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Chapter 2: Earliest hurdle

*Knock, knock*



"What is it?"

I slowly wake up to the knocking sound.

*Yawn* "Is it morning already?"

El asks as she's waking up.

*Boom, thud*

"What the fu-"

I stop mid sentence and take a peek at El.

I slowly get up while carrying El on my shoulders as she still seems tired.

"What the fudge do you think you jerks are doing?" I ask while watching my language.


Right after I hear a deep male voice screaming, several guards run in and kneel forming a line which Evelyn walks on.

I stand in shock as the way they entered and started screaming at this ungodly hour was wildly barbaric, which was the complete opposite of the noble image.

"I'm not kneeling" I state simply.


"Stop" Evelyn said looking trying to look cool but I could only see her as a bit childish after last night.

"What do you want this early?" I asked with no fear.

As much as these guards wanted to kill me, Evelyn would never allow it as she has been raised to have a specific mindset of a cold but just noble.

"I have, calmed down since last night and thought things over" she said with a pause.

"So? You're paying for that door by the way"

"So I decided to give you a gift for saving my life"

"Oh thanks" I said while raising an eyebrow.

She snapped her fingers and a guard brought over a box.

"After thinking for a bit I decided that this was the most useful gift for you currently"

I take the box and opened it.

"Wow" I was in shock as the box which was a moderately big box was full of gold coins.

She truly was the daughter of a duke to be able to give someone this much money as a gift. Then again me saving her life probably played a part.

"Heh. You're right, this is the best gift I could get in my situation. Thank you"

"Since that's settled, I will leave you two be" she said while turning around and leaving.

"Goodbye then. Oh right"I said as I remembered something.

"Hmm?" Evelyn stared at me.

"Try out the daggers once, you look like you might be fit for it"

While nodding Evelyn finally left.

Since my knowledge of the novel is quite low, there isn't much info to take advantage of hence I should try to get all the main characters and myself as strong as possible to maximize my chances of survival.


I sigh lightly and look at the door and realize.

"Eh? She didn't pay for the door"


I count the money Evelyn had given me earlier while waiting for El to wake up.

She had given me a total of two hundred thousand gold coins which is a total of twenty million preli and since a normal loaf of bread is 5 preli, me and El are set for life basically. The box is also an artifact since it can store more than it should.

"Goddamn, that's a lot of money"

2 hours later El finally woke up which during that time I experimented with a few spells and the element itself.

As I was trying out all kinds of spells I realized that I couldn't reach the limit of my mana even though it was my first time using mana. The speed at which I could use spells and the power they had were all impossibly good as my casting speed and power both rivaled even the most powerful caster I know from the novel. The wizardry class teacher Ms.Longbern. I couldn't figure out why the power and knowledge from the previous owner of this body carried onto me but not the memories.

The previous owner of this body had both impressive physical prowess and magical prowess.

So he most likely had either joined the Randheight Academy under a false name or he went into hiding.

The biggest problem with these theories is that he had no reason to hide and get stronger since he was already one of the strongest people in the empire.

The only other options are that he was one those people who liked living in nature and hated politics, while the other option which is more likely is that he was in some sort of organization.

"Hah, since I won't find an answer i'll just stop thinking about it"

"Stop what?"

"Oh you're awake"


"Have some breakfast first and we'll go out to buy more things ok?"


First I grab the box Evelyn gave me and hide it on a support beam that's close to the roof by growing an ice pillar under me.


Me and El were walking through the center of the town after buying all kinds of furniture, which the businesses will deliver right to the warehouse.

It had a fountain with some kind of statue on top of it which was surrounded by lots of people.

"I'm hungry" El said while sitting on my shoulders.

"We can go to a restaurant then, I'll just ask someone for a recommendation"

I say while looking at a guard who looks a bit old.

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning mister, how may I help you?"

"I'm looking for a place to eat since I'm new here I want to ask someone who seems to know the place"

"Hmm, there's a place called Owen's diner at the end of that alley over there" he said while pointing at an alley.

"Thank you sir" I said before walking away.

Right after I walked through the alleyway I was greeted by another guard.

"Sir may I ask if you've seen anything suspicious around this area?"

I look around and realize that there were guards and an angry woman talking about a bread thief.

While giving the most innocent smile I could give I said " I apologize but i haven't seen anything"

"Alright but I must warn you to be careful as recently there have been two robberies on the same night, one of which was for common bread but the other one is more serious as clothes which have been funded and approved by the Dahlmar family have been stolen from a heavily guarded store"

I just thought that lock was only thicker because it was a fancy one, not that it was a stronger lock.

"Ok thanks for the warning"

"Just doing my job sir"

I nod and walk away to the diner.

I get to the entrance and open the door to enter.

After finding a seat for me and El, we both order our foods and I order some rum on the menu.

"What's a rum?" El asked me.

"It's an adult drink" I answered and get a bit nervous.

"Can I try it?"


"Um, it's very bitter and the smell it quite bad too. You wouldn't want that would you?"

"No" El said while shaking her head after thinking for a while.

Crisis averted.


As we were walking out after finishing our meals I happened to see a teen with black hair and eyes, Noah, walking with two others. A girl with golden blonde hair, a pretty expensive looking dress and a beautiful face, Bella Elrean, the only princess of the empire. Lastly, a very lively youth with red hair and a childish nature wearing very simple clothes, Kevin Ralia.

Why are they already together?

They're supposed to meet after going to the academy.

Did me meeting Evelyn have something to do with this?

"Sigh, doesn't matter. I don't have enough knowledge of the future anyway"

"What're you talking about?" El suddenly asked me.

"Ah nothing, just thinking about the future"

"Ok, can we have ice cream?"


I wish the future would as calm as this, but I know it won't.

I turn to walk back to our warehouse.

"Excuse me, sir" an energetic male voice sounded behind me.

"Hmm?" I turn around to see the main characters.

"Do you know of a place where we can get some deserts?" Kevin asked me.


"Roy come o~n, I want ice cream" El suddenly interrupted me.

"Can we tag along then?" Bella said from behind Kevin.

"...sure" I accepted.

Why did they ask me out of all people and why is El suddenly rushing me?


"Hmm" I stared at the ice cream in my hand.

How did this world make soft serve ice cream?

Is everything advanced because of magic?

But it seems like there's no advanced transportation though.

"Thanks for guiding us here sir" Bella said while looking gorgeous.

"No problem" I said while smiling softly.

Of everyone in this world, the princess is one of the only few people in this world I can't offend.

"THIEF!!!" a woman screamed.

I look at the direction of the sound to see a masked individual running straight at us.

It's only been 10 minutes and trouble already?

"Stop right there scum!" Kevin yelled while the others are standing behind him.

Why the hell does Kevin look more like the protagonist than Noah.

Kevin ran and tried to hit him but the thief was surprisingly agile and evaded Kevin completely.

After the thief got over Kevin, Bella used wind magic and threw the thief in the air.

Alas, the thief used it to jump over everyone and started to run.


I look down to see spilled ice cream and a sad El on my head.

I look at the thief and use flame magic to create a trail of fire that led to the thief and wave my arm.

By waving my arm I make the trail turn to the side right in front of the thief to erect a wall made of fire.

"GAH" the thief screamed as he was impacted by the sudden flames.

I use ice magic to make a sturdier and reliable wall.

"What the" the thief after recovering tried to escape but was quickly knocked out by Noah who kicked him into the wall.


I think he cracked a rib or two.


"Thanks for the help sir" Kevin said.

"No problem and please call me Roy, I'm not that much older than you guys and this is Eleanor"

"Oh how old are you then?"


How old am I?

"I'm eighteen years old this year"

I guess that'll do.

"Oh! You're our age" Bella said.

"I believe so"

"My name is Bella, Bella Elrean and these two are Noah and Kevin Ralia"

"Pleasure meeting you princess"

I should kneel right about now but she doesn't really like it when others kneel for her on a casual stroll so I'll just ignore it.

"Mhm" Bella nodded while smiling. She seems, satisfied?

"YOU!!" a hoarse scream sounds from behind me.

I look back to see a pig, no a fat man who's sweating and has a distorted face.



It's the orphanage owner.

Then I felt a shiver from the top of my head.

El was scared.


I'm slightly angry.


I'm fucking pissed right now.


Could I kill him right now?


I heard a male voice.

Then someone grabbed my shoulder from the right.

I look to my right and I see Noah having a hard time breathing.


I was releasing my full mana without realizing it.

Everyone except the main characters and El were knocked out.

Damn it.


I rightfully apologized.

"Hey what's happening here!" a guard came at some point.

"Um" how do I explain this?

"Nothing important" Bella said after standing up.

"Princess!" the guard kneed after seeing Bella.

"Tell the citizens that a Marquis ranked demon attacked the city but was resolved quickly thanks to an unknown master"

"Yes, your highness!" the guard bowed and left to call for backup.

"Sigh, hope I don't have to deal with this" I complained.

"Well you could do that if you leave fast enough" Bella told me.

"True, so I guess I'll leave" I turned around to go back to the warehouse.

"I'll go with you" Kevin suddenly said while smiling.


"Because I don't want to deal with it either"

"Hey then I'm following too" Bella interrupted.

"Can a princess and a noble really just disappear without telling anyone" I asked.


"Sure I can"

"I-ok then"

I won't get in trouble for this right?

Should be fine.


"Wooooow, this is a pretty cool place to live" Kevin said with excitement.

"I guess it is a pretty cool place" I said while putting down a bag of food and drinks I bought while walking here, on a box.

"Is it alright for a child to live in these conditions?" Noah said, speaking for the first time.

"It was only for yesterday, I already ordered a bunch of furniture today"

Noah looked at the door frame without a door that we used to come in.

"I already ordered a new door and a repairman to do the job" I said almost like saying excuses.

"Well as long as you two are safe and sound does the state of your home really matter?" Kevin said before grabbing a box of fried chickens from the bag.

Noah also had grabbed a chicken piece.

"I'm more worried about the fact that there's no education facilities near this place" Bella inquired while grabbing a piece on a napkin.

"I can get her to school every morning" I said with resolution.

"Well Roy, can you pay for her tuition though" Bella asked me again.

"I can put her in a good school for at least 6 years with the money I've saved up"

I should be able to get a job during those 6 years.

"Well if you ever need any help on your financial situation you can always ask us" Kevin suddenly said.

"How can I ask you if I can't meet you regularly?"

"Well you can come to Randheight academy to study with us"

"What?! why would I do that?"

"Quite frankly speaking you're quite talented, seeing as you have two elements with such high control over them aswell" Bella said.

"It doesn't matter, even if I meet the requirements for Randheight I won't be able to afford the first years tuition and I also have to look after El"

Seeing my strong refusal Kevin seems to have given up.

"Well Roy, if I can pay for your tuition and admit a babysitter for Eleanor AND appoint a good teacher for her will you come to Randheight academy with us" Bella said without a hint of giving up.

"Why the hell are you so interested in me anyway?" I asked back.

El is asleep right?

I take a look at El snoring cutely while laying on my lap.

"Well when you're born in a family with a high social status it's hard to find anyone who is as straightforward as you, even more so when every action you do could result in your families doom"

"Yeah a real friend basically" Kevin opted in with enthusiasm.

"Fine I'll agree but only on one more condition"

"Oh greedy aren't we? What is it?" Bella asked again.

"I need you to appoint a teacher who handle fire magic to El"



"El can use magic?"

All three were looking at me.

"Yeah, El can use fire magic"

Since they all have some kind of a hero complex they shouldn't spill the beans about this to anyone.

"I see, that can be managed" Bella said after contemplating for a while.

"Thank you"

There was an awkward silence after that.

*Cough, cough*

I coughed to break the ice.

"Anyways are you three allowed to stay out his late and get drunk?"

"Well not exactly but yeah" Kevin said.

"Of course not" Bella answered.

"There's no one to give me permissions" Noah said from the back.

No one said anything since we all know that Noah is an orphan.

"Anyways, Kevin why are you allowed but not at the same time?"

"It's because I can get drunk on beer but I'm not allowed to go back into the house before I sober up" Kevin said without thinking much.

"Then where are you gonna spend the night if you can't go back in?"

"Oh. You're right" Kevin said as if he just had an epiphany.

"Sigh. You can spend the night here if you want"

"Thank you, Roy. Thank you, you're a true friend" Kevin said while crying and tried to hug me.


"Come on let me hug you"

"No get off me, I don't swing that way"

This drunkard.

"Bella, Noah help me, please" I begged the other two.

"I don't really want to deal with that" Bella answered me.

Noah was already out cold on the ground.

"Guh, alright then"

I knocked Kevin out and threw him aside.

"I hate you" I told Bella.

"Love you too"

This crazy princess.

DaoistmpfKIS DaoistmpfKIS

Thank you all for reading and right now or for atleast the first half of this arc I'll try to write about how Roy joined Randheight academy.

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