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Chapter 6: Ill tempered pokemon's wrath

Well, folks. Once again your host the one in a trillion trainer ,Luix am here. You all there might be wondering how many days has passed since the training started and the correct answer to that question is a total of

*drum starts rolling

a total of 9 days. Yes, you all have heard it correctly. Only nine days has passed since that training started. You might be dissapointed right? cause usually a protagonist that starts training in the wild will only show his face after a year or so but I'm sorry to be the bearer of the sad news that I am not that hard working type. Well coming onto the topic, you all might be curious as how the two have been doing right now (but you don't have to worried about that glutton). and the answer to that curiosity is *a little gaping* is they are doing fantastic. Snivy has successfully learned rest , leaf tornado and is currently learning leech seed. Isn't that very great? He is the strongest among my two pokemon and might continue growing into my powerhouse. On the other hand, the Pigdove also has learned some great move such as detect, air slash, razor wind, feather dance and is currently learning swagger and taunt. The glutton really has some great moves there don't you also think so? Due to him learning that great amount of move and the intense training has made him a little conceited but snivy always keeps him in track. Oh I almost forgot to tell you that they both have grown in size and controlling ability too.

You also might be thinking how did a pokemon learn so many move and has grown so much in size too right? Don't worry it's all the author's hand in making me look Op as much as possible. It is also due to my own ability of training them properly like a great trainer. Oh, we are sidetracking now so coming onto the topic I'm currently in a pinch. Like really really big pinch.

The two pokemon that I have are currently in a heated battle. But it's not the battle that I'm worried about but the result after the battle is what really worried me. You also might be wondering how they got into this battle right? Well it all happened due to glutton and his appetite. I had originally given them some pokefoods and berries to eat during lunch which they happily started eating but the problem came afterwards, the pidove quickly finished his large portion of food and started eyeing the food of snivy too. Snivy knowing that the pidove was eyeing his food made a plan on making pidove regret his decision so he quietly put the seed of leech in his bowl. So frightening right!

After that you al might have known the story, the pidove stole snivy's bowl and started eating it The leech seed when contact with his body started growing rapidly and absorbing his energy. Snivy aren't you quite a frightening pokemon. When did I ever teach you to be so devious , snivy Ah!! Will He do The Same To Me too? *peeks at snivy.

Well leaving aside the melodrama, I am thankful that Pidove didn't actually swallow the seed. It will have been really bad situation if that actually had happened.!! The two surely are gonna battle till one side gets knocked which I don't really want happening. I currently also have depleted my supply of the medicinal plant and the pokemon center is nowhere near too! So, I have to stop them before any dangerous situation occurs.

"You two stop fighting with each other immediately" but to his shock they both ignored them.

"If you two won't stop this battle then for three days only training without any refill in the lunch too!" when Luix said that Pidove immediately turned his head to face towards his trainer. It's expression said that it's too unfair. But snivy ignored him and was currently readying his move.

"Snivy stop the battle immediately, you know that you are my starter and as my first pokemon you must always know when to stop and when to start a battle. If you two face each other head on, you both have 50% chance of losing to each other and getting heavily injured too. So, stop the battle now" shouted Luix in his as much high as possible voice.

After that speech snivy immediately backed down. He didn't wanted to disappoint his trainer with his hasty decision.

But that speech didn't just attract snivy's attention but also attracted the surrounding pokemons rage. And in that horde was a strange pokemon on his four feet with some strange black and white stripes. Luix immediately checked it in his pokemon,

"Zebstrika, the thunderbolt pokemon. This ill-tempered Pokémon is dangerous because when it's angry, it shoots lightning from its mane in all directions. This zebstrika has the motor drive ability and has learned: Charge, quick attack, tail whip, thunder wave and shock wave."

Luix immediately started running urging his pokemons too to run after checking the pokemon. Even the pokedex said that it is an ill tempered pokemon. He might have been angered by my shouting if he is here then.

Luix didn't even give a single thought on catching this pokemon as ill tempered pokemon really scared him. In his childhood an ill tempered pokemon left a deep scar in his soft and tender heart which he still remembers.

*Flashback when he was just 6

One day his father had came home late with a strange pokeball in his hand. This pokeball contained a pokemon that his father himself had to treat properly. If this pokemon was left to others in the hospital surely there would have had been a chaos in the hospital. The day after that day father took out the pokemon, It was a green coloured monkey like pokemon with a strange looking leaf growing on it's head which made it look like a delinquent. I immediately went to greet it but was met with indifference so I started throwing tantrum which made it slightly angry so it used a move called scary face. It was such an scary experience which made my body immobile for that day. After that day I started hating that Pokemon called simisage and fearing the ill tempered pokemons fearing their wrath

*the end of our Luix's very sad flashback

Well our Luix seemed to be scared of ill tempered pokemon which was really unexpected. Will our hero get out of this predicament of the ill tempered pokemon. To continue to join the pieces of Luix's past and future memories tune in till then.



Here is the second one. The third one is also coming around after 3 or 5 hours. Till then see ya.

And also ill tempered pokemon means easily angered pokemon

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