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Chapter 75: Marry Me?

Olivia grumbled, her green hair flowing in the wind as she observed the clouds. They were white without a trace of water in them.

They looked almost fluffy…

Olivia sighed, She wore a brilliant green jacket and black trousers. The clothes highlighted her beauty very much and she liked them.

But she had one problem… Red never looked at her.

Sure, He did make some small glances her way when they were heading to Pewter but after the gym battle, Something clicked… He had changed. 

She thought it was perhaps a different perspective of life after the gym battle because most trainers had that after fighting the first gym- But it was no perspective, He had changed completely.

From a young age, She had learned to read people and their emotions but Red… Right now, She couldn't read him at all. They were supposed to be the same age, right? Why did he feel older?

There was nothing she could do now apart from going on her mission, Purchasing Pokemon food…

The moon illuminated the night sky as Red stared anxiously at the clock on his Pokedex, The only other sounds that could be heard from his room were the sounds of the anime that Hannah was immersing herself in.

The sounds of Ash's iconic idiotic voice filled Red's ears as he let out a small sigh. He wasn't really an Ash hater but the decisions he made along the line was just… delusional?

Yeah, that was the word.

'And you know the funny thing about it, Some say he came from Red's balls,' Red thought.

The alarm suddenly rung, sending Red spiraling out of his thoughts about Ash Ketchum.

"I have to leave, Hannah. Be right back," Red said and bolted out, waving her goodbye.

Hannah smiled at Red and waved him off, unaware that he was leaving to meet Joy.

Joy sat on her desk, her eyes bouncing from the ceiling to the desk as she waited.

A small crashing sound resounded from the stairs and Red landed on his butt with a plop.

He just went down three flights of stairs!

"Sorry I'm late," He said with a puff.

"No worries, It's only 7: 31," Joy said, "So I guess we're going to my room then?"

No matter how stoic her expression looked right now, Joy was trying very hard not to turn into a blushing mess.

"Yeah," Red said.

He had always wondered where Nurse Joy slept… because she always seemed to be in the Pokemon every day and every time.

Before he woke up, Even if it was early in the morning at 3, She was at the counter- He wanted to know where she stayed.

She gave a small tap to the wall behind the desk and it slid open, revealing a pink door.

"Let's go then," Joy said and giggled seeing Red's gaping expression.

He hadn't truly expected there to be… you know, A door behind the counter. Joy pushed open the door and went through while Red climbed over the counter and entered the room.

Her room was amazingly large, Even larger than his room back in Pallet town and to be honest, He had a big room!

There was a whole corner with Kitchen facilities, A gas cooker, pots… You name it and in the other corner had a huge fluffy bed with Chansey designs. 

There were other stuff but Red was honest about one thing, This was like an apartment back in his world.

There was also a table and two chairs which Joy motioned him to take a seat on.

He gladly took his seat and Joy went to the gas cooker, putting some water in a Kettle to boil.

"Coffee or Tea?" She asked.

"I'll have anything you give me," Red replied.

Joy smiled a bit and lowered her head before ultimately deciding to serve tea for him.

She hummed as she got the hot tea prepared and poured it into two cups, steam rising from the cups. She took four cubes of sugar from a small cupboard and put them in the cups before bringing them to the table.

"So what do you want to know?" Joy asked, "About the Joy clan, that is,"

"Well," Red said, taking a cup of coffee and looking into Joy's face, admiring her deep piercing blue eyes.

"Well?" Joy asked, clearly a bit impatient to begin answering his questions.

"How does one get a Chansey?" Red asked and Joy smiled.

"That's a common question," Joy said, "And the answers are really simple, There are only two ways to get a Chansey… One, You have to be born into the Joy family or Two, You have to marry someone from the Joy clan,"

"Huh? There isn't some special permission option?" Red asked.

"No," Joy replied, "You wanted a Chansey?"

"A healer is the perfect option for my team," Red said, "Although there are other Pokemon like Clefairy and Miltank, A Chansey is the best in my honest opinion,"

Joy averted her gaze from Red and blushed.

"If you want a Chansey so bad, You know you could marry me," Joy said, her face as red as a tomato.


Author's Note:

Heh heh heh, R-18 Chapter coming soon… 

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