokemon in the laboratory. Also Prof Oak really liked having Nathan as his assistant so he gave him some task which could take several month to finish.That's why he decided to not asked Nathan to help him during his travel. During those six years, Naia evolved in a Espeon and Sîn into a shiny Umbreon, for Naia it happened when Nathan and the Professor had gone to fish a little while taking a break on their research. Naia while playing with her brother suddenly shined and after ten seconds an Espeon was in her place. Her brother got a little depressed because he thought he would be the first to evolve. Sîn got his names because he always looked at the moon and Naia because she liked to play in water. But Sîn evolved the same night. After that Gary who learned about that asked to see them. He was awed by them and said he too will have a Eevee.

The morning of his departure, his mother was really worried, after all who wouldn't be if all his or her children will go on a journey to participate in the Pokemon League.

"Come on Big Bro let's go, we will be late !!" said Nathan's sister Maria. She has long straight auburn hair with pale lilac eyes and stood at 4,5 feet. She really look like her mother, she will surely be a real beauty in the future.

"Don't be so hyped Sis."reprimanded Noah the youngest of the siblings trio. He has black messy hair with light purple eyes and was also 4,5 feet tall.

"Yeah, Yeah comin, wait a sec. Come on Sîn give me back my shirt."answered Nathan while wrestling with his Umbreon.

"espeee" when suddenly Naia struck the head of her brother causing him to let go of Nathan's shirt which was then packed in his bag.

"Thanks Naia, now let's go to the Lab." said Nathan while rubbing Naia's head who closed her eyes in delight.

When they got at the door ready to leave their mother asked them in a worried and overprotective tone.

"You got all you stuff in your bags right, what about handkerchief, underwear, clothes, sleeping bag?"

"Don't worry Mom, I have checked their bag and they are ready. everything will be ok."smiled Nathan while reassuring his mother who took her three children in a tight hug.

"Ok, go and make me and your father proud of you."

"Yeah!!!" answered the three.

After five minutes of walking they were finally in front of the Laboratory and entered inside until a room in the back.

"Oh you are here, well it's time to start."said Prof Oak.

"Today you four will start your journey in the world and become accomplished Pokemon Trainer. But before that you need to choose your starter. There is three pokemon in front of you, you can choose from. On the left is the seed pokemon Bulbasaur, in the middle is the lizard pokemon Charmander and on the right is the tiny turtle pokemon Squirtle. So who is first ?"

"Me, me, me !!!" Maria came forward while raising her hand.

"Humm, I will choose Bulbasaur. Hey there cutie how about becoming my partner ?"

"Bulba bulbasaurrr."answered Bulbasaur taking a step in Maria's direction.

"Do you want to chose now or after me Gary ?"asked Noah

"Go first, i don't really care who you chose."answered Gary while snorting.

Noah walked to the table and looked at the two pokemon and after thinking for a while, he chose Charmander and said.

"Yo, buddy let's go explore the world together and discover tons of new things."


"Now that you three have your pokemon let's get you your Pokedex and pokeballs so you can start your travel."said Oak clapping his hand in front of him to gain the attention of everybody.

"The Pokedex will serve as an encyclopedia about pokemons as well as your Pokemon Trainer ID so don't lose it ok."

After getting their Pokedex and filling their ID, Maria, Noah and Gary prepared to leave and Nathan was looking for Daisy to speak a little bit with her, after all he won't be coming back soon. He finally found her at the entrance where she was speaking with her cousin Blue who just came back from his trip in Johto.

"Hey Daisy. Good to catch you before I left."said Nathan, making his way toward them.

"Nathan, you finished everything with Grandpa ?"asked Daisy happy to see him before he start his conquest of the Gyms.

"Oh so you are Nathan, I heard about you from Daisy and the Old man." told Blue as he extended his hand toward Nathan.

"Yep that's me, I'm sure your hearded how awesome I am. Ahahahah. and you are Blue who just came back from Johto, right ?" he said taking and shaking hand with Blue.

"Yeah, That idiot Red asked me to go with him but he stayed there because he wanted to go to Mt. Silver."

"Really, but what about Leaf ?" asked Daisy about her friend.

"She has gone to Hoenn to train as a Coordinator, she said it's better to train where it's originating from. And after that she will go around the world to participate in contests." grumbled Blue about his girlfriend.

"She didn't told me about that." pouted Daisy but cheered a little whan Nathan patted her head.

Seeing this Blue said " i gotta tell the Old man I'm back see ya later cousin."

"So you wanted to speak with me ?" asked the young woman.

"Yes, since I will be gone for a long time I wanted to spend some time with you. You don't want to ?" teasingly said Nathan.

"No !! Humm, yes i wanted to spend time with you before you go." responded Daisy getting a tint of red on her cheeks while her voice became more and more faint.

They spend twenty minutes idly chatting when Ash rush inside the Laboratory in his pajamas.

"I should get going, take care Daisy." said Nathan

"You too, take care." she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before rushing to her home completely red from ear to ear.

As he exited the building Nathan saw Gary showing off his Squirtle to the crowd. Passing them Nathan let Sîn and Naia out of their pokeball and started going toward Route 1 where he wanted to catch some pokemon.

After walking for one hour Nathan came across a group of Spearow led by a Fearow larger than average. Looking closely he could make out the shape of a Pidgey on the ground being harassed by them. Running toward them Nathan told his two pokemon.

"Naia, Sîn use Swift"

Executing the command of their trainer, the two sent a powerful Swift taking out more than half of the group. Finally recognising them as enemies Fearow attacked them with a Drill Peck which Sîn and Naia dodged and used a double quick attack to send him flying in the trees, seeing their leader defeated the spearow ran away. Arriving near the Pidgey, Nathan looked at him and saw he was hurt at his wing and really weak.

"Don't worry, I'll bandage your wing but first take this."said Nathan in a soothing voice while taking an Oran Berry from his bag and giving it to the little pokemon.

Pidgey looked in the eyes of this Human, he saw for the first time and saw the sincere care he had for him and took the berry and ate it feeling a little bit better.

Nathan seeing pidgey not rejecting him, took out bandage and started to wrapped Pidgey's wing.

"Now we just have to take you to the pokemon center and have them heal you. Want to come us ?"asked Nathan while presenting a pokeball to Pidgey.

Pidgey seeing how strong the two pokemon by his side, decided to follow him if he could make him stronger than those Spearow, he will follow him. Getting closer to the pokeball and placing his head against the button in the center Pidgey was then surrounded by red light and got caught after only one shake from the ball.

After that, Nathan continued his travel and arrived at Viridian City a little before noon. He decided to directly go to the pokemon center to get Pidgey treated for his wing, giving to Nurse Joy and explained what happened, Nathan decided to go to the park and enjoy his lunch near the lake.

"Humm nice weather to eat here. What do you think you two ?"asked Nathan and turned around to see Sîn and Naia running to the water and play there.

Shaking his head a them he came closer to the edge and sat there, taking out his food and his pokemon's. After a while the pokemon duo came back and started to wolf down their food, when suddenly a spray of water it the face of Nathan who was going to take a bite. Looking back at the lake he could see a Horsea looking back at him.

"What, you want some ?" he said while presenting some food for pokemon.

The Horsea happily came closer and ate some. When they had finished Nathan got up and after tidying got ready to leave as he turned around to go back to the Pokemon Center another spray of water hit the back of his head, looking back at the culprit he saw the Horsea looking at him like he was saying 'Take me with you, you Dumbass'.

"You want to come with us ?" asked Nathan while taking out a pokeball.

"Seeaaa" nodded the Horsea touching and entering the ball, getting caught

"Well I didn't think i would get a pokemon here. Let's go check on Pidgey."

Returning to the Pokemon Center, got directly in front of Nurse Joy and asked her about his Pidgey. She said that thanks to him Pidgey's wing didn't get hurt too much and he was completely healed and ready to continue to travel, giving him back at the same time. After thanking her and asking her where he could get some supplies for his pokemon, Nathan strolled a bit in the street. Once he had all the supplies he was missing Nathan made his way toward Pewter City where his first step toward the League was but first he had to cross the Viridian Forest and it was easy to be lost inside maybe it will take him three to four days to cross.

Exiting the city, Nathan followed the road and from time to time he could see some wild pokemon running in the bush. He came across another Trainer two hours after leaving Viridian City, the trainer asked him for a battle which Nathan easily accepted because he wanted to see how powerful his two new companions were.

'Sys, can you show me the stat of my new pokemon please.'

'Certainly Host'


Name: Pidgey

Level: 12

Sex: Male

State: Healthy

Move: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Peck

Name: Horsea


Sex: Male

State: Healthy

Move: Bubble, Smokescreen, Water Gun, Ice Beam, Leer

'Humm, not bad'

"It will be a two versus two." said the random Trainer.

"Ok, I will go first then. Come out Pidgey."answered Nathan sending out Pidgey for their first battle together.

"Go Rattata, use Quick Attack."

"Pidgey dodge and use Sand Attack followed by Peck."

"No Rattata, quick use Bite when he come close to you."

"Don't let him do it Pidgey."

Dodging barely the Bite of Rattata, Pidgey used multiple Peck on his head.

"Now finish this with a Gust."

Using Gust he sent Rattata flying in a tree knocking him out. Seeing how he has beaten easily another pokemon Pidgey was really happy. Nathan then called him back to congratulate him.

"Good job there buddy. You can rest a bit."

"Now Horsea it's your turn." he said while sending Horsea's pokeball in the air.

"Guhh, I'm counting on you Caterpie. Use String Shot"

"Horsea hop on the side on use Bubble".

Doing as he was told Horsea jumped on the left and let out a powerful Bubble sending Caterpie flying 2 meters back.

"Use Tackle Caterpie and when you're near enough string shot again."

"Don't let him come close to you, use Smokescreen and then finish it with Water Gun"

Turning on himself Horsea used Smokescreen to make his opponent lost sight of him and jump toward the right where he used Water Gun on Caterpie making him faint.

"Nice, good job Horsea, that was great."said Nathan as he lifted Horsea in his arm and hugging him then calling him back in his pokeball.

"That was a good fight, thanks" he said, presenting his ID which also serve as a credit card, and after shaking hand with the Random Trainer, Nathan resumed his travel to Viridian Forest arriving a bit before sunset at the border. While making camp for the night he had Sîn and Naia gather some wood to make a fire. After eating their fill he returned Pidgey and Horsea to their pokeball and went to bed in his tent. In the middle of the night a small form moved from the bushed and came to Nathan's tent to see if there is some food. It found some and after eating entered the tent and the sleeping bag of Nathan cuddling against his stomach.

Ragnarock Ragnarock

Sorry I'm late, it took more time than I thought.

From now on I will write one chapter per day and from time to time if I'm inspired I will post two

Now let's see if you can guess which pokemon entered Nathan's sleeping bag

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