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Chapter 21: Professor Rowan (21)

Stopping by the fifth house consecutively, my grin widens seeing Dawn walk up to the random house and guess that it was Professor Rowan's Lab.

"So, you think that you've found his lab yet?" I say stifling my laughter after seeing her down trodden face at being lost.

"But I checked the map." She said in a pitiful voice.

"It was side ways Dawn." I replied about to lose it.

"But that doesn't matter if I know where I am." She immediately replied after checking the map again. She was looking at it upside down this time with an even more confused look.

"Do you know where we are?" I ask laughing my ass off. Dawn looking back at the map starts to accept the situation and just shuts up. Looking at her I apologise and start to lead her towards the lab. I didn't want her to be too salty on the journey. Wouldn't want her having a mood swing every few hours as that would be testing my mental limits. I may be a psychic but a woman on a constant mood swing is too much, even for me.

It took us a few more minutes to back track towards one of the streets we went by before. On the way to the lab we stumbled upon a man with white hair and a brown cloak.

Realising who this is, I call out his name.

"Professor Rowan!" I call out as I was right behind him. Making a stop at his side Dawn does the same right after me with a confused look.

"Why hello there young man, I'm guessing you're a new trainer?" He asks me as he stares at my post card. Hearing him, I nod my head. Dawn hearing his words quickly nods as well.

"We were both on our ways to your lab sir." I tell him.

"You guys may as well follow me to my lab." He says while leading us to a street Dawn has passed at least four times before this.

"Wait it was here?" Dawn says a little frustrated knowing that the one street she thought didn't have the lab, did.

Ignoring the murmuring Dawn, I hopped off my bike and walked side by side with Professor Rowan. Dawn soon after gets down from her bike as well.

"I've heard a lot about the both of you guys. One has a good potential for being a coordinator and another for battling." He says trying to start some small talk.

"Hopefully only good things you've heard about me, I plan on winning the Coronation World Cup in the future." I respond with a smile. Rowan hearing my words widens his eyes in surprise for just a moment, Dawn not paying attention doesn't notice this.

"Why not become the champion?" He asks curiously. Hearing this I start to frown inwardly but stay the same on the outside. The whole Champion position just seems like a restricting job more than anything. Theres no way I'm tying myself to a single region and need to monitor the place constantly without many breaks.

Seems more counter productive to become a champion in the first place. I would rather just win the Coronation Cup and be titled the "Strongest" trainer in the world.

"Becoming the Champion isn't big enough for me." I tell Rowan with a smug smirk. The Professor chuckling at my response starts to question Dawn a little.

"How about you Dawn, to become the number one coordinator?" He asks a similar question to mine. Dawn hearing this loses her grumpy look and starts to get an extra hop to her step.

"Yes, that's the goal." She says cheerfully. Rowan and Dawn chatted for a bit while I was on my smartphone just playing my Flappy Pidgey like before, and after a while we finally made it to Professor Rowan's Lab.

"This place looks neat!" Dawn says in joy at finally arriving at the lab.

"Neat?" I retort.

After that little chat, we made our way through the little pavement and entered the lab. Now inside the Lab, we were greeted to the scene of everything being a mess with a broken window near the top of the Lab.

"We need to fix this before Professor Rowan gets back!" I hear an assistant shout in resignation. Professor Rowan getting a confused look, walks up to his assistants.

"He's already here!" Another assistant shouts in panick.

"Yes, this is my lab isn't it?" He says making the all of the assistants flustered.

"Yes Professor!" They say in a salute.

"So can you tell me what happened here?" Professor Rowan asks as he sighs at the sight of his damaged laboratory.

"We had a slight problem with the Chinchar and Piplup that was meant to be given to the new trainers." One of them said nervously. Rowan now in a little predicament can now only send out one of his own Pokemon to retreive.

"I mean we still have Turtwig." Another one chimes in trying to lighten the mood. Those words not really helping the situation, make Rowan look at the a Turtwig with an intimidating face making the poor thing scared.

"We should go find them Dawn, I'll search for Chimchar while you find Piplup." I suggest. Dawn hearing immediately agrees as she doesn't want a Pokemon that could be her future partner to get hurt.

"Are you guys sure?" Professor Rowan asks us a little unsure about this.

"It's fine sir we got this." I reassure the Professor. Telling Dawn to head out first, I wait a little bit before heading out.

"Are you gonna send you ghost friend to protect Dawn?" I hear Professor Rowan ask me. My face getting a surprised look, turns around to see Rowan showing a lax face. "You don't need to worry, I'm not looking for any trouble. My assistants are already enough. But to have a Pokemon that is that disciplined with its strength, you must be quite talented like they all say." He says earnestly. Turning back towards my bicycle, I respond.

"He's my ace." I respond without any further explanation as I hop on my bicycle and start to peddle my way towards Dawn.


[A/N: Ty for 1k favourite boys!]

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