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Chapter 7: A Captivating Look and The Honoured Man! - Chapter 7

As Byakuya strolled through the bustling streets of Fontaine, the admiring gazes of onlookers, particularly from intrigued females, followed his every step.

While Byakuya strolled around Fontaine, he didn't realize few Melusines were quietly following him.

They were curious and drawn to his elegant presence, maintaining a respectful distance as they observe him with interest.

Byakuya, ever composed, remains unfazed by the gentle pursuit, appreciating the silent companionship of these unique creatures in his aimless wanderings through the captivating city of Fontaine.

The Melusines were shy and blushing, captivated by Byakuya's graceful presence. The elegance and allure of the person in front of them leave them in awe.

Whispers of admiration and the occasional giggles through the group of Melusines as they timidly follow Byakuya behind his back.

Byakuya, maintaining his composed demeanor, doesn't outwardly express any concern about being followed by the shy and adorable Melusines.

However, inwardly, this situation proves to be a bit embarrassing for me being in the form of Byakuya. Imagine arriving in Fontaine with a noble presence, only to find yourself trailed by Melusines.

Byakuya is unintentionally becomes the focus of adoration for the cute Melusines! He's hogging their attention so need! I expected to be females, but Melusines? Quite unexpected.

Sure, the Melusines, with their unique sight that sees differently than humans, perceive things differently than humans, but I didn't expect to be this much.

Feeling a mixture of curiosity and a faint hint of embarrassment, Byakuya finally sighs and addresses the blushing Melusines trailing behind him.

(Byakuya) : With a calm expression, he turns to them and asks, "Is there something amiss, or is there a reason for your company?" The Melusines, still captivated by his noble aura, exchange glances and giggle nervously.

(Melusine 1) : One of them, gathering their courage, finally replies, "N-nothing's wrong. We just... Find you fascinating." Byakuya, though still maintaining his composed demeanor, can't help but be mildly amused.

(Byakuya) : Offering a small, understanding smile, he acknowledges their sentiments. "I see. If there's nothing you need, then I shall continue my walk," he says, resuming his graceful stroll through the streets of Fontaine.

The Melusines, although still shy, follow him at a respectful distance. The unexpected companionship of the Melusines adds a touch of warmth, like a father bringing his kid to a playground.

As Byakuya continues his stroll through Fontaine, a burst of energy catches his attention. A pink-haired girl, brimming with enthusiasm, runs towards him.

(Charlotte) : With a bright smile, she introduces herself, "Hello there! I'm Charlotte from The Steambird! Why does the Melusine following you?" She asks, a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

Her dedication to uncovering the "truth" and her passion for seeking the best scoops radiates from her is as lively as ever.

(Byakuya) : Maintaining his composed demeanor, he replies, "They seem to find my presence intriguing. No secrets, just a curious situation." Charlotte, undeterred, scribbles notes in a small notepad, her reporter instincts kicking in.

As Charlotte takes a closer look at Byakuya, her reporter instincts momentarily fade, replaced by an unexpected flutter in her heart.

The noble aura and captivating presence that attract the Melusines also cast an enchanting spell on the lively reporter. Her usual wavers as she finds herself captivated by the elegant person.

(Charlotte) : With a subtle blush coloring her cheeks, she mumbles to herself, "No wonder the Melusines are following you."

(Byakuya) : Deciding to address a potential concern. "Am I breaking any laws? This is the Nation of Justice, after all. I don't know if I'm being a criminal to be followed by Melusines," he inquires, his stoic gaze meeting Charlotte's.

(Charlotte) : After taking a moment to collect herself, she regains her reporter composure, reassuring him, "No laws broken here. You're free to roam Fontaine. But, I must say, you've unknowingly become the center of quite the attention." She glances at the blushing Melusines and adds with a playful smile, "Seems like you've unintentionally stirred up some hearts, stranger." Byakuya unwittingly became a local sensation, especially to Melusines.

Embracing the opportunity for a great scoop, she couldn't resist the idea of capturing a moment with Byakuya and the Melusines.

(Charlotte) : With a twinkle in her eyes, she asks, "Mind if I take a picture of you with the Melusines? It could make for a fantastic feature in The Steambird!"

(Byakuya) : Though it's a harmless request, he refused her offer. "No, I don't want-" Before he finishes his sentence, the Melusines gathered around him, making a sad face. He sighed and agreed to her offer, "Alright, but only a few." He agreed, but it was only due to the sad plead from the Melusines.

As Charlotte captured the charm of Byakuya and the blushing Melusines through her lens, she couldn't help but to feel satisfied with the images she has captured.

(Charlotte) : "Thanks a bunch! These photos will surely be a hit in The Steambird. You've made quite the impact in Fontaine," she expresses her gratitude, her energetic demeanor returning.

(Byakuya) : He noda in acknowledgment. "As long as it doesn't cause unnecessary trouble," he remarks, unwittingly becoming a momentary celebrity in Fontaine.

(Charlotte) : Being ever curious, she seizes the opportunity for more details. "So what's your name? Where are you from, and what brings you to Fontaine?" she inquires, her reporter instincts kicking in.

(Byakuya) : Maintaining his calm demeanor, responds, "I am Kuchiki Byakuya, hailing from Sumeru. Just call me Byakuya. I'm here in Fontaine purely for sightseeing."

(Charlotte) : Taking notes down, she nods appreciatively. "Byakuya, huh? What a nice name! And a traveler from Sumeru exploring Fontaine – now that's an interesting. Sounds like there's more to your story. Mind if I dig a bit deeper for The Steambird?" she prompts, ready to extract more details for a potential follow-up article.

(Byakuya) : Maintaining a certain level of mystery, he responds with a calm demeanor, "There's nothing more to it. I'm merely here for sightseeing. The attention from the Melusines is... Unexpected." His concise reply leaves little room for further probing, and Charlotte, while slightly disappointed, respects his boundaries.

(Charlotte) : "Fair enough, Byakuya-san. If you ever decide to share more of your story, The Steambird would be eager to listen," she says with a hopeful smile.

(Charlotte) : Ever committed to her journalistic duties, she bids farewell to Byakuya. "I've got to report this work right away. Thanks again, Byakuya-san!" She says with a bright smile before hurrying off, her reporter instincts leading her back to The Steambird.

As she departs, the Melusines, now drawn to the journalist, eagerly follow her, requesting a copy of the photo that she captured.

Controlling Byakuya, I didn't foresee the immediate fame that awaited as soon as I spawned him into Fontaine.

Fontaine wasn't supposed to a nation for immediate fame, yet the Melusines' fascination and Charlotte's interest unexpectedly made Byakuya into the spotlight.

Putting the unexpected attention behind, Byakuya, under my control, proceeds with his journey through the beautiful city of Fontaine.


Gojo, find himself gazing at Zhongli from a distance, contemplating the best course of action. He's drinking tea while listening to the storyteller, Iron Tongue Tian.

The Geo Archon's presence intrigues me, and I ponder the significance of this encounter if I were to meet him.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Approaching Zhongli with a casual yet respectful demeanor, Gojo asks, "Mind if I join you?" There's a certain curiosity in his gaze as he seeks to engage in conversation with the Geo Archon.

(Zhongli) : With his usual composed demeanor, gestures with a subtle nod. "Feel free to sit," he replies, acknowledging the request with a calm acceptance.

Internally, I'm buzzing with excitement at the prospect of meeting with Zhongli.. The Geo Archon himself, right in front of me!

(Mizu as Gojo) : Taking a moment to compose myself, I casually bring up the question to Zhongli, "Doesn't my appearance intrigue you?" The sudden inquiry made Zhongli to contemplate.

(Zhongli) : Being composed, he observes Gojo's unique appearance and responds with a thoughtful tone, "In this vast world, unique individuals are not uncommon. Your appearance, while distinctive, is but a variation." The Geo Archon's response was that both of his contemplative nature and an acknowledgment.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "I see," he said with an understanding nod despite blindfolded. With a subtle smile, he extends a courteous introduction. "I'm Satoru Gojo. Who are you?"

(Zhongli) : "I am Zhongli. I serve as a consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor." He states with a measured tone, then he uses this moment to strike a conversation with Gojo. "And what is your occupation?" He inquires.

(Mizu as Gojo) : In response, he explains, "I'm an Adventurer, currently on a personal mission to find my sibling, Killua." The exchange of information deepens the connection between them both, each with their own stories.

(Zhongli) : Steadying his gaze, he responds with understanding, "I understand the importance of family and the quest for those we hold dear. May your journey lead you to the answers you seek," his words carry a sense of empathy, acknowledging the significance of Gojo's personal quest.

(Mizu) : Revealing the striking turquoise eyes beneath the blindfold, he inquires with a genuine curiosity, "May I ask what brings the Geo Archon to a place like this?" Zhongli's gaze was briefly captured by the vibrant turquoise eyes revealed beneath the blindfold.

A subtle flicker of interest crosses his expression, acknowledging the uniqueness of Gojo's revelation.

(Zhongli) : Posing a question to Gojo, he asks, "How did you come to know about my identity?" The Geo Archon's inquiry delves into the mysteries surrounding Gojo's knowledge.

(Mizu as Gojo) : In response to Zhongli's question, he explains, "When the Fatui targets someone, particularly when a Harbinger is involved, it holds a deeper significance. Just recently, La Signora just pursuited Gnosis from the Anemo Archon, but I saved him. It's no ordinary matter. " His words convey the significance and gravity of the situation.

(Zhongli) : Revealing a glint of intrigue, he responds, "Snezhnaya's Cryo Archon involvement with the pursuit of Gnosis is a matter of great significance. Your intervention in such a crucial event is commendable." He conveyed, knowing the gravity of the situation.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Now.. Why would you want to give your Gnosis..?" Zhongli was quite surprised, but he was as calm as always.

(Zhongli) : Zhongli, however, counters, "How do you know about that intention of mine?"

(Mizu as Gojo) : He playfully responds, "Would you believe me if I said that I know more than you?" The lighthearted remark sparks a playful dynamic to the conversation.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Easing the tension with a chuckle, he explains, "Just kidding. My eyes are quite special. I can see things in a way completely different from even you, the Geo Archon." It was quite a bold statement, but Zhongli, having thousand years worth of experience, senses that it's not a lie.

(Zhongli) : He solemnly explains about his Gnosis situation, "I understand, but I must apologize. I cannot say anything about it. This is my contract. It was signed before it all began, and I have always honored the contract... And kept my silence. As the God of Contracts, I cannot go back on my word." His words carry the weight of divine duty and unyielding commitment, explaining the complex responsibilities being a Geo Archon.

I acknowledge Zhongli's explanation. It's not a revelation for me; having played Genshin Impact storyline, I'm well aware of the contractual constraints that bind Zhongli, preventing any disclosure about his Gnosis.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Seizing the opportunity to engage Zhongli further, Gojo poses another question, "What if I say that I know how to open a puzzle?" Zhongli, intrigued yet perplexed, responds with a sense of confusion.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Gojo unveils a piece of Zhongli's past, saying, "That thing you hold dear, Zhongli. Memory of Dust." The mention of Memory of Dust, a stone dumbbell encapsulating distant memories, catches Zhongli off guard.

Zhongli starts to wonder how the person he just met could possess such insight into his cherished possession.

(Zhongli) : Zhongli, starting to get genuinely intrigued, questions Gojo, "How do you know about my cherished possession?" The Geo Archon seeks an explanation, having curiosity piqued by Gojo's unexpected knowledge of his personal belongings.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "I don't know~" He playfully answers. "But I know a way to open the puzzle." For Zhongli, who had attempted various methods to unlock the puzzle without success, Gojo's words brings a glimmer of hope within his heart.

(Zhongli) : "I appreciate your offer," Zhongli begins, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "But as the God of Contracts, I must adhere to my principles. Going back on my words is not something I can entertain." His words convey a sense of honor and duty, emphasizing the sacred nature of the agreements he upholds.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Gojo drops a bombshell, challenging Zhongli with, "What if I say I know how to remove whatever contract binds you?" Zhongli, now faced with the prospect of altering the very foundations of his divine contracts, is left agape with Gojo's implications audacious claim.

MochiGreenTea MochiGreenTea

Guys, stop giving me Power Stones. It's not like I'm getting any Genesis Crystals out of it.

By the way, hypothetically speaking, do you guys like Nahida to be saved the Traveler or someone else? ʕ>ᴥ<ʔ

And what do you guys think who should be in Inazuma? I was thinking of Mihawk from One Piece or Kumagawa Misogi from Medaka Box.

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